I'll say it again. This planned pandemic could not have been pulled off without the coordination between Big Pharma and the CDC/NIH/Darpa/DoD/CIA consortium that has been working together to creat bioweapons for the last 50 years or so. Creating a massive change in mindset smells of the CIA's expertise in this arena. Installing a Comedian as President of Ukraine is a good example.

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Same scam in Ukraine with actors as front people.

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Puppet actors vetted, surveilled, controlled, and installed in most of the power positions of almost all major organizations on our planet? It is not new, but their harm of humanity and all life is escalating. Where are the discussions about innovative new solutions that might actually work? When do we stop collecting data and start working on stopping the escalation of harm and solving this?

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Like Jacinda. They get told their job is done they step down. Totally controlled. It is so obvious.

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Very difficult. James Corbett just talked about this. He says we need decentralization. He said something to the effect that if we get some people, corporations, etc. removed. They’ll just bring in someone else and start the whole process again… It happens over and over in history. Sadly.

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Thank you for your reply. I tried to facilitate a Substack think tank experiment to brainstorm innovative solutions. You may find the results interesting. So far it has evolved in ways similar to the high tech engineering projects I worked on. If you know how to invite James Corbett to analyze this experiment we might benefit from what he discovers. I have done my best to invite Whitney Webb and Christine Dolan. If you know of another journalist who can handle complexity well and wish to invite them to take a look at this, please consider it. Thanks again.



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The ousted and the coerced part of the mil. pertaining to bioweapons needs to be our target population to garner support behind them as a movement. The mil. intelligence, who received a metaphoric, 'get out of jail '/ or 'free pass' from the toxic jabs are not in favour of the Constitution, or they wld not allow this genocide to happen to the general population they are paid to protect. The mil. who have been tossed aside need to stop living in fear and support their oath under the Constitution. We need to match up with them as civilian support.

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I agree. The real problems are the puppets installed as military commanders. The rank and file face severe penalties for not following orders. But there are many possible solutions to this? You may want to read this article?

Did World War 1 End Due To Military Mutinies And People's Revolutions?


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They removed numerous politicians in Austria and nothing changed.

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And Germany - nothing changed.

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What bio-weapons have they created? Toxins and gasses? Okay, but if you are referring to a contagion, please go into the journals and pull one out as an example. Now go to the methodology section, and if we breakdown the methodology relied upon by, for example, the original inventors Fan Wu et al., shows how the fictional SARS-CoV-2 was “created” through anti-scientific methods and linguistic sleights of hands. It is part of an ongoing deception where viruses are claimed to exist by templating them against previous “virus” templates. Using SARS-CoV-2 as an example, the trail of “coronavirus” genomic templates going back to the 1980s reveals that none of these genetic sequences have ever been shown to come from inside any viral particle — the phylogenetic trees are fantasies!!! What in fact those agencies mentioned have been doing is running psy-ops for 50 years. They don't need a virus, just the publics belief in one! A viral particle must fulfil defined physical and biological properties including being a replication competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However,“viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions. While much of the alternative media is awake to the globalist agendas and Big Pharma coverups, they continue to lend support to the existence of viruses, as well as the concept of microbial-based disease contagion in a wider sense. Unfortunately, this feeds back into the fraud (and fear) that all of the other fraud has been built upon. This single belief leaves us vulnerable and open to the next plandemic attempt. Vulnerability relies on the public being duped into believing they are in perpetual danger from micro-organisms. Fraudulent science is at the heart of germ and viral theory, so that is what needs to be exposed. Once appreciated, there is no need to waste energy debating the various aspects of the latest “pandemic” when nobody buys it in the first place. The COVID-19 lab-leak/engineered bioweapon/virus hypothesis appeared in the mainstream media as early as February 2020. This is in contrast to the extreme degree of censorship that ‘no virus’ claimants face. In fact, most of the Big Tech platforms completely ban such content and it never features in the mainstream media. Dr Stefan Lanka & others have dealt with the myth of man-made pathogens, in a nutshell, all claims regarding “lab leaks” or "gain of function" come back to the same issue: if there is no evidence of a virus to start with, there is nothing to leak or tweak. Such claims are based on the unestablished premise that the sequences analysed belong to viruses. This includes the claim that the SARS-CoV-2 “virus” contains “‘HIV-1’ glycoprotein 120” sequences. In 1997, Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos outlined why there was no evidence that these sequences or associated proteins belong to “HIV” as there has never been isolation of the putative viral particle. It is no different 25 years later and claims that they are specific to a “virus” are unfounded. An erroneous belief in invisible pathogens is what keeps the door open for the next plandemic. There was never a novel pathogen, just the rebranding of seasonal flu (detox), an unsuitable faulty test run at cycle threasholds that produced false positives, the non stop media propaganda counting and publishing cases (doing this during a normal flu season would give the impression of an epidemic), hospital protocol that was killing people, the recategorizing of cause of death through faulty testing & fake news reports of full hospitals. People didn't really begin falling ill in high numbers until after the shot rollout. I realise it is difficult for those trained in allopathic medicine and the related sciences to put aside all bias and question what they were taught and believed to be true - this questioning is at the heart of science. When you read the studies going right back to Béchamp & Pasteur, empirical 'science' cannot find a virus in nature & it hasn't successfully conducted a single experiment to evidence natural transmission. These discussions are all diverting attention away from the key issue, that if addressed by independent, unbias & ethical scientists, the entire pandemic and all future pandemics collapse...

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Have a hard time embracing this theory. Where did swine flu originate? Bird flu? Lime Disease? My 3 weeks of hell when I acquired Covid in 2021. It seems facts and fiction are being intertwined to miss direct and miss inform to take the spotlight off the biowarfare consortium. Virologist Luc Montageneir. Was soundly discredited in early 2020 for claiming it was gain of function. Why? Why is EcoHealth being funded again and again?

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I understand i also struggled with this. But what causes disease? We detox seasonally, our bodies interact via Morphogenetic Fields and Morphic Resonance, we sense someone in detox and our biology may be triggered to do the same (as per women menstruating). We can inhale or ingest toxins, poisons, pollution - if you research polio it seems to coincide with the use of insecticide sprays like lead arsenic & DDT. Electromagnetic radiation or any radiation, there are many unresearched causes of illness. I don't profess to know the cause or origin, what I am really saying is we have made presumptions regarding germs & viruses when in fact the science shows no evidence that viruses cause disease. Just because we see firemen at the site of fires doesn't mean they started the fire. Look at Macrophages, they are some of the body's janitors, they clean up the mess and take out the trash. That being infected cellular debris & necrotic tissue. The bioweapon is the vaccine - there is no evidence of any man made contagion that will lurk in the aether or pass from person to person. I am not the one making the claim here, the claim has been made that there is a virus causing disease but the scientific method was not used to identify it, this is the key, I am happy to concede, just show me the paper that takes the particle from nature and isolates it, and characterizes it apart from all other genetic material. Adding a sample to cancerous monkey kidney culture with antibiotics and fetal bovine serum is NOT isolating anything, it is the opposite. No controls are ever done, and on and on... Re: Luc Montagnier, there is no study to this day showing that HIV is the cause of AIDS - The treatment is the disease, the virus is the cover story. Big Pharma run the show in medicine - do you not think they are corrupt? Anyone can talk about gain of function all day, MSM are covering it. They won't go near anything that questions the scientific dogma of virology. Facebook and youtube censor this topic just as they do cancer treatments they can't patent, GcMAF etc. Kary Mullis discovered HIV was not the cause of AIDS when he had to write a submission for funding. https://www.bitchute.com/video/D2xDppuyrAkv/

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HIV is a tag along virus, and Fauci ostracized Dr. D? or Mullis? for suggesting it. Medical Research had been corrupted numerous times by Big Pharma. Let's get down to basics. What is the mRNA injection. It is a man made virus that reprograms cellular function. What is the immune system? Central defense system against all pathogens. What does Big Pharma ignore? Central role of the immune system. Why mRNA injections? Seen as the most profitable new form of treating disease states and experimenting on the human race. The CDC/DOD/CIA consortium had to play a central role in the mass phycosis used to control the masses. Herpes Zoster virus causes Chicken Pox. It resides forever in those patients and re emerges as Shingles when immune system becomes deficient. Viruses exist and cause health issues. Supercharging them is a bio weapon to disable the enemy. Not kill them but to create mass casulities that don't have the will to fight. My view. Flu virus does exist. They mutate. Fauci wants a mRNA injection to replace the flu vaccine so they they don't have to reculture each year. It's a round robin, with a lot of bad actors involved with different agendas.

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"What is the mRNA injection. It is a man made virus that reprograms cellular function."

We actually do not know that. There could be anything inside those vials.

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m = messenger. RNA means Ribo Nuclecic Acid which is half DNA. All kinds Of other crap is added.

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One more thought. If this theory is correct, then it denies the fact that viruses are the root causes of many cancers..

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Thank you for your comment. It is well thought out, well written, and ties many things together. You may want to take a look at the link below. We could use your help. Thanks again.


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I am posting the same thing everywhere. Pfizer is bad, but could not do anything like what they are doing if they were not aided and abetted by the government. Pfizer's role is to make money -- they are, after all, a for-profit corporation. The government's putative role is to avoid lethal (literally in this case) abuse from extreme profit-seeking behavior. Instead, the government enables it, sometimes dramatically, in ways Pfizer could never imagine. In a non-corrupt-government model, Pfizer's damage would be seriously limited. We are not there, sadly.

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And where is Moderna in all this? Waiting to be the knights that make the "clean" mRNA?

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This is an excellent point. Moderna actually developed the spike stuff on behalf of the government (way, way before the plandemic). Pfizer is suing them not to pay. Probably tied into all this. Best way to get rid of the suit which will likely expose something nefarious may be to just neuter Pfizer. So many (horrible) wheels within wheels here.

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Jan 27, 2023
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There is no virus, not found in human or in nature. In silico creations yes.

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Jan 27, 2023
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He's also a gatekeeper... he has interviewed Sasha Latypova some time ago who explained in detail how the DOD and co are involved. He seemed to be quite on it.

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If someone discloses information that's potentially harmful to a contingent of spooks, wouldn't you expect the spooks to finger that person as the real spook, either to discredit the leak or at least to divide the anti-spooks?

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Do you have a link to that, please?

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Found it. Go to 00:47:30 in the video:


"It looks like there's a military origin to this ... When the vaccines were rolled out in the US, it was HHS that announced that there was an emergency to justify the EUA .. and then the Dept of Defense ... Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, NovaVax, they're suppliers, in a sense they're marketing shills, and what we now know is that the vaccines themselves are manufactured by defense contractors, you know, prominently, Moderna, its product is made by a company called "Resilience", they have a big plant outside of Mississauga, Ontario (Canada)"


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THANK YOU so much!!

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Jan 26, 2023
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They haven’t talked about ModeRNA for many MONTHS!!

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Moderna waiting for its prime time. Kamela waiting for hers. Let the front runners shuffle the poop.

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Only 5 or 6 yrs ago Pfizer paid $2.3B. Largest criminal lawsuit in US history. Doesn't raise eyebrows that they were the chosen one? I hear things like gates is a wanted man in S.Africa and barred from India...invested in all that destroys life but maintains philanthropist status. Claims "I don't discuss my investments". yet Trump touts gavi as being "very transparent". And what's there to make of US being threatened by China when they participated in Sep '19 pandemic simulations prompting this outcome particularly on US military mandates? "universal acceptance of vaccines" I think is how trump worded it on September 19, 2019. FDA seems it's lost it's teeth and is practically disallowed inspections at China pharmas. This I read from Rosemary Gibbons (sp) author of ChinaRX IN 2020. By appearances CCP has an open door in US so why the hype over balloons? Can they not achieve surveillance using many other means? Just ranting.

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Yes! Thank you, Katherine for keeping us focused on the real threat. God bless and keep you.

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Excellent. Stay focused on the real drivers of this. Pharmaceutical companies are the hired hitmen of the Military Intelligence/CIA/DoD/ serving the global steering oligarchs both domestic and foreign

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Beautifully said.

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Big Pharma is a sideshow and we need to remember that.

Thank you for keeping us on our toes while they try to divert our attention night and day.

No time for a more profound comment as I am dashing out to help with a new little grand daughter these days which despite all of the doom and gloom has gladdened my heart and reminded me that awe inspiring miracles do happen.

We must prevail in our efforts and understandings and be mindful at all times that there is a power above us all, on our side.

God Bless you Katherine, xo

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God bless you Wendy and your grand daughter, xo

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Thank you for your kind words Patricia !

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Just make sure your kids don't get your new grand daughter vaxxed like mine did. The mind control out there is massive and horrifying.

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Mom and Dad abstainers !

Baby following the trend in our family.

Mind control has entirely failed around here despite it’s unrelenting, ever presence.

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Excellent analysis Katherine. Maybe you and Sasha were getting too much traction with your revelations and tptb decided they needed to change the subject.

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The timing is a bit suspicious isn't it?

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What gets me is that not only was the "bombshell"on warroom this morning , the very day after (while no word about the DoD's alleged involvement circulating for weeks, well, days anyway, has been remotely referred to), but that they gave Malone the pulpit! And he has discredited himself in it.

Anyone watching the Project Veritas video could agree with Malone's assessment and the ad hominem attacks against the Pfizer employee having themselves seen him firsthand would be justified. But, when Malone asserted that the journalist was a former Pfizer employee which was news to me, I wondered where indeed he got that information.

Malone was held over the break. I was surprised to see such a tower of knowledge and importance suffer the slings of being carried over the break, but he did and not even right after the break either. This was a big gig, IMHO.

I fell for most of it, but certain things he said didn't sit right. "Don't tell anybody." "Promise, you won't tell anyone." Malone would put it down to stupidity. I think it has more to do with credulity.

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Naughty Pharma is the hangout.

The fact that Pfizer et. al. are atrocious corporate criminals is like fast food in this fight.

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Exactly! Thank you for not falling for the latest fake new mutation, gain of function or other lies. People like Malone and Kirsch, and, it seems James O’Keefe has now joined in, are simply trying to help the old system hang on. But the old system is based on lies starting with John Franklin Enders claiming he had isolated a ‘virus’ and then being given a Nobel Prize for this claimed experiment which had no control and thus was not valid and cannot be duplicated. ‘Virology’ has been a pseudoscience from the beginning. Dr. Stefan Lanka has been pointing this out since the early 1990’s and he was basing his work on others who had preceded him like Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos of the Perth Group. Other contemporary scientists have taken up this cause: Andrew Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Mark Bailey, Samantha Bailey and a growing group aligned with them. It’s time the never proved ‘pathogenic virus’ and the theory of contagion were put to rest. This is the myth on which public health, the WHO, CDC, and other toxic institutions are based. It’s well over time this went to the trash heap of history. This has been the lie controlling the population for centuries. This lie allows other lies to explain illness while the causes of illness are obfuscated and allowed to fester and cause more illness.

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Well said.

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Excellent and needed words of clarification…and speaking of Potemkin villages, today’s FDA VRBPAC meeting so skillfully live-blogged by Dr. Meryl Nass via Children’s Health Defense illustrates the absurd and controlled and cowardly reps from pharma and FDA. Hard to watch the reality. Grateful to all of you who are shining light on what needs to be seen and named toward your item 3. Thank you.

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Agree with you Katherine 100%. Really appreciate the list of the Bad Actors ( they should be in pictures, horror and pathetic comedy, comes to mind)

If this isn't TREASON, what the heck is??

Bless America!!

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The Pfizer story, just like the Davos one, is a red herring:


It's about "telling the truth" so that people would still believe the rest of the lies:


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I appreciate your terrific work. It’s overwhelming to comprehend in a way that understanding a big pharmaceutical Co is, once again, criminally defrauding the public, is not. I would offer nevertheless that both can be true, and that taking offense at the Pfizer exec’s abhorrent disconnect w any notion of advancing human health through his work, is not a terrible thing. I agree with you that it has the unfortunate affect of taking our eyes off the larger malfeasance. Most don’t dig deep enough to see the possibility of the conspiracy of globalists, intelligence communities, big tech and central banking figures you outline. I’d love to see you work considered by Whitney Webb and vice versa. Keep up the great work. I wish I had connections to assist you.

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Well put. With Pfizer specifically, if just "leader" Albert Eichmann, uh, Bouria was in the dock, that would suffice for me.

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Bourla B-o-u-r-l-a and this guy's name is Justin WTF.

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A very concise, insighful piece.

I'm not sure what percentage of the population it is, but I know it's relatively small in comparison to the total population, that has to be fully educated, and motivated to drive significant change. Public opinion is still a powerful force as outlined long ago by Detoqueville in "Democracy in America" which is why criminals control the presstitute bordellos, and through "intelligence" agencies have tried to control social media.

As one example, roughly half the eligible population isn't registered to vote, and in any given election typically far less than 50% actually vote. That is a rough indicator that about 75% of Americans are ignorant, and/or stupid, apathetic mouth breather morons. Another indicator of the prevalence of ignorance is what percent of the population was dumb enough to take a eugenics bioweapon. Many of them are or may soon be dead. That's not all a bad thing as tragic as it is. The young ones who don't die may not be able to procreate.

The alternative media like Project Veritas is exposing all manner of criminality so it will grow increasingly likely that sacrificial lambs won't be tolerated as the population become aware of the extent of the global criminality.

Revolution, its gestation, birth, and manifestation can be long in coming but incredibly powerful. It begins in the minds if small numbers, and grows into the collective consciousness. They're not always violent either.

We are in WWIII but it is a global Revolutionary War. I tend to believe the globalists will lose.

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me thinks you are over reacting a bit calling those who do not vote ignorant mouth breathing morons. Perhaps they have come to the realization that voting will make no difference in TPTB who rule over them. Voting has been a highly orchestrated play for several decades since the advent of the electronic black boxes owned by the Royal Family and sold to the .gov by Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and his SMARTMATIC company and all of it's predecessors.

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It's, as I stated, one indication, and has been that way for a long time including when the paper ballot systems were used. Most Americans are pretty dumb, and uninformed about reality which is why it's easy to herd them into believing anthropogenic climate change is real, that they should take a eugenics bioweapon, that reality t.v. is worth watching, that fast food is good to eat, and I could go on to cite nunerous more examples.

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Well, I know several intelligent people who don’t vote (at least on a national level) because they’ve realized the process is corrupt and a sham so they skip it altogether. It’s hard to disagree with that, though I still vote just to remain hopeful.

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It is still your duty to vote and not just a right!

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I’m glad you wrote this one today. I was trying to get my head around it last night…. Those of us following your work were left with many (more) questions. If DOD was in charge, and Pfizer, Moderna, et al were just playing roles, this doesn’t really jive… and frankly, the Pfizer “executive” didn’t seem very executive at all. Too much handed on one platter.

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You may be right Kate, I've been following yours and Sasha's great work. Perhaps Pfizer will survive but have to pay huge reparations, hiding the fact that the government were the real puppet masters and they're only the fall guys. It could explain why we're seeing stuff like the Project Veritas 'scoop' of the (apparent, but yet to be confirmed) Pfizer exec throwing Pfizer under the bus in a "little bit too good to be true" way. Perhaps to make them out as the 'bad guys' and lay some groundwork for when the axe has to fall. These days it's all smoke and mirrors isn't it?

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Perhaps it’s exactly what we saw!

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Yep...I just posted on another forum that this looks like a laser pointer distracted from the OTA contracts and DoD. I'm not sure what exactly Malone is doing either. He seems to be walking a tightrope right now. He's alluded to Sashas work but not her. Then he shows up in the PV video and the the Twitter livestream last night.

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Like the Forrest Gump of all things covid.

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Well the thing is in the PV video, Malone says Pfizer captured the world's governments. That's a return to the pure regulatory capture argument from 18 mos ago. That's ignoring the Monster and capture of pharma into the MIC.

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Pfizer doesn’t have the power to capture the world governments unless it is backed by the US DOD.

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I said this elsewhere

Malone is a subversive element, he's doing damage control. He never says anything NEW, just echoes and/or slightly distorts others. Look into his eyes... can you trust him? I could not and cannot. His gaze reminds me that of Biden's, strangely inhuman. I wonder if they have some kind of lenses. After all he's a deep state guy.

Reading :





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HIs eyes are small, dark and empty.

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