
I couldn’t agree more strongly with everything you’ve written here.

I now hear the phrase “public health emergency measures” with an involuntary shiver.

Folks, it’s code for “We’re taking everything away from you and once you’re completely demoralised and have given up being a free human being, we will kill you”.

This is no exaggeration.

It’s the plan.

I salute you for your diligence, courage, relentlessness and for posting all content free of charge.

Best wishes


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I salute you, sir!

Was just reading your Feb. 27 2023 transcript and struck anew with gratitude and admiration for your early and persistent courage and determination to get the info into public hands to the best of your ability. Yours was one of the earliest, clearest warnings I heard and heeded. Thank you for your work then and for getting up every day to keep doing it now.


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Yes, Dr. Yeadon warned us early on when few others were. So brave from the start! Thank you all for your courage and fighting the cruel evil of all this!

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Awareness of vax injury needs to continue, it needs to be seen, felt, and understood at a personal level.

Here is a new, free, powerful tool for anyone to easily search VAERS and see summarized results. You can search by batch number or symptoms, as well as location, age, vax date, and more. It just launched today.

Check it out and share with anyone wondering if their batch(es) had VAERS reports submitted and the associated symptoms or severity.



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The batches, irrespective of manufacturers, showed cyclical patterns of injury on VAERS already in November, 2021:


After that, VAERS data started to be doctored retroactively every Friday.

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“We need legislatures and courts to dismantle and de-fund all public health agencies and strip executives and public health officials of all emergency powers. We need legislatures and courts to abolish all laws giving presidents, governors, and public health officials any power over personal health decisions.”


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They are all in this together and this route is impossible to take.

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Probably not. But I was just agreeing with our illustrious author

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No one has ever said that I am an optimist. I am trying to be a little less doom and gloom. Not doing a great job.

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I know the feeling. I’m not generally clumsy but equally I was never that good a communicator of slanted interpretations. If I thought a research project was lost (doomed) I tended to offer such a view, with the 2-3 most powerful reasons. Colleagues would ask me “Why don’t you leave other projects alone? You’ll get less criticism yourself, too”.

My response was that what’s being spent was all our money and we’ll go broke if we don’t even try to keep ourselves honest.

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Well done.

Because of who I am and how I am, criticism is constant. I learn from whatever is useful and laugh at the rest. But it does wear on me at times.

: )

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It won me no friends.

Almost nobody likes a truth teller. Sad but so in most human affairs.

I’d still counsel others to “live not by lies”.

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Not an easy time for truth-tellers, I must admit. Yet no one said, it is an easy path being authentic and truthful. Once telling the truth is a personal value though, one is starting to derive meaning from staying true to one self. Namaste

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Thank you Katherine for everything you do. For the deep dive into the infrastructure setting up the kill box and for calling out the murderous state sanctioned assassins and for pointing the way out of this seemingly

Impenetrable Genocide/democide that is sweeping our country.

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Great article. I particularly like the realism you present regarding our ability to non comply

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Thank you. I don't feel it's great, but at least it's realistic.

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The title is a bit misleading, but the article is good, as usual. If had to name a single author on Substack that I consider the best, it would be Katherine. Of course, I don't care for the "we," because it doesn't exist, but nothing is perfect.

So, here are my thoughts.

Has "public health" ever existed to the benefit of the people?

"Healthcare" should have never been centralized. Centralization allows for its being taken over, which started in the 1920s, when the Rockerfellows took over "medical" training and suppressed alternative treatments. Even the most well-meaning "doctors" hardly ever have any idea what they are doing...


The constitutional crisis started when the Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation, and the Federal Government got incorporated in the City of London in 1882. The final nail in its coffin was the (un)Patriot(ic) Act of 2001. In 2020, when unelected parties assumed both legislative and executive power, it only showed that the country had been hijacked, no later than the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, but this time, the usurpers paraded around unhindered (well, they are still doing it), while nobody can do anything about it, unless shaking your fists counts as such:


Trusting in politicians and governments became a fool's errand a long time ago, but the slaves on a longer leash were convinced that they were "free":


Nobody must have the authority to tell you to "save lives":


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Excellent! And, a majority of US Citizens think their fundamental rights come from our Constitution... or government.... no, they are God given rights...

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Indeed. The govt is an infant that pisses itself and it needs the taxpayer to change it.

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We have responsibilities, not rights from God. That was always the case and always will be. If we don't exercise our responsibilities to stand up to tyrants and defend the weak we will deserve what happens to us.

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While the medical profession leaves a lot to be desired and has performed atrociously since 2020, I profoundly disagree with "Even the most well-meaning 'doctors' hardly ever have any idea what they are doing..." The statement paints with too broad a brush Ray. Some doctors know exactly what they are doing, both for good and for evil. Your argument that health care should never have been centralized is extremely well taken.

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Thank you for your feedback. Hyperbole is meant to place emphasis on the message, but my message is not far from the truth:


Yes, doctors can, for instance, cut, even if sometimes they remove the wrong limb. :)

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As most mainstream doctors do not understand disease, they don't have a leg to stand on. :)

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All good replies, Ray,

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Most people don't even have the ears, so I don't expect them to listen, Edwin. :)

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Eventually, Ray, I suspect they'll have to listen.

Whether they want to or not.

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They always do, before they are pushed in through the door of the slaughterhouse...

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Or killed in an attempt to get them there.

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Or they kill each other to get there first! :D

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Too bad the Articles were written with the design they'd fail, and the Constitution was written to mislead and enslave.

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The North sold out the country to the bankers even at that point...

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Yes. You've swallowed the "failed" Constitution ploy - carefully designed by persons who have no clue as to the intent of the originators. The Constitution has not "failed". The American citizenry has failed. You're being fobbed... Read the Bill of Rights.

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Take it up with Kenneth Royce (Boston T. Party) and Lysander Spooner. The Constitution for the united States of America is a Masonic scheme.

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I love your clear and cutting calling out of the murderous response called covid pandemic measures by public health and govt and other terrorist agencies. Thank you for not mincing words. We’ve had too much of that. #MistakesWereNotMade

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I am all for deepening the backlash, but I notice that in my "ordinary life", hearing from people I know personally, folks my age or older, there is no discernible awareness about "public health" and there is much praise for the doctors that treat all the mysterious, rare cancers that nobody ever heard of before and that keep popping up among them for some mysterious reason. So much for awareness.

I wish that the problem were confined to public health, but it is so much more widespread, and we are in so much trouble. There is somewhere else we need to look to understand the cause.

I won't repeat my "broken record" here. I was going to post an article called "Broken Record", but this would serve the purpose, if you are interested: https://open.substack.com/pub/clearmiddle/p/the-deceivers-and-the-deceived

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With the greatest respect, sir... folks your age and older are, well, pretty old.

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Yes. Still, turbo-cancer is now all the rage among this crowd. Serial cancer might be a better description. Doctors playing whack-a-cancer -- they pop up in different places, seemingly unrelated. Metastasis I know about, and I am a cancer survivor myself. This is something different that I haven't seen before. And so many people at once.

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In my practice I've had more patients diagnosed with cancer in the first quarter of this year, than were diagnosed in the past 3 years. And more unexplained blood clots as well.

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You are not alone in commenting about this, and I appreciate that you do. I haven't gone near the clinic I use in over two years -- they call from time to time to confirm that I'm still here -- and I don't know what they are seeing. I work with a doctor in another state, remotely, that specializes in preventive medicine, and I pay cash.

I don't have close relationships with very many people, especially now, and being in California. Instead, I see what is happening through small group prayer requests at my church, and through five weekly prayer list emails that I receive, from four different local churches.

It all tells the same story. Some of those affected are people I know or know of. Among them there have been few deaths -- recently one elderly member of my choir (cancer), and a son whose mom I know (he "died suddenly") -- but much suffering.

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Thank you for the beautiful painting. It calms down after such a rousing post

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One of the most interesting and powerful moments at the Kennedy presidential announcement today was his takedown of the lockdowns with devastating data but his equally strong case against Trump for ordering it. To Katherine's theme above, Kennedy believes a President should have the fortitude to reject the evil plans of his agencies. I agree. Of course they killed Jack for it.

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I keep warning against RFK Jr. Yes, he says a lot of good and wise things. Yes, he wrote the book exposing what was happening behind the scenes. But yes, he's a climate fanatic; if you don't believe this, look up his 2020 book.

So let me get this straight: we want to get rid of all emergency powers but want to elect a president who'll undoubtedly use emergency powers to save the very planet? And yes, he would: he's a climate fanatic, truly. Need I remind everyone that catastrophic CO2 warming is the moral foundation for the Great Reset?

OK, so dismantle the CDC and FDA and leave the EPA and then the EPA can have all the bogus science and moral authority that the CDC and FDA had. Bait and switch?

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Yes they did.

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The definition of public health has changed over the last 80 years to become a tool of big Pharma and big medicine and has nothing to do about prevention and reversal of disease states!

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It's simple, impeach any judge that exceeded his authority, and fire and hold accountable any government official that did the same, specifically with a directive that they are never to hold any position, public or private, that would allow them to be paid directly or indirectly by government funds.

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Come on, the globalists own the courts. Changing the system from the inside is just about as optimistic as trying to revive a dead snake by living in it. :)

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I think the common law is more powerful than you think/they want us to believe. We have forgotten how to use common law as it was intended to be used :(

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There is no "we" with the power to change anything. Jury trials are about two percent of all trials (much of the rest is concluded by accepting a plea bargain), and the outcome is already nearly guaranteed after jury selection. If it's not, it's up to the judge whatever is allowed to be presented in the courtroom. In 2010, one in 300 of my students knew where they can wield the most power: on a jury, because THEY become the LAW. Judges hate it, but ultimately, they can't do anything about it, except advise the jury before deliberation that the jury member's job is not to decide if the law is fair, but whether it was broken. That, of course, is a blatant lie. Civics has been out of public school curricula for decades.

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We have to start somewhere, the courts are better than car-bombs outside the courts.

But we may have to have it your way, (not that I'm implying that that is your way, but it is one way).

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If you say so.

Violence would only enable martial law, but going to court is also a waste of time.

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Well, what would you suggest?

Violence does get results, and it's not "reactive."

The results may be negative, but only for a little while unless were talking about F15s & atomic weapons (which the government may resort to).

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Why would I suggest anything? It's your choice. :)

The best solution, as you well know it, always depends on the situation.

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Do you believe our legal system is moot? I hear a lot of people focussed on legal outcomes when I thought it was infiltrated by the globalists and no longer viable

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Hello Ray: Your optimism makes me want to slash my wrists...

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Who told you I was an optimist? :)

Here is a joke about it:

A pessimist, an optimist, and a realist look down a train tunnel

The pessimist sees a long dark tunnel

The optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel

The realist sees that the light is an oncoming train

The train conductor sees three idiots standing on the tracks.

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Yup. When they shut my ass down they declared me to be a dangerous threat to public safety.

In Fact the core and essential lie is that these folks, the nameless faceless government freaks, care about me, or you.

Like the back of the jacket she wore said, her opine is the the government reality,

"I really don't care do you?" Is their truth.

The thing that we are shamed and scared in to hurt ourselves to protect others, the only thing protected is the lie that they care.

When our us government claims to care for the public, like they do in uKraine, that means they are killing everyone fast and wr cked the whole Damm former nation.

So think, the US baddy daddy cares for the whole world, so dammm much

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yes, the “JACKET” was ‘…the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.’


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👌Wow yes

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But at least it makes her posterior look good, I guess, that fingerpaint job

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This is an excellent article. I cannot figure out whether these people are deeply fearful, corrupt, true believers, or demonically posessed. Regardless, they are wrong and need to be stopped, tried, and punished for murdering us. Bravo. Thank you.

Have you seen the post by Dr McCullough essentially saying 'real mRNA science just hasn't been tried!' opining on a paper of the same ilk by Jessica Rose and Tess Laurie? (insane levels of cope about the mRNA platform). I was deeply shocked when I saw this. I do not get into the beauty contests common on our side, but this deeply rattled me. I would bet that these people hold scientism as their god, not God. Stay alert, my brothers and sisters.

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Horrible article because it justifies some version of the unjustifiable.

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Mr McCullough (nobody should be entitled Dr.) is highly suspect and very ignorant in this matter.

RE "I cannot figure out whether these people are deeply fearful, corrupt, true believers, or demonically posessed."

All them, which come under the phrase 'Completely barking mad'. Like Satan.

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I thought I heard Dr. McCullough & his family had been threatened?

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Perhaps so, it is difficult to discern truth from lies and what is designed to throw us off the scent.

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You ain't got no place to hide when Katherine Watts decides to deal with you.

Don't forget to include the Invisible Needles erected during the lockdowns, The Mordor Towers. Are there enough of them to serve as crucifixion structures?

What a vision!! Every last one of them tied to a 5G tower, feeling the power, as they blast off.

Remain angry as hell, Katherine. There's nothing they fear more than women's anger.

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Great work, as always, Katherine!

I just got a paid subscription, but I can't afford to support all of the great substack writers I regularly read, so I rotate my subscriptions around between writers. So, if I unsubscribe in a month or two, know that I'll be switch back to paid subscriber again in a few months. Thanks!

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