
Please Pray the Rosary.

Also: Psalms 37:1-40 Amen. ⚖⚓⌛

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Larken Rose's The Most Dangerous Superstition is a treatise on the illegitimatacy of authority. If we reject the premise that health "authorities" are in some way legitimate, it will be far easier to throw off the yoke of this entrenched tyranny. I recommend everyone read this book and apply the principles laid out therein. They line up well with what we read in this Substack channel.

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larken rose is an idiot. no government leaves a vacuum for the worst bullies to take over. contracts? you want to live by LEGAL contracts? sounds like hell. and larken is open borders. they are just as bad as the socialists.

GOD is whats missing. JESUS. you have to have some kind of hierarchy or anything goes.

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The worst bullies have already taken over. They steal elections and the media backs them up. We have medical bullies (authorities) that want us all injected with poison. We have LEGAL contracts do we not? What we have is "color of law" enforced by an out of control illegitimate justice system and Biden administration peopled by those who have no verifiable oath of office (see Todd Callender). Open borders does not mean we should offer incentives for illegal immigration, which is what we have now. We have a legal process that should be followed.

I have had some email exchanges with Larken, and I have come to agree with you that he is an idiot; with attitude. But I agree with the points he makes in his book. That authority is basically illegitimate. And we all suffer by respecting illegitimate authorities.

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Law = Words. Linguistics. There's a reason that a leading Marxist revolutionary, Noam Chomsky, chose linguistics as the most important weapon to succeed in a revolution against a constitution written to protect individual liberty and restrain collectivist authoritarianism, training an army of Marxist linguists to make collectivist authoritarianism constitutional.

Olympic-level gymnastics in linguistics allow for the Constitution to say whatever a skilled linguist wants it to say. Enabling a Gov. Newsom to declare that California is the land of the free, while Florida is ruled by a dictator. Or that Obamacare is constitutional.

Enter the science of lies. Behavioral Science is the science of deceit, manipulation, coercion, propaganda, psychological trickery to change a target population's perceptions. Lies. The science of lies. Also known as "The Science of Totalitarianism." Not coincidentally:


Sixty years ago an esteemed philosopher and law professor predicted the evolution of law to become an implement of Social sciences, behavioral sciences specifically. Cautioning about jurisprudence "following the science" instead of wisdom:

Law and Behavioral Science by Walter Berns

Law and Contemporary Problems (Duke Law School), Winter, 1963


[The first 14 pages get into a game theory type application of behavioral sciences on judicial philosophy. In trying to understand the rulings of the Roberts court it could be speaking to the same philosophy. The final 14 pages are very informative and cautionary for the type of governance we are being subjected to today.]

Health Affairs is a very influential Behavioral Health policy publication. That Chief Justice Roberts cited to rule ACA (Obamacare) was constitutional. An Olympic gold-medal linguistic gymnastics performance for any jurist, but especially a supposed "conservative.":


Health Affairs articles are cited by U.S. administration officials, U.S. lawmakers, and ministry of health leaders around the globe. Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle reference Health Affairs in drafting legislation. US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts cited the journal in his decision regarding the Affordable Care Act. In addition, Health Affairs is frequently cited by national media, including the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, network television and radio, and NPR.

Applied Behavioral Science as pandemic NPI, Health Affairs Behavioral Science Mask Endorsement - they don't work...but...the symbolism is needed:

Flu Masks Failed In 1918, But We Need Them Now


Behavioral Science, The Science (TM) of the pandemic, fear amplification – masks, lockdowns, contact tracing, social distancing, coercion, manipulation, etc:


Because we "suffered" from "optimism bias." We needed fear to cure us of our optimism:


By terrorizing us the same as if we saw snakes everywhere:


Psychological mind-farkery, mandated and enforced as public policy and law. Which was hailed as the future of governance when a BS "Nudge" unit was first created:


A book co-authored by Cass Sunstein, "Nudge," led the establishment of this "Nudge Unit" as a way to make citizens comply with government policies, i.e. make citizens willingly obedient. Sunstein has had an outsized roll in bringing BS into government and the law like Walter Berns cautioned against. In addition to co-authoring The Science (TM) of the pandemic plans, he has held very powerful positions in government:


And is married to Samantha Power, who now leads USAID, a very controversial program with a history of fake pandemics and overturning foreign (and domestic?) governments in color revolutions:




Sunstein is now a professor at Harvard Law School, teaching how the rule of law needs to swat aside the pesky constraints found in the US Constitution. That whole how to apply the "Science of Totalitarianism" thing:



While at OIRA, Sunstein had a protege, another lawyer and behavioral scientist, Jessica Hertz, who went on to hold many important positions, including Facebook senior regulatory lawyer working with government policymakers and regulators (censorship orders, i.e. Twitter Files, Hunter's 'Laptop from Hell'?) leaving FB in late September/early October, 2020 to head up Biden's transition team, then as the new administration's staff selection oversight:


Then Hertz became the Biden administration's Staff Secretary, arguably the most powerful role in an administration - a role once held by John Podesta in the Clinton administration:


Holding that position until the administration was up and running:


Later taking a cushy Big Tech gig again, now she working for Shopify as Counsel and on their DC lobbying team. And oh, Justice Sotomayer - who Hertz clerked for - presided over her wedding:


Cass Sunstein has another important protege, Maya Shankar, who left leading Obama's "Nudge" SBST to become Google’s Chief Global Behavioral Scientist when Trump came into office: https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/podcast/knowledge-at-wharton-podcast/power-nudges-maya-shankar-changing-peoples-minds/

Maya Shankar runs in interesting company - Chelsea Clinton and Kevin McCarthy’s BFF roommate, Frank Luntz:


And Maya Shankar coauthored the UN’s Behavioural Insights to Achieving Agenda 2030 (WEF Great Reset) – how we’ll be happy owning nothing eating bugs:


Maya Shankar describes behavioral science, aka The science of totalitarianism, to the Council on Foreign Relations on how governments can impose policy with psychological manipulation: https://www.cfr.org/event/behavioral-insights-policymaking

[Note: the article acknowledges that they can’t speak freely on how the behavioral sciences are being used by government to coerce and manipulate populations on the record, they save those conversations for behind closed doors]

Because in order to make free people give up their freedom willingly and embrace collectivist authoritarianism, totalitarianism, they have to be driven to a heightened state of fear applying The Science (TM) of deception, manipulation, coercion, lies as an effective way to manufacture consent to totalitarianism:


And behavioral science-based jurisprudence will uphold it using Olympic linguistic gymnastics to declare totalitarianism, "constitutional." Because at the end of the day, as the first Chief Justice of the United States, John Jay put it, "The People Who Own the Country Ought to Govern It":

The Supreme Court, hegemony, and Its Consequences

Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, December, 1987


Meaning that the men and women in black robes are nothing more than high priests selected to enforce the will of those who own this country over the will of the majority of the people. Because the law is just words subject to interpretation.

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Filling up the gaps:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!


The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


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I think they gave ScKamala, considered failure, the A I portfolio because they want her to fail to regulate that shit.

She put me in jail when I ran against Gavin, in 2007,

After Initially dropping those charges, but shut my business down anyway, she then brought them back. Always wonder who told her to do that?

So her trip is to allow full reign of AI, and the point of this is not what it seems.

My read is that they want folks to think we are not capable of having our own minds nor bullshitmeters, though jail is a big dose of true reality, especially solitary.

The scamdemic was to make people isolated,like in jail, IsoLa.

The ai file is to get folks to distrust their own mind, heart and soul, as if a machine knew better.

ScKamala a liar fucker whore .

As is Gavin.

Once one lies, how does another ever believe them again?

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She put two reporters in jail too (young idealistic ones re undercover video)

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The ones who filmed the demonic abortionists talking about how the vivisect babies and sell their parts?

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Josh wolf went to jail before me, as I recall, for refusing to put video onto YouTube which I guess he was forced to do to be released. He might have been a reporter then


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Undercover reporters exposed Planned Parenthood for selling baby body parts.

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She locked them in her bedroom!?!


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I have really been enjoying generating AI art as a distraction.

My favorite place for that doesn't let me do what I want, however.

"Banned prompt detected

Sorry! Our AI moderators feel your prompt might be against our community standards.

If you think this is a mistake, please press the "Appeal" button below and we will send it to a more sophisticated AI to double-check the result.

/imagine A giant boot stepping down on a person, as seen from below. 1984"

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What you say is true about AI. AI was asked what is the Gaia Hypothesis/Theory. The answer briefly is trees release oxygen and take in carbon dioxide.

AI in nothing short of a thought stopper. Most folks would accept the above answer. Not because it is right, but because it is an answer and they have no way to know any different.

I know a lot different. AI didn't scratch the surface. I have and we each need to study the works of James Lovelock, scientist and inventor and his collaborator Lynn Margulis PhD, scientist (both deceased). The Gaia theory is accepted as valid and been buried in Earth Systems science. But it is a deep theory and goes far beyond the simple "thought stopping AI answer". We need to understand the Gaia theory from the work of Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock because they knew it best.

If we knew it in our hearts we would never take the fraud of Carbon being the cause of Climate change. These people couldn't bamboozle the people of the 1960s and 1970s. These were the people that got the EPA started. They set aside Earth Day. It took the folks that brought you Covid 19 nearly 60 years to bury the Gaia Theory and capture EPA and other organizations that should be jailing corporate America for the likes of Norfolk Southern's Train derailment in East Palestine Ohio. Instead these guys laugh all the way to the bank.

Thought Stoppers. That Kamala Harris is VP stuns me. Why? Because Tulsi Gabbard took her to the wood shed during the Democratic Presidential debates. About two weeks later Kamala quit the race. They never let Tulsi in the debates again. Go figure.

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Once again, a great article. Thank you for all your great work.

For those interested, one of the methods to help stop this madness and exit their system, is through the study of common law. There are now lots of places you can either watch vids or read docs to get a grip on what has been done and how to fight against it.

It all ties in with Katherine's work.

The invention and use of 'legalese' is a prime tool of obfuscation and coercion to enslave us. just a little study will leave you gobsmacked as to the depth of the con, but will give you a remedy

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nicely put...the "word" creates...Mercury's shape shifting realm of intellect and communication...boundary dweller...trickster.

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You are a brilliant young woman.

I am deeply indebted to your truth telling.

Thanks to you, Sasha and the others of your stature, there will be survivors.

They will be charged with the rebuilding of what remains of humanity.

It is my hope God is not finished with our human experiment.

I continue to Pray for you and our continued existence.

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"the purpose is to confuse people and to bypass the human mind's cognitive immune system, which most people think of as your bullshit detector."

Spot on! The technology that they have that works like a " virus" is the mental one. It's not much different than the spells of olden times.

Psychology is their biggest weapon, not gain of function.

To subdue the bullshit detector, they keep people in their heads, ignoring their senses and their body (also happens with PTSD).

Things are changing, because the conditions of environment are different today...


The news is losing its reach, and they're trying to push more crazy stuff, but it ends up exposing the BS.


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I find this to be very distinctive and deliberate in that Katherine is able to separate the false from the non-false. In any event, I believe the truth is that the government, aided and abetted by the elites, is trying to murder its citizens using several methods. Yet, they want to disguise this outright murder in any manner that can get away with. It's like they want you dead but they don't want you to know that they want you dead.

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Lovely to have your wit, courage and pen on our side. Appreciate you.

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I agree. Non compliance is key. It is very strange that I, a non compliant 67 yr old, have received phone calls both from local CMS and the CDC, I checked the number, wanting to talk to me about the V. They don’t need ICD numbers to track. They already know.

I don’t agree with the Catholic Natural Law. I do agree with God’s law and His word says, “ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Jn 8:32. I can be free even if arrested, imprisoned etc. My citizenship is in heaven. This sin sick old earth is temporary. 2 Cor 4:18 ‘While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.’

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Dearest Katherine, can I trouble you to let me know whether you have a document which is a notice to practitioners, public officials, etc. for participating in war crimes? I thought for sure you had one but can’t find it. 1000 thanks! 🙏🙏🙏

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May 8, 2023
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Thanks so much!

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Thank you SO MUCH for explaining what is right in front of people, but do they understand it? No. What blew me away was these were veterans usually siding wit the Pentagon 'We have to help the Ukraine.' Ukraine is dead. As is Zelensky, I've seen his body double, pretty close resemblance. I don't get them at all, but tat's what makes horse races or so they say.

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I’m guessing you’ve addressed this before, but I’m still not 100% clear on why they are trying to get mRNA poison into every single person on the planet.

Guessing it wasn’t just the $$$ they could make off selling the vaccines, and maybe not even just the potential for population reduction. Is there some future use they have in store for us once the poison is in as many people as they can cuckold to go along with the scheme?

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As I understand, it’s not about mRNA but more about the nanotechnology. Some researchers say they find no mRNA in the vials. It about 1) killing us and 2) experimenting and 3) completely controlling us all

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TAke a look at the Cygnus Loop Nebula photo i put up on my stack.

What's it look like? That's right...that Rottenchild doc called Silent Weapons was all about....electricity.

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Will do Blue

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Ty Laura…

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There are also those who claim to not have found the necessary components of biological life forms.

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Thanks Katherine. I am of the belief that what is happening is as prophesied in the Bible. This battle is a spiritual battle and I know who wins!

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100% truth is the only way to explain her words.

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