You are such a wonderful person in this troubled time. The data gathering, analysis, documentation of crimes needs to continue, but I'm pivoting to how I personally will survive this, or at least not be captured and persecuted into committing mortal sin ( landing me in hell). I want to be cut down in the field by a hail of bullets fighting than end up in their diabolical, psychopathic, effeminate, cowardly, sadistic hands.

I say personally, because my family and friends are with The Cult.

62, and I'm on my own. Who I have to watch: family and friends who will report me. "American" police. "American" army.

"American " government.

It's fine... I wasn't expecting to go to war, alone , at 62, but I will not accept UN blue hats on my country, forces vax, death camps....

.. I love God, my twisted family, and my country. Not the traitors in power.

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You are on your own at your location, but not in spirit. I too am on my own (mid-70's) and all of my friends and family have taken the jab; most are with The Cult but a few have decided it was a mistake. Will never take mRNA/DNA substances under any circumstances - my old body is the temple and DNA is God's toolkit.

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God bless you Mr. Warrior

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You are not alone…you just haven’t found your tribe! Fortunately my immediate family (brothers, sister in law, nieces, their hubbies and their babies) are all un-vaxxed. I recently went through a 3 week flu like illness that I believe I contracted from my sister in law’s Mom. The day after lunching with her she ‘tested positive’ and I came down with symptoms 2 days after the lunch outing! (I never ‘tested’, I knew I was sick and didn’t need done inaccurate Test to tell me that!)

Anyway I digress…over the past two years I have lost a few long term friends over our differing opinions about medical freedom, bodily sovereignty, and politics. But I have found a whole new set of friends that think like me and frankly are way more generous and extending of their spirit, love, and time than the ‘old friends’ ever were. You only need one or two people to start and then your world will grow and include people who think and believe like you do, and support each other on this crazy journey we are on! 💓🙏🏼💪🏽🇺🇸

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Frontera, with what's coming down, people are preparing fir breakdown of society.


I'm not in rural area, close knit society. I'm in Austin area.. (commie capital of Southwest)

. if society breaks down, my extended family will be on other side.

I'm on my own.

But God bless you.

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I do not live in a rural area…I live in the heart of urban San Diego…though SD not as woke & left leaning progressive as Austin is, it’s still filled with a lot of these same type of people. Fortunately if society does break down my family is on my side, and I will high tail it out to their property in the foothills of East County San Diego. There’s only one way in and one way out…and only people that have business or live out there, go on that road …anyone who isn’t recognized is suspect. And they are serious supporters of 2A.

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Save some of those animals, Frontera... San Diego zoo.


And be safe,!

I love those animals. I have volunteered 2x to work at Zoos.

Want to work with gorillas, elephants.

And, lions!

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I am in a blue state also...and am thinking of moving...I do not think I will survive, as the only people I connect with now are on Substack. I too fear I will weaken and lose my immortal soul in the coming apocolypse.

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Pray Rosary daily.

No luminous

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It is good to know you are ok, C.F.L. and read more of how and what you are doing.

Blessings to Katherine and her powerful voice, to you, and all freedom and sovereignty warriors that are found here and everywhere.

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Yes all is well in So CA…except the crazies out here in CA have their panties in a wad (even the guys) about the SCOTUS decision to put the abortion issue back to the States. (Which they can’t quite wrap their pea brains around that this is what the decision was about, not “ban all abortions, deny women reproductive rights & my body my choice”, that they continually screech on about!) I tell them not to worry…our Governor Newscum will likely declare CA an “Abortion Sanctuary State” and they will have the same access to free and affordable “reproductive rights & services” that they have always had here in CA!

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Christina F. L., I think our, yours and mine, recent good conversations on another forum were kinda derailed by the author. I am sorry that happened because I appreciate your willingness to reach out and share thoughts from heart and soul with strangers like me. So, instead of speaking to these important topics I just want to thank you. Thank you for helping lift me out of my own isolation with your thoughts on these topics, our dialogue, and also for emphasizing our shared love of the coastal places you still can enjoy and I miss. It means alot to me.

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John thank you for sharing your vulnerability. I am 62, all my siblings have been jabbed, to my knowledge just about every friend I have affiliated with in recent years has, 90 plus percent of co-workers have (mandated). I work in the medical setting, at this point there are no contentions about vaccinated vs unvaccinated—everyone has made their choice; the point is about mute; and the culture there does not support that discussion. In my mind it is still discombobulating—-however, incredibly revealing and clarifying. It reveals the diabolical and interpenetrating breath and depth of successfully applied social engineering.

In gratitude and deep appreciation I have not allowed myself to be under the spell, especially now entering the wisdom years (60s and beyond). My wife and daughter are not jabbed. We are left with focusing on our supreme health and well being, and unplugged the best we can from the dark matrix.

In the coming weeks, watch signs of recurrent revelations from Patriots, white hats, positive military, and the snowballing influence of people like Katherine, you, me, and all of whom are committed to Truth, embrace this new paradigm of freedom from the dark agenda, and those of whom contribute to the rebuilding of our America, and this now restored Republic…we are winning this war!

The destruction of the old negative system may appear to be interminable, the end of our country as we have known it—-and it is, for them.

Here is what I am learning in contrast to the insanity all around us: Enfold yourself in God’s Grace, prayer, and be the Peace you seek. What is beyond Love itself is expanding and sharing Love to others. The wholeness of Christ lives in me to be lived and experienced with each breath.

No proselytizing John, just offering an endearing perspective to a fellow 1960 peer.

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Shamus, I love detective stories, fallen men with a heart.

Chandler, Ellroy.

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John, I echo every thing you said above. I feel like you are articulating what I cannot.

I was baptized Catholic as a child...but I struggle with and mourn the Catholic Church and its apostacy....just as Katherine outlined above. But I so agree. Without strong churches and them holding the line against what we know is wrong (and as far as I can tell, most denominations allowed the social changes to influence what should have been inviolable teachings/truths my entire life - I am 66) the foundation of our "Great Experiment" have already been shattered.Love it or not, the Catholic Church was/is necessary for humanity to survive and thrive. The belief in God, in a Creator, is necessary for human beings.

As it was in the time of Noah....

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Anybody, any questions,on fake pope Francis , the 6 decade sham helping build up NWo


Put Rome in title

512 284 6535

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Hetes the deception that Watt, Vigano, Burke, sspx, fssp fell for.

There are 2 churches. Vatican II church, evil, Francis, pachama, child tape...

And Catholic Church. Tiny. Almozt invisible. Sgg.org

One, Holy, Catholic.

Research arian crisis. Its a lot bigger now.


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Jun 28, 2022
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God bless you. I'm gonna screenshot this. Very hopeful.

Commies work on inspiring hopelessness, which they are Very effective at.

I'm listening to music that made me happy decades ago. Rodney Dangerfield. He Stopped Loving Her Today:

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Jun 27, 2022
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Actually, many are predicting, our side, NWO, ,:

most populations are in for famine, war....


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Jun 27, 2022
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Get the popcorn and enjoy 😉, because one thing it will not be: boring.....

Me, I would have loved to be a peasant, 1200 ad, in Catholic Europe...

The dark ages? Hardly.

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If I could find a convent somewhere out of a blue state, I'd go.

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Cmri, washington and nebraska.

Bishop Pivarunas.

Mary Immaculate Queen

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Seems like the Benedictines have what I need at this point in my life...prayer, work, silence, some conversation, prayer, work..

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The document from the WHO has to be one of the scariest documents yet revealed during all this mess. It takes a real psychopathic personality to even dream of this stuff, let alone make a serious presentation of it to the world. It's truly sickening to watch these people in action.

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Thank you

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I m sorry you are alone. I am alone too. Abandoned by my daughter mom and dad are passed on. Glad cause they might have turned against me further. Peace

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Life can be lonely. But there is a God that loves and sustains John 3:16🥰

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I love your posts. Thank you so much for your knowledge and insight on these ‘illegal’ machinations against God’s created beings, made in His image. Satan’s Transhumanist puppets cannot comprehend the value that God puts on His creation. They are to be pitied and prayed for. If they do not accept Jesus they will be eternally lost and the righteous will walk on the ashes of the lost. Malachi 4:3 “And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.”

Belief in God is paramount to our existence. Actually we are not immortal separated from God. The scriptures very plainly state in 1 Tim 6:16 “Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.” We will receive immortality after Jesus returns I Cor 15:53-55. “For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

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I believe so ■ God called, choose, and requires faithful; he allowed a strong deception that most would believe the lie. I personally came across a video of a Jewish Doctor studying DNA with a large screen and computer/s and what he found he cried, saying that YHVH was in every cell in nuclide acid patterns, 10-5-6-5. I believe the date was in the early 1980's, I would start around 1983ish. Then studying the blueletterbible.com and using the INTERLINEAR tab, I found the original Greek word and meaning. These times are not what we were tought and comprehended, but the text remains the same and unveiling is promised. I find that Daniel chapters 11 and 12, and Revelation chapters 19, 20, 21, 22 to be what I am looking for; that requires being faithful to the End. Perhaps this is a unique fear of God, that he let billions of people to be reset genetically that they were no longer like Noe, perfect in 'gene'ration; it is a seed war.

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Yes that could happen…you see everyday people are melting down…especially the ones that got the Experimental Injections…it seriously crossed the ‘blood brain barrier’ and has rendered them nuts…but they are incapable of making that connection.

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37But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be, Matthew 24:37, KJV, ■ hybrids, Chimeras; 10Because thou hast kept the word/logos of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation/experiment, which shall come upon all the world, to try/entice them that dwell upon the earth. KJV, Blueletterbible.com. YHVH is pattern in every cell in amino acids and 10-5-6-5; gene therapy is abominable; what is being put in or on the 10 and the 6, that is the Yod and the Vav of God's Word in every cell? The Hei's are the eyes and the forehead in Greek means between the eyes, and the Yod is the hand, and read in Hebrew right to left.

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So...the "mark of the beast" being put on the hand or forehead...could mean "marking" the H's and Y of YHVH's genetic code?

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Margie Chism

just now

I believe so ■ God called, choose, and requires faithful; he allowed a strong deception that most would believe the lie. I personally came across a video of a Jewish Doctor studying DNA with a large screen and computer/s and what he found he cried, saying that YHVH was in every cell in amino acid patterns, 10-5-6-5. I believe the date was in the early 1980's, I would start around 1983ish. Then studying the blueletterbible.com and using the INTERLINEAR tab, I found the original Greek word and meaning. These times are not what we were tought and comprehended, but the text remains the same and unveiling is promised. I find that Daniel chapters 11 and 12, and Revelation chapters 19, 20, 21, 22 to be what I am looking for; that requires being faithful to the End. Perhaps this is a unique fear of God, that he let billions of people to be reset genetically that they were no longer like Noe, perfect in 'gene'ration; it is a seed war.

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It’s a system. Daniel and Revelation reveal the truth for those willing to read and study.

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Preach it ■ yes, Daniel 11 details the beast and his [d]evices; Revelation 3:10 temptation in Greek is experiment, and causeth in Greek is manufactured/produces in Revelation 13.

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Figurative language indicating mental and physical ascent to a belief against the true God and his law vs the usurper, (created being satan) and his substitute law . Daniel 7:25 indicates that the usurper intends to change times and law.

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God is love and we are all his children. They can’t change that no matter how hard they try. Thank you for this wonderful piece❤️

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If the Zombie Apocalypse comes The SD Zoo will be so closely guarded it won’t be pretty if the Zombies try to mess with that place!

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Yes, pathetic. My grown kids live in Chicago and at least one of them approves of him as governor, and their abominable mayor, LL.

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So many, maybe too many "soldiers" enroled in these criminal, evil, humanity destructive cartels, they confiscated all the high positions.

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