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Agree Katherine W. , this is a spiritual war.

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Besides listening to Malachi Martin, Fr Chad Ripperger is another excellent source to understanding the spiritual warfare we are in. He is an exorcist in the Archdiocese of Denver. There are many videos on YouTube of different talks he has given that are very relevant to the times we are in. Everyone, Please draw close to the Holy Trinity and pray, pray, pray! The Rosary given by the Blessed Mother is a powerful weapon. Let us not be deceived!

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Is he available for treatment of mothers in law? I can pay in bitcoin.

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Lol! You would have to ask him yourself.

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Even a quick neutralizing blessing would be a modern day miracle

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great cheap shot

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I don't agree, but I have met and conversed with many spiritual people in the past 3 years, they are all thoughtful kind people.

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How do you explain the coordination at all levels with hardly any meaningful legal wins? The hospitals turning into death factories and everyone who works there going along with it? Parents injecting and locking up their children all over the world at the same time? The only doctors blowing the whistle are those of faith. If this isn't a spiritual war, what is it?

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It is primarily a spiritual war being acted out on the material/physical plane. Some of us have been living with it, researching it, and fighting against it for our entire lives. The ferocity of the battle has increased by orders of magnitude in the past several decades and especially the past 3 years.

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It is Armageddon. The end days. I have been reading a lot of Fritz Springmeier and Cathy Fox about the Illuminati and the monarch brain washing. It’s really scary and I am glad I have read about it. Satanists apparently at the top and infiltrated through. If we consider this has been in motion before 1960 it gives a clearer idea of how utterly monopolised the system is by these people.

I’m not sure why some people awaken to it and some don’t. But I’m guided always to stay strong in God. In the strength of Christ. Even more than information this is a soul level war. It’s a heart activation that satanists cannot abide. They are trying to shut down this capacity. So daily prayer meditation communion earth walking tree hugging loving is the counter balance to learning. For some reason I’m called to ground in. To hold the frequency. Maybe this is because I am not able to do much physically due to illness. But it is a huge support for all out on limbs of learning and activism. I believe it. And I thank you for yours 🙏❤️

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Adding credence to your point is Archbishop Vigano who has spoken of this unified satanic action, the authorities acting and speaking with one voice throughout this covidian debacle.

I’ll add that the globalist transhumanists think they now have the technology to control humanity in a hyper centralized digital gulag, wiping out human creativity and spirit, replaced with AI. Until the electric power goes out! God’s power doesn’t go out!

But that doesn’t mean it won’t be a bumpy ride…

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Gods power doesn’t go out🙏 That is so beautifully put😊 Yes I’ve gathered there is nanotechnology is our meat and milk supplies and in the Covid bioweapons. I gathered 5G activates something… quarantine camps. Smart cities. A bumpy ride alright. Seat belts on. Blessings your way ❤️

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Are these central banking families who rule over us Satanists? I just happened to read this today, and if you scroll down, it shows a lot of hidden 666s in some familiar logos:


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A conscious contact with God will save your soul. As Jesus said in the Lord’s Prayer- Our Father. He didn’t say my Father he said our Father. Stay close to God and ask for His guidance in all your affairs. God is life, love, and truth.

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God is life love and truth. Amen. Thankyou Carlson. Stay Safe 🙏❤️

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I’m safe with the protection of God

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Study your scripture, who does Yaweh hate?

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A list of abstractions -

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First run-in with Monarch programming was in the mid 90s while in the arts and music scene. Psychic intrusion, archetypal contact experiences and 3D targetting. After getting involved with a fight against municipal corruption I was introduced to fear anchors, nlp triggers and then approached for recruitment. Some of the encounters were straight demonic like sleep paralysis, others were waking life with street theatre and gaslighting and agents dropping obvious tells to get a reaction or response. Prayer works. Self inventory, personal recovery and change of routine and bad habits are mandatory to avoid attack vectors.

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My gosh. You mean 12 step recovery. Good feedback to stay in it and practicing. This is a spiritual war. Thankyou so much for sharing. This isn’t new to you. Some of your language is very new to me. Gosh it’s a crash course 😶‍🌫️🌅

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Yes 12 step recovery. Bibliotecapleyades has an extensive chapter on mind control from a Gnostic perspective. Gnostics were persecuted by Proto-orthodox Christian communities in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Take it with a grain of salt but it explains the phenomena in better detail than modern psychology or religious dogma. I expect this was by all design.. a threat to authority... a matter of job security for the sorcerers and exorcists.. a revolving door if you will. Same stuff different millennium, lol. Leaders are apologizing for the "doctrine of discovery" and "manifest destiny" while the black nobility, military order secret societies and neoliberals/neoconservatives continue the struggle. New opportunities for centralized control, funding and influence peddling bedazzle the priestly and managerial classes. Fear anchoring was a process where visual or verbal cues were attached to traumatic or vulnerable experiences. NLP triggers involved the use of these cues in conjunction with street theatre to arouse a reaction or response sometimes years down the road. Stalking groups consisted of 3-5 people getting my attention with scripted dialogue including familiar phrases or dilemmas, places and people's names and delicate private information.. violation of boundaries. When you get into a dissociative or hypnotic state it's like being in another dimension. Removing bad habits including addictive relationships and substances and negative thinking helps to remove opportunities for them to exploit.

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So you dont pray the Rosary? She who wears the Sun and whose head is surrounded by 12 Stars and whose feet stand on the moon and was the earthly mother of Christ is not the same as hugging a tree or walking barefoot, not the same level of spiritual work at all

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Is this to me? Beloved. I do pray the rosary. My gosh the earthly mother of Christ is my Mother. Your comment urgeth me to further fortitude and commitment so Thankyou

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Well a sort of open question really - there are many tree huggers around and I still have my moments with tree’s - however waking up new Agers is ‘usually “aine good thing”’ - they can be very complacent indeed about their rectitude!

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I think it is a spiritual war for many, it just isn't for me. It's a humanitarian crisis on a scale I could never had imagined. I'm very glad the medical freedom movement has a deeply spiritual arm, it's a huge source of comfort and solidarity.

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I'm with you on this. Much as I've tried to re-embrace Christianity, I can't come to any other conclusion than that Jesus Christ is a mythological/political construct. Which means I miss out on their "comfort and solidarity" yet I can appreciate that they have that.

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Studies have shown that the faithful live longer and happier lives. I just don't believe a word of it, what I have in common with the faithful is the belief that freedom is essential, we can fight for that together, we don't need to agree on everything.

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I agree wholeheartedly!

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CS Lewis had come to a similar conclusion until his friend (one of the Inklings) told him that ‘Yes, except that the Christian stories are the only ones that give you specific time frames, specific places and the names of rulers, all of which square with history.

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Fine, but with all respect, this does not to me prove that all events woven into an historical account are, by default, real or true. Especially when the accounts are crafted decades after the alleged event.

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Apr 12, 2023Edited
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Hi James, thanks for sharing your story and I appreciate the frankness of spirit with which you did so. I did spend a year in a 'courtship' if you will with Catholicism and found the Catechism much more appealing than "Scripture" itself which yes, reads to me something like as you said, Aesop's Fables.

I have no issue with God, and I identify very well with the Holy Spirit concept. It's the Jesus part that stops me. I don't trust the whole geopolitical origins of Christianity. I don't believe it's real, even if many of the key characters were.

All said, just now I'm reading The Orthodox Way by the late Bishop, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware.

I like it and if there was an Orthodox church anywhere near me, I'd go and maybe eventually be touched by it as you have in the Catholic church.


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It was the perfect storm. There was a President that global elites did not like & they wanted him to not be re-elected. ( Trump)

There have been laws set up prior to 2019 that made most of the Covid “ theater” seem real. All upper government & officials ( FBI, DOJ, WHO, NIH, $ international agencies), were very aware of the narrative prior to 2019. Gates had a meeting , basically a run through, of pandemic protocol & direction.


Fear is an emotion that can grab citizens & cause mental confusion. This has been well studied. People look for what makes sense, when they’re afraid. Something to fill the gaps of the unknown. Our government health agencies were still trusted by the majority of people. Our government still had moderate respect from us, & other countries. We had no reason to believe this could all be a planned attack against humanity.

And churches have seen a steady decline in membership. Books in schools and movies in theaters have been steadily getting more violent & sexual. Family structure has changed with 50% or higher divorce rate & homelessness abs drug use on the rise.

Churches unfortunately, did not push back on lockdowns & closures. This was all new territory, for everyone.

Hospitals and physicians ( except very rural & private practices) are very much like the military and whatever the upper directors or boards say, goes. So, protocols, were to be followed, no questions asked. Medical journals pushed the narratives through prestigious medical college studies & trials, that had all been orchestrated and manipulated to look reliable. In other words, money in grants paid for whatever studies and trials needed to be done. Medical journals, Lancet, JAMA, etc. have been doing this for years. Most dr.s know that Big Pharma can pay for whatever trial result they need. Most regular dr.s don’t have time to do their own research & are just trying to get through a day to get back to their families.

Plus, most dr.s can’t jeopardize losing their license, job, & future pension by taking a stand against their superiors. There was a giant exodus of Dr.s & nurses that left their professions, either retiring or quitting, in 2019, 2020, 2021. Nobody reported on this of course. Many saw the corruption & unprecedented protocols that were killing patients. It’s been a rough few years for the medical community as well. They were there when our loved ones died alone without family with them. They have lived through this trauma as well & they are probably just now coming to grips with what transpired. Don’t blame ALL the dr.s & practitioners- The majority were doing the best they could with the information $ direction they were given by their superiors.

Like.. Fauci. Don’t get me started. But read “ The Real Anthony Fauci” by Kennedy. Very informative about corruption that he & Bill Gates did with vaccine experiments in Africa.

Fauci was the calming voice for the fearful citizens to believe ( even if info. changed every 5 min) And even if the info. wasn’t correct Masks, Ivermectin, etc.

( He needs to be prosecuted ASAP)

Also, the mainstream media & social media sites were corrupted by a lot of money to only share the approved narrative. Trudeau in Canada even admitted it, in a speech at a large political dinner party. It’s on YouTube.

Talking about vaccine side effects or “ conspiracy theories”, would get you suspended.

Sorry this is so long but it gives the outline of the “ wins” that came to most monetarily. Big Pharma happily paid all the little people, so they could reap the billions & billions from the shots being administered worldwide.

It’s a messy web of corruption that resulted in some getting very wealthy, some getting a little wealthy, some getting better jobs as incentives to stay quiet, some just got to keep their jobs.

We won’t ever forget this happened. It won’t be easier next time around

He needs to be prosecuted ASAP

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I absolutely see your points, but even the Reich had Unternehmen Walküre (Operation Valkyrie), essentially: things are too bad now, we can't keep doing this. Time to change course. The fact that this hasn't happened anywhere shows the people of faith that Satan/the ancient gods is/are back in a big way.

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Do you have a link, please, to the Trudeau dinner where he admitted this?

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If you can’t click on this search YouTube for : Trudeau paid off media. It looks like the videos have had to be reloaded. I initially saw it a year ago, I think. His defense is that it was taken out of context. Bologna! This is a fact- it’s so obvious anyway. We didn’t need anyone to say it out-loud. Just like corruption of FDA and CDC. We don’t need proof. It’s been painfully obvious from the beginning.

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He is acting like it’s tongue in cheek. Gross

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He is a true follower of a soulless evil. There’s not even words. 🙈 He is up there with Fauci.

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It is the reign of Esau. We should expect no less.

Esau wasn't condemned because he ate lentils. He was condemned because... well find out at christogenea.org

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It's the edomites, the enemies of our god Yaweh, descended from the fallen angels.

Versus adamaic man, specificially the israelites.

Sounds crazy but it's historic. This is the war that resulted in WW1, WW2 etc.

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Oh and one more thing.

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭18‬-‭32‬ ‭ESV‬‬


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You would be interested in the masters voice prophecy blog .com or yt this young woman has dreams from God about the judgement of Babylon {usa} and the world. warning not easy to listen to. Im catholic and love orthodoxy so this was out of my realm. but there is NO FALSEHOOD in her. her prophecies of the apocalypse are true.

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All of this has happened because we have forgotten God. https://whateveristrue.substack.com/p/men-have-forgotten-god

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I might ask for clarification: what do you mean by spiritual? The word has many different meanings & contexts.

More to the point: do you believe in evil?

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You might want to read about Paul, the last apostle, who was chosen by God via His resurrected Son, Jesus, to lead the effort to establish the Christian Church (followers of Christ 's Word; back then it was called "The Way"). Paul helped establish a Christian church in Ephesus (now northern Turkey), and at one point wrote a letter to them which subsequently became the book "Ephesians" in the New Testament. Paul understood Christ's messages and teachings more deeply than most others at the time, even though he never met Jesus before the crucifixion. Paul also understood thoroughly what Christ was teaching about evil, Satan, and Satan's "dark angels" (demons).

In Ephesians Chapter 6, verses 10 thru 18, Paul warned the brethren of the Church about "arming" themselves spiritually, and in verse 12 he specifically described exactly with what/whom we are continually in a spiritual battle (good versus evil).... "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." Remember, everything written after "flesh and blood" refers to non-human forces; i,e., "spiritual".

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This is correct but the 'catholic' church lies, it is not descended from Paul.

The 'catholic' church is really a state church started when the enemies of christ saw they couldn't kill us all. It was pagan and universalist.

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Worth remembering that Saul/Saulus/Paul was a member of King Herod's family and an agent of Rome. The teachings of the church established by Paul had a lot more to do with the political exigencies of Rome than they did with the teachings of Jesus.

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I won't comment on the non-doctrinal teachings of any particular "church" that taught anything different from Christ's doctrine that Paul himself taught - evidenced by the multiple letters he authored that were incorporated into the canonical New Testament as it currently exists. "Churches" have been corrupting the Word since Paul's day, because weak men within those churches have been frequently controlled by satanic influences intent on destroying Christ's teachings. Paul admonished and warned against those corrupting influences multiple times in his letters. As an apostle, Paul was not an agent of Rome, and frequently expressed his regret for having persecuted Christians prior to his awakening and conversion through revelation by Christ and the Holy Spirit.

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There are a lot of his writings I read that I think...I don't think that gels with Jesus...but then he was martyred so who am I to judge!

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Yep, know this. But people use this word in WIDELY differing ways.

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I think a spiritual war also can include confronting weaknesses in your life if you are not prone to take the religious teaching word for word. There is a huge amount of research that indicates that the bible has been rewritten by not so honest influences or even to look at original translations give a complete different meaning.(this is a whole separate converation) One weakness is not speaking up when you see injustice and saying 'o, I dont want to have that conversation and it's not my place.' A big weakness I have is disappointment in people that assume they know better so it gives them a right to speel their unwanted opinions. It is a spiritual battle to understand that maybe you have outgrown certain limiting relationships. This is the spiritual battle of removing old beliefs that no longer serve your development. Dont know if this makes any sense.

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This makes perfect sense to me, Donna-- I agree with the points you make here. Just prior to 2020, I had sought out a Christian church to join, to meet people more in alignment with my newly conservative worldview. But once the fake pandemic came and the churches all obediently closed their doors, I began looking into the historicity of "Jesus" and once you learn of all that, it's impossible to believe other than that it's all myth... a powerful myth to be sure. And your last two sentences (prior to "Don't know if this makes any sense") are deeply insightful. Thank you.

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Satan has been working since the Creation to undermine human beings' understanding of and faith / trust in God. Satan has apparently been successful with generating doubt within you (and many others) about God's breathed and inspired Word in the Scriptures. Wherever you believe yourself to be in your spiritual development, it is of no value to discuss with you if you do not understand that truth is absolute and does not change over time to accommodate people's changing feelings and opinions during their spiritual growth. Best of luck with your journey.

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Always have, and always will believed that there is evil plotting against us. To make it simpler this is a war of good vs evil. God-good so evil will lose.

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Ah but you can learn the who and how at christogenea.org

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Yep. There are many sites, I like this one thank you.

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Spiritual? I mean some sort of religion or belief system with it's roots in the supernatural. The faithful belief in something for which there is no evidence. Yes I believe in evil, Hitler was evil, my great grandmother shared a godfather with Herman Goering whom she described as evil, he pulled the wings off flies.

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So right there you are speaking circular nonsense. IF there is no evidence, it’s a fantasy. I would suggest that there is STRONG evidence for Biblical reality, in fact I will be writing on this exact topic.

When followers of John the Baptist came to Jesus & asked if He was the promised messiah, Christ didn’t say “take it on faith!” He pointed to EVIDENCE: blind see, lame walk, lepers are cleansed, etc (Matt 11:2-6).

The idea of “belief without reason” is antithetical to Biblical truth.

You give examples of things you believe are evil, but what is the standard? What is the measuring stick?

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I see no biblical evidence, and see no need to argue the point, I find it sufficient that there are a meeting of many minds who find goodness and morality by many different paths. Measuring stick? I studied law as a degree and find a well thought out legal argument 500 years before the birth of Christ with a totally different panel of jurors a better standard than that presented to us by our unelected Uberlords - The WEF...

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“Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis addresses this very well. The subject of evil & sin. It will all someday be judged by Jesus. Meanwhile, our gov. laws contain illegal actions that can be prosecuted & most would define as evil.

Faith is the belief without seeing. Science, ironically, shares this view in the hypothesis theory. There are many similarities between religion and science. I read a book written by a physicist called “ Believing is Seeing.” Very well written. ( by Guillen)

I have seen miracles. It’s not religion, it’s about a relationship with God. It’s above any understanding but it doesn’t feel like supernatural. Except for the love. His loves us in a way that’s crazy supernatural. Katerina, I hope you read Mere Christianity. It’s not preachy, or full of rules. He was an atheist. Very logical & respectful of the reader, if that makes sense. Take care.

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I agree. Once one reads up on the actual historical genesis of "Christianity" one can't not know countless inconvenient truths that reveal it as pure politically-aimed mythology. And I have to say, it's the arrogance of such Christians as these remarks from "Old Doc" that has me convinced that for many such followers (not all) it qualifies as a cult.

I love my Christian friends dearly; I just can't join them in their faith.

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Was hitler evil, or good?

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It depends who is asking. If you’re Satan, then he would be good.

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Read the story of RONALD BERNARD former BIS who refused to sacrifice a child and had a NDE. He said they are satanists and want to turn ppl into slaves BATTERIES trap them here forever w out free will. this was from interview yrs ago source jerrywdavis.com article on BIS operation ice breaker. also nicholson1968 . com or yt showed this exact agenda before covid.

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Yes, I sentimentally agree. I think there are 3 things I can say (among others):

1. There's a spiritual war going on.

2. Humans are too easily (and sometimes even willingly) deceived.

3. I think people know that there's evil in the world, but I don't think they know just how deceptive, subtle, immersive, and corruptive that evil is.

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The greatest trick ever pulled was convincing the world the devil does not exist...and wow, did we fall for it. We live in a supernatural world and we've been conditioned NOT to see it. Also, to your 2nd point, absolutely. We wouldn't be in this mess if we hadn't willingly bent the knee and participated. That is literally a part of the contract with the darkness. Willing participants!

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Yes, most cannot get their heads wrapped around the depths of evil. They have been seduced by images and nice words.

In CS Lewis’ “Screwtape Letters” (Letters from a Senior Devil to a Junior Devil), the senior devil stated that the devil’s most skillful manipulation was to tempt mankind to believe there are no devils and there is no hell.

I think many believe in a heaven of sorts where we’ll be greeted by Granny, Gramps, Aunt Mathilda, and Spot our beloved doggie. Then we’ll play golf and have gourmet meals. Alas, no one has told them that heaven is where we are in perfect union with the will of God, and in that we will know perfect happiness - and further, that union starts here on earth.

I would add my #4 to D.K. Flynn’s list:

4. Katherine is absolutely correct when she tells us to pray the rosary. It is powerful. One priest said that the reason the rosary can be difficult to pray is that every Hail Mary is a bomb going off in hell. Mary is the Mother of Jesus. She is always his mommy and we give her the same honours we would give to the beloved mother of a good friend. BTW, we Catholics do NOT worship Mary. We ask her to pray for us just as we ask each other to pray for us.

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And thanks to Katherine for boldly sharing this.

And for the old interviews between Fr. Martin and Art Bell. Malachi Martin was a prophet reading the signs of the times. This is evident in his last novel Windswept House c 1995.

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Jesus himself intercedes for us and Mary.....

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I need to read Screwtape again

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C.S. Lewis was a good teacher of the tactics of evil, but he did not understand the genaolgy of evil.

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Why would I focus on where I’m not going? How does the genealogy help me to get where I’m going? I don’t think it does except to acknowledge there’s a history of evil. I’d rather focus on God, the Bible & love for others. CS Lewis was a former atheist & very good at debating his close friends about his views. I wouldn’t at all be surprised, if he was aware of the history of evil.

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I completely agree.

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Could that be likened to the blue-pill vs red-pill explanation?

With the blue-pill being the make believe view of the world created & fostered by the bad guys (but were it not for the good ppl of the world, the blue-pill view couldn’t survive)

vs the real true reality of pure evil underneath it all?

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Yes, I think that's a good metaphor.

I believe that wilful ignorance is a choice, particularly when people choose not to be truth-seekers.

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I do not share your specifically Catholic views but I do believe the Bible which tells us Satan/Lucifer/the devil is real and he and the other fallen angels are running wild in this world.

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better kill everything that's wild

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I believe that there definitely is a spiritual component to all this and that they do believe we are useless eaters based upon their religion. What aligns all these groups who hold power, not just in banking but policy making, and high ranking beaurocrats etc. is belonging to an ancient mystery school. If you study their writing in old books they will tell you of their plan. I have an unabridged copy of the Report from the Club of Rome. They were planning this all then. About 30 years ago Bill Cooper nailed it like no one else through his radio show and lectures. After my own research, I concur.

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How long have they been planning this? The Federal Reserve was setup in 1913 while everyone was on Christmas holiday. That sure was sneaky. Wonder why??? In 1912 the Federation of State Medical Boards was set up to have control of all the medical professionals. It’s conceivable they knew through medicine, pharma, advancing technology, science that they would one day fulfull their ultimate dream, to have control over humanity in most ways.

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Lots of evil working in various times & places. How much is coordinated is hard to sort out, but it is everywhere. We have to realize that to a greater or lesser extent, most people are enemies of God. Even in ancient Israel, as God’s chosen before exile, see what the prophets went through. Elijah was despondent at what he saw, and feeling very much alone God did tell him that He had 7000 ‘who did not bend the knee to Baal’. He always has His remnant, and He will preserve us as He sees fit.

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I think the plot to take over the world goes back at least to the 1600s--Check out the video "New World Order bankers and the American Revolution, on John Titus' youtube channel Best Evidence. He goes over the work of monetary historian, Alexander Del Mar (from the late 1800s) who writes about the bankers in England in the 1600s and how they were trying to get the money power from the King.

But there's always been a battle over who has control over the currency--if you watch Bill Still's The Money Masters on youtube- he goes over the entire history, all the way back to Rome and Julius Ceasar- he was actually a populist, who took back the money power and then got assassinated (Professor Michael Parenti in his lecture The Assassination of Julius Ceasar also says the same thing). But whether there was a plot to take over the world back then, I'm not sure.

But definitely by the 1700s--it was even written about. There's a book by John Robison, "Proofs of a Conspiracy" against all governments and religions that was first published in 1798. And if you go to Henrymakow.com, and scroll down, on the left hand side there's a bunch of audios by an Irish priest and he takes it back to the 1700s. (there are lots of books and audios out there from decades ago, where people were trying to warn us, like Myron Fagen from 1967 and William Guy Carr- Pawns in the Game)

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Sandra, I'm aware of Bill Stills and The Money Master's, it's very informative and well done.

A number of the other sources you shared I was not aware of and I thank you for sharing those.

I too have finally been able to conceive that this plan has been in the making for centuries. Most of the populace is unable to even look at "the long game" as it's sometimes referred to. We've been programmed to think only in short segments of time by design. So many today suffer from what I've coined as "Facebook brain 🧠" and if I try to relate to them in terms of centuries in the making it's impossible to even communicate with them.

Short term thinking is where the controllers want to keep us. Fear and more fear is their most effective tool.

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Hi Mark-Agree- Bill Still did an excellent job with that one. He also made another documentary that was focused on solutions, The Secrets of Oz. I've actually been awake to this plot since about 2009, so I've had time to look into it. Here are a few more sources of info:

Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind - Stephen Mitford Goodson https://archive.org/details/a-history-of-central-banking-and-the-enslavement-of-mankind-pdfdrive/page/n9/mode/2up (there's an audio of this on the earthnewspaper bitchute channel)

John Coleman The Rothschild Dynasty https://archive.org/details/coleman-john-the-rothschild-dynasty/page/199/mode/2up (his research seems accurate in terms of timing because on last page, he predicts the world will be plunged into a brutal one world government dictatorship by 2025) Coleman also wrote the Committee of 300, and there's a video online of him talking about that book.

And if you go to this site https://plutocracycartel.net/ and scroll past the lists, there are lots of quotes and book excerpts that go over the plot.

And a couple more videos on the bankers are Mike Rivero's All Wars are Bankers Wars, and Money as Debt.

I agree with you on short term thinking and fear. But I also think our biggest problem is that we don't know true history--we have been taught victor's history, propaganda and lies, which makes it harder to figure out what's really going on. But when you learn the real history, then everything makes sense.

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Sandra, thanks for the additional information and links. I'm aware of the Committee of 300 but have not spent time yet but I will.

I concur about true history not being taught to us all. As you stated his-story is written by the winners. And the tell-lie-vision keeps the narratives going.

Once again thanks for the info and conversation.

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Bill Still was 100% wrong: he advocates State printing of money.

Hard money is the only fair money. Money you can't create out of nothing.

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This particular arm of History goes back to BEFORE the birth of Jesus.

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Yes, I think its been much longer than early 1900’s. Wouldn’t doubt if started back in early AD. Remember how mad Jesus got about the temple? Perhaps he “chose them” which a few of them used that to exploit the world with the intention of eventually taking over or ???

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Before Christ (BC) is in the records

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Since the time of the book of Enoch and likely well before.

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BC History repeats itself, until we get it right.

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It’s important to note that all agencies are controlled by same families and corps. And still are👍

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"The Devil and Karl Marx," published in 2020, indicates that Marx was possessed by the Devil , and that the Marxists planned to infiltrate all higher institutions, including the catholic Church -- and Marx began working in the 1800s. So i's been going on at last that long. Apparently, somewhere in the Bible (?) it says that there will be peace for 1,000 years, and then the Devil will be loosed upon the Earth again for a short while. I'd love to know if this current period is that "short while"!

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You're on the right track Sharon. Federal Reserve, Theft of Gold in 1932. Declaration of War in 1932.

You can go back further, but right there you can see satan, the antichrist.

It's not a thing, it's a people.

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Am now looking up Bill Cooper... someone on YouTube has posted lots on his behalf (under his name).

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Yep, the original truth martyr

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The book, “Rise of the New World Order, the Culling of Man,” made it all clear for me. I agree - they sold their souls - Satan, demons and demonic influences are among us.

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The demonic is the only explanation that fits with what we’re seeing. Satan doesn’t care about those in his thrall, any more than he cares about the rest of us. He hates God’s creation, every bit of it. That’s why the green energy solutions are so damaging to the earth, to the beasts, and to us. He doesn’t care if productive people are killed because ultimately he wants everyone dead and the earth destroyed. The billionaires believe they are in control, but that is part of Satan’s deception. They believe that the 500 million or so people left alive will be enough to serve their needs. It’s deception operating all the way to the top.

Anyone who hasn’t read That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis should do so. It’s a small scale representation of the utter destruction Satan and his minions are trying to achieve.

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The world collapses, the population has been reduced to 500M. Nothing works. Because there is no supply chain. No one area can produce the modern world, so it ceases to exist. We revert to tribalism. Who rules? Which person or persons rule the others in those circumstances? How well does Moob Man, Bill Gates, do? Or Yuval Harari, Klaus Schwab, Jacinda Ahearn? Justin has some physical power but his deviancy would make him a threat. He would be taken out. The Trans ‘women’? What use would they be? Clearly the bad guys aren’t being led by rational actors.

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That’s my point. Nothing about this is rational. That’s why the demonic explanation makes so much sense. The point is destruction—of families, of community, of normal sexuality, of food, of energy, of supply chains, of nature, of people. The Gates and Schwab contingent are as deceived as almost everyone else. Sure, they may have their bunkers and unadulterated food supplies and secret sources of energy, but they will not escape, even waiting it out in spaceships. That’s what the book of Revelation makes clear. Satan wants us to believe that we’re doomed and there’s no way out, but he is the father of lies. When you try to completely remove the spiritual dimension of this battle, nothing makes sense.

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One thing missing in this scenario is what we don't know about what they're hiding, and more specifically the secret technologies that the cabal has acquired over decades, especially energy production technologies that make current energy sources look ridiculous. They already have ways to grow food underground, and with unlimited energy they could feed a selected group of people in secure bunkers while unrest, chaos, natural catastrophes, pollution and hunger are all that's left on earth.

The scenario you describe is unraveling as we speak, but they've planned for it i'm sure and only care about their survival post-collapse, otherwise they wouldn't have locked the world down and deployed these lethal injections.

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Have you watched the cable series “The 100”? The plot line will blow your mind. Predictive programming? Not sure but involves chips in brain, nuclear war, living underground, using other people’s blood, hanging out in space while the earth heals.

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I haven't yet, thanks for mentioning it, will definitely try to watch it.

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It really was quite prophetic, wasn’t it! Lewis had some fascinating ideas in his space trilogy, but not many have read them compared to Narnia. “Til We Have Faces” is also an excellent read.

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Yes, Till We Have Faces is wonderful. And how about The Abolition of Man? George Orwell gets all the credit, but Lewis foresaw so much.

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Just downloaded that, thanks!

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love it, but C.S. Lewis didn't understand the ethnic component to christianity. Who white people are.

We are the only sons of adam. Suddenly the bible makes sense.

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Thanks, I will! I love C.S. Lewis!

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Even if one is not religiously oriented ,on the grounds of morality ,Katherine's argument makes perfect sense. Many have been captured into the me,myself and I syndrome and forget or do not know that humanity is one .One entity ,the creation of the one true God and there is no argument to be had with anyone that considers him/herself to be an atheist . Hope and pray for the light to disperse the darkness with the spirit of Christ .

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When I realized the satanic involvement from the very beginning of Covid in August of 2021, all the pieces fell into place. I tell you, it was shocking and I spent many a sleepless night realizing I may certainly be alive during “The Last Days”. It propelled me back into the arms of God and my Savior--our only hope.

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Would you be interested in knowing that the receptor binding domain was engineered to be least dangerous to those with the k26r variant of the ACE2 receptor?

That means edomite jews are immune to covid.

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A lot of me, myself, and I but also a push to focus on our differences (race, gender, religion or lack there of) instead of focusing on that which unites us (God and freedom).

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Except the argument that God doesn’t believe in atheists.

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Indeed! I enjoy asking those folks how they define evil? Interesting answers come forth!

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I’m not Catholic but I am a fellow sister in Christ:) Katherine I just found your work and I am loving it!

You are spot on about the spiritual component.

The spiritual and occult have a process and ceremony and in their hubris they do hope to outsmart God and make His word fail... they also want to drag his beloved creation ( us humans made in His image) tormented and broken genetically altered into hell because it gives them pleasure, spiritual dark power, and it hurts Gods heart like any parents heart hurts to see their children hurt, deceived, or suffering. The battle between good and evil has multiple fronts and is more like chess than checkers( Psalm2, Revelations, Daniel etc) and God wins but it’s His sovereign timing and purpose.

The five pillars of the armies of darkness approach is depopulation, transfer of wealth, control, transhumanism ( important Gensis 6:1 days of Noah) and Anti God of the Bible (Antichrist anti God of the Bible agenda) in service to their contractual relationship to their master and father satan or other competing dark ones.. the elite have been so possessed, experienced so much satanic rituals abuse from a young age, that they are twisted and broken, and altered physically and spiritually that they too have a hatred for all Gods beloved children and creation, they hate us with such disdain and hate God even more.

The level of evil is hard for regular folks unaware of the deception and war to wrap their minds around... and to do so means there is a God, that almost everything one believes was a lie, that there is absolute truth and that you must accept and draw near to your Lord and Savior if you are to survive. The implications of seeing what is really happening, the war between good and evil... has no less than eternal life or damnation at stake.

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Beautifully stated. This is the dilemma facing our pragmatic friends.

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That last paragraph: wow, yes. Thank you.

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You seem like someone I've seen on YouTube. Do you have your own channel?

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No Ma’am I just speak locally in my community and never film it:) Same with all the medical underground railroads..

More of a stealth Patriot RN🙏😊

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I believe that hell exists and I have been there, it is all around us, and the lockdown was intending to bring us all there, to solitary isolation.

Close enough to hell, jail is a place some belong, but not usually the ones who are actually there.

Whereas some ought to be placed where they do no harm, with their money and Arrogance....rather than on the media screens.

If this is a spiritual war, that explains the UKraine attack upon churches, as an attack upon God....

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Yes. Ukraine govt is a cesspool of corruption. The neocons think nothing of sacrificing Ukrainian (250k already) for their mad goal of war with Russia. The US DOD is sick and in control of neocons from both sides of the aisle who have always had an insatiable war lust.

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Funny Ukraine is called 'New Khazaria' by the mafia that took it over in 2014.

Funny also Victoria Nuland is a khazar who engineered the coup[.

Funny also Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak who made sars-cov-2 are ukranian jews.

Funny funny funny.

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Any link/ proof to the first claim? Tx

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It does not make since to hurt people who help create wealth, like the working class and the middle class. When you hurt those people it hurts government revenues and the wealthy class. Nothing good comes from it. The government does not have the ability to create wealth, which seems to be lost on some people.

I agree that this is a spiritual war. The evil overcomes traditional as well as business logic which hurts us all. Some people do not get the correlation that evil twists logic to meet it's own end. Making logic irrelevant. We have to recognize evil when we see it, to understand it. The golden rule should be followed at every level of a healthy society. This is not complicated.

The evil ones create hatred, envy, division, distrust, misery, and violence..... Know them by their actions, trust in God not men.

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And chaos. Malachi Martin said, I think, that chaos trails in their wake...the demonic...

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Agreed, forgot that one.

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Katherine, people can argue with themselves and others about evil...does it exist...but I do not see how they can continue to fool themselves that it is just humans doing this. You make exceptionally good points...why would you kill the productive, good people who contribute to the richness, and leave the unproductive...because although they would be easy to put in a room and give Universal basic income to, I doubt they would make good slaves even.

So there HAS to be a bigger goal behind this...and the separation of souls from God seems to me to be the supreme aim of all of this.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They ultimately make the most sense of all.

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Very well said!

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Astrid Stuckerberger is a WHO whistleblower and is on various podcasts warning about what the WHO has become. She was just on a podcast where she said people were handing her vials and it made her really uncomfortable so she gave it to some priests. They told her that there is something in the vials "to extinguish the soul". They also said that once people have the shots, they are often totally disconnected from their faith and have a very hard time coming back.

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After going to Catholic grade school in the 60's and becoming older HONESTLY wirh all the pedophilia in the Catholic church it surprises me when people are still attached to it. Most recently the news out of the Baltimore diocese. How can you believe in an organized church or even listen to them with all that is going on? I do have Catholic family and they never want to talk about priest abuse. Sweep it under the rug. Amazes me. But then again my Cathoilic brother supports abortion.

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The Catholic faith is separate from the Catholic priests who have sullied her name.

Bella Dodd was a Communist operative in the 30s and 40s. Think of her as a female Whitaker Chambers. She disclosed that infiltration of the RCC was underway. Can you think of a group of men who would forego marriage and become priests in order to undermine the Catholic Church? The overwhelming number of sex with minors occurs with post-pubescent boys.

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The Church is undergoing Her Passion, just as Christ suffered His Passion. We have many Judas's among us, but the Church is still the spotless Bride of Christ. We must stand by Her in Her suffering, as the Blessed Virgin and St. John did with Jesus.

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Yes, indeed.

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So, you really think Mary stayed a virgin? That she never had other children?

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She never had other children. Her spouse was the Holy Spirit. Her womb belonged to God. Does the priest use the sacred vessels on the altar for ordinary dinnerware?

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PC, thank you for your replies. Mary is the Arc of the New Covenant. Why our "separated brethren" don't see fit to honor her is beyond me, they have accepted lies from hell. They believe the land Jesus walked on was holy, but cannot accept how much more so is the womb that bore him.

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The gospels indicate He had brothers, therefore Mary did not remain a virgin. That's just weird Catholic doctrine.

While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him. - Matthew 12:46 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew12:46&version=KJV

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The word 'brother' in Aramaic refers to many different relatives. “The word did not simply mean ‘blood brother,’ and you will find in the book of Tobit a variety of broader meanings: ‘compatriot,’ ‘kinsman,’ ‘relative,’ ... The young Tobias even calls the angel Raphael (in disguise), ‘Brother Azariah’ (Tob. 6:7, extant in Aramaic). By that he certainly did not mean ‘blood brother.’” (Fr. Joseph Fitzmyer, S.J.) To say Mary did not remain a Virgin is heresy. If Jesus had brothers, then why (while He was on the cross) did he tell John "behold your Mother" and then tell the Blessed Mother "behold your son"? Then after that, it says John took Mary into his home. Jewish custom would dictate that one of Mary's "sons" you claim she had would take her into his home.

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Good point. I hadn't thought of it that way.

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If you don't care for Catholicism, the Orthodox Christian churches are here to welcome you.

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You 'orthodox' are also wrong. You do not follow the true teachings of christ.

You also believe in universalism. That any biped can become christian. It is not true.

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I get what you’re saying. Not speaking of just Catholic but Religion, any religion, is made by men. The church, the rules, etc. The Bible & God, is about a relationship. Men are fallible & will sin. But don’t let that be the reason you leave or turn from God. That’s not God. That’s free-will & that’s why Jesus bled on the cross. Read Mere Christianity. By C.S.Lewis It’s my most favorite book and it answered so much for me. Jesus was perfect. We are not That’s the beauty in it . Love without deserving it. And we can’t EARN it, it’s a gift HE loves you so much.

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Catholics are not catholic.

'Catholic' originally meant believing the old testament and the new teachings of Christ. There is no contradiction. You can understand it at christogenea.org.

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Many thanks for bringing forward this tricky and much misunderstood subject, Katherine. It is difficult for good, healthy humans to understand the evil which humanity faces. As J Edgar Hoover put it, "The individual comes face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent." We need to recognize and address the fact that an inter-dimensional war is being waged against humanity by a deeply dark, cold, calculating, anti-human evil. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12).

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Beautifully stated.

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Thanks and blessings.

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You just described the children of satan. The reign of esau. And the people with the J in front of their name.

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I am neither Catholic or Protestant, never belonged to any religious denomination. I follow The Word of God as it was written in the Original Languages. "The Literate place" of eternal torment called Hell is not found in original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, just like the words "eternal' and "forever and ever" Don't shoot the messenger, research interlinear texts and literal translations. Latin translations are corrupt so is the King James.

Yes it is a Spiritual battle. We are at the very end of this evil eon.

SATANIC Mass Sacrifice. Are you AWAKE yet? Our battle is SPIRITUAL


Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction: The US Department of State Requesting Documents Pertaining to the Buried NEPHILIM


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I am a Believer in Jesus but am unfamiliar with your position and research pertaining to God's Word. Can you point me to something that gives an overview of these translation issues you mention? Thank you.

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Thank you so much.

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she missed the only correct one: christogenea.org

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I missed nothing, William Finck's cult is another perversion of the Scriptures. just like 99.9999% of modern Christianity with all the different denominations and cults .

For the era will be when they will not tolerate sound teaching, but, their hearing being tickled, they will heap up for themselves teachers in accord with their own desires, and, indeed, they will be turning their hearing away from the truth, yet will be turned aside to myths. - 2 Timothy 4:3

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Have you heard of or listened to the podcast by David Artman, called Grace Saves All? I've been digging into the resources you listed among others. I wish there was a way to direct message you. Thank you again for taking time to share this information. I have been a Believer for 30+ years, and have certainly been exposed to teaching that tears down universalism as false. I have never heard or seen this information before and I am fascinated by it so far.

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I suggest reading anything by Frank Hammond, especially the book entitled “Pigs In The Parlor”. He explains these things in a non-religious, non-denominational manner.

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“I can't see any advantage for either WEF or Bankers to randomly and deliberately kill or weaken millions of American people” is the question the writer asks. The answer is biblical in that Lucifer wants power over life and death. That is why abortion is so heinous and to believers. It seems nonsensical till you understand that the power over life and death IS the ultimate power. Transsexualism is a reflection of that desire to control life.

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The baphomet is also portrayed as transssexual. All of their symbols and totems are so obvious if you know.

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Power and control, but also worship. He wants to take the worship we have for The Creator, and direct it towards himself. Steal (take worship), kill (take life), destroy (take order). The word deceive comes from the Latin words "take from," so the warning from Messiah, "Do not be deceived," equals "do not be taken from."

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NO trannies are excplicitly called for in the jewish talmud. The jews are pushing this.

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Do you have a citation that the talmud is pro-trans?

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Pray the Rosary.

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