Agree with your precis. I'm in Nelson, and enjoy the wild coast, including the ferals, a few being friends. The UN hag, Helen 'teeth like the picket fence around Boo Radleys house' Clarke is a monster, literally. Jabby was her Mini-Me. NZ needs urgent overhaul, to return to a more natural political and social estate. Of course I'm bigoted, unreconstructed, myopic, opinionated, bitter white man. We are losing the principles that made Western civilization (whatever THAT is) a 'builder' civilization - the West is falling. Big Dark, Soon Come.
probably 'Coaster', as in a West Coast resident. They feel its a separate country !
Agree with your precis. I'm in Nelson, and enjoy the wild coast, including the ferals, a few being friends. The UN hag, Helen 'teeth like the picket fence around Boo Radleys house' Clarke is a monster, literally. Jabby was her Mini-Me. NZ needs urgent overhaul, to return to a more natural political and social estate. Of course I'm bigoted, unreconstructed, myopic, opinionated, bitter white man. We are losing the principles that made Western civilization (whatever THAT is) a 'builder' civilization - the West is falling. Big Dark, Soon Come.