I’m not sure if any of this will be related but I heard Catherine Austin Fitts talking to Polly on CHD about templates for exemptions etc - she mentioned there was a lot of info in the preamble and they were available on her website. Solari? She also spoke about the DOD in her Mr Global interview.

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That you are doing this is wonderful...I will be thrilled when five small stones become five Large Boulders to stop our government from stealing elections and stop them from being the number one bioterrorist in the world. Thank you

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Have you seen David Martin’s sample AG state filing templates?

David Martin - AG Filing Brief


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It’s a slightly different framework, focused on racketeering, criminal conspiracy, and the conflict of interest for patent holders who get royalties from products sales, also being in charge of forcing people to consume the products.

And it’s a complex argument, so it’s less helpful for people who lack legal training but (prudently) want to fully understand the legal document that they’re signing and filing, before they file it.

But it’s another in the arsenal of legal procedures that people can and should try if interested.

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I liked Martin until I saw his M-CAM International site. The symbols will tell you who he swears allegiance to.

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Please elaborate, thanks!

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As a Canadian, I'm very happy to hear about this initiative! Wish you all a safe journey through hell, as you are probably fighting the closest representation of the devil any living being today has faced.

Is anyone able to point me at a group for Canada, or Ontario that is doing this very thing in the great white north?

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I don't know of a directly analogous group in Canada, although there are Canadians in the Five Small Stones planning network. Also Brits, South Africans, Australians, New Zealanders and some from non-English countries.

Five Small Stones is intended to also serve as a repository for legal templates from other countries, though.

So if you or Canadians you know have filed some simple documents similar to the ones in the entry-level category, but specific to Canadian court procedures, please ask them to send their sample filings to me -- kgwatt@protonmail.com -- so I can have a look and think about whether their work lends itself to conversion to template format.

We can add tabs at the 5smallstones.com page for "Take Action Outside the U.S." or some similar title, and upload the templates there.

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Someone in the Five Small Stones network just sent me this link:


Not a collection of sample legal documents, but a petition that's on-point and apparently has about 650 Canadian attorney signatories.

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Thanks for this, great idea(s). Is there any recorded version of the

October 6 symposium? I couldn't find one just now.

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The vaccines as I understand it don't meet the criteria to be classed as such, at best there inoculations. It was also admitted in the EU that the inoculations weren't tested for a reduction in transmission.This raises so may questions I don't know where to start but "safe and effective" is as good a place as any and that nicely Leads on to "informed consent" .How does any of this stand in a legal sense??? On what basis are those who did not choose the poison not allowed to fly (or anything else).It only seems insane if you do not understand the intended outcome. Net Zero=no people🍻 WEF💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉

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Ms Watt, Am new to your substack and find you one of the few leaders of peaceful resistance that recognize the US Constitution has been raped over and over again for decades (your writeup on this is awesome btw). That said, it seems clear to me that, although what you and other legal teams are doing is very necessary, these efforts alone are far from sufficient to assure American freedom for our kids in the future.

This view comes in large part from the observation that too few Americans are aware of how close we all are to losing America, the root causes of why this is, and how to take peaceful corrective actions against these root causes that will be effective.

As you more eloquently note, our leaders, without justification, have over recent years become accustomed to operating lawlessly, without the fear of negative consequences. This intolerable state has included major violations of the US Constitution (aka treason), but “we the people” remain SILENT. This is a serious weakness that leaders of peaceful resistance, like yourself, need to remedy in short order.

To me, even though virtually everything in this article resonates strongly with me, it will never get enough traction until “we the people” become more afraid of losing America for our children than of the fear porn being used by the “globalist banksters” and their lackeys. Would be interested in your thoughts on how to fix this before sharing mine.

God Spede Madam

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Yes, me and the Bailiwick reader-community are well aware of this problem.

I did a poll on it once:


My only thoughts on how to address this issue is to keep chugging away doing what I'm doing, giving people as many tools as I can find and ways to express the problems in words and with evidence.

And keep praying that many more people will join those who have already jumped off the sidelines, going to public places and public officials and keep hammering the same concerns, with ever-increasing volume and impact.

And that many more people will join the hundreds of projects already underway to setting up new/old schools for children, new/old health care systems, new/old newspapers and media platforms for information distribution and all the other new/old institutions that need to be rebuilt from the Constitutional foundation upward.

There's no shortage of ways for people to get involved and get a better handle on the evil we're trying to fight and dismantle, and the good we're trying to build.

More people doing that work, combined with support and miracles from God, is my best guess about what it will take to turn things around.

There are no quick fixes though. It's a war I expect to be fighting for the rest of my natural life, which (statistically-speaking) could be roughly another 30 years.

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Thanks much for the additional insights. Below are some thoughts for consideration on how we, as a nation, could defend America more effectively. At a high-level, the main problems seem to be:

* Most Americans do not:

__* Realize how close we are to losing American freedom for our children

__* Have a good enough understanding of threats facing America, and how to counter them effectively (ie, they assume they already know enough, and are thus unwilling to spend the time (eg, via ~2-hour tutorial below) needed to show assumption was wrong)

* America’s overall peaceful resistance effort is much less effective than it needs to be in large part because the various efforts within it are focused separately and with too little coordination re nationwide objectives.

More detail follows in the notes below re concerns/cures, and it would be useful to hear your thoughts on these things, if/when time permits and you see enough value in doing so. Thanks for your consideration.

Thanks also for all the other things you and team have done, and are doing, for the cause.


* Is hard to fix such monumental evils when unaware of their scope and root causes.

* What most legal teams are doing is very necessary, but it is far from sufficient to assure freedom for our children because our Constitutional foundation has been seriously damaged and most peaceful resisters -- elected officials, lawyers, and voters -- do not realize this, or know how to fix it, if they do.

__* Congress has power to fix issues from SCOTUS (overrule via >1/2 majority) and POTUS (override veto via >2/3 majority)

__* Voters must peacefully force Congress to force Govt to stop enabling communist agendas in America (eg, like PayPal quickly learned recently re misinfo-fines)

____* Voter pressure is required because virtually all current members of Congress are either corrupt, don't have a clue, or both

____* Leaders of peaceful resistance need to educate and coordinate their followers on a nationwide basis, to enable such massive feedback to be effective

* Individual resisters, without deep pockets and legal counsel, need to use Bailiwick approach with caution, since many in the judicial system seem to be going along with its weaponization by its leaders (eg, these criminals love to ruin individuals as an example to other resisters to keep quiet)

* Fear tactic should be used in reverse, by resistance groups that are suing people; that is, they should also go after, and ruin, the lower-level bureaucrats that criminal leaders must have in order to act unlawfully (eg, ruining a few of these individuals personally will help scare the others into pushing back on unlawful orders from above)

Tutorial (~2-hours for minimum-awareness)

===== Communist Threats

* Ref-1a = How Communism Actually Works = 20.0min ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/how-communism-actually-works_4475236.html )

* Ref-1b = Why Misunderstanding Communism’s True Nature is Leading the West to Destruction = 23.5min ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/why-misunderstanding-communisms-true-nature-is-leading-the-west-to-destruction_4239229.html )

===== Effective Countermeasures

* Ref-2_1 = Concise rationale for “team humanity” -- Dowd interview with KliM in 2022 = 3.2min (42:12-44:45 + 45:22-46:01) of ( https://rumble.com/vv1adx-breaking-exclusive-former-blackrock-portfolio-manager-exposes-pfizer-fraud.html )

* Ref-2_2 = Concise issues and solutions -- KGB defector interview Griffin in 1984 = 3.2min (1:15:22-1:18:11 + 1:18:42-1:19:02) of ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yru14mMES1c )

* Ref-2a = Zuby interview with Epoch Times = 23.7min ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/zuby-why-the-silent-majority-needs-to-break-free-from-cowardice-and-speak-freely_4731119.html )

* Ref-2b = Harvard senior speech = 6.25-mins ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xtv8XtjzdA ).

* Ref-2c = Snip-#1 from Whitney Webb interview with Dr Mercola = 30sec ( https://www.bitchute.com/video/PaQZqaWB8Q0i/ )

* Ref-2d = Snip-#2 from Whitney Webb interview with Dr Mercola = 47sec ( https://www.bitchute.com/video/qGYoPqQVcXxR/ )

* Ref-2e = Required remedy per lecture by KGB defector = 4.4min (59:00-1:03:23) of his 1983 lecture ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9TviIuXPSE&t=18s )

* Ref-2f = Loudon speech at True The Vote = 35.8min ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/exposing-the-communist-forces-including-china-behind-us-election-integrity-issues-trevor-loudon-facts-matter_4743580.html?src_src=Morningbrief&src_cmp=mb-2022-09-26&est=VD%2B%2FQz%2FoauCrFKO5DVtuUTbt3GhkUHQDg1z1dy15afd0EnEuE3JjQfg%3D )

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Absolutely amazing, phenomenal information Ms. Watt! There are no words to express what a mark you have made for the good of humanity.

May God The Father continue to guide you and protect you in all you do. May He give you continued strength and courage. Amen

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Hi Katherine,

I just read a short but troubling post by Mark Crispin Miller ... https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/one-way-to-end-the-plague-of-vaccine/comments

My comment to his post is as follows, but may be a useful thing to keep in mind for your great work with the resistance.

Cheers from Japan,


p.s. Just finished watching the Fauci movie, and was wondering if you know where and how to get a copy after the 27th.


Perversely, this makes perfect sociopathic sense. As we see the corporate nation-states and globalists pushing us towards Central Bank Digital Currencies, in the same way Trudeau quashed the trucker's protest by freezing digital cash, so will it be with the medical cartels and patient records. Once all 'official' information is digital, both medical and financial narratives can be spun and controlled by the sociopaths in charge and their useful idiots.

Generally, I prefer overlapping communities to indifferent 'efficiencies' of bureaucracies ... but ironically, here in Japan where I live, the Japanese tradition (addiction?) to rubber stamping and signing reams of physical paper documents is holding back the complete digitization, and I think further dehumanization to come. Perhaps a print-out and storage of every digital document is one safety measure to consider. But (sigh), even the the Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground.

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Thanks for that link and comment. I just saw MCM’s post myself.

Someone else in the last year (can’t remember who) said that the likeliest explanation for why the predator-parasites are so blithely unconcerned about all the pushback is because they will control all the digital records of this time period, and will simply make the records of resistance and dissent disappear. So that it will look to people in the future as though no one ever objected or tried to fight back.

I think (as I’ve said) it’s important to keep as many paper records of these troubling times as possible, stored in boxes in closets and attics in as many homes as possible and in libraries too, when that’s an option. So that some records of the resistance survive.

I know, because of my Catholic faith, that God wins this war in the end, and that it’s the work of those alive right now to act in ways that lend themselves to His use of our work for His salvation purposes.

I think that He’s already intervened to make things go less bad than they could have gone, and that many people have stood up and given Him material to work with.

I have hope that He’s helping us still and that many of our collective human efforts are aimed in the right direction, so that some more of the battles may go our way soon. So I have hope that the current predator-parasite people will not see their total erasure of the resistance succeed.

It’s not for us to know the time and place of His coming back, though. Or the outcome of any particular phase of the war.

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Thanks for the feedback Katherine. I am deluged with so much information, what you've been saying about keeping records has slipped under my radar, and in hindsight now seems like common sense. I never thought I would appreciate those stamped forms in triplicate required by the bureaucracies of Japan Inc.

Cheers, and keep up the good fight.


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Again, thanks for all the time and effort gathering and preparing information and forms.

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And the template for censorship or banning? Is that still on the table?

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I forgot about that one. Do you have a sample case in mind? If so, I can look for that case and then use it as a template. I have one about a guy that got taken out of a public meeting in Utah for wearing a t-shirt that advocated for a medical freedom bill. But that’s not social media banning or censorship.

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If it’s Alex Berenson’s case or something similar, those are in the level 3, complex federal constitutional case type that don’t lend themselves well to short, straightforward template formats. But please let me know some of the model cases you have in mind and I’ll look at them and think about whether they could be converted to template form.

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Only my own experience of being prevented from making comments on youtube and having my old gmail account surveilled by google to do so. But I have no proof of the latter. Which reminds me, what about surveillance? Is that a possibility?

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You mean doing template complaints about being surveilled?

Anything is a possibility, and everything should be thrown at the bad guys.

Barrage of small litigation stones.

We just need samples to work from, and people willing to do the throwing. Send me sample cases and I’ll try to make simplified templates.

Last thought for tonight - Rachel Rodriguez of Vires Law in Florida has a program specializing in First Amendment/Big Tech cases, called Libera Voce


“...At any moment, they can decide to cut off a person, or a company’s livelihood. They can shut down sales and all communications. We have even seen them do it undeterred to a sitting President. No one is safe.

This is incredibly dangerous to our democratic republic and to conducting business worldwide.

In 2020, attorney Rachel Rodriguez was hired by a client to seek answers as to why their Twitter following had fluctuated by the thousands. They had spent a significant marketing investment to build a follower base. To date, Twitter has refused to answer their inquiry for data. They have been denied any information. Twitter acts without fear of reprisal…so far....

Libera Voce’s goal is to bring restitution to harmed users on Big Tech platforms through a unique approach using commercial liability. We have developed a database of research and resources to help fight this battle. This database expands weekly as we stay abreast of the daily onslaught of Big Tech and add more case information and legal resources to aid in this fight...”

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Agree. Thanks for what you’re doing….

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