Hi Katherine

It would seem to me that this document is a lie ...


Would that be a correct interpretation?

Thanks again for all the wonderful work you are doing ...


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I read that DOJ memo months ago but I must say - it is utter nonsense. How can a medical provider authorized to administer a biologic warn a recipient of said biologic that their failure to take the biologic may result in loss of employment?

Not to mention the failure of logic that there is no coercion when there is choice - you can choose not to take this, but your choice in that matter results in the loss of your job. (By the way, that technique verbatim was used by my employer.)

I did not have a choice. I had direction from God to rely on natural immunity. I had no choice but to follow my conscience and rely on God's direction. God's direction came before the word mandate was ever uttered. I also did not have a credible choice to follow non-specific advice administered by HR that was contrary to the advice I received from the medical provider who had my full medical history. God's will be done.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Your content is becoming, in some senses, more succinct, and targeted upon subject matter, following on the heels of your far more expansive expositions on the histories of "legal," not moral, frameworks developed over time, and used to justify Fascist governmental genocide in collusion with Big Media, Big Pharma, etc. Its remarkable work, THANK YOU!!!

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No NFL Sunday, Feb 12. Worldwide Candelight Vigil



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And right there they've redefined 'choice'. I believe the next step in abortion laws on the left will be your 'right to maintain your pregnancy' will be based on the choice to mandatorily adopt (insert pro-narrative speech; no anti-narrative speech, uptake of vaccine schedule, uptake of lockdowns and business closure etc)

Your choice will then rebvert to the state when you don't choose appropriately. Forced abortions will be deemed non-coercive: since you could always have adopt the course of action they want to force. CHOICE is being redefined according to what the choice is about. Love the work.

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Looking at Section 564 and the summary comment that begins the 18 page "memo,":

"Section 564(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III) of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act concerns only the

provision of information to potential vaccine recipients and does not prohibit public or

private entities from imposing vaccination requirements for a vaccine that is subject to

an emergency use authorization."

Whoever wrote this is an enemy, a traitor to decency and freedom -- and must be treated as such. So are 𝒂𝒍𝒍 the "public and private 'entities'" that used force and coercion against other human beings. They, too, must be treated as the indecent people they are.

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The more you go down this rabbit hole, the worse it gets… for us! 🔥

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Thanks Katherine, I'm at work and checking in on breaks. Didn't realize you'd already addressed the DOD/ HHS issue earlier today. Had commented here about it, dug deeper in my inbox and saw you wrote about it earlier. Am going to read it now. Thank you for ALL that you do!! (I deleted the prior comment.)

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Dawn Johnson...her name also came up in the comirnaty label swapping fiasco in the DOD last summer.

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Sounds just like the findings of the New South Wales court in Australia in 2021. ‘Threat of loss of employment and social privileges under mandates is not coercion.’

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Thank you again. Your work will surely contribute mightily to the resolution of this atrocity.

The God of my understanding is working through you.

God bless you.

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This is why government never works. It is built upon confusing and conflicting laws and dictates. The enemy always seems to be the citizen. Under EUA, it appears as if the rule of law is out the window and there is absolutely no responsibility or culpability attached to any dictate. It's as if an alien force came to the planet and it's just trying to eliminate everyone.

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Thank you, Katherine, for your tireless dedication to exposing the truth about this clandestine biowarefare operation. One question: is there any mechanism by which the vaccine manufacurers and other Big Pharma collaborators can be made to pay for the obscene amount of damage they have caused? Or are they, as some commentators aver, totally legally fireproof?

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Hi Katherine,

Thank you for the sharing of your very interesting analysis related to the C-19 plandemic... in the USA with its own agencies, laws...., ; how would you explain the quite similar scenarios which have unfolded in other countries ?

In France, we have had our share of dictatorial measures... with vaxx mandates... thousands of suspended physicians, nurses, firemen... etc

one example :


Thank you for your Courage and your commitment to the Truth


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