"I want to devote more time to litigation and prosecution prep, while sticking with the historical research and writing about the 1861-1969 period, which means I’ll have less time available for following comment threads and responding to comments individually."


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I just read this blog, where an Ohio judge obviously lowers sentence if the prisoners agree to being injected with the covid jabs. I hope it is not true. But god knows it might be!

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Sure it is. Prisoners could always get their sentences reduced by agreeing to be guinea pigs in pharma experimentation.

They shot black prisoners up with syphilis for years in a prison in the south, and never gave 'em any counter...they were tracking the ""progression" of the disease.

Tuscokee experimetn, I believe that one's called.

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They did this with black US Airmen.

Filthy officers who allowed this. You're supposed to protect your men

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The military is a killing institution, no matter how you dress it up.

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There are just wars. There have been honorable soldiers. Often citizen soldiers. Link in 5

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yes I read about that. This is now, though. History seems to repeat itself over and over again.

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If we do not learn from it

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And obviously, we haven't.

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I absolutely remember one judge "offering" this to a minor criminal.

Its Nuremberg code violation.

Another judge coerced via child custody.

These are animals

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"Chickens are decent people". George Carlin

Animals don't do these things to one another

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@ Laughing Waters

Are you kidding me? You've never heard the term "pecking order"? It's exactly as it sounds. Chickens will peck the lowest chicken in their social order - sometimes to death.

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True. Some primates are truly vicious, also. I stand corrected.

But, with animals it's all individual or pack action. They don't create systems to go after things in quite the same way.

In any case, most of them don't treat us as we treat them.

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Only because they don't have thumbs.

Pack action IS the system.

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Well, yeah, chickens aren't a great example to use here. They will sense weakness or injury in one and the rest will literally peck it to death and then eat the bloody carcass. They can be quite savage (and cannabilistic).

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Yes... vicious animals. Unfortunately, if people do not know the law or how to verify, this is what happens. Common Law was removed from school curriculum almost completely by the 50's. This was all part of the dumb down process. That judge, at that moment, on record, is committing extortion. The judge could be called out as a man for the action in that moment and a notice served and a new case filed to press claim for trespass on that man who sometimes acts as judge.

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Legal definition is coercion and extortion. In this example, acceptance is given due to the coercion for opportunity of the reduced sentence. Below is an excerpt from Black's Law Dictionary - 4th Edition: EXTORTION. obtaining of property from another, with his consent, induced by wrongful use of force or fear, or under color of official right. And see State v. Logan, 104 La. 760, 29 So. 336; In re Rempfer, 51 S.D. 393, 216 N.W. 355, 359, 55 A.L.R. 1346; Lee v. State, 16 Ariz. 291, 145 P. 244, 246, Ann.Cas.1917B, 131. Taking or obtaining of anything from another by means of illegal compulsion or oppressive exaction, Daniels v. U. S., C.C.A.Cal., 17 F.2d 339, 342; whether by an officer or otherwise, United States v. Dunkley, D.C.Cal., 235 F. 1000, 1001. Unlawful taking by any officer, by color of his office, of any money or thing of value that is not due to him, or more than is due, or before it is due, 4 Bla.Comm. 141; Com. v. Saulsbury, 152 Pa. 554, 25 A. 610; 1 Russ.Cr.* 144; 2 Bish.Cr.L. 390; U. S. v. Deaver, D.C.N.C., 14 F. 595; Bush v. State, 19 Ariz. 195, 168 P. 508, 509. Wrongful exaction of money or other valuable thing, either by compulsion, actual force, or by force of motives applied at will, Commonwealth v. Donoghue, 250 Ky. 343, 63 S.W.2d 3, 89 A.L.R. 819.

In this case it is a valuable thing to get a reduced sentence (property by way of time and rights returned before due/thing of value) through coercive acts by another by color of office or compulsion. the judge can be held criminally accountable if harm befalls the subject of the extortion.

By the way, plea deals are extortion under the color of law. So are threats of litigation for payment for an unproven accusation. Trespass by way of extortion.

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"if harm befalls the subject of the extortion" Needn't actually come to pass. It's still gambling. As I recall, lottery tickets have been offered for getting jabbed. ISKCON specifically requires devotees not gamble, and many other religions advise the same, though not as forcefully. It's also widely legally viewed as a vice.

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Absolutely gr post

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As an immigrant, I was absolutely horrified to learn of the "plea bargain" system, where people are deprived of their day in court through fear tactics - people who might be innocent, or justified in their actions, or have mitigating circumstances, and who in any case have a right to a proper trial, and a right to be heard by a court and by the public.

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@ Ingrid


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you would think we have learned from the past. it seems to get even worse. I was shocked reading this. We are almost 100 years further but same old.

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I wholeheartedly agree to make govt officials respond in court, regardless of their so called immunity status. Del Bigtree's attorney, Aaron Siri on the Highwire, has done outstanding work in this. Yes, make the medical dictators at CDC, FDA, NIH etc. etc. respond to questioning in court, with at least pains of perjury. I like it.

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I would recommend another course of action: be involved in a group of like-minded people: co-religionists, neighborhood group, etc.

We stand no chance if we're all standing alone. Predators always target the isolated, injured, or young first.

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As you note, never cut off or minimize ways of prosecuting the offending parties.

Discovery and testimony can provide leverage and actions that are not always seen immediately.

Go to work! And God Bless Your Efforts!

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"...force them to make their horrific defense arguments". Amen. This must be done.

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And not "in chamber".

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On public tv like the Jan. 6 hearings/circus.

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How do we force our state to investigate the shots as bioweapons with an intent to have them declared as such? Is there a way to file a class action to force it? We all have standing of harm, either from the injection or the discrimination if we chose not to take it. Surely there is something we can do besides scream.

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Good question. I'm sure most states have the same legislation about bioweapons on their books like Florida does. I'd love to see Texas join in.

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Katherine...it's won't be easy to dig up, for sure, but for sure COG is at the back of all . There is no more federal govt, other than as a puppet.

COG trumps all. Maybe that's why they put Trump/Drumph in.

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COG = Continuity of Government.

National Security Presidential Directive 51 is a good place to start for readers interested in digging further.


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Daniel LIzst of Dark Journalist has done a lot of digging on COG. A good resource.

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Dark Journalist has done many programs, some at the beginning of 2020, on COG.

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Heehee...at the same time!!

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Like minds as they say...

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I was raised Catholic. Twelve years of catholic schooling. We got a great education. For eight years, in both French and English, half a day of each. They weren't working for the state.

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If Desantis doesn't take this lifeline, that what Tierney writes is correct...the Repubs will push for DeSantis because he is financed by big rino capital.

Trump needs to start talking about the damage from the vax...use the football player to say enough.

Can someone get to Trump with this? He should tell De santis what to do.

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Unless Trump's a player, too. It's looking more and more like that.

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Great points as always. I have heard similar things about cell phones before. I wonder, are they any worse than a computer? Of course they track your movements but I’m curious what more insidious things are in play currently.

I know in Australia they were weaponized: during lockdown when they sent you a message you had 5 minutes to take a selfie of yourself at home, or else. That hasn’t happened here - yet.

Thanks 🙏

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Yes. If on a tower network they know nearly your exact location, whereas websites make all sorts of wild guesses as to my computer's location.

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You can do that while walking about on data?

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I noticed years ago that cell phones get the major share of wifi networks. Whenever I was in a cafe on my computer, if more than one person came in with a cell phone...and the crappers are always on...I could ..in the words of Suzy Creamcheese..."FERGETIT!!"

If they planned on attacking folks cells that way, isn't that what they'd do?

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Thank you for discussing what needs to be done. HOW do we accomplish that? Should we explore several options? Several options are being explored on this Substack. I am doing my best to examine all options and choose the best ones. If this approach is flawed or if somebody can do better, please do, and share with us. Or maybe visit my attempts below and offer constructive criticisms and/or your own attempts somewhere else? So far it is mainly just me? What else is there to do?

Overall Situation:

Solution Seeking Introduction - Please Start Here


An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems


My Current Best Guess At The Best Way To Solve The World's Major Problems


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By the way, Katherine...have I shared this here yet? Worth posting again and again, as I have since early 2020.

" You know that there is an extremely interesting body of literature

in which the plague appears as the moment of panic and confusion

in which individuals, threatened by visitations of death, abandon their

identities, throw off their masks, forget their status, and abandon

themselves to the great debauchery of those who know they are going

to die. There is a literature of plague that is a literature of the de-

composition of individuality; a kind of orgiastic dream m which

plague is the moment when individuals come apart and when the law

is forgotten. As soon as plague breaks out, the town s forms of law-

fulness disappear. Plague overcomes the law just as it overcomes the

body. Such, at least, is the literary dream of the plague.15 But you can

see that there was another dream of the plague: a political dream in

which the plague is rather the marvelous moment when political

power is exercised to the full. Plague is the moment when the spatial

partitioning and subdivision (quadrillage) of a population is taken to

its extreme point, where dangerous communications, disorderly com-

munities, and forbidden contacts can no longer appear. The moment

of the plague is one of an exhaustive sectioning (quadrillage) of the

population by political power, the capillary ramifications of which

constantly reach the grain of individuals themselves, their time, hab-

itat, localization, and bodies. Perhaps plague brings with it the literary

or theatrical dream of the great orgiastic moment. But plague also

brings the political dream of an exhaustive, unobstructed power that

is completely transparent to its object and exercised to the full. You

can see that there is a connection between the dream of a military

society and the dream of a plague-stricken society,"

Michel Foucault, "Abnormal", Lectures at The College de France, 1974-75, pg. 47

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This is quite good because it does not require a state authority to prove that anyone had intent to create a bioweapon or intentionally release it. Knowingly distributing the bioweapon is sufficient for a capital offense.

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Had a friend in San Francisco decades ago by the name of Duchess.

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Thank you Katherine. As always, your work at uncovering this and putting all the pieces together, explaining it all in simple layman's terms, is very much appreciated. I'm praying that 50 yrs from now, your name will be in our descendants' history books, or at least a book about you will be written - "How Katherine Watt Helped Save America and the World. God bless you!

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Written when the left was saying Trump was the dictator-wannabe in 2019.:

Would You Stand Up to an Authoritarian Regime or Conform? Here's The Science

ScienceAlert, October 11, 2019


"A small number of us, however, would rebel – but not primarily, I suspect, based on differences in individual moral character. Rebels, too, need to harness the logic of appropriateness – they need to find different norms and ideals, shared with fellow members of the resistance, or inspired by history or literature. Breaking out of one set of norms requires that we have an available alternative.

That said, some people may have more naturally non-conformist personalities than others, at least in periods of their lives. Whether such rebels are successful in breaking out, however, may partly depend on how convincingly they can justify to themselves, and defend to others, that we don't want to conform.

If so, we would expect a tendency to adopt non-standard norms to be linked to verbal ability and perhaps general intelligence in individuals who actually rebel, which there's some evidence to support.

How we react to unfairness may also affect our propensity to rebel. One study found that people who are risk averse and easily trust others are less likely to react strongly to unfairness. While not proven in the study, it may make such individuals more likely to conform.

Another factor is social circumstances. The upper and middle classes in Germany during the 1920s-1940s were almost twice as likely to join the Nazi party than those with lower social status.

So it may be that those who have the most to lose and/or are keen to climb the social ladder are particularly likely to conform. And, of course, if other members of your social circle are conforming, you may think it's the "appropriate" thing to do.

Few will fight Gilead after carefully weighing up the consequences – after all, the most likely outcome is failure and obliteration. What drives forward fights against an oppressive society is a rival vision – a vision of equality, liberty and justice, and a sense that these should be defended, whatever the consequences."

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Thanks for all the quality research you provide! Regarding your filing please see David Martin's website prosecutenow.io



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