
Reader forwarded this post to his US Senators, with the comment:

"Please read the below article and announce which side you are on; that of the Constitutional U.S. gov't OR that of the treasonous, DOD-HHS bioterrorists."

I encourage other Americans do follow his lead. Send it to your state and federal representatives and ask them: "Which side are you on?"

If you're outside the US, you can send the same question to your government officials, asking them which side of the US government they consider allies and which they consider to be bioterrorist enemies.

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Readers who post a comment and then can't find it: it's probably because I deleted it due to my no-defeatism policy. My Substack, my rules. Whine about your learned helplessness and feelings that resistance is futile someplace else.


"I know the material presented here is hard to process.

I don’t offer it to help readers resign themselves to being enslaved and killed by the US Government, its globalist central banker overlords, and counterparts in other sovereign nation-states around the world.

I do it because I think the odds of successfully fighting off the would-be slave masters and murderers goes up, the better the targeted victims understand the plans, programs and pseudo-legal tools the killers build and use against us.

I think that people should continue to fight the fight using the weak legal tools the bankster-killers have left intact — as so many courageous, persistent people have already been doing for three years, and so many more have been doing for decades and centuries previously.

I think people should continue to investigate and learn how and when the bankster-killers weakened the legal tools.

I think people should keep crafting stronger legal tools to replace the collapsing mess as it falls.

And I think the construction process for new legal tools benefits from broader, deeper understanding of the current predicament and how it was brought into being.

If you disagree and think it’s better to roll over and expose your soft underbelly and the underbellies of your children and grandchildren to the knives, please don’t read or comment at Bailiwick.

There are other online venues at which you can discuss your sense of futility and wait for the next bio-digital-banking-police shackles to snap shut around your neck."

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Challenge accepted. We don’t win by giving up or giving in.

Yes, the perpetrators have a powerful position.

No, they’re not infallible. They’re making mistakes and the situation is way too fluid them to be sure how it’s all going to pan out.

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They're not that smart, either!

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they are "clever", not intelligent. They mimic.

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deletedFeb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023
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Also they are incapable of creation.

Their strength lies in their destructive capacities, and their lying skills that persuade those with weakened wills and darkened intellects to go along with lies such as destruction = creation and that destructive power = generative power.

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Katherine the painting was very important which reflected your discussion, thank you .

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I have praised your diligence in presentation of legal framework for the bind we are in. And recommended your Substack to colleagues. Of course you can delete comment at your discretion. It’s your Substack. When you do, you will also reveal that you are like those that imposed this and other psychological operations on the world. Let the defeatist have the same voice as the let’s get our local sheriff to arrest the DoD.

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Fair enough.

Deleting defeatist comments to maintain morale and foster courage among an online community, and sending the commenter to share his/her views at any one of a billion other online discussion threads, is my tiny counter-psy-op to the one that's engaged in terrifying, discouraging and killing people.

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Those billion other threads are less than useless compared to yours, Sasha’s and a few others. By the way, I have witnessed governor that said he would lay across road to stop nuclear material shipments. States rights vs federal. Shipments proceeded as planned. He is no longer governor. I want to see us win because this is orders of magnitude bigger and deadlier to my grandchildren. Don’t stop, please keep up the good work. Peace.

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And those defeatist comments are poison to the bloodstream of Bailiwick; they suck up emotional energy; that's what they're intended to do.

I will keep defending myself and my readers from those toxic attacks to the best of my ability.

Peace to you too.

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Speaking as one who got a comment deleted recently, I get why you're doing so. No complaints from me on it.

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If they are reading your Substack, they have not given up. Just my opinion.

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Never give up

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It's one that I agree with. And another substack isn't printing negative comments for the same reason, mine also. The defeatist whine accomplishes nothing. If someone has no solution, why just whine? We're all going through the same thing.

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I post the solution on my Substack. Simplified to “don’t go to doctors “. When they go along with a major definition change, and use the word for a mystery concoction how can you trust them with your life? If they changed the definition of an adult to anyone over 4 years old, would you go along with that? Solution do not comply with any of this. I didn’t. You can stand tall too. If everyone at my corporation would have stood with me, no one would have been jabbed.

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I need an explication of the difference between whining and complaining. Complaints, filing a complaint, is the first action required in seeking justice. At what point does a complaint become a "whine"? When it has no actionable cause? When it is unresolvable? When it cannot be acted upon? When the action needed is not evident? When the sun hasn't risen for two months? When?

Is beauty in the eyes of the beholder, or an intrinsic value?

These unearthly cryings out and screams of men wounded and dying on the battlefield go far beyond complaints and whinings, they enter a realm of sound unimaginable to normal human intercourse. Sounds which a voice cannot make without the impetus of death. Is the sound of defeat unacceptable to human existence? The sounds of death?

Children whine; adults complain. Where does the difference lie? Does the adult have more power to change the circumstances causing the complaint, than a child has to change the nexus from which the whine generates?

What happens to "self-control" at the moment of death? Why do the french call orgasm "the little death." Are the moans of orgasm "complaints", whining? Those of dying?

Athletes are allowed to yell with victory, to moan with defeat.

"Dogs run free, why can't we?"{ Bob Dylan

Not anymore tho. Will a dog whine when restrained consistently? When lonely? Canine are social animals.

I don't know. As long as the "us and them" continues...no one will ever be right, it seems to me.

From my limited, embodied perspective.....

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About the French calling orgasms "the little death," in the U.S. orgasms are probably "the big death." Especially in Texas.

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I think whining is complaining over a period of time. (i.e., the same thing more than once, to the point of being irritating and kind of childlike)

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Well, I hope I don't interpret "whine" incorrectly. And I am not trying to be relative.

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To me whine is complaining about something with no solution.

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Some well-intentioned members may inadvertently skim past what Katherine said. Their comments may be deleted.

If you don't hear any more of my sometimes controversial comments, I was probably deleted. 😁

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Intra-versial. I don't read your comments as contro-versial. Different ideas are contriibutory, not controversial.

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Thanks, Blue!

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just telling the truth...

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INSERTING APPLAUSE & STANDING OVATION for that comment Katherine!!! Love your, "no- defeatism policy" !!!!!

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Best comment on substack the last 3 years

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That was amazing. <3

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> I deleted it due to my no-defeatism policy.

I like it


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Thank you. I can veer to the dark side and your & Katherine’s no holds barred no defeatism is uplifting!

Psalm 37 especially v 10

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Don't Fret Because of Evildoers

(1 Kings 2:1-9)

1 Be not emulous of evildoers; nor envy them that work iniquity.

2 For they shall shortly wither away as grass, and as the green herbs shall quickly fall.

3 Trust in the Lord, and do good, and dwell in the land, and thou shalt be fed with its riches.

4 Delight in the Lord, and he will give thee the requests of thy heart.

5 Commit thy way to the Lord, and trust in him, and he will do it.

6 And he will bring forth thy justice as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.

7 Be subject to the Lord and pray to him. Envy not the man who prospereth in his way; the man who doth unjust things.

8 Cease from anger, and leave rage; have no emulation to do evil.

9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but they that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the land.

10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: and thou shalt seek his place, and shalt not find it.

11 But the meek shall inherit the land, and shall delight in abundance of peace...

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My favourite verse:

10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: and thou shalt seek his place, and shalt not find it.

I confess I can’t read it out loud. I choke up. Here’s waiting for that day.

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Same here.

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Very inspiring message. Thank you!

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Thank you for that unwavering message . Peace courage and with God’s strength , we will prevail. 🙏

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Than you. It’s a very useful philosophy about focussing on that which one can control. I don’t think I can accept the outcome. I believe our adversary is extraordinarily powerful, but hopefully arrogant. In the end, free humans will prevail. I do think that, in the meantime, the perpetrators will make a helluva mess of the garden.

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Wow. My musical mind responded by singing..."when the whip comes down! when the whip comes down".

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I sent letters to Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Ronny Jackson stating almost the same thing and pointed them to your substack.

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I know some of them already know, and the sound of silence more than hints that they’re clinging to mom and pop in Washington.

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Katherine is the honey badger of truth! God Bless you always.

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Manipulation of the legal system by the US government to delay guilt and restitution for harm of their citizens is a fine art form.  Think about how long it took to make them responsible for agent orange in Vietnam. There are many more examples of delay, delay delay.!

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Too many examples to list, but one that is blatant : Pfizer & the FDA tried hard to get the Pfizer documents buried for 75 years.

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And they failed

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Everyone...access Coffee and Covid today! All about the Missouri, Louisiana vs Biden lawsuit!

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

Yes, Jeff Childers lays out the details and historic significance of that case.

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I have just begun reading Jeff Childers, and am glad to have found another attorney on our side to read.

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Jaci Johnson

Just read it! Encouraging!! Praying for victory!

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Thank you for your brilliant, tireless work. We are all in your debt. ‘Species of violence’-- Aquinas had that right. I hope today is a beautiful day for you-- fighting the monster. Maybe Sasha can paint an old world style painting someday ‘Katherine against the Dragon’ with herself right beside you.

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In U.K. political cartoon artist Bob Moran combines humour, religious signs and sheer human contact in his regular artworks, some of which I’ve acquired for our family to remember.

A child in one painting so reminds me of my oldest grandson (he’s almost 4) & this reminds me daily why I’m doing this.

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Dr. Yeadon. I was so disappointed when I assume TPTB prevented you from going on CHD TV with Polly and Nadera yesterday. Was very much looking forward to hearing you speak. God bless dear sir 😘❤️

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It was my fault. I’d had a string of calls and interviews and I simply missed that last one!

I’m hoping to be on Round Table on Friday though so many things to do that I’m getting quite worn out. I retired early as my health wasn’t what it used to be & 3years like this isn’t helping…

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Dr Mike Yeadon

Prayers sent for your well-being dear sir!

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Dearest Dr. Yeadon - Yes. These last three years have been quite torturous. Keeping you in thought and prayer 🙏

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Please never stop, for his sake and all of humanity. The interview you did just before Easter in 2021 with Sir Delingpole was so important. Helped me understand it has always been about the children, not the quantum. For thousands of ppl, your words have served to provide ‘that moment’ when it ‘came together’ for them. Very grateful for you, sir.

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GOD BLESS YOU!! And the idea of forwarding to our “representatives” is excellent …and I would wonder about passing out even to our local Sheriffs Departments and maybe other ways to get out to the ‘normies’ who cannot see past the NFL and NBC, etc….I am so GLAD you are here on this Earth at this time, Katherine Watts!!!!

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Our Sheriff's are wonderful people to contact because if we are ever in trouble physically (a potential arrest), they are often our best hope.

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Brilliant. Impeccable logic. Bless you.

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THIS: "...the men and women doing these things are not acting in their official capacities or under color of legal authority but are rogue actors." This is evidence of infiltration and also illustrates what Catherine Austin Fitts stated within the last 6 months: US citizens have trouble accepting the fact that "We have no sovereign government." Eisenhower was well aware of the end of governmental sovereignty, post WWII. And CIA's Dulles continued to import Third Reich loyalists into the US Govt's DC/HQ infrastructure. It's been a long slide down a sewer hole, and many of us are praying that we still have many white hats who wish to restore the Republic.

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Pagan Lesbo Herbalist 'Do No Harm' contingent says thanks. My senators and representitives from Oregon are best described as rogue actors, Merkley, Wyden, Blumenauer, perhaps also Bonamici, Bentz, Chavez-DeRemer, Salinas. My letters to Merkley and Wyden re the fakedemic/chemtrails are responded to with form letters with where to get more injections, or how the gov. is trying to 'help' the weather. It's insulting and only shows their lack of real knowledge, or lack of freedom to speak honestly. Bought. So bought.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

Biotrails, meinst Du? The vast majority of the Oregon populace seems to get all its opinions from NPR and OPB.

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I get the same. Washington state.

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If I even had a spoonful of Katherine's brain, I would die a happy woman.

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Katherine, I love the fact that you referenced St. Thomas Aquinas and Pope Leo XIII. If only more people read the angelic doctor. Great post.

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Fantastic work 🎩

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Bless you Katherine.

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Usually when I send my representatives anything they reply with a standard form letter that only means they got an email, but there is no way to know if they read it or what side of the equation they stand on.

Besides, they will usually lie about that depending on how advantageous it is for the next elections. Politicians change their stripes like a neon zebra with rotating stripes. You can not trust them.

Are they the ones supporting this bioterrorism? Are the the ones giving the DOD/HHS full immunity from any transgression? Is congress this far in the dark that they don't have a clue as to what is going on in this country right in their own backyards? At times it seems like congress are the bioterrorists because they have not enforce fought against this hijacking of the country.

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Correct. Politicians respond with form letters.

Unless a politician receives:

(1) hundreds of negative letters from his or her constituents,

(2) a letter from someone very important, or

(4) a letter from someone who can damage their livelihood,

he or she will not send a personal response.

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They never see our letters. Their staff does. Just like their staff is who reads the upcoming legislative bills they're voting on and pens most new legislation.

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So write letters directed at the staff. They are also culpable.

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Interesting approach! I like it!

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"Imagine you are a fool."

"Now, imagine you are a Congress Man. "

"But, I repeat myself. " Mark Twain

They are whores, basically.

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This is an excellent approach. Given what we know about the financiers who control the US Corporation and their admissions that they have hijacked the USA via various unconstitutional acts, as well as their admissions and funding of various depopulation schemes, might it be worth adding that evidence?

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other major publications whose directors have attended our meetings and upheld their promise to maintain confidentiality for nearly forty years. It would have been impossible to develop our global project if we had been in the public spotlight during those years. But the world is more sophisticated now and is more willing to move towards a global government where there will be no more war, but only peace and prosperity for all humanity. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national self-determination that existed in past centuries.” —David Rockefeller, June 5, 1991, in an address to the Bilderberger meeting in Baden Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton), as reported and translated from the September, 1991, issue of the Monte Carlo-based Hilaire du Berrier Report (also reported elsewhere in the French press, including Minutes, June 19, 1991 and Lectures Francaises, July/August, 1991). Mr. Du Berrier closely followed and chronicled the activities of Bilderberg and its overlapping groups, for over four decades.

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” —David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003.

“The nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.” — Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, 1971.


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Because of your deep dive into these matters and your detailed understanding of them, you might well be justified to wield the accusatory (in my judgment, incendiary) labels that you place on the people behind this gargantuan mess. But I honestly believe that you might loose potential allies, as they are put off by such bold, in-your-face name calling. The language just seems a little too brazen to attract the serious attention of people in power who might benefit from your exceptional experience and impressively meticulous research.

Readers who lack your depth of understanding probably need less emotionally charged language to describe the the people doing the wrongdoing. Calling what the wrongdoers do bio-terrorism and war crimes upfront in the same context of detailing the facts seems like making judgments for readers BEFORE the facts you so well present enable readers to make such judgments for themselves.

Also, the vast expanse of your research is somewhat overwhelming. You probably could write ten times as many substacks with all the knowledge that you have. Narrowing the focus of each substack might make the info more readily absorbed over a longer period of time, instead of trying to explain to readers the history of the universe, starting with the Big Bang (in one dose), which is what that impressive legal timeline of yours reminds me of. (^_^)

I visit your substack everyday now, even though the sheer amount of info is overwhelming.

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She's laid out a primer for the late comers. It's well written and concise. You can't suddenly wake up and expect to learn everything that's going on in one or two substack articles.

And as far as the terms bioweapon and war crimes? These are facts she's presented, not opinions. The shots are bioweapons, ie, military prototype countermeasures. And these ARE war crimes. Does the Truth hurt?

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Continue to “be bold”. At this juncture we need to set aside trying to awake the sleeping sheep. We need to awaken the rest of our fellow lions.

Wolverine Ready. Wait for the signal.

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Excellent comment! Do you mind if I use these words myself?

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You are correct.

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His point was that the manner in which one uses those terms can accomplish different results.

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