Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023Pinned

Brilliant, as always, Katherine. You have a network wiring diagram unlike anyone else. Here's a more physical description that is helpful.

Categorically, the operation is quite simple as it involves nothing but iterations of various large, global actors with big tentacles, like a number of octopi distributed globally whose tentacles emanate, and overlap/connect out large power centers, all with categorical functions of:

MONEY (fiat, dark, offshored, Gold, Silver, mineral deposits, i.e. anything that can be used as hard collateral or liquidated) This function is City of London, Vatican Bank to launder dark money, FED banks for fiat, BIS, Cayman Islands, Switzerland, etc.for offshore, the weird Nazi banking, and bearer bond, gold dark system Joe Farrell uncovered, and others. The criminals want to transform what the public sees/uses into a digital gulag. Their other systems will remain but may go digital too. Catherine Austin Fitts has rigorously documented that $22 trillion has been stolen from US taxpayers. A Michigan State University teams confirmed her findings.

MILITARY (US bases are a huge, distributed network, which Robert David Steele called Lilly Pads, from which to run drugs, children, bioweaons, viruses, and other dark money "assets" from which the CIA, and others have been doing for decades likely using East India as historical model, launch attacks as needed both overt that the public sees because they're large, and covert using mercenaries that the public doesn't see because they're targeted. Think POS coward Eric Prince. Five Eyes, and other criminal allies largely coordinate with this. It's also axway to launder or steel MASSIVE amounts of money like when under Reagan toilet seats were $1,000 or some such insanity) Contracts for retired criminal generals like Gen. Jones also as glue to hold things together by rewarding filth that play the game.

MEDIA (Presstitute Bordellos of television, print, radio, and the DARPA/CIA developed Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. all serve as mind control mechanisms. The criminals don't have a firm grasp of social media which is why Millie Weaver, Patrick Birgy, and Tore Manas exposed in their excellent documentatary Gen. Jones, and other trash that allegedly stole what Birgy helped develop to squash hearts, and minds in the Middle East to use on Americans) Wars are ALWAYS used to test new technologies on humans. That was a main purpose of the Vietnam War.

MEDICINE (Big Pharna, bioweapons labs, Big Oil, Big Chemical like Monsanto, Bayer, etc. develop the poisons, and legit meds. Legit meds are needed to patch up all the soldiers, help with the cancers Bayer/Monsanto create, etc.) This became part of a MASSIVE money laundering op with trillions running through Pfizer, etc.

BIG UNIVERSITY/BIG FOUNDATIONS (These develop tech for good, and evil, launder money, infiltrate, and infect young minds with hatred, confusion about 2 genders, which are ALL THERE WILL EVER BE. recruit thugs out of Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, Princeton, MIT, and others who are reasonably intelligent but lack ANY moral sense. Cornell has big donors out of Racine, Wisconsin in the SC Johnson multi billionaire family, one of whom likes to rape his daughter, and was convicted for it. Biden, and Zuckerberg fixed a billion dollar public bond referendum in Racine before stealing 2020 POTUS election. Cornell has a huge hospitality services program. Hotels are REALLY important for abusing, and running child aex slaves, and narcotics. Gates Foundation is just a pivot from information tech to mass murder for profit. Next up is farming for buttwipe man boobs Bill Gates whose father dressed him as a little girl when he was young.)

BIG PLANNING (CFR, Pilgrim's Society, Bilderberg, WEF, etc.) This is where the compromised go to plan their infiltration of governments schemes, act out their deviancies with each other, children, animals, etc)

BIG BLACKMAIL & BRIBERY (This is what Epstein, Maxwell, Mossad, CIA, MI6, FBI, etc do to control governments, businesses, etc. It's a huge web that Kirby Sommers has exposed BRILLIANTLY)

When tracing a network one can go from the body of the octopus outward or from the end of a tentacle toward the body. There are various nodes along the way and the NAMES of the nodes regularly change to confuse investigators.

However, the criminals are dumb, and are easy to overcome by tenacity of the kind Katherine demonstrates EVERY DAY as a national treasure she is. There are others like Fitts, Farrell, etc.

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I felt the conviction in this piece. People are feeling the warm fuzzies since Biden announced that 5/11/23 will be the end of the Covid public health emergency for the USA. He makes this announcement yesterday - ironically or un-ironically - on the same day the WHO announced they will continue the Covid global pandemic emergency status. We may be looking at a pivot of the DOD back into its traditional war footing or proxy war footing agendas, or simply another kind of emergency will pop up, re-homing the unlawful guidances and racketeering under the banner of something else. People have learned how to think differently in these strategic ways now directly because of your research and influence so the prevailing question trending in user nation (social media) is “Why wait til 5/11/23? Why not now?” I think it has something to do with the 90-day renewals. He renewed on 1/11. He may renew again on 4/11 and then the pivot takes place a month later. Your analogy of flash bangs is a good example of how they operate.

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If you're not already reading Ann Barnhardt (barnhardt.biz), I recommend it. Your thought process and conclusions are very similar.

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It comes down to a spiritual war of Good vs evil. Prayer and trust in God is the only way forward. I may die a terrible death but my heart will not be converted.

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Right again, Katherine! Only God makes order out of chaos. Thank you for keeping us informed.

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The whole closing section of this essay is magnificent, and it gives me hope.

"Because the thing about Lucifer’s multi-millennial project — chaos as a world domination method — is that it’s far easier to destabilize and destroy and kill than to sustain and grow life...It’s relatively easy to foment internal conflicts, break things, knock out load-bearing pillars, tempt to sin, and kill...

Guiding madmen to destruction of self and others is easy, and that’s why it’s Lucifer’s go-to.

Orderly Creation is hard, and only God can do it."

And that is why any totalitarian New World Order can go only so far before it starts to self-destruct and fall apart from its own internal contradictions. That explains what seems like the dazzling incompetency and cluelessness of so many world leaders - they understand lies, deception, destruction and chaos.

Fret not thyself because of the ungodly; neither be thou envious against the evil doers.

For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and be withered even as the green herb.

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Katherine... Beautiful and accurate, IMO. Proud of your work. Stand strong... God protect you...

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Good work.

Tearing the curtain down reveals ...

More curtains.

An act of God must at best be surely coming, or already occurred.

Thia empire of chaos is krumbling faster.

Even folks who put on theatre for a living seem easily fooled by the puppet muppet shows of smoking mirrors...

God help us all please.

Chaos is easy.

Freedom is hard, one's life work

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The BIS headquarters is built to look like a giant boot. That should give us a clue.

The Global Public-Private Partnership


Wake up Everyone!!

Nurses, Doctors, Pharmacists, Teachers, Judges, Police, Army Personnel, now is the time you will be remembered for, by your children and by God.

Do the right thing and say No to Tyranny!!

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Hi Katherine,

Thanks for all for sharing all that you do. Bailiwik News has quickly become one of my must reads. Regarding "efforts to build Christendom", I am struggling to reconcile that experiences of First Nations people who were here before us. I read some of journal entries from the journal of Christopher Colombus. Wow! No filter on that man. They will make good slaves. As a child, my mom would often take me with her to visit Mohawk friends who lived on "the rez" nearby. Are we now suffering what they suffered through?

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There is definitely a malevolent spiritual group at the top. Many Christians think they are dealing w/atheists when nothing could be further from the truth.

It's important to understand that truth because if you are trying to bring real change, you need to know what you are facing to the best of your ability.

We do not have a full picture yet. We get that by being open and challenging our own thinking should that be necessary.

As to people who call themselves luciferians or something like that, I am asking you a question if you have the courage to answer me. If you really believe "do as thou wilt" is your guiding principle then: 1. why do you obey so readily and 2. why do you always choose to do evil? If you really can do as you will, why not choose to do the good? It really isn't very difficult to destroy and it is much harder to create fertile soil that is life giving. Do you never choose to be life giving because you cannot do so? That's what it seems like.

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We'd all love to know who those 140 customers of the BIS are wouldn't we? Name all of them in all the highest groups actually.

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If anyone cares to see, know, and understand the history and the power of the International Bankers over the world, since the death of Jesus Christ, up until the present time, I suggest getting and reading the book "Pawns in the game" by William Guy Carr. It is really a true look at their history and their manipulations of countries to get into war, and why. Best book I personally have ever read on the subject myself after spending nearly 45 years out of 62, reading and studying the subject. Try it and it will open up a whole new world of understanding why we are in the mess we are in today. You will not be disapointed in reading it, I promise you.

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"My view is that all the smaller semi-secret organizations — British Pilgrims Society, Muslim Brotherhood, Freemasons, Rothschild-Rockefeller cabal, Zionists, Mossad, Jesuits, SERCO, British Crown, Kabbalism, Orsini Black Nobility, Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, etc. — are just brands or flavors of the single underlying Luciferian enterprise."

You are correct in that guess, but to get the bird's eye view on it from the top-level whistleblower, you would do well to read my book. It's free. https://liftingthewool.wordpress.com/an-illuminati-primer-the-book/

She has outlined the entire Luciferian system, and how each and every one of those groups--plus many more, are simply breakout groups and front organizations for the larger ensemble. I've been interested in her story for over 2 years now, and the book summarizes over 400 videos she's made on the subject.

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I'm in the middle of reading Tower of Basel, and it does give context to what must be going on today. Of course, the OSS ( now morphed into the CIA) was there at the beginning, AS THEY REMAIN today.

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The blurring of the boundary lines between DoD and HHS began long ago - around the turn of the century, if not earlier. Think about it. If you were powerful enough to pull the levers of every government agency and you were seeking to carry out illegal, evil activities, then you would want to smear those activities out as much as possible to avoid detection. By spreading activities across multiple agencies, you decrease your risk of getting caught. In addition, when it comes to biodefense activities, you really want to avoid being fingered for weaponization. So, the answer is to bring in HHS to give it a veneer that is suitable for public consumption. It's simple logic, really.

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