Hi Katherine

It would seem to me that this document is a lie ...


Would that be a correct interpretation?

Thanks again for all the wonderful work you are doing ...


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Yes, that public relations material is a lie.

It might be more precise to say it’s a cover story or a decoy or theatrical prop.

If you insert the word “fake” before all the object nouns such as “laboratory research” and “clinical trials” and “data” in all the boxes, then it makes more sense.

It was a document intended to defraud the general public and also low-level FDA employees.

Research, trials and data collection have in fact occurred in recent decades to develop the class of mRNA/LNP weapons.

But the nexus between that research and the drug regulatory process has not been valid.

The nexus between that military research and FDA actions was the DOD coordinating with the FDA to play-act the scam by pretending to review fake data and pretending to “authorize” the class of products for human use.

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I'm really interested in how it can be proven that the DOD coordinated a "play-act" agreement with the FDA. Where is the evidence of this? -- communications between the two agencies? ... written agreements to this effect? ... emails to this effect?

Maybe I'm missing something, but, so far, this appears to be speculation. I agree that it surely looks like this is the case. But is there really any hard evidence to prove this?

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I read that DOJ memo months ago but I must say - it is utter nonsense. How can a medical provider authorized to administer a biologic warn a recipient of said biologic that their failure to take the biologic may result in loss of employment?

Not to mention the failure of logic that there is no coercion when there is choice - you can choose not to take this, but your choice in that matter results in the loss of your job. (By the way, that technique verbatim was used by my employer.)

I did not have a choice. I had direction from God to rely on natural immunity. I had no choice but to follow my conscience and rely on God's direction. God's direction came before the word mandate was ever uttered. I also did not have a credible choice to follow non-specific advice administered by HR that was contrary to the advice I received from the medical provider who had my full medical history. God's will be done.

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I think they associated coercion with only actual force. So unless they held you down and injected you, or detained you until you relented, then it was not "coercion". Now clearly that is not the definition of coercion.

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Thats why the private employers are the bagholders after the OSHA mandate got shot down. They are totally exposed to liability as a result.

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I was unable to find an attorney who would take me on as I was self-employed when the state vax mandates for health care workers were rolled out.

The issue was threat to licensure - which the state made clear.

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Yeah that's the CMS EO Mandate. That's the one the stupid old fool judges can't bring themselves to enjoin it seems. They were too afraid of covid.

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Your content is becoming, in some senses, more succinct, and targeted upon subject matter, following on the heels of your far more expansive expositions on the histories of "legal," not moral, frameworks developed over time, and used to justify Fascist governmental genocide in collusion with Big Media, Big Pharma, etc. Its remarkable work, THANK YOU!!!

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Very humorous, but so true. I'm not an expert in information theory like my father is, but I know some things about it. There is a minimum number of words required to convey any given amount of information. Making the number as close to the minimum as possible when expounding complex, information-dense subjects is very much nearly an art, and like any art requires great skill, lots of experience, and a good editor. How do I get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice. Talent is 99% perspiration, and 1% inspiration. You've paid alot of dues. You're an amazing researcher, and writer. Youre like a machine. I hope you get up at least once an hour to allow the blood that pools in your calf muscles to circulate. I used to sit at a desk for long periods of time researching and writing. It's murder on the calves. Good idea is to sleep with your legs fairly elevated.

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Here's that hermetic equation in motion; Two united becomes the strength of three, becomes the power of seven; Katherine's succinct and targeted subject matter, + Dennis's perfect comment, + me; (1) the messenger with documents, (2) intelligent and compelling dialogue ~ (3) and me with a little bit of spunk. Somehow I think in this case - it may become greater than the power of seven if we activate the sound ether in the field of consciousness where Truth coalesces the facts, the intent and the love for Humanity that propels it forward. Thanks to Steiner for that one.

In other words for all who read comments; Local health departments are accepting large payoffs for the continuation of the injection campaigns. People should be paying attention to their local governments now. We have the power to stop them, thanks to the great independents who are working relentlessly and tirelessly to provide the tools we need to change things from the ground up.

Thank you, Katherine, and Dennis for what I was seeking today for the commissioners meeting. We will stop the flow of that money with the Truth.

God is willing, so shall we be. <3

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Best of luck educating, and altering your local public officials Diannah. You're exceptionally resourceful, and powerful. Persistence pays off. Skillfully directed passion pays off. Righteous indignation tempered by love pays off. Finding, and skillfully exercising out innately divine human power given FREELY by the Grace of God is UNSTOPPABLE. Christ Jesus incarnated to show humans how to defeat death, and evil. He was Divine powerful LOVE embodied in a human form.

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Thank you! Everything in this Bailiwick Space seems divinely guided, inspired and empowered. The work Katherine is doing is a perfect expression of the wisdom and fortitude that can only come from the Grace of God. UNSTOPPABLE indeed, now Truth is a snowball rolling downhill, soon to become an avalanche. Very soon.

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No NFL Sunday, Feb 12. Worldwide Candelight Vigil



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And right there they've redefined 'choice'. I believe the next step in abortion laws on the left will be your 'right to maintain your pregnancy' will be based on the choice to mandatorily adopt (insert pro-narrative speech; no anti-narrative speech, uptake of vaccine schedule, uptake of lockdowns and business closure etc)

Your choice will then rebvert to the state when you don't choose appropriately. Forced abortions will be deemed non-coercive: since you could always have adopt the course of action they want to force. CHOICE is being redefined according to what the choice is about. Love the work.

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I believe guns will be in play before this happens.

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As the bumper sticker states, “The Founders would be shooting by now!” THAT IS A BUMPER STICKER, not my words!😉

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That's a bumper sticker wow! just like this emergency will be lifted in May. like how much of an emergency can it be if you can plan to off boat it at a given hour. planning an end to the emergecny to coordinate with start of : war with china or some such ridiculous next stage psyop. If someone gave the man an enema, he'd crap out the last of his brains. Isn't there a doctor that can opine on his fitness to govern?

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And there's the 2nd amendment and why the want to round them up

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Someone asked what will happen in the next 4 months, you've just answered.

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Looking at Section 564 and the summary comment that begins the 18 page "memo,":

"Section 564(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III) of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act concerns only the

provision of information to potential vaccine recipients and does not prohibit public or

private entities from imposing vaccination requirements for a vaccine that is subject to

an emergency use authorization."

Whoever wrote this is an enemy, a traitor to decency and freedom -- and must be treated as such. So are 𝒂𝒍𝒍 the "public and private 'entities'" that used force and coercion against other human beings. They, too, must be treated as the indecent people they are.

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The more you go down this rabbit hole, the worse it gets… for us! 🔥

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I think the level of badness of this rabbit hole is staying about the same: very very bad.

The further we go down the rabbit hole, the more visible it becomes, to more people.

Which is good. It's easier to fight against a visible enemy, using visible weapons that you and your compatriots can see, than to fight against an invisible enemy using invisible weapons.

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With your inestimable help, we are learning about this enemy after so many, many years of enforced ignorance.

Indeed, our knowledge will be our first weapon deployed against them.

Thank you for your unending. persistence Katherine, xo

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They are very visible. All are agencies of the fake government that too many have accepted. Then we have the reptilian WEF and CFR (they think we forgot them).

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Here's another visual aid tool: https://stopworldcontrol.com/unevent/ There is an unedited version link on the website - a good overview of the top down method of takeover - clearly giving us motivation to strike from the ground up.

We need to be educating the public about the war footing we're on - this awareness is a necessary bridge.

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Instructing people is easy, and we'll need stealth everything. The problem is motivation. That bumper sticker seems like a day here.

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As the perception of the general public continues to shift, steadily it is, the motivation will come, maybe not too quickly - yesterday would not have been soon enough. But Truth is not something that can be forced on anyone. We can only demonstrate in the kindest, yet most confident ways, how it is manifesting in a progressive manner.

This was inspiring: Roger Waters address the UN Security Council. The People Have Spoken; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZXMmRg9ZcU

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Thanks Katherine, I'm at work and checking in on breaks. Didn't realize you'd already addressed the DOD/ HHS issue earlier today. Had commented here about it, dug deeper in my inbox and saw you wrote about it earlier. Am going to read it now. Thank you for ALL that you do!! (I deleted the prior comment.)

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Dawn Johnson...her name also came up in the comirnaty label swapping fiasco in the DOD last summer.

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Sounds just like the findings of the New South Wales court in Australia in 2021. ‘Threat of loss of employment and social privileges under mandates is not coercion.’

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Thank you again. Your work will surely contribute mightily to the resolution of this atrocity.

The God of my understanding is working through you.

God bless you.

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This is why government never works. It is built upon confusing and conflicting laws and dictates. The enemy always seems to be the citizen. Under EUA, it appears as if the rule of law is out the window and there is absolutely no responsibility or culpability attached to any dictate. It's as if an alien force came to the planet and it's just trying to eliminate everyone.

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Thank you Katherine.

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Thank you, Katherine, for your tireless dedication to exposing the truth about this clandestine biowarefare operation. One question: is there any mechanism by which the vaccine manufacurers and other Big Pharma collaborators can be made to pay for the obscene amount of damage they have caused? Or are they, as some commentators aver, totally legally fireproof?

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Hi Katherine,

Thank you for the sharing of your very interesting analysis related to the C-19 plandemic... in the USA with its own agencies, laws...., ; how would you explain the quite similar scenarios which have unfolded in other countries ?

In France, we have had our share of dictatorial measures... with vaxx mandates... thousands of suspended physicians, nurses, firemen... etc

one example :


Thank you for your Courage and your commitment to the Truth


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