This is really important - pinpoint and identify the Congresscritters who are voted for this. Don't care if

they understood or not....it is time we harness the power of Tecnology to spread the word to every American Voter......Who did this? Who supported this? And make them accountable to the people they ostensibly represent. Let them go back to their home districts...we can swamp them by mail and email and at every damn fundraiser. What are you gonna do to reverse this, we need to ask them.

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Fantastic project! I think it would be really good to include a column on how much they got from lobbyists who benefit from their votes. I think the actual $ is a public record, although I'm sure they get many other perks that are not on record. Or maybe that has to be another spreadsheet, Following the Money.

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Excellent suggestion! Although, in many cases, it would need to be multiple columns to indicate which of many special interests groups they are representing.

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Thank you for this heroic and much needed effort! Also, thank you for keeping your content accessible to all readers. Your contributions are invaluable and genuinely appreciated.

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Great work!

Historically true that a few despots could NEVER have accomplished atrocities without minions participation.

Those who complied with tyranny are equally guilty if not more so. Without them, tyrants would NOT succeed!

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So glad you have people to help you pull this together. My hats off to you and your team for all the amazing work you do.

Do you need cup of coffee support? Do you have one?

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Trump will get the news out there

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I love all of this. We the people aren’t holding our reps accountable. Mostly due to laziness but also lack of real data to make decisions. We need AI to create useful data based on our constitutional values. Any IT folks have any ideas? There has to be companies that can help using the latest technology?

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The entry points for all of this corruption are all of the unconstitutional 3 and 4 letter agencies. Abolish them and this all goes away.

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Aug 17, 2022
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Granted, it'll be a battle.

Need to start with someone who understand this issue who is running for president, someone with a LOT of sand. Then a grass roots movement needs to form around that person, similar to what hapened with Trump. Also need to get a bunch of new members of congress on the same boat in the same election.

Or... hold a constitutional convention. Participants would have to pass a test about constitutional knowledge that would be published widely.

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Aug 18, 2022
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One would think that part of all that would entail cutting funding to the MIC and breaking up banks. It's all been done before.

What's your solution?

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Aug 18, 2022
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If you ever take the time to look into my archives you will see that I've essentially been touting the same solution.

I've been prepping since before the word was coined (living off grid since 1984) and writing about it for nearly 20 years. Here's a recent one - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/prepping-chickens-the-ultimate-regenerative

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Aug 17, 2022
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Aug 17, 2022
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I think that’s a good idea - setting up a Substack for discussion on these issues.

I understand where you’re coming from, but have decided that my own work should remain focused on more recent, and more open, clearly human acts of evil and working on reversing the silent, globalist-driven Administrative State overthrow of the US Constitution and US government.

Mostly because I think the US Constitution as it’s most widely presented to and understood by living men and women (setting aside the argument that there’s a secret, other, currently superseding set of marine law/US corporate law, materials about which you and others have sent me) remains a solid social contract whose restoration will be better for living people than considering it as mooted two centuries ago.

And because I think restoring that Constitution to operative governance is also better for living people than scrapping it through a Constitutional Convention, which would be controlled by the same globalist killers already running wildly outside the principles of Divine moral, natural, and human law. They will just use a Con-Con to further solidify their grip on power.

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