Sage has a new post about Robert “Swings-Both-Ways” Malone:


I posted a comment there, reposted here:

“You kind of can't have it both ways.”

That “both ways” problem has been preoccupying me today, while I ponder what information would go in the Statement of Facts section of a federal civil complaint charging Azar, Kadlec, Gruber and Gates with the terrorism and related genocide/murder/conspiracy/war crimes under 18 USC 2333.

I think the challenge for the federal courts — should they stand up for the Constitution-in-exile and the rule of law derived from it — is to untangle the two, parallel, non-intersecting statutory threads that have unspooled since about 1938 and then got tangled together in a horrific knot in January 2020.

Under one thread, which includes things like the PATRIOT Act, the Project BioShield Act, and the PREP Act, the US government actions by DOD/HHS/DHS/DOJ were legitimate public health measures undertaken to cope with a legitimate public health threat, and the people who performed them are heroes who saved the world with modern medical technology.

Under the other thread, which includes things like the 1990 Biological Weapons prohibition law that Francis Boyle wrote, and the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the same people were state-sponsored terrorists who destroyed informed consent on their way to world domination.

The way to resolve the dispute is to gather and present the evidence and make arguments for and against each claim, in an adversarial proceeding with enforceable rules of evidence and procedure, such as an American federal trial court operating under pre-PATRIOT Act standards.

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Good morning, Katherine.

Kadlec is referenced here as the boss of Michael Callahan. Michael Callahan is the Spook Doc and Scientist who Dr. Robert Malone has stated tipped him off to the Wuhan virus.


"Simultaneously in the U.S., it is claimed, an old colleague of Callahan’s Dr. Robert Malone had been conducting a study with U.S. government-sponsored research teams. Specifically, Malone was working alongside U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) consultants to carry out supercomputer-based analyses to identify existing FDA-approved drugs that may be useful against the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. Per their analyses, famotidine turned out to be the “most attractive combination of safety, cost and pharmaceutical characteristics“.


Sage note: *Note that this computer modeling system, called DOMANE, which Malone worked on somehow managed to spit out Remdesivir as a live trial treatment for COVID-19.


-------Callahan, who by then had been recruited to be Special Adviser on COVID-19 to the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response (ASPR), Robert Kadlec, was presented the joint findings of the U.S. DTRA and Dr. Malone. Both Dr. Callahan and Malone claimed to be unaware of each other’s conclusions regarding the anti-acid, and despite agreeing to collaborate, each claims to have made the initial discovery. Malone offered a February post on LinkedIn as proof, where he asserts that he was “the first to take the drug to treat my own case” upon discovering the proper dose. Callahan, meanwhile, never provided any evidence of his ostensible breakthrough, though he claims to have told Dr. Malone himself about the discovery before the Virginia-based physician began running the sequences through DTRA computers.


Master of the Dark Sciences

After a few years bouncing from one former Soviet lab to another, Michael Callahan would return to the United States with a head full of new ideas and a brand new job at the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) where he could put it all to use as director of the agency’s biodefense therapeutics portfolio.


Prophecy was another program created by Callahan at DARPA. It sought to “transform the vaccine and drug development enterprise from observational and reactive to predictive and preemptive” through algorithmic programming techniques. In layman’s terms, the program proposed that “viral mutations and outbreaks” could be predicted in advance to more rapidly counter the unknown disease with preemptive drug and vaccine development.


Sounds very similar to DOMANE in the sense of trying to get ahead of drug and vaccine development.

Quite a bit of overlap between the nature of Callahan and Malone's work and it makes sense that they would collaborate.

You must wonder the extent of the knowledge that Robert Malone has of what has gone on behind this curious world of DARPA and Michael Callahan.

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Many people knew the technology. It was even published partially for stock market including some plans. But still endangering lives, ignoring safety signals in the studies as a policy? Certainly was not imaginable for me before December 2020. I remember kind of staring at the numbers for months untill I finally accepted the fact, I was crazy taking FDA at face value.

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Crazy, right? As if science has set a trap for itself.

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A great starting list. Of course it opens things up to a whole 'nuhter set of questions. Who authorized the use of nanoparticles, which nanoparticles and why? Who decided that the table should be rearranged so the Sec of HHS would be given the unconstitutional authority to make those unlawful decisions? What about the elected officials who passed those illegal Acts? What about the presidents who signed them into law?

I guess the strategy is to get those obviously deeply informed people (your list) on the stand and get them to spill the beans about who pulled the levers behind the curtain?

I'm so glad you're able to narrow this all down to such a small but critically important target group. My attempts have been much broader.

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"I guess the strategy is to get those obviously deeply informed people (your list) on the stand and get them to spill the beans about who pulled the levers behind the curtain?"


And to give angry victims, private attorneys, elected prosecutors and judges a better focal point list of people and readily-identifiable specific official actions/crimes at which to direct starter demands for criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials and convictions.

The whole list of participants in this global conspiracy is of course enormous. We will never know all of their names or all of the things they've done and are still doing.

But these four were American linchpins who *signed their names* to a few of the criminal acts without which the monstrous genocide could not have proceeded.

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BG has tentacles EVERYWHERE and def. needs intervention!

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Intervention == rope.

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gotta add Fauci, Wolensky and Daszak to that k*** list, even if they aren't at the top of it

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This is why I am assuming they will not lift the Emergency Authorization until they are forced to, and why they will continue to manipulate the numbers to hide vaccine damage. If Republicans win back the Congress and do nothing about this, then forcing them to drop EA will depend on the courts. If the courts refuse to be accountable on this?

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My husband and I remembered from decades ago when 'gene therapy' was to be used to correct defective genes that were causing disease and disability. This great idea was to be used on a retarded boy to correct his DNA and on an adult man suffering from a degenerative disease. I remember hearing the man being so optimistic about being cured. Unfortunately, both of these individuals (and probably others), died soon after being treated and the experiment was stopped. Evidently, the practitioners today aren't so sensitive and picky and find no problem with killing off or injuring millions of people.

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Correct assessment. The norm is unethical behavior. human life sacrificed. Just like we use unconsented macque monkey lives to be forfeited for neuralink brain experiments, ect... humans have moved to the use of unconsented human subjects for risky expts.

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Murdering maniacs

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Maybe this has been addressed before, sorry if I missed it, but why can't murder charges be brought and grand juries formed in local jurisdictions, in parallel, as Francis Boyle suggests?


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They can.

The bottleneck is that county sheriffs, county prosecutors and county-level state judges won’t accept the cases.

This is an approach that David Martin, Todd Callender, Francis Boyle and several others have been trying to push forward for about a year-and-a-half.

The county law enforcement officers (and also the state Attorneys General) just won’t look at the evidence, investigate, convene grand juries or file charges in response to the civilian reports filed.

It’s worth continuing to try though. At some point, the dam may break.

And it will only break if people keep adding to the flood of filings and build up the pressure on the sheriffs, prosecutors and judges.

Prior post about this:


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To think it would only take ONE sheriff, or ONE Attorney General to do the right thing ! We have to hope there will be just one.

I watched the video more than a year ago of Francis A. Boyle showing us a roadmap for Prosecuting...I felt hopeful then and will hang on to that hope...surely someone will feel compelled to stand and be the hero we need.

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Bill Gates has a history of sharp business practices, take the theft of IP from Steve Jobs for instance. He's managed to surround himself with really smart people, using their innate talent to build exceptional products. He's a business person in the tech industry and his history would imply that any venture he partakes will be riddled with sharp practices to move his agenda along. I was extremely disappointed when the supreme court ruled that Microsoft was not a monopoly and could remain as one company that included operating systems and office products. What a mistake. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has been central to the reprograming Gen-Z by funding and influencing school curriculum with common core and revisionist content. I could see this when my children were leaning that Christopher Columbus was a bad dude. His foray into vaccines has proven profitable for him and disastrous to many third world countries; he's now conquered the US market. I don't think you can put a title on what he is.

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How about "war criminal"

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Unfortunately, you need a declared war for that charge. Treason may work or a host other charges such as an accomplice to crimes against humanity. I'd say if there is a way turn him into a broke person, that would be the best punishment, followed by his participation in endless human trials as test subject.

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US has been in continuous state of declared war against everyone in the world since AUMF of Sept. 18, 2001.


Global and perpetual.

No geographic boundaries, no expiration date.

Secret enemies list under executive, not Congressional control:


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Biden Admin could prove Bill Gates isn’t already on the enemies list, by producing the list for public review.

Otherwise, he can be assumed to be on it, as can anyone else.

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We need a new executive

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For what reason does anybody think the eugenicist fascists spent so much time and money with Election Fraud/Cheating in 2020? Getting Patsy and her pals into place was about far more than profits...MORE ADVANTAGEOUS FOR PROTECTION.

Now, in 3/23, the TREASONOUS running the Scam has determined to sell Patsy and her pals out under the Charade of a Congressional Hearing to investigate his son for an 'Illegal Weapons' violation when it is clear as crystal the whole clan is just a tiny portion of an grandiose Crime Syndicate of multiple thousands around the world?

Propaganda to camouflage reality has always been a threat...Always did HATE THE CLOWNS SHOWS in the circus.

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A conviction for murder on multiple counts would get him squealing on his accomplices, which is the important thing for purposes of example. But I have to admit I look forward to seeing him rocking back and forth on the witness stand trying to think of a way out, and then not finding it.

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Some time in a State Prison would ensure a new career as sex worker, OZ style.

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Azar’s crimes need to be looked back in connection with Eli Lilly from years before. I think there will be a trail of issues to prove pattern and intent.

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This is really happening

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First it has to stop. Current statements are even crazier then those in 2020 and 2021. Gruber stated a belief in 2020, Marks stated he himself doesn't feel his service is acceptable in 2022. Yet some people still accept it. Yale shapes its policies according to it. It is outright crazy.

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Some good lawyers, to build a strong case against these worms and people from all over the world I am sure that will be happy to contribute with money for this cause.

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And, to think...You were just FOUND BY SO MANY AFTER SO MUCH WORK.

Don't know those complaining about the lack of time WASTED on the mechanics of the Bio/Ai Nanotechweapons as your niche is just as vital towards this War Effort.

Catching-up with the fruits of your labor has required extensive amounts of time as the deep dives are so extensive and 'Detail Oriented' to a fault.

DO SO APPRECIATE ALL YOU'VE DONE. You and Sasha are gifts from God.

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