Many already know this, but John Titus of “Best Evidence” Substack drills deep on this very topic and how it relates to Sovereignty. If you are at all interested in this topic I highly recommend Titus’ work as required reading. He discusses this topic regularly with Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari.com (paywall but some free content to non-members too -- I recommend membership here also if not already a Solari subscriber).

Thanks for your amazing work, Katherine!

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I knew of Catherine Austin Fitts, in my early days of waking up. Then, when Covid hit, I thought she had the best insight(s), and I always liked the people who she chose to consult with, in helping us all learn & grow. So I joined Solari, and it has been the best port in a storm, I could have found. Many people have commented Solari, should be a University. I think so too. It's a refuge and a playground, for the intellectually curious & us life long learners. Five stars!

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Couldn’t agree more!

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Not much here in current updates.

Seems September was the last time?

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Agreed. I posted the link because Titus' BestEvidence could be confused with another Substack called Best Evidence.

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I think you would be interested to hear this, and I would like to hear your comment on it.


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Finally got a chance to listen to it today. Very, very interesting and helpful, especially the history and ideas behind the abandoned, not abolished, US government structures, and the idea of "reinhabiting" them.

Connects with my sense of things being other than as they seem, our vision being obscured, and baba_gbb's sense of the cardboard cutout Potemkin village.

Thank you.

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RE "There's a good case to be made that the orchestrated implosion of FTX (Nov. 11, 2022) and other decentralized cryptocurrency systems earlier this year, were preparatory steps."

Indeed. This is what CAF has stated about FTX and its implications around CBDC's, when asked: "How are you going to market slavery?" Problem reaction solution, over and over again. Thank you.

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Please read all the way to the end and review the 'consumptive interventions' planned in the c40 cities. You can search your country and city on the first data base/ website link. Learn about what a c40 city is. These organizations seem to link together. (The Most Important link at the below, is also downloaded as an attachment for your thorough consideration.) https://www.globalcovenantofmayors.org/our-cities/


Every single city that is involved in this initiative the entire planet is listed. Do you know which Canadian cities are involved? Mississauga is. Toronto is. North Bay is. Edmonton is and a host of others. But do you know they have a target about how much meat you should eat in C40 Cities? (hint by 2030 NONE. Go through the tables in the link and attachment for yourself)

How many new clothes you can buy? hint: 3 a year is the aggressive target.

Each link is searchable. Read to the end. Consider closely the consumption mitigation or intervention strategies. Personal Auto ownership? Y Vins governed. Your food? decided.

Even the search terms are spooky; "our mayors" or "our cities"



search your city. Find out if its there. Notice anything about the cities missing. By the time you read and consider all of this, those are the cities you'll want to move to.

Has anyone heard of this? shouldn't we understand how they want to regulate the 'goods and services' consumed in their cities as it relates to climate change? This is also known as consumption mitigation and intervention strategies and involves food you eat/ energy/ clothes you're allowed to purchase.

(explore c40 website, you'll see what initiatives, which companies support this) As an aside how would the Strong Mayors Act recently passed fit in with this?


search your city. Find out if it's there. But move to C40 the more aggressive brand to truly see what a C40 city is.




The commitment of our 97 cities representing 700 million residents to the Leadership Standards demonstrates the resolve of the world’s mayors to deliver the urgent action needed to tackle the climate crisis. In this unprecedented moment in human history, we know that we must act without hesitation to save our planet and create a more equitable, prosperous, and healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

In the crucial years ahead, these Leadership Standards set us on a path to achieve a zero-carbon future, build meaningful and broad coalitions, and set a global model for cities around the world to follow suit. This work is grounded in the principles of the Global Green New Deal as the cornerstone of a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the foundation of global efforts to address the climate emergency.

C40 Leadership Standards 2021-2024:

Plan. City has adopted a resilient and inclusive climate action plan aligned with the 1.5˚C ambition of the Paris Agreement, and updates it regularly;

Deliver. In 2024, city remains on track to deliver its climate action plan, contributing to increased resilience, equitable outcomes and halving C40’s overall emissions by 2030;

Mainstream. City uses the necessary financial, regulatory and other tools at their disposal to address the climate crisis and mainstreams their equitable climate targets into the most impactful city decision-making processes;

Innovate. City innovates and starts taking inclusive and resilient action to address emissions beyond the direct control of the city government, such as associated with goods and services consumed in their city;

Lead. Mayor and the city demonstrate global climate leadership and inspire others to act in support of the Paris Agreement.

These Leadership Standards will guide our collective action until at least 2024."

now take a look at this pdf: did you know that c40 wants you to have 3 new articles of clothing; look at the life of the car; how much meat by 2030 you can eat in a C40 city (0kg on the aggressive target- you've got to dig in and understand this is an agenda that has you on a leash. But who are the people that think you under their thumb to the point of food/car/flight/clothing consumption.. is theirs to control. Does it remind you of anything at all. What does it make you think of when you review this. Fedex likes and supports this. You can search which companies are involved in supporting this. Decide if they deserve your business. Is Post Media covering this?


Look at the tables for 'consumptive interventions'; Table 6 for instance tells you that these c40 cities believe they can dictate how many flights you should be able to have by 2030; Table 6.6.1? how many people can own vehicles; There's a table for how many kg of meat you can eat in these c40 cities. Aggressive target? 0kg. 2030 is 7 years away. Do you have a kid? a grand kid? should they taste burgers? or no. It's their mitt year this year? or will you get them underwear.

2 NEW EDITS share this information with city councilors in and not in c40 cities; and if you want to support me my book To Death by Lorna Park is on amazon (buy and give 5 stars)

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Good find, fascinating totalitarianism. Thanks, the more people that know the evil plan, the more will resist.

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please share it widely. Also this


It details one city in Netherlands going full China without citizens knowledge/consent so the mayors on the take are selling their souls to the devil.

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Thanks for the C40 info. I passed on to friends living in LA and Phoenix.

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If we all tell two friends. I"m going on few 100 I hope. together CHARGE!!!

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Thank you. Just discovered I live in 1 of the 34 C40 cities in Australia: Hobart

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You're in my prayers Kerrrylyn. we are in the thick of this. Get the info out there. its gross. and the sheeple they don't want it either.

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Thanks Lisa. I will be sending this on to the local newspapers in my state, a few politicians, and some personal contacts. Tasmania is the smallest state in Australia (apart from ACT which is actually a territory) & the Hobart area contains close to half the state's population, so very easy to "conquer". This does not surprise me. I used to follow Rosa Koire.

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And download and print the links. I'm thinking they will go down soon.

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How do we get from that to telling them to f**k off because its our country?

And no, I'm not some kind of right winger.

By the way I get "access denied" on the c40.org links.

I can access https://c40summit.org/ though. There's a list of speakers that's pretty scary: https://c40summit.org/speakers

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systematically and randonly send to

councillors in any/all cities

boards of trades organizations

chambers of commerce


agri organization



this needs a grass roots of people doing this

(and if you can support my thriller on amazon Lorna Park To death)

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this morning the Dutch 'Frontnieuws' reported, that Dutch banks are now sending out warnings (almost threats) to people who take out too much cash. I know that in Belgium you can only pay a certain amount in cash, otherwise you are considered a criminal! I know the bank wherre I am at here in the US, only allows you to take out a small amount. Not sure if this is because they don't have much cash at the bank, it is just a small local one.

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Same with my bank in Canada. Initially, I thought it was a liquidity issue. I now think that it is a behaviour modification process.

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'behavior modification process' ... I think you hit the nail on the head.

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If you are interested in more on CBDC what the recent George Gammon on the Fed being Bankrupt from yesterday. Problem is that the FED is NOT a government agency. WHY are we allowing them to treat us like they are???

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It governs the overnight lending interest rate, and prints money to purchase assets.

It exercises the sovereignity of 'coinage' over the land. It was created by an act of congress. The chairman is politically appointed. But yes it has private 'corporate' ownership as well.

The fact that 7/8 of the bankers who met in secret to create it on Jeckyll Island were of the jewish persuasion might be informative to you.

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It's contemptible to drop into the conversation such overt anti-semitic comments that are not only irrelevant but false information. The only obvious and known Jewish banker present at Jekyll IIsland was Paul Warburg. Perhaps you have evidence of the "jewish" backgrounds of the other bankers present, such as John Davison Rockefeller, Nelson Aldrich, Platt Andrews, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip and Benjamin Strong?

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I never said they were semites. But I'll double check how many were jews when I get the chance. I could be remembering that wrong, so thanks for the heads-up.

Meanwhile how about you tell us what percent of the Federal Reserve chairmen were jewish, say, since 1932?

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Yep knew all that.... but to RULE as government is not right but I get it.

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What climate crisis?

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The one they are making up!

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Cryptocurrencies have been attracting fly-by-night artists for over a decade now, but FTX is the first one to make political hay with the khazar khabbal in ukraine.

The shekelberg boy just ran a fraudulent exchange and ran with the money, just like they do in other banks. The people who lost their money were just fools who left it sitting in on SBF's computer.

This in no-way invalidates time-tested, decentralized cryptocurrency. You only really own crypto that you have the keys for. Not your keys, not your coins.

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Katherine i cant thank you enough. Gonna wrote a letter and send to state and fed legislatures. I will not willingly put myself and future generations into this digital slave system If it is any good this letter I will share. Maybe if we can get one or two others to do so....

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Notwithstanding the calcified hemorrhoid, Biden's Executive Order, doesn't the Constitution forbid the issue of anything but "specie" for money? Technically, Federal Reserve Notes are unconstitutional, at least that's my understanding. But FRNs, while printed by the Treasury, are not issued by the government but by the Federal Reserve Banks (as Federal as Federal Express, so the saying goes).

So if the Treasury is to "issue" CBDC, then the Constitution should prevent this. Should. But... Then there is Article I, Section 10, Clause 1 and Julliard v Greenman ("The Legal Tender Case").

Would love Katherine's comments on this.

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Without reading the specific case you mention (which I will download), my take on this is the same as my take on the rest of the criminal syndicate's criminal enterprise.

It's all unconstitutional and unlawful, but they believe they've successfully suspended the constitution, and enough of the rest of the country believes that lie, to make it dispositive of challenges to government actions on constitutional grounds.

The task before us is to build public understanding and public outcry about the big lie being a big lie, and make it politically and socially sensible for the actual human beings in Congress, state legislatures and the courts to switch sides from the criminal syndicate team to the constitutional republicanism team.

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Here's the link to the case: https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ll/usrep/usrep110/usrep110421/usrep110421.pdf

I agree and like your thinking. If The People were less intellectually lazy, the Big Lie(s) would be harder to get them to consent to (as in 'consent of the governed'). I think the criminal syndicate is making a big mistake with CBDC because they won't be able to resist their megalomaniac tendencies to use it to control people, cancel people, virtue signal what can and cannot be bought and consumed. They won't. They dream of this kind of power.

Once The People realize what has happened (as in "too late"), they will want out of this trap. Maybe Gresham's law (bad money drives out good) will be the reality: People forced to use CBDC will use it when they must but will use "cash", of some sort, for things the State wishes to prevent them from having/buying. In this regard, silver is still relatively cheap, has intrinsic value, and is fairly easily recognizable.

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"Orchestrated implosion", or are they taking advantage of the implosion? I guess, from our standpoint, it doesn't really matter ... but we keep seeing these gov't operations, run through or by, our intelligence agencies and FBI: Garland Mohamed Cartoon Operation (FBI); Governor Whitmer Kidnapping Operation (FBI); January 6 (multiple agencies); Infiltration of Twitter (DHS, among others); Covid and the Jab (DARPA, CISA & others); etc. They're all done with the intent (or result) of the further concentration of power in the Gov't and its Agencies.

No one is taking the opportunity to say a single thing about serious cuts to the Intelligence agencies and DOJ after all this? Man, are we unprepared and unserious.

And no significant political voice can apparently muster the courage to say a single thing? The only conclusion I can come to is that our leaders have already been recruited to the Agenda ... or they already so compromised by the Intelligence Community that they'll sign on "willingly" when the time and opportunity present themselves.

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Why are Executive Orders, i.e. rule by "executive fiat", even constitutional? 🤷‍♀️

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Apparently because FDR said so in 1933, and nobody stopped him or his successors from making the fraud stick.


Melvin Stamper:

"This accounts for Executive Order landslides since F.D.R., who first declared – openly – his seizure of Emergency Powers in March 1933, again, by Executive Orders.

Executive Orders have the force and effect of law when published in the Federal Register, and by this means they become “Public Policy…” "

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From your cited article: "The Federal government’s use of the Constitution comes down to this: if Constitutional cites fit a Federal need, they are used; if the Constitution or precedent does not fit, it is ignored."

So, if no one is willing to challenge the basis for overreach by "executive fiat", the only solution would appear to be extreme federalism...

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Agree. And this is why the rise of States' power and Governors of States started to play an important role during the Covid FRAUD, with governors nullifying illegal and insipid mandates from the Federal Government. I think States Rights are going to continue to play an important role until things calm down or become unglued.

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👍 Am hoping for "calm down", but expecting "unglued".

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Executive orders existed since the get-go but they were orders to the executive branch on the management of executive branch affairs, not new impositions on the people.

But you'll note that it was the clique around FDR that committed the abominations beginning in '32-33, just as the headlines of all their papers blared out "Judea declares War on Germany".

See, these things are connected...

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IMO, there is no better authority on Constitutional issues than Michael Boldin. tenthamendmentcenter.com

Boldin says we must nullify these unconstitutional laws but said Jefferson never told us how to do it even though he was the first to mention it in 1798.

I took a class with him about 7 years ago.

I also took a class with Michael Badnarik(deceased this August) on Constitutional law where I also learned many things that we currently do where there are no laws compelling that we must do them.

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Xmen ~ Thank you for the link! Given your expertise, I am curious what you think about the effort to call an Article V Convention of States?

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I think the states are too integrated with the Federal government to get anything done.

Secession is not a viable option as well for this reason, and would make us very weak and suspect to UN military intervention.

The entire Federal structure is intertwined with the states and private, corporate and business world.

We can't fix this.

This corruption is too deep and vast to overcome in the current climate.

I believe there is only one viable way out.

We must use our collective power to ABOLISH the entire system, clean up this trash, burn it, and then bury it for good.

Doing this is like using the most powerful EMP weapon ever created.

EVERYTHING stops dead in it's tracts.

Every single person will suffer with the loss of everything they have worked for their entire lives. Some, will suffer much greater than others.

But doing this will ensure we control the outcome and our future without the control of a global elite and tyranny.

We will be truly free for the first time since a few years after our inception as a country.

People must ask themselves this very difficult question: "What price is my freedom and my life worth?"

If we continue this course, everything is going to be taken from them by force anyway.

How do we start over as well, after this is done?

Difficult thoughts and difficult answers must come and they must come quickly.

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A thousand hearts to you Xmen. Bolden explains it clear enough for anyone to understand. Ten amendments. Thirty Enumerated Powers.

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I never saw details, but I read somewhere that Nancy Pelosi tried to slip digital currency legislation into one of the big Covid-19 spending bills. But it was pulled out prior to the vote.

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They may try to use Executive orders in combination with Emergency Powers to fully implement the CBDC as the single currency. Emergency power is how all the tyranny has been implemented to date, the lockdowns, mandates, etc. According to the Constitution a replacement to the current fiat dollar would require an act of Congress(a new law), however some kind of Emergency Use Authorization could be imposed to bypass Congress(which Congress seems to love these days) in order to ‘get the camels nose inside the tent’. And as we all know once the camels nose is inside he’s coming in, and down comes the tent. When a CBDC is fully implemented there will be no going back. It is a one way street.

I believe it will be initially rolled out as a ‘parallel’ currency to the fiat dollar in some way, perhaps in some regional fashion, for example in blue states where the State government authorized it. But it is very unclear how this would work for any extended period, so I expect a relatively short transition period. So I for a parallel system to be established for a brief period, followed by a fomented “crisis”, followed by a ‘turning off’ of the fiat dollar and a complete conversion to a CBDC by EUA. The timing of all this is equally uncertain

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.....I would submit that, as the United States' CORPORATE dissolution is alleged to have ALREADY occurred, such EOs (and most ALL of Joey Hands', this Congress' actions) are ILLEGAL, not valid, NULLifiable - likely a MAJOR [set of] wrench[es] is in PLACE, Katherine.....

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This is off subject, but I can't believe my eyes. Is the Pope really advocating this:


Truly amazing to me if true. Thank you for taking time to answer.

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Pray the Rosary.


“The Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all, spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families, of the families of the world, or of the religious communities, or even of the life of peoples and nations, that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There is no problem I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.”

– Sr Lucia of Fatima to Father Fuentes in a conversation on the 26th of December 1957


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Thank you. While I am neither Catholic nor Christian I do believe in sincere heartfelt prayer inspired by compassion, wisdom and practical simple living. That is what I believe the Rosary is inspiring. But I don't know of course.

If I were in a tradition I would be Buddhist as I had a deep spiritual experience (when I just turned 18) that only Buddhism came close to explaining and possibly allow me to engage again now that I am older wiser and growing in patience and compassion.

I admire your work, your stamina and your commitment to purity of practice. You are not a groupy, which is truly courageous. Blessings and may all your heartfelt wishes come true.

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