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My view is that all the smaller semi-secret organizations - British Pilgrims Society, Muslim Brotherhood, Freemasons, Rothschild-Rockefeller cabal, Zionists, Jesuits, SERCO, British Crown, Kabbalism, Orsini Black Nobility, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, etc. -- are just brands or flavors of the single underlying Luciferian enterprise.

It needs to present different faces to different groups to elicit the cooperation of some people, and conflicts among others.

I think that's what drives people that yell "IT'S ALL THE BRITISH PILGRIMS SOCIETY" or whichever society they've done the most research into.

These semi-secret societies are many faces of the same core evil lie: that God is something other than Who and What He is.

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The ideology and system of Empire, malthusianism, fascism, oligarchism, banker's dictatorship is what it is.

At the founding of the USA, the British Empire pitched Thomas Malthus and Adam Smith as propaganda to stop this promethean vision and the struggle has continued since then. Today you see one side has adopted each and they fight each other in the left vs. right paradigm, which are both anti-promethean; anti-progress.

A promethean world view with the American System of Political Economy, from Hamilton, Lincoln etc. along with protection of labor that is not subordinated to capital is the positive vision of humans as sacred and creative beings, not a commodity to be traded on a free market of an empire and corporations.

Matthew Ehret and his book series The Clash of Two Americas and Anton Chaitkins book Series Who We Are provides this vision and big picture understanding of what is going on. They both have many videos.

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Here is the latest excellent video of Matthew Ehret's Clash of The Two Americas...


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Yes. Oh yes I so agree. They have hated God since the beginning...and they hate us, because

he made us and cares for us, despite our idiocies.

I am afraid. I am afraid that via the jabs, they have introduced (again) non human Genetic code into our species, which will spread by reproduction. God promised never again would he destory the world with a flood. But pretty soon we are gonna find ourselves in a world in which most humans will not be "perfect in their generations"....and I wonder what God will do? Is it the last days? Or will God use something other than a flood to wipe out the Nephilim and start over ?

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Genesis chapter 9 is somewhat vague. Floods have certainly occurred since then and drowned people and other living creatures. The land (earth) it refers to was the Plain (now Sea) of Azov, now threatening to cause nuclear (fire) annihilation. (Zephaniah 1:18, etc.)

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That crossed my mind also.

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I would describe the problem as hierarchy.

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If you have time, please read my post that begins to cover the hierarchy in reality vs the enslaved humanity. https://shirenews.substack.com/p/indigenous-native-americans-and-sovereignty... There is much more to digest, but hierarchy is important to understand

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They're "all" oath-based (I don't recall Kabbalah utilizing oaths), which they require us to also swear to them. (They sometimes allow the pretense of "affirming" instead, but in US statutory law, an affirmation is the same as an oath. They use Kol Nidre (All Vows) to excuse themselves.) Read the Bible. Only God is allowed to swear oaths.

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Hilkiah's euphemism for the masculine Elohim plural of the feminine singular Eloah.

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- "...proposed one-world secular materialist government"

Secular? Are you sure? It seems to me their fanatic, end justifies the means kind of tenacity could be easier explained by some supernatural or religious believes and motives.

Did you not say you believe they are working in direct cooperation with the devil? In any case, it is not uncommon to hear people refer to them as some kind of satanic cult. On the other hand. some people say Kabbalah is pretty devilish too, and anti-Christian. Have you considered some of those nonsecular options?

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They’re presenting it as secular materialism, and they’re working closely with Pretend-Pope Francis to eviscerate the Catholic Church by setting it up as a NWO secularized one-world religion entirely devoid of the Gospel content.

So yes, I believe it is Luciferian at its core, as I’ve written previously and will continue to write about.

For example:


The Great Re-set/NWO globalist institutions are fronts for the demons.

But I can’t put everything I think in every post.

And I try to focus on the human world aspects of the spiritual war, because that’s the main time and place in which humans work and live. We’re headed for judgment and an eternity in heaven or hell, but living earthly lives for now.

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Thank-you for reiterating what only a few suspected and had no courage to speak of since proof was lacking. If there's one thing learned in higher education it's the fact of it being necessary to KNOW WHERE TO LOOK FOR THE INFORMATION ONE SEARCHES FOR. You folks clearly knew where to search and have found the proof you're now providing. WHAT A RELIEF.

LONG INTUITED Trump to be working for God and with God to oppose the obvious web of evil threatening the world. Though many didn't like him as a superficial persona when he entered the political scene, in the end anybody of any ethics/morality knew he was the ONLY ethical/moral choice for President in opposition to the Establishment Ruling Class Oligarchy represented by the Clinton Crime Family. With the loss of the Fraud/Cheat 2020 Election, suspected he was setting-up a sting...The Fraud/Cheat was CLEAR FOR ALL TO SEE.

It's now fact, evil is interwoven within the tapestry of Global Geo-Politics and IN EVERY SINGLE GLOBAL INSTITUTION inclusive of the United States. Probability increased of him being AN AGENT OF GOD in all his follies and foibles of human nature as time passed. During these years of Trump, darkness progressed from a sinister sense foreboding to diabolical as the infiltration of evil to saturation has now been exposed and is clearly viewed from any angle and the enemies of humanity are identified.

Thank-you for your extensive work done to provide both information, a keener faith contributing to a continued sense of purpose towards victory. We all must continue to pray, fast, do penance and obey our Lord to provide strength for God's forces working towards freedom, liberty and RESPONSIBILITY. Should we be needed, many of the older folks out here really are willing an able to fight. We must leave a world safe for our children and Grandchildren when we die as our ancestors did before us...Under God.

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Trump is the dialectical opposite of Biden (formerly Hillary R Clinton). There is a widespread inability to grasp that almost the entirety of modern life is lived in a false, dialectic - a battle of two sides, seemingly distinct but actually controlled by a single enemy - one body, two hands and a different puppet on each had, so to speak. The problem is that the single body controlling the puppets has an agenda that is only (at best) tangentially related to the dialectical opposites that we are presented with. In academe its known as the Hegelian Dialectic - Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis. Synthesis is the agenda of the controlling agent, Thesis (could be Trump or if British - the Conservative Party) and Antithesis (could be Biden or if British, the Labour Party) are the dialectical opposites we are given to obsess over and fight about. I'm afraid that the Synthesis for you guys in the States is, as Katherine describes, that the dialectic is being used to keep you divided, distracted and MOST IMPORTANTLY convinced that your side has it all in hand and you don't need to actually do anything (have you not noticed how HELPLESS we have been rendered by social media?). So no, there is literally no way that Trump is going to save you. He's buying time so that the New World Governance system can become entrenched and a fait accompli. Who would bet against it, I fear that our sins and the scale of repentance needed are so great that we have a long way to go yet. God would not be just to let us off the hook now. You think that God is going to give us the get out of jail card so we can go back to our contracepting, aborting, porn and exploitation addicted lives of 2019? I don't think so - there is a butchers' bill to pay, and we must pay it. God bless!

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Thank you for the accurate analysis. The only way this works for them, and the same playbook for centuries, is divide and conquer. Both are two sides of the same coin with the same end goal. The only way out is through the people who have no king but One. It is not Trump or Biden. They are perfect antithesis of each other and the best way to push a coalesce around one or the other. And both are death in the Biblical sense.

The People are the answer. Local control, local jural assemblies, local communities answering to each other and not looking for a false king to win the war for us. It is more prudent to learn Law (Common Law and not simply Natural Law - Common as in the old testament basics agreed by Jews, Islam and Christians - Natural is earthly and still only of man). Learn Law common to i (The Sovereign's Way is a good place to start - then Black's Law Dictionary pre-6th edition). Learn what basic words mean. We should not be looking to the nation, a leader or a government to be sovereign and save us. Sovereign is with each man and woman who is unique and distinct and there will never be another like each of you. Each of you make the difference. That is what they fear.

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Completely attuned to what you've written and the fact of the matter is...Anybody NOT knowing the real enemy at this time is not aware of anything in the least. NOT looking for Trump to be any savior...Just surprised at the fact of anybody taking any action before the last three years to prepare in the legal sense to oppose the codes enacted by the OBidens during their first two terms passing power to the Bank of International Settlements, U.N. and WHO. Don't really give a flying care about the methods implemented by Psycho-Philanthropathic Predators any longer. Just know that the longer they're allowed to carry-on, the worst it bodes for average persons to survive.

Fact of the matter is; you Brits are the origin of the whole lousy current situation with the nasties out of Oxford, The Pilgrim Society, still known to be the middle of the Espionage Racket in the UK from over 10 generations ago following the loss of the War of 1812. Marxism, originating in England, is actually Monarchy by RE-IMAGINING the title of leadership to be 'Dictator' instead of 'King or Queen'. While there's no doubt the Crime Families of the U.S. gained tremendous power over the most recent 75 years and especially in the recent 40 years; we all know the Town of London, as a separate entity from the UK, is behind the scenes...AS ALWAYS. Though there is no hate in the U.S. for the English Monarchy, we all KNOW it's there and always has been a silent partner of the Freemasons/Illuminati, Club of Rome, Skull and Bones and other little Secret Society Nasty Mafia Minions. Through this Organized Criminal Syndicate, evil has infiltrated to the level of saturation...

Doubt God will give any in the modern world of seemingly endless idolatry and greed any 'Get Out Of Jail Free Card' since the west has spread the errors of the Marxist USSR throughout the world. The west overall, and especially the United States as consecrated to God at its inception, has MUCH TO PAY AND ANSWER FOR. MONOPOLY; THAT'S GATES's SCENE THAT HE WILL HOPEFULLY BE EXECUTED FOR AS HIGH TREASON.

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The Merry Cats lost the War of 1812. Where is the 13 Amendment (about Titles of Nobility)?

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If this is a referral of the Canadians burning down Madison's White House; it was a BATTLE and the Brits did lose after the Battle of New Orleans. That which you refer to as 'Amendment 13' is NOT as it remains in Congress and it's pretty certain it won't be ratified since it isn't after all this time. As there was no ratification of the law you refer to...It is NOT A REAL AMENDMENT. The real 13th Amendment concerns Slavery...and the 14th refers to 'Natural Citizen's Ability to Vote'.

Was not referencing the War, itself an UNRATIFIED Amendment. The War of 1812 was the second war the U.S. fought the Brits in as the Brit's GREATEST DESIRE WAS A ONE WORLD GOVT. VIA COLONIZATION AND MEASURED THE U.S. AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH IT. The Monarchy was also STEAMED AND CONTEMPTUOUS ABOUT THE LOSS IN the Revolutionary War...How dare those past peasants, serfs, SLAVES take-on the Superpower of the British Empire and WIN. Then, they turn around and create a Constitution making TAXATION ILLEGAL...Meaning, there's no way for the English Oligarchy to get to the U.S. human resources and materials.

As for Canada, most of the population of Canada NOW is now pondering it's place in the order of Govt. and wonders where it is since the current Govt. lacks the 'Bill of Rights' guaranteeing 'God-Given' Freedom and the ability to defend itself against TYRANNY of an out of control, arrogant SUPERVILLAIN GOVT. instead of a 'False Liberty based upon a Dictatorship that was once defined a Monarchy'.

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I am a staunch Patriot, and I voted twice for Trump. I can accurately say that very, very few Trump-supporting Patriots ever thought, or think, that he's coming to save us. A few did buy into that for about 6-9 months after Biden was declared to have won the 2020 election. This was the "Q Crowd." They have never comprised any more than 5%, even at their height, of all Trump supporters. They have diminished now to probably no more than 1% of all Trump supporters, if that. In fact, I believe that the great majority of Trump supporters think that those who believe Trump is coming to save us, are, at best, naive, and at worst, "a bit off." They are welcome at Trump rallies. We are not going to reject them. But, they represent so few of us, that we don't really think of them one way or the other. So, to say that "half" of Trump supporters believe, or have ever believed, that Trump was coming to save us, is patently false.

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I am a staunch Patriot, and I voted twice for Trump. I can accurately say that very, very few Trump-supporting Patriots ever thought, or think, that he's coming to save us. A few did buy into that for about 6-9 months after Biden was declared to have won the 2020 election. This was the "Q Crowd." They have never comprised any more than 5%, even at their height, of all Trump supporters. They have diminished now to probably no more than 1% of all Trump supporters, if that. In fact, I believe that the great majority of Trump supporters think that those who believe Trump is coming to save us, are, at best, naive, and at worst, "a bit off." They are welcome at Trump rallies. We are not going to reject them. But, they represent so few of us, that we don't really think of them one way or the other. So, to say that "half" of Trump supporters believe, or have ever believed, that Trump was coming to save us, is patently false.

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Wow...Never questioned anybody else's patriotism except the current treasonous/seditious with their Criminals Against Humanity Crime Lords. Also, never imagined to be a 'Q Crowd' person. While always seeking to be informed, it's impossible to submit any kind of thinking to the groups addressed here.

NEVER SAID TRUMP WAS A SAVIOR OR BELIEVED HE WAS. That does not mean he isn't or can't be of God as God ALWAYS uses the weak, unsuspected and least predictable to other human beings to bring forth his plan. As human beings, we must not ever place limits upon what God is, can do or be...Or, what God can and does do on Earth for his own good pleasure and justice.

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Oh, I apologize. I meant this for a reply to Mark.

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That's not how God works.

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As soon as someone starts throwing out absolutes, claiming to know "how God works", everything else coming from that person is suspect.

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God does not do evil. That's how God works.

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God's ways are mysterious and as humans NONE can determine the ways God works as evil IS used for God's good purposes. God is working and it's going to become very clear to the whole world of God being the force bringing to the fore all now threatening the world with such evil as no single human could or can ever bring about the victory God is fighting for.

From Breed's Hill and Washington crossing the Delaware to the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima and all the other apparitions of the Holy Family...God is working in ways too divine and simple for humans to know.

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“LONG INTUITED Trump to be working for God and with God to oppose the obvious web”

As strongly as you believe this, is as strongly as the left believes that Biden saved them from Nationalism and the lax attitude on the pandemic by Trump who recommended horse paste, of all things and putting them in danger of a horrible pandemic. This is exactly Katherine’s point. They believe this as strongly as you believe Trump is working for God.

Trump is not a Godly man. The globalists could not find a Christian to do this work so the best they could do was Trump and then the story to go with it was that God couldn’t use a weak Christian. He needed a fighter. We all know the incestuous and inappropriate comments he’s made about Ivanka. He had her attend business deals with him because he said, “All men want to sleep with her.” He’s as incestuous as Biden and Ashley showering together. These are men who believe everything on Earth is there for their purposes. Truly secular and I’m sure they enjoyed some time at Epstein’s island.

After all, Trump met his wife and girlfriend before her through Epstein’s adult match up program connecting women who want powerful men and their higher educations paid for (in some cases) with men who want women easily controlled by money and power. Look how happy Melania is. Her soul is dead. She is miserable living this lie. I voted for Trump twice, reluctantly, but I see the game now. I suspected it then. A man with a 160 IQ giving the same speech on Hannity on the border every night in the same way, not veering off script and in language a second grader could understand all designed to connect with the common man and us, whom they believe have no IQ at all. He couldn’t do most of what he promised, poor guy, because the democrats and media prevented it but they knew they would from the start and he knew it too. The thing in his favor was getting us out of the UN and WHO. That and the stolen election are the only things that leave the slightest doubt in my mind that he’s not with the globalists although what better way to depopulate and destroy the country further than chaos around a stolen election? We are much more loving and complacent than they want us to be. Biden has stoked the flames of civil war several times. Now he’s onto nuclear war so that the UN under their provisions can step in. Of course, Marburg is on its way as well. Russia already has their vaccines for Ebola in place (see Sasha Latypova’s substack from July 17th) and the provisions for Marburg are already in place from the Patriot Act.

“Though many didn't like him as a superficial persona when he entered the political scene, in the end anybody of any ethics/morality knew he was the ONLY ethical/moral choice for President”

Really??? He’s ethical and moral? Whose life did he save from the vaccines? You cannot tell me that he did not know…that he was duped by Brix and Fauci. Zev Zelenko met with him and told him it was a genocide. An ethical person would have to speak up against them and warn the world from his platform of influence.

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My Gosh. .It's been so long since I wrote, it took a moment to reorient myself about what this comment was addressing.

Melania is NOT dead in soul...She is living the life she well knew and chose for whatever reasons she had. Trump does have a 160 IQ with the Stanford Binet even if his actual speaking vocabulary isn't what you believe it should be...There are many kinds of intellect and it would be natural for him to excel mathematically and with deductive reasoning skills far more than a functional speaking vocabulary which is probably more proficient when writing.

The world of the Banker Crime Syndicate is not very large...And, all the players know one another. Between the choices given in the 2016 Election, there was no choice as Donald J. Trump WAS THE ONLY MORAL CHOICE. The Clinton Crime Family was a continuation of what the OBiden's/Soros/Gates's are doing right now. IT'S TREASON ALL THE WAY AROUND MAGNIFIED BY CRIMES AGAINST ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET WITH THE Ai/BIOWEAPONS BEING GIVEN TO BOTH WILD AND DOMESTICATED ANIMALS and geoengineered into the air, water and soil to totally destroy all of God's creation.


This arrived in Emails from another Substack yesterday verifying what my suspicion always was...As some things about Trump were not Kosher as you've wrote about...Just FAR LESS THAN THE TECHNO-FEUDAL FASCIST BENEDICT ARNOLDS calling themselves Democrats. THE UNIPARTY which now contains almost everybody from both sides of the aisle are doing all possible to murder The Constitution of the United States. The Demented, treasonous Pedophile in the Oval Office and his cohorts have provided EASY AND RIPE, TARGET-RICH ENVIRONMENT FOR HUMAN HARVEST...As the HUMAN TRAFFICKERS DEFINE IT. THEY FEED UPON THE CHILD RAPE/MURDER/PORN/RITUALIZED MURDER....All declared to be normalized and made legal worldwide by the W.H.O. and U.N. which is to release the OPENLY EVIL Fascist Ruling Establishment around the world from prosecution and charges of Crimes Against Humanity. Here's the 15 min. Video Link"


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Don’t give up your faith in God. The satanic demons will be eliminated. Here is a great read by Emmet Fox. Be Still - Fear and worry.

I hope this helps someone


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Thank you. Very helpful. Profound reminder to pray without ceasing.

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Wow! BlazeCloude3 really freaked out when we mentioned the Khazarians.

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Do have a predisposition of enmity towards those insinuating HATE/PREJUDICE towards Jewish people of any number of tribes or ethnicities as all people claiming to HATE HATERS and all the WOKE LINGO should. Have encountered and continue to come across so many people now hating Jewish people and rationalizing it appropriate based upon lies based in part truths they actually know nothing about and have not taken the time to research for themselves.

Since you define information as 'Freaked Out'; guess the time wasn't a waste to write.

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What is the relevance of your Judean reference?

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Must be mistaken...Never wrote the word 'Judean' and there is NO Judean reference to anything wrote. The word (s) used is 'Jewish' or 'Jew'.

There are many ethnicities among the 'Jewish Diaspora'...And, NOTHING has been said about 'Judean' anything. According to a current multiple-segment propaganda piece located online used to both breed and justify antisemitism; the Khazarians were never REALLY Judeans, Jews or Jewish anyway; thus it would have been in error to refer to them as such. Deductive reasoning would indicate you to be the one referring to Khazarians as Judeans when the propaganda insists THEY NEVER WERE. Please, be concise in reference to questions addressing prejudice or discrimination and anything regarding those suffering in the German Holocaust, WHICH DID HAPPEN, when you wish a clear answer. This is a vitally important matter at this time in history and it's mandatory to get historical fact twisted and previously hidden away from the common people, right.

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So you are saying you made a mistake in your earlier response by referring to Khazarians as Jewish. But don't they at least identify as Jewish? Is that not allowed?

Your deductive reasoning is faulty as my query regarding your Jewish references was based on my understanding that a Jew is a Judean,like Jesus our saviour. You used the term Jewish in reference to Khazarians whom you now say are not Jewish based on a multiple segment propaganda piece you found. So why then did you use the term Jewish in response to my use of the word Khazarian when you later state that Khazarians are not Jewish and go on to profess your 'emnity' which means hate towards me a total stranger for simply using a word that you state is not a reference to Jews?

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They are Kazarian. This is the child eating mafia at the top of the pyramid. Originating from ancient Kazaria , modern day Ukraine.They worship some rather nasty 'Gods'. The 'bad' guy from Russia is presently dismantling their home base. They have already lost Kazakhstan which most would not consider significant. They will be defeated. You're doing great work Katherine. We send you now the love and light of the one infinite creator to support you in your mission. Never stop

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OMGosh...Khazarians? As though the Aboriginals hailing from the 'Cradle of Humanity in Africa' migrating to the Ukraine Region of the world was the origin and progenitor of the 'Child Eaters' originally reported in the earliest forms of written literature on the walls of Babylon, and later, Egypt. THAT IS PROPAGANDA GIVEN IN A PRETTY PACKAGE TO PEOPLE HUNGRY FOR ANSWERS AND NOT EDUCATED IN REAL HISTORY OR HAVING THE TIME TO PURSUE THE REAL HISTORY. It's NOT FACT.

Those at the TOP of this EVIL FOOD CHAIN are not what is now termed 'The Khazarians'. The top is none other than those once colonizing the whole world out of Europe...THE OLD SURVIVING MONARCHY, The Town of London, their Central Banks/Banker Families all associated WITH THE MONARCHS STILL SURVIVING.


Not their silly BANKER FAMILIES/BANKS. Even the evil Mayer Family now called the Rothschilds, A TRULY EVIL FAMILY, is not the TOP OF THE EVIL FOOD CHAIN. THE MONARCHS HIDE BEHIND THE BANKS AND BANKER FAMILIES and all their Prostitute Politicians, Deep State Minions (Aristocracy) and Crooked Clerics (Yes, both the Vatican and the Anglican Church of England is involved and are attacking traditional Christian Values).

The MONARCHS were the ones using food, shelter, clothing, sex, torture and murder TO ENSLAVE AND CONTROL ALL THE WORLD'S POPULATION...And, have been TERRIFIED since the American Revolution and the consequent signing of 'The Constitution of the United States'. They have hated this country as it INSPIRED and continues to INSPIRE 'The Dirty, Unwashed, Starving Masses' OF THE WORLD to rise-up against them to TAKE POWER TO END THE SLAVERY MONARCHS PERPETRATED THROUGHOUT TIME and in many cases...TO KILL THEM as we still hear about in Russia with the Romanovs and in France with King Louis and Queen Marie Antoinette. They've spent almost 250 years seeking to REGAIN THEIR POWER AND SLAVES ALONG WITH ALL THE WORLD...As Satan sought to take God's Creation from the beginning of eternity. THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE KHAZARIANS...

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Yes it is.

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You raise a good point, I have wondered if the new global religion might be Islam, since fatwas still exist (unlike in say Catholicism, where ex-cathedra no longer exists).

I don't have any issues with Muslims, but it wouldn't surprise me if Globalists were thinking about subverting Islam for such a purpose.

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New Global religion was revealed at 2023 UN climate summit COPD 27. Pagan earth worship, along with a return to blood sacrifice. https://thenewamerican.com/print/the-uns-new-world-religion/ You can't make this stuff up. Go to the opening ceremony of the Olympic games in London 2012 for an in-your-face reenactment of a Saturnalia sacrifice of children to the demon starting at 40:00. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4As0e4de-rI

Notice the giant 'green' sacrificial pyramid 'altar'.

There are dozens of similar public displays (Goddard tunnel opening ceremony, etc). Previous UN climate summits were dedicated to various pagan gods such as moloch and ishtar - blood thirsty pagan gods to whom children were (are?) sacrificed.

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Kabbalah also affords a plethora of options. Might as well condemn physics for nuclear weaponry, while ignoring electric motors.

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That does not really rule it out. What I am hinting at is that it is not uncommon to hear how Jews own the banks, most of the media and entertainment industry, how Israel controls USA, and such. I do not know about that, but what I do know is that quite a lot revolves around Israel, historically, biblically, and geopolitically. Anyway, how about Talmud, as opposed to Torah?

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Read what Jesus said about the Tradition of the Elders (Talmud before it was written) in the Gospels.

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Would you be willing to entertain the thought that the Bible itself is the abysmal fraud of our civilization? That would explain that as you say a lot revolves around [the State of] Israel. Because if it is as I suggest, there is an Augias' stable of very long standing waiting to be cleaned out.

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Be specific. The Bible as canonized has 66 books, and approximately as many authors. Hilkiah (Chilqiah, 2. high priest in Josiah's time, should they be different, "Saint Plunder") and his coterie ruined it. It's also abysmally translated (not just ultimately into English).

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Thank you for your injunction to be specific.

The Bible for most people falls into an Old and a New Testament which are so vastly unequal and dissimilar that the very title "The Bible" is misleading, I would say. I happen to be better acquainted with the former part. Now I don't know of course how many authors you would count there but also I don't think it is a matter of authors at all. Whoever they were and however few or many, these texts have been so kneaded and moulded as to fit the purpose of a company of priests returning from Babel and in the position to start their own brand of the national religion. That, in my view, is where the fraud crept in. And then came the long process of transmitting the text which has made matters worse. Meanwhile this solid mass of textual corruption was being translated into Latin and other languages and became the Holy Book of Europe. The translations being sometimes "better" than the original in that translators where able to gloss over the glitches in the received text thereby deepening the fraud. Doesn't that sound a little like fake news?

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It’s unfortunate you’re not familiar with the New Testament too - being a student of the Book.

Years ago I took a class taught by a PhD from Emory University, a class not at the university, but through my Catholic Church. The class went on for years. This professor was able to translate from Aramaic to Latin to English. Her job was to do this very thing for the next Sunday’s three readings and to then help us truly see how the readings tied together. I’d have to agree that without those classes which included tremendous discussion I’m not sure how anyone can interpret the Holy Book simply reading the English version by itself. There was certainly a sense of knowing and freeing that set in, but also a sense of knowing that there is much misunderstanding of the Bible.

I don’t think it would be called fake news however. Fake news is deliberately brainwashing, a a technique use in fifth generation warfare against a society or civilization. Written interpretation of the Bible, Old Testament and New Testament, I believe, was done with a certain level of care by priests who translated, but perhaps didn’t speak all of the languages perfectly, but I believe, now having taken that course, they did their best - just as the professor did her very best in teaching us, in our awesome disbelief of how translated material went from one distinct meaning to something subtly different, but different, and this due to language restrictions, not due to deliberate brainwashing techniques equal to 5G war on the human race you call fake news.

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That could go deep. "Paul" (Sha'ul) wrote most of the "New Testament". I don't know whether Isaiah was one man, or three. "His" book has the best (and by grammatical form, oldest, though Genesis is loaded with anachronisms from older languages) Hebrew, and writing in general, of the entire Bible. Much of the "Old Testament" looks written by committees, or at least chains of scribes, who also appear to have revised nominally older parts. The Hilkiah committee added vast commentary. The book of Joshua is nearly entirely a complete forgery. (Small parts are plagiarized.) If you want to address Latin, St. Jerome made a hash of the "New Testament".

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Sadly, too many Americans are unaware of what is really happening.

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Well perhaps our role, small as it may be, is to tell them.

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I’ve been sharing all kinds of information about what’s going on.

Perhaps all of who have it should share.

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Great to hear, keep your light shining brightly.

Where in S. Cal. ? Mission Viejo, here.

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An indivual on twitter spaces proposed an idea of printing cards with specific information, websites, substacks for people to then research as a way to reach more people. I, like most, am stuck on educating people with closed ears hoping that the more people are educated, a light will guide the way to proceed, albeit a slow process, hopefully not too late. Thinking through the process of randomly leaving cards with information but then we might have litter police! This is the United States of America and people can not even talk to their neighbor, and are afraid of big brother. God Bless all the courageous warriors who have risked so much, thank you Katherine for your wonderful mind!

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There was an organization "the White Rose" promoting the use of home-print stickers during the height of the lockdown, e.g. "The Media is the Virus" and lately "Coersion is not Consent" that would be plastered around the local community to seed doubt in authority.

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This free paper in the UK (and online) I think is worthy of a read.

It looks mainstream but its content is not.


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I said in another comment- they used to drop pamphlets from small planes to get their messages across. I’ve seen flyers under my windshield wipers for other stuff. Why not this?

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Thank you, all ideas are most welcomed as most of us sadly are all in this same category.

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I actually bought some blank round sticker labels to print with "We Can Overcome the Global Cabal" (I wanted to tend towards hope).

Unfortunately, their distribution is still pending as I prioritize my efforts.

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Yes! I know a man who has been put in prison for 21 months for breaking a window in a "vaccine " centre who from his cell, has designed a leaflet that has been taken up by The White Rose. He thinks the public might support a movement asking for tax payers money back for injections that don't work as sold.


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I can relate.

I have to choose where to direct my energies. Closed-ear family and friends require a lot of finesse.

Peter Breggin, the author of "COVID-19 and the Global Predators," has a one page Freedom Flyer for distribution on his site at breggin.com.

From the John Birch Society, you can order from a variety of Slim Jim push cards. I picked one called "Are You a Globalist or an Americanist?"

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Yes, I think that's what we can. I just got Katherine Watts substack pinned to the new Kirsch post about the FAA surgeon. Best I can do for now.

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You can lead a horse to water...

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Unfortunately most reject the truth because it upends their notion of "world" and so many of the others are simply unable or unwilling to seek truth much less validate/verify it when shared with them.

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Because they are still stuck in the matrix. They are sitting in front of the "boob tube" getting their news and information from the likes of CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, NPR (National Propaganda Radio) and the like. All of these "news" organizations are owned by, and controlled by many of the same people who are behind all of the craziness currently going on (and various other craziness that has gone on for decades) The govetnment and large corporations. The people who orchestrate everything, and make billions off of doing so....whether it be the military industrial complex, big pharma, etc. Blackrock is HEAVILY involved in what is currently going on. Blackrock now owns Reuters, USA Today, and many, many other "news" outlets. Blackrock is, to a large degree, controlling the narrative. They not only own the "news", but they also own the "fact checkers".

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By choice. All information silos are readily available.

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What else could be going on ?

Until other views or hypothesis are presented the facts lead into the direction you're suggesting.

Great work from all involved. And a special thanks to you Katherine for your diligence to expose truth.

Explains Trump's move to continually support the bio-weapon vax's.

It's the real reason nothing was accomplished from his term.

Or perhaps one should state his administration accomplished exactly what they set out to do.

Divide and conquer and we're the rats inside the maze.

But not to fear, there's always a way out.

Keep God in your heart and you will always remain free.

God Bless

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Michael S. I appreciate your comments and thank you Katherine for your continued work.

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Thanks Brandon, If I may add ever since you did the guest hit on the Sage's stack I've come to admire you from afar. I hope you find strength to keep shining.

May God Bless you and yours

ps 'we all have our stories and perhaps they'll all be shared one day'

I never much studied the Bible but I 'd like to leave with this..... Luke 8:17 KJV

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

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Thanks Michael, thank you for the encouragement and Bible verse 😘

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I do not support the "Orange Man Bad" hypothesis. Still, I am puzzled. Can anyone offer a reasonable explanation as to why DJT continues to promote the death-jab? He must know by now that this is not only alienating supporters - while doing little to bring never-Trumpers into the MAGA tent - but that the jab is being more and more convincingly exposed as a significant health hazard for homo-sapiens in general, regardless of political inclinations. He has had an exit-ramp - "I've been hoodwinked by the experts from day one!" - but he consistently declines to take it. Is there any reasonable explanation? Are there any exit-ramps left?

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He's part of the cabal. He knew exactly what he was doing. The evidence is overwhelming.

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Is this the best you've got?

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Nothing more is required.

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Proclamations masquerading as trash-talk might work on gab. Not on a forum for higher-order thinkers.

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Occam's razor says he is guilty of buying in to the bad virus, safe and effective vaccine narrative and used his power to bring in on. He may be the most culpable when all is said and done. He has been schooled by lawyers for his entire life to never admit wrongdoing. Empowering DOD to force-feed a poison is quite bad. Trump does whatever he believes will make people like him. He made a terrible judgment here.

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He won't be forgiven for the vax push. One theory I heard was that he is continuously baiting the left to admit the vaccines are causing damage, because he is still saying he did a good thing with the vax. His last public interview statement on the subject was very carefully worded "We got something approved quickly" "I didn't mandate it" "we saved millions of lives" and the proponents of this theory say Trump used this to break their 5 years of lock-downs plan. I remain skeptical.

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Those with their noses up Trump's arse cannot see.

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I am, likewise, confused. After having listened to his reply to the latest audio interview, I would no longer say that he is "promoting the jab. I am being particular about that word. He definitely didn't say he was misled or lied to, either. He did say that he had, "listened to the Main Stream Media." He also said that he knows that the MAGA people are upset with him.

Let's see if anything comes of Attorney Tom Renz having contacted Trump a few days ago. Mr. Renz offered to bring a couple of world-reknown physicians to a meeting with Trump. They would show President Trump how the "vaccines," without doubt, are deeply harming and killing many people. Mr. Renz has also asked Trump to explain his reasoning should he not be interested in meeting.

Let's see what happens.

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Since when does Trump pay attention to the mainstream news?

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Why does he not pay attention to Paul Craig Roberts (he should have appointed chief of staff), other than people like Jared Kushner and Joel Skousov (Skousen) told him not to? And what was with appointing a warlock his vice presidential running mate? (Disappeared his daughter Charlotte from any reflection in the Chili's mirror?)

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Exactly. He's played us for fools.

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Let's see what happens next and see what else he says. No need to have it all figured out today.

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DJT is as much an agent of Satan as JRB. We persevere till the end,

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Tucker should read this great essay on prime time.

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If all media is owned by the bad guys, how will Tucker be able to present this? Isn’t he “controlled opposition”???

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I'd actually to see him interview people familiar with this subject on his Tucker Carlson Today show. I mean, he's done UFO stuff on it and with his Tucker Carlson Originals format so why not?

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That you want him to means more perhaps? Constructed outrage, not allowing the real fever to break, person by person. TC will save no one.

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I never infered TC will "save" anyone. I edited my comment to include the word "like" (typo; sorry) so maybe that helps a little bit to read into what I said. But to short circuit any mindreading here, let's just say that TC is, if anything, entertaining. Why else would anyone watch broadcast and/or cable television? Certainly not for serving as a conduit for creating "constructed outrage" if I'm reading your mind correctly, Jacquelyn. Any of thus help?

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Thusly helped-thanks

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DearKatherine, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Just when I feel about to lose my mind with thoughts going round and round , YOU ELOQUENTLY, very practically, step by step, clarify and streamline the issues at hand. God has gifted you with the ability to cut through mountains of bullsh#t with laser-like focus and make the case. This is SOOOO HELPFUL to us and I want you to know I appreciate you VERY much! It makes the task WE ALL HAVE, to educate as many as we can about what is going on, much easier when you write your analysis of the problems concisely. Love & Light

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Michelle, you speak the sentiment of all so aptly, thank you

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I sent Steve Kirsch the Book of Ours video and Sasha's interview with Kim Iversen to try to get him to interview Sasha and/or Katherine on his podcast. Haven't heard anything after a week, so I have to conclude he blew it off and would rather continue beating his head against a brick wall trying to get the CDC to admit the vaccines have killed and injured people.

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Now THIS would be informative: an interview of Sasha Latypova by Steve Kirsh. And Steve wouldn't have to put up $50,000+ to intice her!

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I’m not sure if Steve’s took this as far as he dares. The message that the covid jab is dangerous, is now really out there. UK celebrity doctor Dr. Aseem Malhotra was even of the BBC. !! MP Andrew Bridgen also gave a speech in parliament. Many UK docs speaking out now - stop the jabs.

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Steve has not accepted the power structure yet.

Many people on his sub are posting what Katherine has brought forward in bio-terrorism.

He is hyper focused on the deception of the clot shots and nothing else.

When people learn the truth, there is no more drama in their life because they look at the headlines and can easily see through all the smoke understanding that this is just to keep the masses chasing their tails as the destruction from within continues mostly unaware.

Again , this is why all of us should be hammering Twitter with a narrative to peek interest.

Writing about it on sub stack is very limited.

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I have kept away from twitter, but it does have a wider readership. I am sure all comments and blogs to all platforms will be monitored (initially by AI) to see if the desired narrative is gaining traction. IP addresses flagged for those that appear troublesome beyond being a ‘keyboard’ warrior’.

I have posted to Steve - Katherine and Sasha’s information also on the DoD being the main driver of the scam - but had no response? Are likes and comments suppressed idk. This I think is .. 'HOLD THE FRONT PAGE' information.

But Musk’s recent ‘double speak about initially not having the jab...

“'I'M NOT AT RISK' Elon Musk slams Bill Gates as a ‘knucklehead’ and ‘stupid person’ – and defends vow not to take coronaries vaccine’ (Sep 2020 The Sun UK)


Elon Musk comes clean, says covid jabs caused him and his family “major side effects” and “a serious case of myocarditis” (Jan 25th 2023 on Twitter)

Makes me doubt if Musk is actually being controlled or if the statements are actually his?

His space/car projects apart from his family would be big enough ‘levers’’ to make him ‘dance to any tune’ the ptb dictate. Apart from the news (just startling to emerge) that the project was / is controlled by the DOD and the US responded as if on a war footing -may have made him 'toe the line'

Lenin had it right “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

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I think he is under pressure to do as the ptb dictate, but trying his best to do good as much as he's allowed.

To me it is no coincidence Tesla stock price dropped so much after the Twitter acquisition, only to rebound after him appointing a WEF puppet as CEO. He's said it himself: trust nothing, while naming himself nothing in his Twitter profile

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Read about him in Jessie Czebotar’s court testimony she gave last year in NH (Crimes against humanity case). He has been “split” and therefore hard to know if he’s now really a “good guy” or just playing his part right along with the rest.

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Good luck! I have posted links to Katherine's work on Kirsch's Substack that I was banned from commenting for a day. Something is wrong in Kirsch camp - see Mathew Crawford's Rounding The Earth Substack for details. Kirsch, for some reason, will not consider the shots to be bioweapons. Peace.

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Huh. Sounds like my experience when I was countering the raft of anti-fluoridationists who he supported (at one time anyway)--obviously without reading the gobs of studies concluding that the naturally occurring level of the Fluorine salt (aka Fluoride) in numerous water supplies (both well and municipal) in the amount of 1ppm is safe and vastly reduces tooth decay. I wasn't able to post numerous links to the plethora of studies that support the use of regulating the amount of Fluoride in municipal water supplies--both too much and too little levels. Steve's a decent guy but maybe his actions (or inaction) stems from that fact that he may be on overload. But I'm a benefit of the doubt guy...which is NOT a good thing these days.

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You claim to counter George Waldbott's "A Struggle With Titans"? Or for that matter, the JADA article showing fluoride is only beneficial topically? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0002817714626738 The ADA seems to demand extortion to view the full article.

Short take: apply it to your teeth if you like, but don't swallow it. How do you expect to not swallow municipal water supplies? Fluoride makes people docile, and disrupts Haversian canals in bones and teeth. Do you enjoy broken bones and teeth?

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I am familiar with one of those articles. The time for revisiting universal municipal water fluoridation is long overdue because, as I have been stating all along, the proliferation of new sources of natural and man-made fluoride demands it. Parenthetically, muninipal water departments are frought with security concerns to begin with and should be completely overhauled--vulnerability to terrorist acts aside. Your last statement (in the form of a question) is easily viewed by me as nothing more than as an unwarranted ad hominem attempt and, given what we know about mechanism of the fluorine salt's affinity for the hydroxyapitite complex in tooth structure, your last statement as it relates to dentin (less) and enamel (more), your last question with the inclusion of "broken teeth" is so scientifically unsound it doesn't rise to the level of deserving a rejoinder, imo. My advice to you is to become more persuassive--especially with an open-minded person like me who is all for new research (and, yes, the ADA Journal--think: The Lancet during Covid--is NOT an unbiased repository for such work)--by refraining from "gotcha!" snark remarks and dependence upon logic fallacies to make points for your team. I'd gladly add you to my team of skeptics but not until such time that you turn down the personal attacks and turn off the references to old studies--studies that require 100% reproducibility before they can be used as consensus builders in the quest to revisit the universal application of the fluorine salt to municipal water supplies. Act locally. Act boldly. But act responsibly. We both can use those suggestions to start afresh when tackling this important issue. We need to review the need for the fluoridation of municipal water supplies for the reasons I alluded to above--reasons that are shared by a growing number of my fellow colleagues in andnout of the dental profession. Also parenthetically, I do not recall ever seeing more than a handful of serious cases of fluorosis in my thirty years of practice; however, those cases (two of which inferred the indescriminate swallowing of fluoridated dendritic products as the cause) prompted me to suggest the in depth review of municipal water fluoridation practices.

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Thank you - Not! "Persuasive" (for a human) generally means psychopathic liar. I'm not Bernie Machen, who pretty much pulled passage of a fluoridation "referendum" out of a hat. ("Psychopath" implies high intelligence, unlike "sociopath".)

"Titans" is a hardbound book.

Fluoride (not elemental fluorine) as fluoroapatite blocks remodeling of bones, causing Haversian canals to meander. While bone density increases, strength decreases. This effect can more easily be seen in teeth because manganese deposits between the misalignments. Because of increased light scattering, mottling produces white patches before this occur.

Require 100% reproducibility in references to old studies? Are you kidding? Even the Millikan oil drop experiment remains controversial because the raw data can be interpreted to show fractional charges in some droplets. (More recent experiments appear to show no evidence for fractional charge particles, but maybe Millikan and Fletcher used quark-contaminated oil these computer-automated experiments lacked or refined out.) Where are the true placebo studies of vaccination? I'm aware only of the Amish and a few other objectors. Is at most 0.26% of the population adequate for comparison? Confounding environmental factors could abound! For the most part other vaccines, or vaccines lacking only the specific antigen, but with adjuvants, etc., were used as "placebos", and even then usually only continued for 3 weeks.

Yes, errors, or even sabotage, of municipal water supplies could occur. Allegedly accidental overfluoridation of Sandy's water comes to mind. You might wish to add dentistry to your description.

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My profile contains an outside link that speaks to the profile "deficiency" you claim I have.

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Thanks for that information.

Perhaps he’s trying to keep one foot in both camps!?

I have to admit to backing off reading his output at the moment. He appears to be a few steps behind and it looks odd.

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His output is too repetitive and prolific - he needs to condense and abridge.

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He will not go there.

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Agreed...but it would be entertaining if not informative.

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Hugely impressive, as always. The shoes fit - all of them, and the focus as outlined seems shrewd and on the money. Thank you.

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Katherine, you truly have a gift to wade through the matrix, wade through the elaborate deceptions, sentient programs, wade through all the word hollow point bullets, intentional misdirections (like Derek Johnson)... may your faith and reason hearing God’s voice reach the blinded representatives and the public, though at this point, the question is, can our republic be righted?

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Can our republic be righted? Who is going to do it if not you and I? It's all of us.

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I have suspected for a while that most of the candidates for US Senate and Presidency come into office compromised by material used to control them, whether it is proof of sexual deviancy or money or...whatever. That the choices that we are presented with are not really alternatives, not part of a democratic process (except perhaps Jimmy Carter), and will all further the agenda of the controlling cabal in some way. It's not all that far of a stretch to see Trump and Biden as puppets in Kabuki theatre.

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The Bilderberger endorsed Jimmy Carter, and while agreed, he was somewhat enigmatic, Zbigniew Brzeziński controlled him.

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Jimmy was sent to the Travistock Institute for MK Ultra sessions & most definitely controlled.

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I’ve written my senator, Jeff Merkley, and he always writes back his support of what is going on. On covid he said Fauci is a friend, and today got a return email supporting Ukraine/Zelenski…all is well in his pov. It does seem time for everyone to become politically involved—city, state, national levels.

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I've written OR senators a dozen times, and of course all I get are form letter replies. Either too scared or too far down the left leaning rabbit hole to even question what's going on. I don't expect much help from them unless there is a major reveal.

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It is difficult to get a clear overall view to understand the situation.

Who is fighting with and who is fighting against?

I have the impression that it is not as simple as globalists against patriots.

There seems to be three, four or even more sides, all fighting against each other.

This article answered many questions, please keep sharing your thoughts. Thank you!

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Those with fame, power, position, great wealth work for the devil against those who don't. It couldn't be more obvious now. Persevere till the end.

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Divisiveness is its own end to communists.

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Like Katherine Watt who I agree with in measured portions on who "the powers that be" may likely be, I disagree with Derek Johnson's findings which are merely a legal version of Patel Patriot's conclusions that Martial law is in place, Trump is leading the CoG and Patriot military will rise up at just the right time to regain US govt control and everything will be fine. There is nothing in real world acts that substantiate even a morsel of that conclusion. This coup has been long planned and meticulously manned in both govt and private sector corporations and institutions. There clearly is a financial arm, military arm and a pseudo political arm. However the sheer magnitude of mind manipulation and exerted control over the public and private sectors enabling this "shadow govt" required to be on a scale that is beyond our understanding. And, when coupled with the tech aspects of AI and transhuman efforts currently being pushed on us causes me to believe this all is driven either through spiritual forces that are extra dimensional (Satan/fallen angels) or off-planet beings looking to conquer Planet Earth or comandeer Earth's resources. In my mind, this NWO is neither brought on by nation states or nefarious bankers. Although important components, there is something much larger than us behind this.

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Did you know that are Military is controlled by SERCO? Who is SERCO? Great question, SERCO is a British Crown Company. Why would a British Crown Company (KING CHARLES NOW) run our military? I believe they run FBI & CIA too. Think FIVE EYES we’re all connected & controlled Just think Putin was also a WEF student. The billionaires at the UN like China’s model of communism so much and want to implement all around the world for total slavery, TOTAL CONTROL!

Everything is a lie.

1. Vaccines - all lies

2. FDA - not doing their job, GMO food, Roundup being sprayed on are food and to dry it in the fields too (WHEAT), food pyramid WRONG. Said butter BAD & salt etc… LIES Meat BAD LIES

3. Health - no one cures anything - drug pushers which are bad for you too.

4. Government- ALL LIES, Very deceitful, selected, not elected. CFR unelected bureaucrats, SES unelected bureaucrats.everything is corrupt in federal GOVERNMENT even the JUSTICE SYSTEM.

5. Military - used to fight in other countries to overthrow the President or leaders there, billionaires use subcontractors to steal everything from them, are sons & daughters are dying for greedy billionaires, not to save humanity.

6. Weather modification - military spraying the skies with chemicals aluminum, barium just to mention a few many more so they can cause drought, pouring rain, fires, heck whatever they want. Go here and watch the video will show you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVgpzeXWCIA Or research weather warfare 101.

7. Water - they’re putting fluoride in the water so toxic.

Tons more but you get the picture, our history is 80% lies too.

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I'm not questioning what you've written -- I don't know much about this, but do you have a cite or a reference to SERCO controlling our military? Very interesting. I do believe King Charles is more involved in all of this than most would think.

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I want you to see this information too. https://aim4truth.org/2022/08/01/pilgrims-progress/

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Absolutely correct. I have read about this a bit before and I am convinced Pilgrims with King Charles III is the Head of one of the three most threatening groups. I have felt for awhile that Charles is a key, more than even Schwab.

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I think they’re at the very top of the pyramid!

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Jennifer here is a very good website that has did tons of research many other on here not just SERCO


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Thanks, Dixie

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Thanks, Dixie

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Your welcome

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For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see it seems there is something much larger at play than the struggle of dominance in the political theater. Regarding the last paragraph of your article concerning the seemingly apathetic behavior of the legislatures, prosecutors, state and federal judges is incredulous to witness. At this point one would think the accumulative evidence would be considered “prima-facia”. It seems there is debilitating mind fog covering the land that is preventing these people from critically assessing their surroundings, especially if they’ve been personally affected by the bio weapons , lockdowns, mask mandates, from some agencies that have no real authority over personal bodily autonomy inherently given by God. Will they come to a breaking point when they are forced to put on the breastplate of righteous indignation or will it be too late for them to fulfill their oath and duty of office. Will weeping and nashing of teeth be their end?

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"Strong delusion" comes to mind.

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The "military is the only way" took new meaning after Katherine, Sasha, KarenK and others I read exposed the military driven origin of this nano lipid bioweapon injection worldwide warfare program. (as an aside, as much as I like to hear Malone speak I'm skeptical of him as he appeared high and mighty right out of those dark cellars).

The Biden Blue and Trump Red team appear to be two sides of the same Talmud encrusted dirty coin, flip for dark, flip for light, either side you lose. See Arizona and Brazil as the most recent evidence.

It does appear the Totalitarian Hierarchy Exploiting You (THEY) are directing us on a civilwarish collision course - awaiting the clearing smoke to offer their savior flavored slavery shackles.

Maybe 20 constitutionally-loyal Congress members and some non-blackwashed legal teams can do something... like defund the IRS. My only hope remains honest, hardworking people are the majority. We the people needs some way, and some wins for momentum. Why not a federal tax revolt, mass setting to 0 deductible plus never-ending tax return extensions, to starve the beast and overwhelm the enforcement.

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Malone is eyebrow deep in this, got a dark vibe from him from day one. Funny how he appeared out of nowhere, now he's always there, part of everything. He's suing the Breggins and others for $25M because they called him out (with Desmet) on mass psychosis. Bad news.

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Fkn A

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