This is exactly the piece of information I was looking for this very second. Complete with Potemkin Village. I'm speechless.

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You shine the brightest light in some of the dankest darkest corners of Satan’s wicked hovel. How did these petty criminals come to plunder the world? How did these sniveling nasty creatures dominate millions of compliant petty saints? So easy for people to say No! I do not comply. Be like the stereotype Russian of yore. Say Nyet, nyet, nyet. Until the demons leave you in peace or shoots you dead.

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What a powerful summation. Thank you Katherine. I will share this! I find it difficult to calmly explain what you just have - let alone provide evidence. This is great.

So much appreciation for what you do. Best.

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All the pieces of this jigsaw are coming together slowly for the sheeple ,Yet they still live in denial,this is genocide 101 and has been going on for years with the flu shots taking out the elderly and care homes using midazolam way back , Wayne Smith warned of the midazolam murderers and died mysteriously now the dental shots contain this nano technology and it's in the food and drink,I just looked at the bottom of a diluting orange drink that had been sitting for a month and it was grey !

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Brilliant, Katherine. Thanks so much for sharing this!

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023

you hit the nail big time. thank you. Been reading for free for quite a while but now decided to pay for the information. It is well worth it.

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Katherine, the more I read of what you write, the more impressed I am with your work. And the more grateful I am for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

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Once again, save to disc, folks.

And many thanks, Katherine.

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Great article to share with normies to help break their blind trust in the government, I know so many people still willing to line up for these bioweapon shots. This is a well resourced piece to help break them free from the psyop spell theyre under, thank you Katherine

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Excellent Katherine! ✅✅♥️

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THANK YOU for the transcript. I rarely do podcasts-- I can read so much faster than I can listen.

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Brilliantly done again Katherine. A great read to contextualise where we are now is Eustace Mullins Curse of Canaan going right back to Ancient times. Common Law is very simple, but the bastardised and subverted Admiralty Law and UCC, Cestui Que Vie, Blacks Law Dictionary Straw Man Legal Fiction Corporate World administered by Masons, Rhodes Crown Agents and BAR Association members means our person is trapped and enslaved via Birth Certificate Registration. Your work illustrates the evil genius involved in this plan Albert Pike would be delighted.

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The employees at Publix went full Sargent Schultz when I asked why their packages of meat were magnetic.

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It's dire but it's also better than in the past. At least there's some sort of documentation that can be traced and challenged.

The past was replete with black ops type missions that hid in the shadows.

At least this is out in the open and I sense that there's a faction of the predator class that is afraid of this coming out.

That's why the mother WEFers had a seminar about how to regain trust, hahaha.

Scary times, but at least now it's more visible than in the past.

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This is an historical document, and need be treated as such.

Katherine...I wish I could offer some kind of hope.

It was very evident by early 2002 that these chemtrails were being sprayed out of military planes. Soon, all airlines were retrofitted.

So, yeah, for those of us who've been demonized and marginalized for twenty years of an evident military war against all life....not to mention thrown off of flights for mentioning such to the pilot, having to purchase another flight at great cost. Made somewhat of a legend of me with the young folks, tho.

We have not had a CIVIL SOCIETY for some time. I've lived in a civil society, I know the difference.

The people in this land went as silent as Nazi germany some years ago. I noticed it. The cell-irradiating phones play a big part.

Most people here have no social realtion or conscience whatever. Protecting and feeding their own asses/assets is what they are all about, and how the lockdowns proved that!!!!

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