The main way Couey's hypothesis relates to the legal issues is that it's another window into another aspect of the overarching fraud-based mass murder and enslavement campaign of the criminal perpetrators.
The piece Couey is getting at is the scientific fraud, from his training and experience and careful thinking as a biologist.
The main way Couey's hypothesis relates to the legal issues is that it's another window into another aspect of the overarching fraud-based mass murder and enslavement campaign of the criminal perpetrators.
The piece Couey is getting at is the scientific fraud, from his training and experience and careful thinking as a biologist.
The piece I work on unraveling is the work done by governments to pseudo-legalize the fraud and render it pseudo-immune to legal challenges and court-based termination of the cull-and-control program.
All the fraud pieces work together to have made the massive crime spree possible to begin with, and currently make it possible for the criminals to sustain it in the present.
The main way Couey's hypothesis relates to the legal issues is that it's another window into another aspect of the overarching fraud-based mass murder and enslavement campaign of the criminal perpetrators.
The piece Couey is getting at is the scientific fraud, from his training and experience and careful thinking as a biologist.
The piece I work on unraveling is the work done by governments to pseudo-legalize the fraud and render it pseudo-immune to legal challenges and court-based termination of the cull-and-control program.
All the fraud pieces work together to have made the massive crime spree possible to begin with, and currently make it possible for the criminals to sustain it in the present.