I might suggest something a little older than Christianity as inspiration for winning that third psycho-spiritual frontline. We are all Arjunas now. God can’t stop the war - but has already given us all the tools we need to be victorious. It’s ALL union with God. (Krishna can’t stop the war but can give Arjuna yoga.). So in the spiritua…
I might suggest something a little older than Christianity as inspiration for winning that third psycho-spiritual frontline. We are all Arjunas now. God can’t stop the war - but has already given us all the tools we need to be victorious. It’s ALL union with God. (Krishna can’t stop the war but can give Arjuna yoga.). So in the spiritual sense, we have already won. Because there never was any institution that could make a person closer to God. But there sure have been a whole lotta institutions whose whole purpose seems to have been to separate folk from the Creator. So with these crazy moves they’ve made last couple yrs, the satanic assholes who are so delusional they think they can control the whole world and actually keep shit under control have just cleared much of the smoke off the many battlefields and now we can all see everything so much more clearly. Especially who and where the enemy is. As brutal as it is, I think they’ve practically won the entire war for us with this whole “covid” play.
I might suggest something a little older than Christianity as inspiration for winning that third psycho-spiritual frontline. We are all Arjunas now. God can’t stop the war - but has already given us all the tools we need to be victorious. It’s ALL union with God. (Krishna can’t stop the war but can give Arjuna yoga.). So in the spiritual sense, we have already won. Because there never was any institution that could make a person closer to God. But there sure have been a whole lotta institutions whose whole purpose seems to have been to separate folk from the Creator. So with these crazy moves they’ve made last couple yrs, the satanic assholes who are so delusional they think they can control the whole world and actually keep shit under control have just cleared much of the smoke off the many battlefields and now we can all see everything so much more clearly. Especially who and where the enemy is. As brutal as it is, I think they’ve practically won the entire war for us with this whole “covid” play.