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Hi Lynn,

Died at 50? State sponsored murder. And it is happening now. I am sorry to hear how hard a time your family had, but on the other hand, maybe only those who've experienced it, or had immediate friends or family experience it, can understand what is happening world-wide now. Otherwise 'intelligent' people are still buying into the state propaganda ... and without knowing they are signing their own death warrant.

My own story is not quite as harsh ... born to a German warbride and American military dad, I grew up in the relative comfort of rural North Carolina before moving to Japan 40 years ago. I was once a tenured Associate Prof. at a Japanese College, and ran the biology labs at Temple University Japan for close to 20 years. Now, I am supplementing a dwindling pension with minimum-wage contract work for public schools in West Tokyo.

Naive in thinking that simply doing my duty as a good teacher would be recognized and rewarded ... I am still single, living from month to month, and not able to even afford the considerable cost it takes to move to a cheaper apartment. If not for a couple of very close Japanese friends, I would have emulated a former colleague and committed suicide a long time ago. Now, even though it is just a job to most of my colleagues, it is the school kids that keep me going.

One. Day. At. A. Time.

The kids, a number of friends I can count on one hand, and a few like-minded writers on substack and Facebook.

Take care, and keep up the good fight.

Nobody gets out of this room alive. πŸ˜‚


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