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Thank you for all your hard work in printing all this madness.

Have you looked into Advanced Technologies International?

"Instead of entering into contracts directly with vaccine makers, more than $6 billion in Operation Warp Speed funding has been routed through a defense contract management firm called Advanced Technologies International.

ATI then awarded contracts to companies working on COVID-19 vaccines.

As a result, the contracts between the pharmaceutical companies and ATI may not be available through public records requests, and additional documents are exempt from public disclosure for five years."


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I haven’t dug specifically into ATI, but ran across them because they’re also the passthrough in the two DOD contracts cited by Pfizer in its April 22, 2022 Motion to Dismiss Brook Jackson’s False Claims Act case.

Motion to Dismiss -


Base Agreement between Pfizer and DOD, through ATI


Statement of Work contract, also through ATI.


The Statement of Work at p. 10 is where the prototype language, and the exemption from “Good Clinical Practices” shows up:

“The scope of this prototype project is the demonstration by Pfizer of the *supply and logistics capability to manufacture and distribute* to the Government of 100M doses of a novel mRNA- based vaccine that has received FDA-approval or authorization based on demonstration of efficacy (hereafter FDA-approved or authorized).

The criteria for successful Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) are described in Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products and Related Authorities: Guidance for Industry and Other Stakeholders, January 2017; and Development and Licensure of Vaccine to Prevent COVID-19: Guidance for Industry June 2020.

The successful provision of these doses shall establish the effectiveness of a technology capable of potentially providing immediate and long-term solutions to coronavirus infections.

While pre-clinical, clinical, and chemistry/manufacturing/controls (CMC) activities are described in the Background section of this Statement of Work, the Parties acknowledge and agree that such activities not related to the large-scale manufacturing demonstration are *out-of-scope* for this prototype project as Pfizer and BioNTech have and will continue to fund these activities, without the use of Government funding.”


Edit - Whitney Webb has done some reporting on ATI, including one piece at Last American Vagabond


cross-posted at Childrens Health Defense Fund:


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From March '21 about some issues not mentioned above.


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Thank you.

Links to your excellent three-part series for readers who may not have seen them yet:

10/17/2021 - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/vaccines-or-bioweapons-part-1

10/23/2021 - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/vaccines-or-bioweapons-part-2

10/31/2021 - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/vaccines-or-bioweapons-part-3

(I also hadn’t seen them until you put them in a comment the other day).

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Thanks Katherine.

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What does the law say about "Trade Secrets"? Point me in the right direction?

If all ingredients are not disclosed because they are allowed to be "Trade Secrets"; how can Informed Consent be given?

Having explored granted patents; this is not just in the avenue of the Medical Countermeasures like shots, Personal Protective Gear like masks, tests,dyes like Gadolinium, but also now in nano clothing, inhaled air from nasal sprays and chemtrails, in pills per Albert Bourla and water & food...

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Informed consent is not being given, and under the current laws, it doesn’t have to be given.

Trade secrets law is irrelevant; I haven’t looked into it because informed consent is already gone.

One set of laws is the EUA framework, under which HHS Secretary can unilaterally, preemptively make risk-benefit decisions for all recipients by declaring the product’s “known and potential risks and benefits” to be acceptable.

Another set of laws is the Investigational New Drug (IND) framework, under which HHS Secretary can unilaterally make risk-benefit decisions for all recipients by declaring that the product poses “minimal risk.” That’s probably the framework being used for chemtrails, nasal sprays, pills, water, food, clothing.

See Federal Food Drug and Cosmetics (FDA) Act, as amended:

-21 USC 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)) waiving informed consent for unapproved EUA products (2004 Project Bioshield Act);

-21 USC 360bbb-3(e)(2)(A) waiving informed consent for unapproved use of an approved EUA product (2004 Project Bioshield Act);

-21 USC 355(i)(4) waiving informed consent for experimental products classified by HHS as ‘minimal risk’ IND drugs (2016 Cures Act);

-21 USC 360j(g)(3) waiving informed consent for experimental ‘minimal risk’ investigational devices (2016 Cures Act).

No consideration of individual patient health profiles and risk tolerances required. No evidence of safety signals required. No review (judicial, legislative, scientific) required, and — for judicial — such review is prohibited, as the decisions are within “agency discretion.”

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Huge piece of work you put together. Thank you

If a Republican wins in 2024. The masses will stop allowing forced vaxes…..

Stunning but true, based on those videos.

I’m not get a Trump vax cackles Kamala.

Few months later, I’m vaccinated, thanks to Biden.

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Totally and well said!

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This is evil, criminal, deranged psychopathic and perpetrators must be stopped!

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Katherine, I am increasingly amazed by the quality and scope of what you assemble. I have no idea how you do it, but it deserves far more recognition than it gets. But keep it up -- your time is coming. And those of us that get to see what you do are more-than-grateful. Many thanks.

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here are some pieces on informed consent on behalf of little ones

Before It’s Too Late, Before You Jab Your Little One


2 Usable Informed Consent Checklists for Little Ones

Know Before You Act


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Very fine work. I will look forward to your coming analysis! This substack entry was at Ed Dowd's telegram. I thought it would interest you:


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Thank you. Nothing surprising in there.

I would like to see Ed Dowd and el gato malo, and Steve Kirsch and so many others, take the next cognitive step and understand it as a deliberate mass murder program that’s been set up from the start to not have any stopping condition, and therefore render clinical trials legally irrelevant and data manipulation and suppression legally shielded.

They’re so close to seeing it, and yet can’t seem to take that last step.

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I think Ed is pretty close to this point. I am not sure about Steve.

Anyone who listens to Dr. Bhakdi should understand that these injections were never designed to work against a covid virus? (looks lab grown so I'm not certain what to call it). It's very clear they are weapons against the human body.

Dr. Chetty is also very good at explaining that spike proteins are toxins. It is not plausible to think that they choose the spike toxin for injections out of ignorance or stupidity. Here is a link to his testimony (which you likely saw): https://truthundercover.com/south-african-dr-beat-covid-10000-patients-no-hospitalisation/

There does seem to be a mental block against thinking this and other governments/private entities would do something this monstrous, yet history is replete with such things. We must look honestly at this. It is nearly unbearable.

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"There are none so blind, as those who will not see." --- Maybe it's their last step off that high cliff that, they just can't seem to take. I pray they will see it, and soon! They have large amounts of followers and this might put a large dent in some beliefs.

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Once they take that step they become targets of all kinds of shenanigans, not the least of which is lead poisoning. Cross that Pharma and Gov red line with the public foot print these folks have can lead to ruin financially (Steve Kirsch). Woops sorry to hear you wealth disappeared and we show no trace you ever really had it. So Sad.

It happens in a 2008 Series called The Last Enemy with Benedict Cumberbatch and featuring Robert Carlyle and Max Beesley. There they just delete your funds and identity. We are not that far away from that now.

For me the question is how to give these folks the coverage they need to come forward. Their coming forward will be for the folks caught in Mass formation. I don't think for a second Pharma etal want those caught in Mass Formation to wake up.

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bookmarked for the paper trail.


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I suggest also downloading the paper trail to your hard drive, or even better, printing it out. Along with the main timeline at the American Domestic Bioterrorism Program post.

It’s unclear how soon They are going to flip the internet kill switch - probably for a few weeks to set up filters and censorship controls and then turn it back on to facilitate financial transactions.

But it’s likely they’ll do it at some point, and Substack may not make it to the other side.

If and when accountability systems (courts, legislatures, etc.) are re-established after the dark period, the more copies of these paper trails floating around, the more likely that people can find them and use them to build cases more quickly than having to start building the evidentiary record from scratch.

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Can you make a post on the internet kill switch?

You are required reading, KW.

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Brandon Smith did a post on it a couple of months ago, referencing Cyber-Polygon, and his reasoning makes sense to me.


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Will devour. Happy 4th, KW. Blessings to you and fam.

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I can look for some of the reporting I’ve seen and post links to them. It’s not a subject I’ve done a lot of research into, but I’ve read reports that have identified the legal documents authorizing such a move. Brennan Center page on PEADs has some of them, links and excerpts below.

I think this may be part of why open resistance isn’t emerging in the US and other Western nations. I think a sizable majority of the potential resistance fighters in the interior, flyover country, are aware of these emergency powers and know that whoever makes the first move toward open, kinetic warfare will be at a disadvantage in the public image/psy-op arena.

In other words, it may be prudent to wait for the government to make the first use of open force, because if the resisters make the first move, the government will trigger all these emergency powers and explain it to the public as quashing a dangerous rebellion.

But if the government makes the first move, and the resistance movement manages to quickly, broadly disseminate credible video and other reporting on the government’s aggressive, first-strike attack on ordinary people, then the government will have a somewhat more difficult project of framing the conflict as protective of public safety.


“Controlling commu­nic­a­tions

At least one of the docu­ments under review was designed to imple­ment the emer­gency author­it­ies contained in Section 706 of the Commu­nic­a­tions Act. During World War II, Congress gran­ted the pres­id­ent author­ity to shut down or seize control of “any facil­ity or station for wire commu­nic­a­tion” upon proclam­a­tion “that there exists a state or threat of war involving the United States.”

This fright­en­ingly expans­ive language was, at the time, hemmed in by Amer­ic­ans’ limited use of tele­phone calls and tele­grams. Today, however, a pres­id­ent will­ing to test the limits of his or her author­ity might inter­pret “wire commu­nic­a­tions” to encom­pass the inter­net — and there­fore claim a “kill switch” over vast swaths of elec­tronic commu­nic­a­tion.

And indeed, Bush admin­is­tra­tion offi­cials repeatedly high­lighted the stat­ute’s flex­ib­il­ity: it was “very broad,” as one offi­cial in the National Secur­ity Coun­cil scribbled, and it exten­ded “broader than common carri­ers in FCC [Federal Commu­nic­a­tions Commis­sion] juris[diction].”


“For instance, the president can, with the flick of his pen, activate laws allowing him to shut down many kinds of electronic communications inside the United States or freeze Americans’ bank accounts. Other powers are available even without a declaration of emergency, including laws that allow the president to deploy troops inside the country to subdue domestic unrest.”

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Thank you, Katherine. For all that you do.

I think many of us expect for this deal to go full Glow in the Dark Fascist as resistance builds.

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hard copies in multiple locations. zelenko did that.

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Sadly what you say is so very true!

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I’ve been hearing about this since last from Catherine Austin Fitts.

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Wow. Thank you for informing us of the evil machinations behind the scenes. Again, this crosses all political barriers and demonstrates the Hegelian dialectic process that the Jesuits are using to regain control and bring the world back into pre-reformation conditions.

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Wow ■ I appreciate your study and photoed the [t]rail of shame; abomination

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I wonder if there will be a movie made about you. By the time it gets made, maybe Julia Roberts will be available to play that role again.

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Jul 4, 2022
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I don’t have direct evidence of it.

I find credible the views of others who have talked about it, including John O’Looney (the UK undertaker) in a recent video.



He said he’s been told that a British member of parliament (Graham Brady, with whom he and 18 other doctors, scientists, etc met in Sept. 2021), NHS doctors and others who know what’s happening and are in a position to speak out on large platforms, have been offered millions of pounds into Swiss bank accounts or simply continued massive salaries to stay silent, or death to them and their loved ones if they speak out.

He’s been offered $85,000 to shut up, and survived an attempt on his life last December. He’s made peace with the fact that he must speak out until he’s dead, to save his own soul from eternal damnation, and that speaking out increases the likelihood he’ll be killed by those who want to continue the killing with impunity.

If it’s happening in the UK, it’s happening everywhere, because we know the whole project is being coordinated globally by WHO and WEF and BIS.

That’s what I base my conclusion on - that the observable behavior of the people who could speak out and make a difference, but don’t, aligns with the likelihood that they’re being bribed and threatened to maintain their silence.

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