Teresa L in the comments recommended Malachi Martin's interviews with Art Bell in 1996. I was going to do the same - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwZFKWf-W0o851rziNQmrfj9wxKih99Hy
Martin called his works "Faction" because they had huge elements of fact but he didn't want to get sued, so he changed just enough of the truth to k…
Martin called his works "Faction" because they had huge elements of fact but he didn't want to get sued, so he changed just enough of the truth to keep it under the radar. When he realized the dark underbelly of corruption of the Church, he asked to be released from his priestly vow of poverty because he thought he could do more spiritual good on the outside, rather than as a Jesuit on the inside. This was a highly unusual request and I think it was approved in order to keep his silence. and have some continued control over him. There is a lie out there that he was kicked out and laicized. That's not true - his bishop was purposely trying to make him look bad and scandalize him. His bishop approved him leaving the vow of poverty so Martin could make money to support himself, which he did through writing and teaching. He continued to be celibate and he said Mass every day, keeping obedience to his other vows. He had the 3rd secret of Fatima revealed to him, which would have been very scandalous since only the Pope was allowed to see these documents. He actually saw the documents and had to swear an oath not to reveal it. He also was mainly known as a very powerful exorcist. His interviews with Art Bell are riveting and honestly I remember listening to them back in 1996 when I had insomnia and would turn on his show for entertainment. I thought Martin was a crack pot, kicked out by the church, because his stories were completely outlandish and the church maligned him at every opportunity. And every truth he uttered I see now has come to pass. He died a very strange accidental death that actually looked like a homicide. He is, bar none, one of the most brilliant and influential church minds of the 20th century. Had he stayed in his Jesuit order as a priest in complete standing, I think he would have not only been canonized, but made a Doctor of the Church. As a faithful Catholic watching our beloved church crumble from the inside, I already see the church going underground as a faithful remnant. Holy priests getting canceled and thrown aside, including my own pastor Fr. James Parker of Holy Cross Batavia, IL. Chicago is a hotbed of corrupt church activity, run by horrible Cardinal Cupich who, on the down low, is considered the "pope" of the US. That Chicago diocese is unrecognizable now, riddled with scandal, heresy, and outright crime. Other resources you might be interested in:
I left my novus ordo church when they shut down during the covid me-too freakout, and found the SSPX. I never knew the TLM still existed since I was reared post 1966. If you want to see a micro view of the corrupt Catholic Church, see this post I made about my ex-parish:
Teresa L in the comments recommended Malachi Martin's interviews with Art Bell in 1996. I was going to do the same - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwZFKWf-W0o851rziNQmrfj9wxKih99Hy
Martin called his works "Faction" because they had huge elements of fact but he didn't want to get sued, so he changed just enough of the truth to keep it under the radar. When he realized the dark underbelly of corruption of the Church, he asked to be released from his priestly vow of poverty because he thought he could do more spiritual good on the outside, rather than as a Jesuit on the inside. This was a highly unusual request and I think it was approved in order to keep his silence. and have some continued control over him. There is a lie out there that he was kicked out and laicized. That's not true - his bishop was purposely trying to make him look bad and scandalize him. His bishop approved him leaving the vow of poverty so Martin could make money to support himself, which he did through writing and teaching. He continued to be celibate and he said Mass every day, keeping obedience to his other vows. He had the 3rd secret of Fatima revealed to him, which would have been very scandalous since only the Pope was allowed to see these documents. He actually saw the documents and had to swear an oath not to reveal it. He also was mainly known as a very powerful exorcist. His interviews with Art Bell are riveting and honestly I remember listening to them back in 1996 when I had insomnia and would turn on his show for entertainment. I thought Martin was a crack pot, kicked out by the church, because his stories were completely outlandish and the church maligned him at every opportunity. And every truth he uttered I see now has come to pass. He died a very strange accidental death that actually looked like a homicide. He is, bar none, one of the most brilliant and influential church minds of the 20th century. Had he stayed in his Jesuit order as a priest in complete standing, I think he would have not only been canonized, but made a Doctor of the Church. As a faithful Catholic watching our beloved church crumble from the inside, I already see the church going underground as a faithful remnant. Holy priests getting canceled and thrown aside, including my own pastor Fr. James Parker of Holy Cross Batavia, IL. Chicago is a hotbed of corrupt church activity, run by horrible Cardinal Cupich who, on the down low, is considered the "pope" of the US. That Chicago diocese is unrecognizable now, riddled with scandal, heresy, and outright crime. Other resources you might be interested in:
Faithful catholics need to stay strong and not abandon the church - it's the corrupt clergy who needs to go.
I left my novus ordo church when they shut down during the covid me-too freakout, and found the SSPX. I never knew the TLM still existed since I was reared post 1966. If you want to see a micro view of the corrupt Catholic Church, see this post I made about my ex-parish: