Been struggling, as an RN, for going on 3 years. Amazed how clueless I was before this. Have been trying to help others as I was called to. It's a helplessness mixed with frustration. God bless you. Sometimes, I wish to be ignorant as others are but that's kind of ridiculous.

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I understand your comment. “amazed how clueless I was”. Yeah. Me too.

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I "retired" because of medical conditions in 2017 from pharmacy, in retrospect, it was great timing!

Yes, saw all the scams and rip-offs, but didn't see the "weaponization" that was happening right in front of my face for 25+ years!

We are all truly in this together! We must pray together!

"I with I didn't know any of this stuff!" See my WARGAMES post.

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My conflict remains this. I spend a lot of time bailing water. Outwardly in the open trying to bail water because that's most effective where those that want the ship sunk can easily see me, and set me as a target. Can I really continue to bail water and prepare a decent lifeboat at the same time? I don't know, but the person that I am seems to want to just keep bailing water, even if that means my lifeboat might not be prepared. I know I need to find a better balance though. I hope I figure out how to.

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There was a cage before, not a golden one, but a pretty wide one. We all perceived it, but most of us looked for ways to ignore it, too tough to fight it, we're too small and the kind.

I never cared much about living long, I always cared about living well. And now that someone tries hard to preventing me for living alltogether, I WANT TO LIVE!

There's no problem if this does not end well for me (violently), but I am no longer willing to stay silent and lie to myself. This is not ok.

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This is an important and much overlooked point. A cage it was but it was sometimes difficult to see. This was an intentional ongoing series of abuses by our "leaders". After a bunch of political assassinations, unjust wars, ongoing suppression of free speech, and the deliberate hoax surrounding 9/11, we had the even sharper onset of serial abuse through the imposition of many new shackles brought supposedly by the Covid 19 virus.

Now we can see through the collective effect of all of these abuses just who the abusers are. By now they are everywhere and planetary. It is clear we the people lost the necessity of our oversight responsibilities and caved to the increasing comforts of our cocoons. Now we must break free from the cocoons.

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I agree! And what comes out of cocoons are usually butterflies - pretty and brave, ready to test their wings and explore the world in all its colours :)

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Thanks! Working to exit a few of those cocoons without being entangled in my own rhetoric.

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May 10, 2022Edited
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That’s a good one. Reminds me of one that came to mind back at the beginnings of all this and it involves water. See us all in a goldfish bowl - like the goldfish we have trouble clearly seeing the water we’re immersed in. The proverbial matrix.

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I’m not watching tv , even my fun Jeopardy, because I’m yelling at the prescription drug ads … I got burned years ago, didn’t learn for a long time.. insurance dictated doctors are useless with autoimmune disorders. “ treatment “ & more medicine for side effects! Now I have an integrative medicine doctor for mold biotoxin illness, CIRS,& a laundry list of autoimmune issues. I’m only 56. Been getting the run around for 30 plus years. Now The Who is meeting on the 22nd? Trying to take our sovereign rights in the next created “health emergency “?? I want Nuremberg 2.0 for gates & Fauxchi and crew.( &So many people have Stockholm syndrome. Many. )

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Yes, this kind of fraud from our medical providers has happened too many of us. We have finally lost any trust in these and attempt to become grounded in the real things we can do to become or remain healthy. We can finally accurately see our many abusers and rid ourselves of them.

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My sister in law passed away 6 weeks after Moffitt cancer center declared her free of lukemia but had destroyed her kidneys. On paper it’s a success. Meaning more funding. They didn’t give her any physical therapy the 9 weeks she was in the hospital. She couldn’t stand up on her own. And they told us to give her Ensure. And told me not to share my healthy smoothies, it could interfere with her medication.

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I had the same experience with my mother who also died of leukemia. I kept arguing with the nurses about the Ensure and they wouldnt let me give her real food like blueberries and green drinks, claiming it might contain bacteria. The food at the hospital was meant to kill the patients. I believe they killed my mother with the chemo treatments and the Ensure.

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I’m sorry you & your mom went through that.. my sister in law was told she must wear sunscreen. I asked the nurse what ones, because there had been a recall the year before?, and I got a blank stare, pause, oh I’m not sure, just make sure she uses it. She never got a chance, I had gotten her 75$ worth from the health food store. They told her not to eat salad because of a recent recall for?listeria or something. It’s all so cruel and backwards. And I got a lot of eye rolling from them , like I was inconveniencing them when we were just trying to advocate for her.

I wrote to Moffitt about what happened to her & haven’t gotten a response. I said things like I know you mean to help , and you are so busy you may not be aware of how terrible the vax is performing ( they forced it , bullying her every day about it)

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Awful story of medical treatment as cruelty. I guess "Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do." is insufficient for this example. The approach of 'business as usual" Medicine to Cancer, death and dying, and "health" is barbaric and ignorant in the extreme. Thanks for sharing!

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Especially when the natural cures are run out of town and not given a dollar to study anything unpatentable

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Those are thought to be beneath the vaunted ego-driven hubris of these cretins. They may prefer their pharmacological poisons.

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This is an excellent post in addressing the multifaceted and inter penetrating effects of what is happening. I got so lost in writing a comment I realized it was a complex post, not a comment, and must be written as such.

Thanks so much. The exploration of the situation from a standpoint of our own resources and understanding is crucial.

Believe this approach will ultimately prove to devise the most positive ways to bring this highly abusive serial abuse to an end.

The more we can work our own way out of the matrix, then come together to facilitate it, will be helpful. Like working our way from an enormous and complex game of Go - and certainly Poker and Chess. Doubt if AI will be of any help in this game.

To our children.

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We have general ideas of who we are fighting, but there is no org chart.

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There are a few organizational charts, but they don’t identify by name the people pulling the strings behind the public heads of the organizations across the last couple hundred years.

Even without that, I find this one useful:


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Not hearing anything about Chatham House, yet it's up there with the WEF.

The WEF is the propaganda, public face.

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Some folks online do predict that as folks begin to grasp exactly who has created this carnage, the actual actors will face...perhaps more local and specific problems relating to their ability to....conduct their business in a customary fashion. I sincerely do hope this is the case.

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Good day all, Katherine Watt thank you with all my heart for the work you have done and are doing. You state the truth when you say ...across the last couple hundred years. Yes it has been at least the last couple of 100 years. Perhaps 1000s of years if you take Michael Hudson's book "…and forgive them their debts" which documents enslavement by debt starting approximately 10,000 year ago in Mesopotamia.

I was fortunate enough to meet a gifted woman in 1970 ( whom I learn so much over the next 10 plus years). During the time I knew her she said one of the very best ways to enslave a population was to create a health crisis. To help folks understand how long the assault on one's right to choose nutritional supplementation see https://thenhf.com/codex/ .

This is one area she point out to me then as well as autoimmune disease (see Cancer and autoimmune diseases https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28778707/ ). So she had been in the fight since 1951 and said the fight was much older than that.

She claimed to be a Waldensian (https://www.gotquestions.org/Waldensians.html) a virtually extinct today, so I couldn't fully check her out. But she was a determined and peaceful rebel for health and regenerative agriculture.

What I see here is something a kin to what she helped me to see a live by to this day. We need to get our education system to actually shine the light on the history of oppression up to the present time so our children will grow up better prepared for freedom than we are. Educated to see the cage for what it is.

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1 Thessalonians 5: 16 - 18

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Thank you, this post is so helpful, especially that third answer. 🙏❣️ It helps me stand in my sovereignty myself, rather than being fully out or focused on those trying to manage my life.

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You got to admire the Communists, they know how to stick to a plan.

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IgG, Cortisol, and Alpha-Amylase. The vaccine knocks out the salivary immunoglobulin that protect the body from upper respiratory issues. Japan realizes this and is researching how their immunity has been changed. https://www.scienceforsport.com/salivary-immunoglobulin-a-s-iga/. Also if you look at Dr. Lipkin at Columbia has been researching Borna virus which creates depression and anxiety. His theory was too many vaccines early cause depression and anxiety. He has since moved right up the ladder, quieting his discovery. Also Cortisol studies were done on rhesus monkeys in the 70's. The monkey's at the end of the experiment became angry and all died from injuries occurred on each other. The doctor that did this mentored one of the most trusted Psychiatrist on children's studies Dr. Bruce Perry (appeared on Oprah) . See Cortisol study-https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21844333/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_of_despair. They know that tampering with all of these things will create depression and anxiety. The amyloid also has something to do with the white strands of fiber like material that are being found in the arteries and veins at autopsy

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IgG, Cortisol, and Alpha-Amylase. The vaccine knocks out the salivary immunoglobulin that protect the body from upper respiratory issues. Japan realizes this and is researching how their immunity has been changed. https://www.scienceforsport.com/salivary-immunoglobulin-a-s-iga/. Also if you look at Dr. Lipkin at Columbia has been researching Borna virus which creates depression and anxiety. His theory was too many vaccines early cause depression and anxiety. He has since moved right up the ladder, quieting his discovery. Also Cortisol studies were done on rhesus monkeys in the 70's. The monkey's at the end of the experiment became angry and all died from injuries occurred on each other. The doctor that did this mentored one of the most trusted Psychiatrist on children's studies Dr. Bruce Perry (appeared on Oprah) . See Cortisol study-https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21844333/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_of_despair. They know that tampering with all of these things will create depression and anxiety. The amyloid also has something to do with the white strands of fiber like material that are being found in the arteries and veins at autopsy

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I disagree. I, and many others, have been pointing this out for years. Every family has one. We were excoriated. The bread and circuses were too enticing. Our words pierced the comfort in the heart of the empire, so we were told to stop. No one can say it is not their fault and they did not know. It is a duty, respect to those who fought for freedom, to preserve democracy. While distracted, we did not notice we lost our potential.

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Beautifully stated. Resisting their agenda, resolving to individually maintain personal integrity, focusing on one’s own vision for a New Earth, restored America, Love for country and humanity—these all form a preferred timeline, a positive forward momentum, a healing, joyful pathway.

Give them and their plans no merit, validation, no power. We are the power of Love. We are creating our own alternate architecture, society as God intended.

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Thank you for your post. It seems quite clear to me that the series of overt events and atrocities of the last few years have been a “great awakening.” The palpable pain of a betrayal against the American people runs deep. “What to do,” is a good question. Katherine and many others have undertaken the heroic tasks of exposing much evil corruption. Part of the pain of betrayal for me is knowing the betrayal has a long legacy, and that our America had been supplanted, arrogated, and run by criminals for decades.

I’ll share a Patel Patriot post that gives an outstanding interpretation and summation of this American experience playing out before our eyes:

08.12.21 Patel Patriot's Devolution Addendum Series - Part 1,


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