Another vital discovery, thanks Katherine. The essential question is how do we communicate with our elected officials? Steve Kirsch said only Ron Johnson will take his calls, everyone else ignores, or hands it over to staff who appear to only have the task of shielding the legislator from unwelcome feedback.

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That’s one of the big challenges. In the mid-1990s, when I got my first job as a reporter for a daily newspaper in western Massachusetts, local public officials still answered questions and “went on the record” for news reports, such that if they did something different than what they said they’d do, the newspaper would report that discrepancy, and it had a minor, but real, significance to the politician’s political career. They experienced minor amounts of public shame for their hypocrisy.

Following the 1996 Telecommunications Act, with the consolidation of all the media outlets into a handful of vertically-integrated corporations, and the top-down directives about editorial policy, and the changed financial incentives with the rise of the internet, the collapse of ad and classified revenue sources, etc. politicians learned that they don’t have to answer reporters, or constituents, or anyone at all, either on or off the public record. And there is no consequence to their actions or inactions. They feel no shame at all. No sense of obligation to the people at all.

In 2014, Gilens and Page found a way to quantify that zero-impact of ordinary people and traditional news reporting on political behavior of elites.


So now the question is, what creative, human activities can people now, after 30 years of suppression and a comprehensively censorious media and social landscape, bring to bear on elected officials to change their behavior?

We don’t know the answers.

We have to make them up, or dig into history to find asymmetrical strategies that worked in prior eras when the consolidation of power was as concentrated as it is now.

That’s part of what the symposium tomorrow is about too.

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Well, here's my attempt to SHAME our so-called "representatives" into doing something halfway useful: https://diy.rootsaction.org/petitions/end-poverty-demand-a-ubi-equal-to-what-congress-pays-itself

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Love it too!!

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Love it!! Shows what hypocrites our political representatives are.

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I’m sorry, I disagree. NO ONE should be getting a UBI. And your representatives don’t give a damn about you or me.

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OBVIOUSLY, our "representatives" don't give a damn about (most of) us. But why not hand everyone a UBI? Got a better way to end poverty fast? Why would you want to keep poverty?

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I’m not trying to end poverty. That’s up to the individual in my humble opinion.

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Wow. Spoken just like a rich person.

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Neither does God.

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Thank you for that!

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"Public health" is the Final Solution to seize power, use humanity as lab rats, and create slaves and surveillance.

Pun intended.

As Dr. Rima Laibow points out, same as it ever was.

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Thank you much, Katherine. Good to know, however depressing. Appreciate your efforts.

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I just found what appears to be Agenda 21 for the "region" where I live. It combines parts of Mexico, New Mexico and Texas, supposedly based on TX law.

It appears to show what Todd speaks of the joining of law enforcement, FEMA, "social services" and water planning (to name of few). The pictures of the worthies running this show were put in four full page ads in at least 2 local paper. Who paid for that? No one has elected them. We were simply introduced to the new overlords (IMO)

Here it is: http://www.riocog.org/emergency-preparedness/

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Yes, the systems are in place in every community.

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I don't like (I actually want to swear) but thank you for always telling us.

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I looked at this and couldn’t find the part about it including Mexico 🇲🇽

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Hi Ernie,

I'm not ignoring you. I'm sick. Keep looking as I know I saw it. And I sure couldn't figure out how TX law applies even to NM! let alone MX. However, I will also say that the OJ border entrance/exit is apparently expanding greatly. I think this is the regional governance of Agenda 21 (and 5 G is all over).

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No problem. Get well soon.

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Hi Katherine,

"Public health is moving under Department of Defense." Do we have any legal recourse to stop public health from being under DOD??

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They’ve pretty much been merged for many years, and the vaxx campaign is a DOD bioweapon attack on all humans.

Because of their heavy-handedness and speed, more people are now aware of these facts, and refusing to get any more vaxxes of any kind, now that they’re making all of them mRNA. Which is a very, very good development.

Is there a specific form of legal action that can be targeted at DOD taking over public health? Not one that’s any different than the overall resistance effort.

The recourse for the next incremental step in their plan is the same as for the parts of it we saw in action these last few years with Covid: don’t comply, and work to build social and political momentum pushing back the other way, against the globalists, to throw the WHO out of all the countries, suppress and destroy the Administrative State, and restore the US Constitution, the federalist system, separation of powers, individual liberties under the Bill of Rights, sufficiently impartial courts, election integrity and the other components of American republicanism that used to work reasonably well, back to their rightful authorities.

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Three states, Florida where many are fleeing to? From the pan into the fire.🤬

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Yeah, that was weird to find out. The story I heard is that their legislature was all excited to get out in front and lead on being tough on bioterrorism, so they adopted the garbage laws super-fast without thinking them through around 2001/2002. Not sure I believe that, but it’s one version of events.

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Katherine, I've done a lot of research on Maryland's adoption of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA). Both Maryland and Florida adopted the MSEHPA in 2002. At that time, Jeb Bush was Governor of Florida, with his brother George Bush as President, it makes sense that Florida would be a quick adopter of federally promoted legislation that responds to terrorist attacks.

My research into the legislative history of Maryland's adoption of MSEHPA revealed the following in relation to how and why the legislation was adopted in Maryland:

(1) The draft legislation was primarily prepared by Prof. Lawrence O. Gostin, Georgetown University. Johns Hopkins University assisted Prof. Gostin in the draft. The CDC provided a large grant to Prof. Gostin in September 2001 to revise a draft initially prepared by the CDC in 1999.

(2) In Maryland, the MSEHPA was promoted by the Governor through the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (which later became Maryland Department of Health). The Department pushed adoption of MSEHPA in response to several federal government bioterrorism exercises and the Anthrax attacks of September 2001. The legislative history contains a power point presentation given by the Secretary of the Dept. of Health in November 2001 to the "Anti-Terrorism Workgroup" which focuses primarily on these military exercises as reasoning for the need to updated Maryland's emergency laws adopt the MSEHPA. Prior to 2002 emergency management laws focused primarily on natural disasters such as hurricanes, snow storms, floods, etc., which would require State aid to local communities.

(3) Maryland's law gives the Governor broad power to declare a public health emergency with a joint resolution of the General Assembly required to override a declaration.

(4) Once a public health emergency is declared by the Governor, the Governor and the Secretary of Health have the right to require individuals and "groups of individuals" to go into State designated quarantine centers, to require individuals to receive vaccinations, testing, and medical treatment. While quarantined, your personal property could be determined to be "infected" with the "viral agent" that is the basis of the public health emergency. Upon such determination the local government can enter your home or business and destroy all of your personal property.

(5) When the legislation was introduced in the spring 2002 legislative session several groups opposed the adoption as written because of the impact on individual rights protected by the Maryland and the U.S. constitution. The ACLU submitted a five page letter outlining the abuse of constitutional rights.

(6) Opposition had little impact. The legislation passed with only one significant change, willful violation of the Governor's orders under a public health emergency was reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor.

Maryland's quick adoption of the MSEHPA is not surprising given Maryland's proximity to DC, Johns Hopkins is located in Maryland, and several important federal agencies, including NIH, FDA, EPA, DOE, IRS, NIST, NOAA, NSA, CMS, and SSA, are all located in Maryland.

Thank you for your work. It is comprehensive and informative.

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I don't trust De Santis.

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Incredible, but it’s definitely good to know. ALEC perhaps? Or something similar.

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Once again superb work!

Many many thanks.

And always, save to disc!

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If you ever wondered why the Repubs under Paul Ryan were able to repeal Obamacare 57 times when Barack was president but couldn't do it once, remember, "repeal & replace," when Trump was president, wonder no more.

All this crap started with HillaryCare, "Health Security Act of 1993."

At least that is my gut feeling, we had no conception of Medical Martial Law in 1993.

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So that's why the S.O.B. in my state Inslee made sure his emergency declaration mentioned he is also "Comander in Chief" of the state, making it sound like a military operation?

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Another big factor is all the printed $ the government has been doling out to bribe multiple entities to push the covid narrative. We all know about the huge hospital payments for killing people, as you have documented. I just heard about bribes going to churches. I have long Heard about school boards getting bribes for vax and mask mandates.

I lost my opportunity to participate in events run by a nonprofit, due to a VAX mandate, and my job as a result. The VAX mandate started early, and even very recently they said no exemptions medical or religious. This certainly could be bribe related also. Is there anything way of verifying at least some of these payouts?

Thanks again for all you do.

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Yes, lots and lots of bribes.

Tracking the dollar amounts down will have to be done through the contracts. I have a lot of the CARES Act contracts between my county (Centre County PA) and school district and the state pass-through agencies that handed out the federal money, but haven’t had time to comb through them for the quid pro quo: mandate vaxxes and masks and testing, or you don’t get the money.

I also learned last week from a reader here, citing Attorney Warner Mendenhall in a video, that the feds offered large bribes to private companies (up to $1 million) if the companies achieved and documented 90% vaxx rates. Below 90%, no payout. Great way to drive social division within companies too.

I have not been able to find the source for that claim, and emailed Warner about it but he’s busy so I’m not surprised that he didn’t reply.

Maybe he covered it somewhere at his Substack, as he covered the DOD ownership and legal control of the vaxxes from manufacture to injection point.


And the Remdesivir payouts:


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Great response, thanks 😊

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.....Katherine, I've attempted to access Archive.org and there appears little guidance as to how to reach any actual overviews.....

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That's the full link.

If it still doesn't get you to the 10-page document, let me know, because I have it downloaded.

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Hi, it doesn’t get us to the full link.

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Thanks, Katherine - AMAZINGLY, it appears that MA has issued only TWO such acts.....

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Remember though, that this version was last updated June 2012.

The most useful feature of the table is that it tells you want the code numbers are for the laws in your state, so you can look at them now and see what they currently authorize (assuming they’re not putting provisions under other sections just to throw people off the scent)

For example, Massachusetts has the regulatory framework under 105 CMR 300 et seq.

Current version of those regulations


Which were adopted under the state statutes:

M.G.L. c. 111, §§ 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 94C, 109, 110, 110B, 111 and 112, and c. 111D, § 6.

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I'm aware - still, not NEARLY the same MULTITUDE of them as other states.....

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I can't tell you Katherine how long I searched and searched starting in 2020 for this kind of document summarizing all the states' MSEHPA. Everywhere I turned, they were scrubbed. Almost three years later, and thanks to your research and dedication, I finally have one. Thank you!!

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I contacted my state rep and senators back in 2020 here in Texas, and they seemed oblivious to the danger in these measures. It's just there for our protection, right? The old joke, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help" has new and urgent meaning today.

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Absolutely terrifying.

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