Check out our Substack. What they are trying to accomplish with all of this goes beyond democide. It is a complete, comprehensive restructuring of society and the economy, predicated on stripping away essential human rights and eliminating privacy with advanced technologies (i.e. the "Internet of Bodies", "Smart Cities", and so on).

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I know.

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Great summary and resource. Thank you for your effort here. I've shared your link to my resistance fighter group.

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Katherine, you should research the moon landing. As a start, watch "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon" by Siebel (?).

The deception and malevolence extends far beyond the "legal" sphere. In fact, it is what the military calls "full spectrum dominance". No more accurate words could have been stated by Satan.

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Hotrod31 and further. Since 2020 I pursued a ROYAL COMMISSION but reality is that it doesn't seem to work and Virginia Bell was not permitted to investigate the unconstitutionality of Morrison's conduct, hence we now need militia's to pursue the rule of law. Ask yourself what has "Travelling Pete" (Anthony Albanese) really done for Julian Assange, other then merely a comment to support his release? I could imagine he warned the US government he was making a statement for political policies at home but just ignore it. I placed it before the Court in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka that John Howard had no constitutional powers to order the murderous invasion into Iraq. None of the 9 Attorney-Generals challenged me on this! I representing myself succeeded in both cases! It may ber slow and time consuming but I view it is worth to pursue the truth.

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Katherine, your articles never seize to impress me. Very few authors seem to invest comparable amounts of time and effort into their research.

Thank you!!

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As a constitutionalist (Australia) I have extensively canvassed the lack of constitutional validity of what is being done in Australia. See my Scribd blog "inspectorrikati". Because the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) also includes certain USA constitutional provisions I seek to keep an eye out as to USA laws also. I admit that Olga my wife (89) is getting fed up about all these issues but ultimately even her health and wellbeing depends upon exposing the rot in laws. Unlike the USA we in Australia have Hansard records of what was intended by the Framers of the Constitution just that politicians desire it their own way. Well, this is why I very much appreciate that others Like Katherine does her writings because every one albeit independent but working together as a force to be reckoned with can wake up the sleepy and create a force to reclaim our constitutional and other legal rights.

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I wouldn't rely on the implementation of 'constitutionality' within the legal bureaucracy of Australia. The point being that both Political Parties are beholden to what passes for 'the Crown' and the 'THE CROWN' has trashed it's own policies with the disgraceful ejection of Gough Whitlam and the illegal jailing of Julian Assange. Moreover, NOTHING has been done about Scott Morrison trashing any semblance of const-legality and the prick is still sitting in parliament collecting FREE money from the ta-payers he screwed. Constitution be damned ...

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Yes I concur with the rest that you should be given a PRIZE for all your fact-finding & research, not to mention the admirable style with which you recorded your extensive findings for us!

I SO admire that! Once I began to read this tremendous list of names, dates and statutes, I just couldn't put it down till I'd finished, breathless & reeling~

I can't stop myself from repeating the phrase I've repeated for the last 5 years to myself "How did we not see something was amiss a long time ago?" We were busy trying to make a living & raise our kids, that's how, and that just makes them all the more dispicable, now that we know they were planning all this EVIL FILTH, as we toiled to be upright citizens~

I'm still in shock that multiplies with each new discovery, till I'm now numb~

And it all began after we'd barely survived hurricane Michael

(a CAT 5, 187mph), which they steered into the Florida Gulf Coast in late 2018~we had to live in a camper in our yard for 3 1/2 years~

Hurricanes aren't supposed to back up unnaturally & take aim~

We are all in great peril if something isn't done asap~

Hurricane season is just around the corner again & I'm too crippled to pack up & move.....

I need a hip replaced but don't trust the medical profession that I worked in for 20 years!

Truly, only God can save us now~that's where our hope should be anyway.

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was trying to find here a contact no or email from Todd, can't find it here unfortunately. Sorry but all names of those 'specialists' in regard to covid genetically modifying injections, etc. are names whom I DO NOT trust, for a long time. A lawyer gets good money only if he has clients, the same with writers here on this platfrom. If covid injection materials were named properly in 2020, what I was explaining ever since tat time, none of the lawyers would be necessary today. I'm talking in particular Fuellmich et al, who collaborates with Todd, I'm talking even CHD.... I got access to SUbstack only in 2022 where I was finally able to write about the scientific proof of crime related to Spike. Until this very day, Aug 2023(!!!) I was not able to raise the voice sufficiently to give people now at least the proof for their fight in courts. Every of those great 'substack writers' ignored my comments and concentrated only on their vaccine issues, parotting exactly the FDA redefinitions of basics, like vaccine.

Substack in my opinion had this one purpose, to fish out those who know more and to silence them. Please convince me otherwise.

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[The internet is an ai run controlled op.]

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Link to Todd broken.

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The former USA is a ewish Freemasonic experiment dreamed of by John Dee who channeled goetic demons. It was always evil, a mockery of God's Kingdom to come. As I am of a family lineage of the Sons of Cincinnati, original 1682 Pennsylvania land-holder in deed, I broke these famili curses, fiction spells and currency chains. We deciphered those English grammar Vatican spells with parse syntax and cyphered the ancient maritime masonic system of control. We ended the world of time on December 12 2012 and took the Vatican to its knees. We learned to respeak and contract properly in quantum grammar and became truli Sovereign, a solo condition of church and state. Quantum gramma language is easily stood and fair to all in contract.

I am sovereign Lord over those who rule over you.

All one has to do is look at the world around us and the darkness that presents itself, and it runs from me like a scared cat-holic.

If Katherine Watt really wants to know the truth, then let's have lunch, I am in Berks County Pennsylvania. : James-Andrew: Harner. Author, Claimant, Postmaster, Sovereign Lord Ha-Maschiach.

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Many, many thanks for all your brilliant efforts. The Callendar - Vliet interview seems to be no longer available on America Outloud, at least I could neither play nor down load it.

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Katherine, you should research the moon landing. As a start, watch "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon" by Siebel (?).

The deception and malevolence extends far beyond the "legal" sphere. In fact, it is what the military calls "full spectrum dominance". No more accurate words could have been stated by Satan.

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Is there any legal basis for fearing that there might be dangerous ingredients in anesthesia-related injections?

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you write:

The goals of Agenda 21/30, according to Callender, are threefold:

elimination of private property

elimination of borders and national sovereignty


I had a look through the official test of Agenda30 (link below). No word about eliminating private property, eliminations of borders of depopulation. Please explain. Thanks


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YOU ARE REALLY APPRECIATED KATHERINE WATT, THANK YOU. the only concerning anomaly is that you are catholic???? especially with ALL that has been revealed with that demonic organisation from the very beginning. HAVE YOU SEEN THEIR NEW SERPENT BUILDING? WHAT ABOUT THEIR SATANIC CHRISTMAS DISPLAYS? OR THE PEDOPHILIA SYMBOLS ON POPES CLOTHES? OR THEM OUTRIGHT CALLING FOR WORSHIP TO SATAN RECENTLY??? it is very disturbing and Highly confusing that you would reveal what you have and yet be so Clueless about one of its main drivers behind it all: the satanic demonic vatican catholics

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hotrod31. Thank you for your comment. Reality is that most Australians haven't got a clue what the constitution stands for and that is why we need to educate them. Politicians are now getting away with murder because they know that citizens lack proper constitutional knowledge. As I just posted elsewhere: This article’s recommendation would likely end up with the same results as before, this as those employed in the health industry generally would toe the line with their masters. Australia’s constitution known as the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) is rather the perfect constitution. If this was properly followed then I view none of the injections of this “gene therapy” would have eventuated. It is clear that the DoD (USA) was behind the elaborate DEPOPULATION scheme for the entire world as Deagel foreshadowed some 8 years ago. The real answer is to set up militia tribunals and have those involved in the DEPOPULATION scheme to be rewarded with the death penalty, as then the message will be clear. We now have politicians like Premier Daniel Andrews claiming it was a learning process and he had wrong advises, which many other politicians are now using as a mantra, this even so they are still pursuing the DEPOPULATION intent. Vicki is a clear example where the hospital still pursues the jab. Award the criminals with the death penalty and that is the way to prevent them ever again to pursue this DEPOPULATION scheme. Pfizer’s contracts were based upon “preventing” COVID-19 which it never did and therefore their contracts were based on FRAUD and so without legal validity, this as Janine Small Pfizer Director in October 2022 gave evidence that Pfizer never tested to prevent infection or transmission. A-Z claimed it would ‘end the pandemic’ which it neither did. Sue the pharmaceutical companies, the media, etc, into bankruptcy and we may finally get the message through that if you pick the wrong side then you will likely face being rewarded with the death penalty.

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