I have credit union accounts, but I sorta feel like credit unions will probs jump on cbdc too...maybe its time to use the ol money under the mattress, for the best safekeeping. I will chat with my credit union folks re this asap.
I have credit union accounts, but I sorta feel like credit unions will probs jump on cbdc too...maybe its time to use the ol money under the mattress, for the best safekeeping. I will chat with my credit union folks re this asap.
Accepted at the grocer? not yet. No stores accept silver and gold directly in my town. Weed guy? Guess I can ask. How do you handle buying say a shovel from Ace Hardware with silver? I have seen only 1 website that accepted gold and silver, but dont remember where now. Your experience?
I agree Mrs S, gold and silver historically, but today right now, cash is still working and accepted, and I can't do a thing with gold and silver, in terms of buying anything I need on a day to day basis. The moment you speak of may take more than a moment. I heard the questions to answer about any currency are How safe, How liquid, and what's the Return; I think clean blood may become our next currency, or maybe healthy babies. Just a sober guess.
It needs to be accepted and decided by the people first, I think. That's why we go local... it's a community effort. I think soon people will be quite happy to do this, because the alternative is abysmal. The more we go down this track, the more people will realize what it is.
Must does not mean is. I have had places not want to take silver dollars or gold dollars, just because they are unusual. Never mind actual gold or silver. Tell me one place you can spend it today for real life stuff like food or merch....I know of none here in Portland that take literal gold or silver.
I dunno, I haven't tried. But it's illegal NOT to accept legal tender. You might have to ROLL those dimes, but... I think we'll see some movement on this soon enough, and there's gonna be some LOUD conversations! I saw something earlier today about January 3rd and that felt like a date to remember... For something or other... ?? Gearing up, gearing up.
About 1 in 20 businesses i patronize only take plastic (restaurants usually). Often they can't break bills over a 20. I try not to go back if thats the case. Businesses have really been pushed to be cashless, getting rid of all that 'dirty' money.......maybe its changing, hope so, even if a bit late.
So not sure, but being told this by the gallery...that cash is all but gone...but I am not sure it will happen quite so smoothly or completely....and i dont see myself doing ANY digi currency....just trying to be cash only now, its doable for me...re emptying accounts, I think they will offer incentives for converting your cash to digi. If they even ask. Mrrr..
I spoke to my accountant about that and credit unions will be treated just like the banks. There's no difference in this respect. They will have to confiscate everyones money first. That won't be easy.
I have credit union accounts, but I sorta feel like credit unions will probs jump on cbdc too...maybe its time to use the ol money under the mattress, for the best safekeeping. I will chat with my credit union folks re this asap.
Unfortunately, your paper money will not be accepted.
Some believe otherwise; I have no options but to go to full barter. I will not do the alt currencies. I guess I will just up and die! /s
Silver and gold have always been accepted.
Accepted at the grocer? not yet. No stores accept silver and gold directly in my town. Weed guy? Guess I can ask. How do you handle buying say a shovel from Ace Hardware with silver? I have seen only 1 website that accepted gold and silver, but dont remember where now. Your experience?
I meant silver and gold have been used as payment for most of human history.
Our society is not there yet, but when they bring in a CBDC and negative interest rates...that will be the moment.
I agree Mrs S, gold and silver historically, but today right now, cash is still working and accepted, and I can't do a thing with gold and silver, in terms of buying anything I need on a day to day basis. The moment you speak of may take more than a moment. I heard the questions to answer about any currency are How safe, How liquid, and what's the Return; I think clean blood may become our next currency, or maybe healthy babies. Just a sober guess.
I hear you, and I know this is commonly not well-known, but coin IS "cash." Cash is anything physical, including checks.
It needs to be accepted and decided by the people first, I think. That's why we go local... it's a community effort. I think soon people will be quite happy to do this, because the alternative is abysmal. The more we go down this track, the more people will realize what it is.
THAT is our sovereignty, and LEGAL tender. This paper fiat money is junk. Cash, coin, and other LEGAL TENDER must be accepted.
Must does not mean is. I have had places not want to take silver dollars or gold dollars, just because they are unusual. Never mind actual gold or silver. Tell me one place you can spend it today for real life stuff like food or merch....I know of none here in Portland that take literal gold or silver.
I dunno, I haven't tried. But it's illegal NOT to accept legal tender. You might have to ROLL those dimes, but... I think we'll see some movement on this soon enough, and there's gonna be some LOUD conversations! I saw something earlier today about January 3rd and that felt like a date to remember... For something or other... ?? Gearing up, gearing up.
About 1 in 20 businesses i patronize only take plastic (restaurants usually). Often they can't break bills over a 20. I try not to go back if thats the case. Businesses have really been pushed to be cashless, getting rid of all that 'dirty' money.......maybe its changing, hope so, even if a bit late.
They didn't know... Who knew? Not me... But we're all catching up PDQ...
We need to get over that whole "convenience" thing, eh?
I am working on something for you... It's small enough to mail... Wheeeeee! ^_^
Are you sure? About everybody? I think it WILL be, if we get local and organized.
Local banks will not want everyone just emptying their accounts.
So not sure, but being told this by the gallery...that cash is all but gone...but I am not sure it will happen quite so smoothly or completely....and i dont see myself doing ANY digi currency....just trying to be cash only now, its doable for me...re emptying accounts, I think they will offer incentives for converting your cash to digi. If they even ask. Mrrr..
I have no idea what/when/hoooey...
I'm just riding the rails...
I spoke to my accountant about that and credit unions will be treated just like the banks. There's no difference in this respect. They will have to confiscate everyones money first. That won't be easy.
I think the model they'll try to use is the "bail-in" as it was done in Cyprus and Greece in 2012-2013.
Or they'll convert all the "dollars" held in commercial banks to the new "currency."
If they do it won't be that difficult then.