Thank you. We know they are moving forward with their plans - appreciate your and Corey's work showing us the nuts and bolts of that.

And we know too, we - those who see it - are moving forward with our plans to free humanity. We have not just the numbers - which will only increase as "they" are revealed - but we have right on our side. The Source of Life - whatever name one calls it - is with us. Light dis-spells the darkness. Light wins. Humans win.

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I agree. If people really want to save our Country, the numbers will have to increase.

Yes, Light, Humans, and especially, GOD, Wins in the end.

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I think it's not numbers, really, but intent, action, and persistence.


And I do think our numbers are growing! xo

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DO NOT COMPLY sounds right to me :-)

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Yeah, behbeh. :)

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I will add here today that somewhere I read that ALL THE NUMBERS WE NEED are like 3.5% of the pop. That's it. And that's still Waaaaaaay More Peeps than the Bad Guys have, if you think about who is willing to commit to force.

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During the American Revolutionary War, we only had 3% of the population

fighting and supporting the uprising against the British. We didn't have

the best guns and ammunition either. The US Government estimates that there are 1 BILLION Firearms in private hands. WE CAN DO IT :-)

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YES, we CAN!

And I think we can do A LOT simply by gumming up the works they so desperately want us to throw ourselves into...

DO NOT COMPLY! (And let's shoot the 5G towers all to hell!)

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Right....Count me In.....and DO NOT COMPLY....

NO 5G either.

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I also agree, although I suspect the pain, in its myriad forms, will ratchet up on the road outta the mess. Methinks that’s what it will take to reach the tipping point. Makes me sad but so be it. Light does indeed prevail.

Are you familiar with Suzy Ward and her decades long communication with her son who, devastatingly, left the planet abruptly at age 17? (An “accident”.) There’s a lot of hokum out there, but honest, this mother’s journey I simply could not dismiss. The form is not for everybody. For my 2¢ it works for me.

Suzy’s story:


Navigate the site to find Matthew’s messages, archived and dating back more than 20 years.

Brightest blessings late on this Christmas day, a celebration of the embodied arrival of one of the brightest lights in recorded history. ☀️🌍✨

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Thanks for sharing. I remember my Mother telling me years ago when my Cousin passed at 35 of childhood diabetes that she saw him come to her after he passed in the hospital.

She said that they were close. She was his Aunt. His Mother was a sister to my Mother.

There is a man Clif High that does podcasts. He says there are beings out there in the universe. He talks about them in some of his podcasts. Blessings to YOU also :-)

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Thanks. I'll look into it.

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Well said, and I agree. The New Enlightenment... and let's see if we can make it so another one will not be necessary. XO

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On a normally busy Tuesday morning, March 24, 2020, we'd just gone into lockdown. I was out with my work and literally stopped in the middle of the interstate and got out of my car. I didn't know how, but in that moment I knew the world had changed and would never be the same.

At this point I think I'm most disappointed in Congress. McConnell has repeatedly endorsed biden's agenda. They all remained silentas the FDAand CDC came after children and babies. "We the People" have been betrayed on every side, and in many ways (much through manipulation and attack) have betrayed ourselves. It's more important than ever for folks to have their spiritual footing. It is possible to have a peace that passes all understanding and joy that flows like springs of living water. It recently occurred to me that God has been preparing me for 25 years for this hour. None of us is here at this time by accident. We may or may not change the overall direction. But within it the clash of light and dark will be stunning! Get ready for the greatest show on earth. May God endow us with wisdom, valiant hearts filled with peace, love and the supernatural leading and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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First it was credit and debit cards. Then it was online banking. Then it was automatic deposit and bill pay. Money is already electronic. Bank accounts have nothing in them. It's just numbers in a ledger. It is in effect one bank, with numbers being moved around between accounts. Cash will be eliminated in the name of fighting crime, since cash is the best way to hide illegal activities for ordinary people. The vast majority will go along with whatever is rolled out, just like they did with the covid mandates. They will be scared and propagandized into believing it is necessary and it's the only way out. Resistance will be futile, as the saying goes. When they can lock your bank account for non-compliance, what will you do? We haven't hit bottom yet. Where is the line? I don't know. What will I do? I don't know.

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make friends at the pharmacy that will ‘accidentally’ miss the injection site.

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How about that nurse that gave out thousands of saline shots? SHE's a HERO!!!!

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I have listened to people who are knowledgeable in these things... It seems to me the best thing is to go LOCAL, pay in cash or develop a barter system, and AVOID all this centralized bull pucky...

We CAN do this, we can just not participate. It does take some thinking and sorting out.

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True, we are up against it and should not be in denial about the money and power arrayed against us. By the same token, honesty requires that we understand the power we have as individuals and together. Honesty requires knowing that there are real limitations on oppressors. They are not succeeding in all their plans so far, despite incredible wealth and power. These are not gods but men and women. Do not think they are all powerful, they are not.

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P.S. I meant this comment as a response to those who believe we are doomed. I don't concede to doom, nor do many others.

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You are so correct--Never! Thanks for the kind words and my best to you.

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Best to you, too! xo

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Well said, and I agree.

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I have credit union accounts, but I sorta feel like credit unions will probs jump on cbdc too...maybe its time to use the ol money under the mattress, for the best safekeeping. I will chat with my credit union folks re this asap.

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Unfortunately, your paper money will not be accepted.

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Some believe otherwise; I have no options but to go to full barter. I will not do the alt currencies. I guess I will just up and die! /s

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Silver and gold have always been accepted.

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Accepted at the grocer? not yet. No stores accept silver and gold directly in my town. Weed guy? Guess I can ask. How do you handle buying say a shovel from Ace Hardware with silver? I have seen only 1 website that accepted gold and silver, but dont remember where now. Your experience?

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I meant silver and gold have been used as payment for most of human history.

Our society is not there yet, but when they bring in a CBDC and negative interest rates...that will be the moment.

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I agree Mrs S, gold and silver historically, but today right now, cash is still working and accepted, and I can't do a thing with gold and silver, in terms of buying anything I need on a day to day basis. The moment you speak of may take more than a moment. I heard the questions to answer about any currency are How safe, How liquid, and what's the Return; I think clean blood may become our next currency, or maybe healthy babies. Just a sober guess.

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It needs to be accepted and decided by the people first, I think. That's why we go local... it's a community effort. I think soon people will be quite happy to do this, because the alternative is abysmal. The more we go down this track, the more people will realize what it is.

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THAT is our sovereignty, and LEGAL tender. This paper fiat money is junk. Cash, coin, and other LEGAL TENDER must be accepted.

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Must does not mean is. I have had places not want to take silver dollars or gold dollars, just because they are unusual. Never mind actual gold or silver. Tell me one place you can spend it today for real life stuff like food or merch....I know of none here in Portland that take literal gold or silver.

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I dunno, I haven't tried. But it's illegal NOT to accept legal tender. You might have to ROLL those dimes, but... I think we'll see some movement on this soon enough, and there's gonna be some LOUD conversations! I saw something earlier today about January 3rd and that felt like a date to remember... For something or other... ?? Gearing up, gearing up.

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Are you sure? About everybody? I think it WILL be, if we get local and organized.

Local banks will not want everyone just emptying their accounts.

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So not sure, but being told this by the gallery...that cash is all but gone...but I am not sure it will happen quite so smoothly or completely....and i dont see myself doing ANY digi currency....just trying to be cash only now, its doable for me...re emptying accounts, I think they will offer incentives for converting your cash to digi. If they even ask. Mrrr..

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I have no idea what/when/hoooey...

I'm just riding the rails...


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I spoke to my accountant about that and credit unions will be treated just like the banks. There's no difference in this respect. They will have to confiscate everyones money first. That won't be easy.

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I think the model they'll try to use is the "bail-in" as it was done in Cyprus and Greece in 2012-2013.



Or they'll convert all the "dollars" held in commercial banks to the new "currency."

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If they do it won't be that difficult then.

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For those who are looking for a sign of hope in all this madness, we have a window of a few months before it's game over.

There was a leak of the main depopulation plan in July 2021. It laid out the "justification" (violent, massive waves of death from climate change were imminent so let's just kill everyone now) and the strategy (build a mild bioweapon with a known treatment, withhold that from the public, followed by a campaign of terror and a deadly bioweapon).

The plan contained a critical piece of information: people weren't supposed to start dying for 3-5 years so they wouldn't be aware of the plan until it was too late and they wouldn't be able to "riot" or "retaliate". The leak also referred to a vaccine tracking system that was supposed to be in place beforehand.

What the architects of the war against humanity couldn't completely control was that the rapid decline of economic conditions in 2019 forced them to pull the trigger possibly too early. Clearly, the structure for tracking wasn't in place and it seems they hadn't tested the vaccine on humans enough (illegally, pre-pandemic) to ensure its effects didn't become too obvious, too early.

Obviously, the architects of this plan have already made huge mistakes and miscalculations, and the main one was that adverse vaccine events were apparent too soon and too serious to be able to spin or bribe their way out of it. The second seems to be they didn't have the tracking/ surveillance infrastructure in place that they thought they would have. (Interestingly, the Chinese did, and it worked to a point, but has been rolled back in some ways.)

The big milestone coming up that we CANNOT miss is the annual review of the IHR (International Health Regulations) coming up in May 2023. Proposed changes will give the WHO absolute world dictatorship powers - and it will give them the sole power to declare it based on any reason they see fit. It's literally Bill Gates declaring himself a shadow King of the World with no accountability whatsoever.

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Thank you for this.

What's the title of the July 2021 report and do you have a link?

I might already have seen it - I'm aware of the basic plan as you outline it.

But if you can share the title and link, that would be very helpful.

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Four possible matches from my 2021 folder of globalist documents:

Jan. 2021 WHO Immunization Agenda Implementation

August 2021 Good Health Pass Interoperability Blueprint

October 2021 - IMF Global Policy Agenda "Vaccinate Calibrate Accelerate" Plan

Nov. 2021 - Nuclear Threat Initiative "Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats

Another one is a CyberPolygon report.

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Turnkey capitalism in the making. How to make people see it in their minds, _before_ they see it because the key has been turned?

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How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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When I think of what has been happening here on the southern tip of Africa - supposedly one of the most advanced nations in Africa - the idea of a digital currency is downright laughable. We barely have enough electricity to sustain our economy, let alone just keep the lights on and charge our phones. And we want to put everyone's money on their cell phones!? A huge swathe of the population can barely afford smart phones. Many go hand-to-mouth, or are in the informal economy, and can't afford taxes. Nor do they have bank accounts or credit cards. This is a sh**show in the making.

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Let's read Isaiah. John. Mathew. Revelation.

At this point our faith is what's important. God has his plan. We all must be diligent and not allow evil, but prevail with good, righteousness, Prayers, TRUTH, the time is near.. let's all proclaim the Lord of Hosts, Jesus, he is coming into judge the living and the dead. Man has no recourse, but salvation for those who believe. Revelation. God speed.

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Katherine , this is so critical . I can’t even put it in words . God help us . 🙏

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Dec 22, 2022
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It’s always okay with me to cite my work with attribution.

Thank you for your work.

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Dec 21, 2022
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History is replete with accounts of enslaved peoples breaking free from their enslavement.

If this is not stopped before implementation, by us working with God and God intervening for us, we keep fighting anyway from within the open-air prison camps to throw off the digital shackles.

And we do our best to pass our fighting spirit, our faith and our history on to our children and grandchildren.

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Nothing is forever. The history of Israel for one is a good example! Turn to God...freedom and prosperity. Turn away....generational slavery. Oh but that’s the Old Testament, mostly fables right?😉

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Dec 21, 2022
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OP is working to stop the slaughter and to get more tools into other peoples' hands to work to stop the slaughter.

But OP also believes that there is a death worse than physical death, which is immortal soul-destruction through voluntary complicity in evil.

So OP also works, on a personal, individual level, to prepare to die, physically, in the process of resisting coercion to participate in evil. I don't know exactly what that scenario might look like. Starvation? Firing squad? Lethal injection? I play through them in my mind and try to rehearse the sequence of steps through which I manage to successfully withhold consent of the will and stay connected to God's grace. I don't dwell on those scenarios though. They just cross my mind from time to time.

I try to stay focused on fighting the fight as it presents itself each day, through prayer, work and hope.

Matthew 10:28 - “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

OP adds: Long before I understood anything at all about the "legal" how of the criminal enterprise or anything about the biological science of the mRNA/DNA/LNP lipid nanoparticles, my soul recoiled from what was happening. I was not the source of that recoil instinct. God, working in the mysterious ways in which He works, was the source of that recoil instinct. My participation was respecting the recoil instinct and working through and with it.

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I do believe very strongly, or I know, that it is not possible to be "disconnected" from Grace. We may act or feel disconnected, but it cannot be. Impossible! WE are not the ultimate power, we are only like little children in comparison. That's my view of it, anyway. xo

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Dec 21, 2022
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I do have children; I fight for them in addition to everyone else.

I'm very sorry about the horrible situation you are in. It is a tragedy, and it's a tragedy that has happened to millions of people and families, as you know.

I don't think Bailiwick is a good Substack for you to read, given your situation and your viewpoints.

A core premise of my work is that there are unseen forces at work on "our side," just as there are unseen forces at work on the enemies' side, and that none of us humans can see or understand the whole battlefield, only parts of it.

The task as I see it, is to persevere without knowing all the people and events and forces at work, to fight with what we have, in the places where we are, as best we can.

If you don't or can't believe in those unseen forces, and that some of them love humanity and are at work on our behalf, then Bailiwick will not be useful to you, either for motivation and practical tools, or for consolation during suffering.

You and all Bailiwick readers are in my prayers.

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Please watch this video, be ready to take notes, and DETOX yourself and your wife.

I will send up prayers for both of you.


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Death is not the end. It's like break time. Vacation. It's NOT permanent, for the soul, only for that one body. It's not the END... This is what my bones tell me.


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Dec 22, 2022
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Now, where did I say that? Why you go to some extreme OTHER thing?

Okay, I see people do this a lot. It's a knee-jerk thing. But that's not what I'm saying.

I will explain more later if you want me to, but right now I'm getting OFF this machine and doing something healthier... Maybe sleep on it and we can yak tamale... xo I suspect you'll realize what I meant.

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“And remember: you must never, under any circumstances, despair. To hope and to act, these are our duties in misfortune. To do nothing and to despair is to neglect our duty.”

—Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago (Kindle, Paperback, Hardcover, Audiobook)”.

Just read this on MAA’s sub. Timely.

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I agree.

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Never give up, Never surrender.

I believe absolutely that there is NOTHING to fear from death. So let's do this.

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Dec 21, 2022
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I agree that it would be far better to stop the digital enslavement program as quickly and decisively as possible, and that fighting now is extremely important.

Where I disagree is in the defeatism implicit in all comments structured as "if X doesn't happen by Y date" then "it's all over" or "the game is lost" or "this is the last point."

The fight goes on until the Last Judgment comes, and we don't know the day or the hour.

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Yes. "We persevere to the end" (Matthew 24:13, Mark 13:13), opposing evil in every way possible while obeying the Will of God, testifying in word and deed, (Luke 13-19) to the truth, knowing that it is ultimately up to Him whether we succeed or not on this earthly plane.

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Amen Hallelujah!

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Dec 21, 2022
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wow, yes you’ve experienced where this is headed. praying for you & your precious family.

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"The Stamp Act 1765, also known as the Duties in American Colonies Act 1765 (5 Geo. III c. 12), was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain which imposed a direct tax on the British colonies in America and required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper from Londonwhich included an embossed revenue stamp"

--from Wikipedia

That was 9 years before the American revolution.

And nowadays the U.S. government is such a corrupt shell that its likely to cave in at any moment.

If people wake up, that is.

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They will. When it's not possible to avoid it anymore, they will.

But they ARE waking up, even as we speak.

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Dec 21, 2022
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Believe me, I live in the US, and I'm not represented, either, and I'm taxed every which way. Shit gotta change!

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On the federal income tax and untangling that web, I highly recommend the book Cracking the Code, The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America by Peter Eric Hendrickson. It’s like one of our host’s deep legal dives - on steroids. The author and his family have been persecuted by the gov’t for years. Why? Because he found the truth and has gone about disseminating it. Talk about not giving up. Author’s website:


Find info there on the book and much more. Be forewarned, the book is not available through the “usual” retailers or even likely your local independent bookseller. My local independent told me it was out of print. Not true. This was a couple of years ago. The most recent individual I recommended to just this month searched online while we were on the phone. Found the book on Amazon for some exorbitant price, and somewhere else, same crazy $. Cost to order: $29.95 + shipping.

The deal is, there is no payment portal on the author’s website. You have to put a check or money order in the mail. I can only speculate why but the good news is, the individual referenced ordered as indicated and received their book within a week. This has been my experience 3 or 4 times (I have given copies away).

You might also find this documentary enlightening:


So many threads in this illusion. I keep searching and pulling...

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I put this commenter on a 24-hour suspension.

The comment threads at Bailiwick are not a place for explorations of defeatism, fatalism, nihilism or any other “Why bother?” attacks.

Those who want to explore those topics can do it elsewhere.

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