Do we pursue this avenue for prosecution given that this "virus", whether naturally-occurring or coming out of the "work" of these scientists, actually killed very few people?

It may be that this pathogen alleged to cause the symptoms given the name "COVID-19" did originate in a lab. Those behind this crime needed a story, so they told one about a "novel" "virus", and then we heard that this "killer" was made in a lab. Only one problem -- it didn't kill people -- at least not very effectively, as it were.

The withdrawal of medical care, the refusal to treat, the use of deadly "medicines", the withholding of food and water, the inducement of coma in order to "ventilate", scaring the crap out of the "scareable", and on and on. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 what killed people,. That and the real weapon -- the point of the story -- to get the needle with the real killer bioweapon into the arms of as many people as many times as possible.

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Yes, all three aspects you mention are part of the complex crimes committed, and there’s evidence to support all three as murder weapons: SARS-CoV-2, hospital/nursing home death protocols, and lethal injections, in addition to lockdowns, masking and testing as part of the control chute into the hospital and vaxx abattoir.

So with each case, against each defendant, the work will be putting together the puzzle pieces about what that person knew, when they knew it, and what they did. Not every person was part of every part of the crime. But a lot of people took part in some parts of the crime.

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And one of the biggest parts of all of this? Liability immunity for the makers of this junk. That in and of itself is a crime. This crime may have been legalized, but it is inherently unlawful -- especially when the junk in this case has been forced on people!

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Picky point: there is no "virus", not that anyone can scientifically prove. Any novel attack on ppl's respiration is 5G, w/ or w/out massive air pollution which explains why "CoVID" cases (as distinct from the effects of the vaxxes) are highly localized. https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/

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Hi Katherine.

Much thanks for your work here.

Maybe that philosophy of science-thingy, or being a permanent resident of Japan (a secular land of a thousand gods), have played their roles in excluding me from identifying with any particular religion, and I'm old enough to be a Gen-Xer’s parent. But I really appreciate the work you are doing here as someone who shares the same moral autonomy and ideals.

The likes of you, myself, and others of good will, are pickets in the forever war of mankind against its own worst nature. Just some recent triangulations of who we are up against:

1 — I just wrote a longish comment regarding the similarity between decidedly undemocratic Japan and ‘freedom loving’ America to this rebroadcast of an interview with author Lewis H. Lapham … who I think we can both agree is one of ‘us’.


2 — Dr. Ramani Durvasula, particularly in this Master Class interview by MedCircle on the distinction between sociopaths and psychopaths … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpjYtAB9i2w&t=46s,

3 — and the late scholar’s Andrew Lobaczewski only book, ‘’Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism’’ (on Kindle!) — which bridges the personal trauma of dealing with those high in B-Cluster personality traits with the broad swath of history … the continual building of hubris-heavy Towers of Babel, only so they can be gamed, corrupted, and collapse into ruins … rinse and repeat, or at least until a collapse is disastrous enough to bring about the end of the species.

Reminds me of a dark, but memorable quote …

‘’Thus, Norse society’s structure created a conflict between the short-term interests of those in power, and the long-term interests of the society as a whole. Much of what the chiefs and clergy valued proved eventually harmful to the society. Yet the society’s values were at the root of its strengths as well as of its weaknesses. The Greenland Norse did succeed in creating a unique form of European society, and in surviving for 450 years as Europe’s most remote outpost. We modern Americans should not be too quick to brand them as failures, when their society survived in Greenland for longer than our English-speaking society has survived so far in North America. Ultimately, though, the chiefs found themselves without followers. The last right that they obtained for themselves was the privilege of being the last to starve.’’

Diamond, Jared. Collapse (p. 276). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

On the bright side, if human nature, by definition, includes a persistent, and perhaps dark, self-destructive side to it … at least there is a steady trickle of frogs who continue to carry scorpions on their backs to the other side of the river, with some more than others, fully aware they are gonna get stung.

While looking for the following particular quote, I came across a good page to return to now and again, for those dark days to come … https://parade.com/252644/viannguyen/15-of-martin-luther-king-jr-s-most-inspiring-motivational-quotes/

‘’We've got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn't matter with me now because I've been to the mountaintop... I've looked over and I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land." — Martin Luther King Jr.

I’ll be happy if a few of us frogs make it to the other side of the river.

More power to you Katherine.

Keep up the good fight.

From the trenches in Japan,


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Money and/or intimidation are powerful forces. It will be extremely difficult, nigh on impossible, to get prosecutors (many of whom are beholden to Soros-funded organizations for their jobs) to reject bribery or risk their jobs, welfare, families, etc. to take on the most powerful organizations on the planet. Add to that the fact that, as we have seen, courts at all levels are thoroughly compromised and will not be there to help us, as they had been in the past. No one knows why the courts have become such worthless institutions, but the fact remains that we can no longer rely on the courts to redress injuries or adjudicate claims, especially those related to covid crimes. Bottom line: we are on our own.

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I agree that bribes and threats are powerful.

But I also think the composition of “we” changes over time.

Some people are entering the “nothing left to lose” stage of their lives.

Some people are understanding things now that they didn’t understand six months ago, a year ago, two years ago, five years ago...

Some people are finding courage they didn’t know they had.

Some people are finding grace from God in new and different ways, and expressing it in their work.

So I don’t think we’re alone, even just counting human beings in our dynamic process of living and learning and changing and acting, as part of the dynamic process of history unfolding. Things are not static.

I also don’t think we’re alone, because I think we need to count Almighty God and His saints and angels as active in our fight against evil, and as even more powerful forces than threats and bribery.

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I have been thinking about the above two comments since reading them. I agree with both which leaves me in a dilemma about writing my comment.

My thought is we must keep speaking out. If the courts prove to be a dead end, we must find another way which we can and will do. Look at all the gifted people devoting their time and talents to the truth. Often it seems their voices are too scattered while those pushing the mainstream narrative benefit from a more cohesive presentation supported by endless amounts of money. (Gates, Soros, Schwab, the WHO, Government grants from Fauci, Big Pharma, and on and on.} The evil network is tightly woven.

Being on one's on can bring out creative solutions. Many of us learn this dealing with our own journey in life. Persistence and determination can lead to amazing results no one thought possible. One thing can lead to another. We must keep moving forward while keeping an open mind to all possibilities including what Katherine is proposing. Not all judges and courts are corrupt .... yet!

And , yes, we must not forget the power of prayer and intention.

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Saw the original interview on Mercola with Dr. Boyle. Aussie Maria Zee (on Stew Peters network) has done a number of interviews with him. There are others - https://rumble.com/search/video?q=dr%20francis%20boyle

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Please go to https://prosecutenow.io/ and follow steps and Submit information. Dr. Christine Northrup is a leading advisor for Prosecute Now.

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I could not find much on YouTube re Dr. Francis Boyle. I did find a lot on Brighteon.com including the interview with Dr. Mercola. I don't know of Katherine permits links, but here is the link to Dr. Boyle's interview with Dr. Mercola. https://www.brighteon.com/8ea9ff1f-c4c3-4a10-9cfc-2f234f6c0bb7

Otherwise, go to brighteon.com and search Dr. Francis Boyle for more videos featuring Dr. Boyle including the one with Dr. Mercola.

Thank you, Katherine, for reminding us about the important work of Dr. Francis Boyle.

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going to save your blog for future use ! thanks !

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.....situation in MA appears to be an absolute DISASTER; few Republican candidates (let ALONE for County offices) challenging Democrats (although I don't trust EITHER party, as an ACTUAL 'Progressive'; Del Bigtree's interview airing yesterday with FL Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo DID display what one MIGHT look like as well, and he's given me MORE hope of REAL vision YET becoming available) - NO chance Diehl & Allen beat Healey or Chang-Diaz (as I've SAID, Greater Boston is Ground ZERO Stateside for attempts of technofascists to hijack our plane of existence; WEF's roots lead RIGHT back to Cambridge / Harvard) to become governor / lieutenant (Doughty comes with LDS-Romney / Harvard baggage - to say NOTHING of a 2016 ENDORSEMENT for HRC :( while TWO Democratic Attorneys General possibilities carry with them NOXIOUS endorsements (Young Globalist Mayor Michelle Wu, Healey HERSELF, Elizabeth Warren.....)

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No point in voting anyway, UNLESS you can prove that your vote isn't getting "flipped" to someone you did NOT vote for. (Good luck w/ THAT.)

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I'm in the UK so can't help on this topic but would like to thank you for all the work you do.

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My county district prosector is an office, not a person. The State Attorney General is a democrat. I can try him?

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What county and state do you live in? If you don’t want to post it here, email me at kgwatt@protonmail.com

But there should be a person who’s the head of the county prosecutor’s office, who makes decisions about case management etc.

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Thanks okay will reply later today. My state is totally blue.

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Aloha. Thanks for the content and direction.

We’ve been to the Hawai’i County Board of Ethics with complaints against our elected Prosecutor for violating his duty. Complaints denied.

We’ve been to the Hawai’i County Police Commission with complaints against our Chief of Police for violating his duty. Complaints denied.

We’re going back to both commissions this coming month with new petitions and complaints. Now the complaints also go to the Rear Admiral Commander U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor and the Lt. Commander Chaplain there.

These are opportunities for pro se appearances on the record which help to deliver unvarnished facts, build our inner spiritual strength and hopefully with high intention and sincerity make an impact.

May unexpected blessings and love keep coming to you and from you. ✅❤️🤝🙏

PS. “The yoke of bondage will be broken by the anointing oil.” Ya think? 🤷

I make the holy anointing oil of Moses and the christening oil of Jesus with Cannabis as per Exodus 30:23. Kaneh bosem in Hebrew is Cannabis hemp, or “marijuana”.

The holy anointing oil was originally applied to the crown chakra to awaken the consciousness and make the receiver more healthy, happy and holy. It works.

Messiah = the anointed

Christ = the anointed

Mahdi = the anointed

Christian = an anointed one

Anti-Christ = against the anointed

Return of Christ = return of the anointing

“We believe anointing is a literal thing. Anoint your crown with holy oil and hear the angels sing!”

Anointing adds cannabinoids to the endocannabinoid system for homeostasis.

Roger Christie

Hilo, Hawai’i




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'Christ' - primary meaning: 'the ENLIGHTENED, Light' - as Matthew 6:22 affirms; 'anointed was a subsequent SECONDARY connotation.....

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Aloha. He was enlightened because He was anointed. 🤝

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In my opinion. I wasn’t there; just diving into the original meaning of words and my personal experience.


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Don't hold your breath waiting for any bums to get voted out. Elections have been completely rigged since 2000, at least--it's what the computers (&/or mailed-in ballots) are for. But the Crooks In Charge RELY on lots of voters complying to give themselves/their crimes cover; plus, so the crooks who "win" can stand up & tell the public they got "a mandate from the people". The fewer voters who vote, the more obviously a LIE that will be. http://www.thepolemicist.net/2016/09/strike-vote.html

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I so appreciate your thoughtful, well-reasoned, and well-documented posts.

Undeniably, we have been, and continue to be subjected to a criminal assault that

encompasses the mental, physical, and spiritual.

What I find problematic with the chain of reasoning behind this post is that the criminal activity cited i.e. the development of an illegal bioweapon derived known “pathogenic virii” is based on (what seems to me to be becoming ever more clear) an assumption that such “entities” exist.

I am not saying that the culpable parties as identified in your brief are not, indeed, responsible, either directly or indirectly for what has and continues to transpire, my point is that the “what” may well not be that which it is “presumed”.

I can’t help but think that going down this route is problematic for the reason (imo) that the theory of communicable disease as caused by pathogenic virii- has no proven basis in logic, fact or truth.

This is not to posit that there is not continual Bio-Weapons research going on, just that the nature of it is something other than we have been led to believe. (If you look at the the documents released by Russia, supposedly inventorying the material recovered at the sites of U.S funded Bio-Labs, you will find a list of bacteria, not virii.)

A thorough analysis needs to be undertaken to scrutinize the claims put forward in the papers listed in the Baric CV currently making the rounds, as well as to the claims of the Indian paper- to see if they do indeed have any verifiable claims as to the isolation, use, or manipulation of viral pathogens.

Perhaps, even if I am right, it is of no consequence to disregard the above and proceed on the basis of the “truth” of Virology -as what passes for the” truth “ is often just commonly held belief.

If I am wrong, which I will accept it when it has been satisfactorily demonstrated, i.e. via the scientific method incorporating experiments done in conjunction with proper controls, then it is of no consequence for sure towards the end of getting these perpetrators brought to justice.

The ongoing criminality needs to be addressed by any and all means, I just think the “biological” part of the crime rests in little glass vials, and plastic syringes- whose actual contents remain to be ascertained. The rest is part of the mental and spiritual assault.

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I suspect some of those with the power to get the ball rolling are afraid of becoming the next Gricar or Hastings. I'm sure you are aware of Stasi or Cointelpro tactics and many of these same judges and lawyers have heard testimony from targetted individuals in court and from clients through the years.

I've gotten comments from a few local cops, a crime and delinquency admin, a defense attorney and inner city folks on how they use war on drugs to pull off extrajudicial targetting. It takes some creativity and building repoire to crack this egg but it can be done. Imagine using nudge and guerilla theatre to wrestle for the prevailing narrative.

If I had money, time and a list of names I would be training street theatre and agitprops to turn the tables following applicable statutes on stalking and harassment with an emphasis on the law of attraction. I was successful in getting agents and lower level informants to reveal themselves over time by employing wounded bird, ego/honey traps and erratic retaliation.

Example of compliance test they use: Lady comes into Social Security Admin waiting room complaining loudly of being targetted by neighborhood drug dealers, not one of the 40 people in room including security guard reacts or offers to help. I took care of this lady and gave her the contact info for Natl Crime Victims assistance.

Project Veritas and Yes Men. Script could be public ad campaign, leaflet/flyer and rallies informing public presenting evidence for lawsuit over mandates. Eg. Agitprop: 1) Casual conversation on phone sharing vaccine injury testimony with doctor or lawyer in public space and 2) elaborate argument between pro-vaxxer and likable skeptic won with verifiable facts easily found in online search, pro-vaxxer concedes with hug.

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Republican attorney generals could do this. The problem at the local level is those prosecutors who are beholding to Soros. I would hope that DeSantis would consider this option after the election here in Florida. The good guy research scientists appear to have cracked the code to the spike protein and are trying to formulate diagnostic and treatment plans. See WMC Research on Substack.

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Your knowledge, source materials, ability to research, and formulate strategic plans are beyond reproach.

Thank you for your dedication to helping save humanity. God loves warriors like you. God protects warriors like you. I know this from personal experience.

Kim Foxx is the Soros lackey Cook County, Illinois States Attorney. She laid down, after receiving an email from tranny Michelle Obama's former chief of staff, on the Jusse Smollett hoax, in which closeted homosexual Barack, Michelle, and the whore Kamala Harris were involved. Kim Foxx is a mouth breather moron so she'll do nothing. Lori Lightfoot, who has been a good leader on many Chicago issues did, however, fire Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson. Eddie is an amazing leader, and a strong, super committed black man, who refused to be a Steppin Fetchit for racist filth like Soros, or socio-psychopaths like the Obamas, and he wouldn't lay down in the Jusse Smollett hoax. Racial, and other politics in the U.S. are complicated.

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