I don’t know how we defeat the drone program. The people in the military are going to have to be convinced to stand down or conscientiously object. How do we accomplish this? Mike Prizner is working with conscientious objectors but it’s nowhere near the scale that we need.
I don’t know how we defeat the drone program. The people in the military are going to have to be convinced to stand down or conscientiously object. How do we accomplish this? Mike Prizner is working with conscientious objectors but it’s nowhere near the scale that we need.
I don’t know how we defeat the drone program. The people in the military are going to have to be convinced to stand down or conscientiously object. How do we accomplish this? Mike Prizner is working with conscientious objectors but it’s nowhere near the scale that we need.
Drones? I know how to defeat my own, I never thought about others. I suppose a dog whistle may do something. I'll have to look into it.