Comprehensive piece. Have often fantasized about being an attorney since late 1919 & through these past years, as like everyone else, our family & community struggled to comprehend. I had to make do with an education in the sciences. So my understanding was shaped more by this view.

First came to ask why governments, corporations, institutions would want to do this. From a Machiavellian, pragmatic view this wasn’t difficult. I looked for deeper motivation than greed, corruption, and control & there were those elements too.

Then it came to so how. Once I understood that using mRNA (messenger which encodes for protein synthesis in the cell) and other substances to support & direct it’s mechanisms including apparently an electromagnetic substance plus the weaponizing of the virus through gain of function research - the how became more clear.

Even for those like myself with a wild imagination and a rebellious nature it was hard to believe. The legal framework combined with the scientific becomes so diabolical it would be very difficult to make up.

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Some of your links are hard to notice. Here is the link to Griner vs Biden which is very useful: https://dockets.justia.com/docket/utah/utdce/2:2022cv00149/130857

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I changed the color to hopefully make them more visible. Thank you for the heads-up.

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Apr 15, 2022·edited Apr 15, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

I'll go along, but think it would be wise to consider three facts:

1) 10th Amendment allows each state to ignore unconstitutional laws.

2) States often go along with unconstitutional laws to get Federal funding.

3) Red states have not experienced loss of Constitutional rights in at least a year except for folks who are employed in such a way to receive federal funding.

This leads to a clear path forward: decline the federal dollars and be (thankfully) kicked out of the federal programs.

Add to that withholding of state payments such as oil and gas taxes to the federal government.

Win-win for sure! Starves the govt of money and control.

It worked for the national ID law. It's worked for CV19 insanity past 12 months.

Set up parallel transportation systems. Give the problems created by federal govt back to the feds. Bus every illegal to DC.

It's really simple. DO NOT COMPLY.

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Apr 16, 2022·edited Apr 16, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

Even if I personally do no comply, I am hurt that my friends and family still may. I feel the majority of people fall into this boat. So I keep trying to educate the people I know. For example, I try to explain in lay terms why centralizing a rapid, mandated health response is bad news: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/no-we-should-not-all-get-vaccinated

We have some very bright, knowledgeable, articulate writers in substack. Please do your part and use your talents to act now to contact Congress about the ten billion dollar+ proposed Cures 2.0 Act and not wait till November. The flu season will already be upon us and mRNA technology is already underway for Influenza. Call out lawmakers that passed laws and got us into all of this, and ask them to right the wrongs: rightingthewrongs.org

While some states can enjoy more freedoms, families that are rooted in their hometowns and states and want to stay need to be preserved. But, I do agree, local involvement is necessary as well.

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Why on Earth vaccinations aren't considered a medical treatment too? With the full right to decline them?

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022Author

Someone asked about why there aren't prescriptions (may have been you, but maybe someone else.)

Anyway, I found the statute that made prescriptions moot, in the 2013 Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act:

"(d) EMERGENCY DISPENSING.—The requirements of sections

503(b) and 520(e) shall not apply to an eligible product, and the product shall not be considered an unapproved product (as defined in section 564(a)(2)(A)) and shall not be deemed adulterated or misbranded under this Act because it is dispensed without an individual prescription, if—

‘‘(1) the product is dispensed during the circumstances described in subsection (a)(1)(C); and

‘‘(2) such dispensing without an individual prescription occurs—

‘‘(A) as permitted under the law of the State in which the product is dispensed; or

‘‘(B) in accordance with an order issued by the Secretary, for the purposes and duration of the circumstances described in subsection (a)(1)(C)."

Same law also exempts manufacturers from Current Good Manufacturing Practice, which I think is one of the things Mike Yeadon frequently discusses, from his knowledge of the narrow tolerances for most drug manufacturing.

For EUA products, adulteration can't happen, legally, because no amount of insertion of other, unknown ingredients (as whistleblowers reported out in December 2020 -- scroll down for screenshot of anonymous Moderna whistleblower claims:


and others are recently confirming) will count as creating an adulterated product:


‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may, when the cir- cumstances of a domestic, military, or public health emergency or material threat described in subsection (a)(1)(C) so warrant, authorize, with respect to an eligible product, deviations from current good manufacturing practice requirements otherwise applicable to the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of products subject to regulation under this Act, including requirements under section 501 or 520(f)(1) or applicable condi- tions prescribed with respect to the eligible product by an order under section 520(f)(2).

‘‘(2) EFFECT.—Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or the Public Health Service Act, an eligible product shall not be considered an unapproved product (as defined in section 564(a)(2)(A)) and shall not be deemed adulterated or misbranded under this Act because, with respect to such product, the Secretary has authorized deviations from current good manufacturing practices under paragraph (1).

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

Gas chambers for everyone! Unless we get hold of the Secretary. And the Commissioner. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=310.200

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That’s how it looks to me. Congress could repeal some of these laws, and try to make the restored civil and criminal accountability retroactive to cover the Covid criminals.

But they will need to be motivated by the tangible rage and grief of the injured and the survivors of the dead.

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Good points. Remains to be seen if red state voters, legislatures and governors understand the dangerous situation at the federal level, enough to take those steps to get off the federal funding and set up their own alternative systems.

And also, will have to see whether international/federal government tries to deploy federal military and law enforcement domestically to force the red states to stay in the cage, whether the military and LEOs will comply with orders to attack American citizens and occupy red states, or will support the red state citizens instead, and whether the red states are prepared to engage in armed conflict against those federal forces as invaders if the military and LEOs comply with the international/federal occupation orders.

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One other thought - thanks to Lee Muller commenting on another post, I’m now aware of HR-6000, Cures Act 2.0, introduced in November 2021, now in committee.



I haven’t read the entire bill, but have skimmed the table of contents and the first few sections.

The international/federal forces are well-aware of the disparate levels of authoritarianism that happened among the 50 states, because of the federalist system that puts power into state control if it’s not explicitly given to the federal government (10th amendment). They saw Florida and South Carolina and the other red states go in a different direction, and the social, economic and epidemiological results, just as much as the rest of us.

In their talking points, they’ve spent a lot of time trying to highlight the fragmented approach, frame it as problematic, and advocate for a nationalized response to future pandemics and emergencies.

This is very similar to the framing they did after 9/11, taking the communications breakdowns between federal law enforcement agencies as an excuse/opportunity to centralize them under the new Department of Homeland Security and DHS director.

HR-6000/Cures Act 2.0 has provisions to centralize and nationalize public health emergency responses, including Section 201 of the draft bill.

Again, I haven’t done a close read yet, and will add HR-6000 to the list of statutes and bills to be summarized and analyzed in future posts.

Just wanted to put it out there for readers to check it out if interested.

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Thanks for the great writeup. Sub'd!

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Apr 14, 2022·edited Apr 14, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

Read more on Self-Amplifying RNA and Pfizer's Covid vaccines: https://howbadismybatch.com/selfamp.html

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I am so grateful for your scholarly works.

Forgive me if I missed that you've seen this website and different articles on it; in case it may be of interest regarding Intellectual Property, Patent Law changes and protections:




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"Plaintiffs have asked the court to find, as a matter of fact and law, that the products marketed as vaccines are not vaccines, but rather that they are medical treatments or gene therapy devices, such that mandates “violate the liberty protected by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution, which includes rights of personal autonomy, self-determination, bodily integrity and the right to reject medical treatment.”"

Isn't vaccination ALSO a medical treatment? Or is it an act of God?

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Reads good. I understand the motivation and reasoning. Set achievable goals. But. It tries to reach a middle ground with the devil by arguing that these are not vaccines. It gives up the right to bodily autonomy upfront. The devil wins in such setup every single time. As the devil is in the details, as always.

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Apr 19, 2022·edited Apr 19, 2022Author

I think there is, or at least used to be, a legal distinction between vaccines and all other medical treatments, because of their character as treatments that prevent infection and transmission. I think that’s the reason why, going back to the Jacobsen case in 1905 with smallpox vaccines, and the older, Leicester protests of the late 1800s,


governments have tried to keep them separate. So that vaccines could be required, but other medical treatments with solely individual effects, could not.

One of the good things that will someday come out of this, particularly out of the public backlash —because the products falsely marketed as vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission, which prompted the health authorities to change the centuries-old definitions of vaccines, herd immunity, natural immunity and so forth, discrediting them completely — will be a complete reorganization of the laws and the practice of medicine, such that vaccines will fall back under the broad definition of medical treatments that must be entirely voluntary and fully-informed to be administered to anyone at all, in any occupation, any age, any health condition, etc.

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Apr 19, 2022·edited Apr 19, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

if you dig deeper, the smallpox "vaccine" was a complete sham as well... So, it's just a traditional fraud, compared to the novel Covid fraud. Any jab should be a personal choice, else it creates a precedent where any treatment is declared a public health "overrule" and becomes "mandated", i.e., shoved down people's throats. A back door for gas chambers and mass cull, inter alia.

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Apr 19, 2022·edited Apr 19, 2022Author

I agree.

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