I do not like how government and media are still pushing their narratives on the people. That if they call it a closed case, it is closed. I am also very angered about the health policies that governments are making with the United Nations. As a Canadian, I find there are too many lies to count.

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They cant stop now. They have invested so deeply, if they do the consequences are pretty much existential for them. So this is a case of 'digging in' and 'doubling down' to save their lives. There will be no gentle back down. We have actually crossed the rubricon a while ago. They will need to be dragged from their podiums and I am guessing going by history, that ends up being done by a violent enemy, or a brand new shining con man promising more. Actually I think we have gone past the shining con man stage. Given this post on the Chinese invasion of USA, https://politiquerepublic.substack.com/p/why-is-china-secretly-sending-a-modern?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=840660&post_id=109800660&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email I think there are far greater problems on the way, for the former notion. Perhaps it has already been done.

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Helen, we are living in very strange times. There will be more conflict and man-made pandemics. The world is in peril. If you have a voice, it is time to use it. It is a time of action

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Indeed, and I am. Very much so.

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Helen: Fascinating link! WOW! And another interesting link inside this first one. It's a question I had not given much thought to until now. Just HOW the Chinese nationals are getting OUT of China, free tkt to Equador, and paying cartels with fentanyl to get them across the US border. For what purpose? And we are bussing and dropping them off at those Chinese "Police Departments"!! Biden regime is so very complicit in making US taxpayers fund their own invasion by foreign enemies.

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You know what it reminds me of? Re the fetenyl? Remember the anger the Chinese had with the English for making opium addicts out of the Chinese people? The Opium wars. And the Chinese were furious and vowed to get revenge no matter what on 'the West'. And what is the US now? Its a vassal (toy) of the elite that ran England. The same. But, there are layers and layers. The long game was for China to infiltrate USA totally from the inside out, and I believe the Biden administration was their coup complete. The concerns come when we start to ask 'who actually owns China'? Then we come full circle to the same culprits. A huge game going on here.

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Can't remember where, but recently someone said that one of China's biggest problems was figuring out what to do with single men. Because the One Child law had been in effect for so long, and people preferred to have that one child be a boy, girl babies/children were killed to allow for the boy babies. And now they so outnumber Chinese women in their age group, they are turning to lives of materialism. However, sending them here on a mission may indeed make up for the lack of family. Definitely is suspicious that they are coming here, but not all that surprising, considering what they don't have back there...

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Mar 22, 2023
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Another Collapse on Live-TV - Russia - Evening with Solovyov

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Trudeau and Freeland are the locus of evil in Canada

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It is not only a closed case, it is "settled science!"

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A pretend science that is structured around profiting and control of the masses through fear. A science that is beneficial to the WEF and UN.

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Scientific process had it's overton window shifted over to "Trust the Science."

Now the jabbed are simply too beholden to their mistakes or still not suffering enough to make any efforts for fighting to retain thine own destiny

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It is very sad to see how many people were tricked and manipulated to follow the mandates on a false premise.

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While there is NO science; THERE IS TOTAL SATANIC EVIL behind the WEF/UN controlled by the International Feudal Nazi Crime Syndicate out of The City of London, D.C., Basel/Davos/Geneva, NYC and Beijing at the LEAD. THERE IS NO SCIENCE WHEN ALL ORIGIN IS BASED IN CRIMES AGAINST ALL LIFE...As the Psycho-Predators are ATTACKING ALL LIFE ON EARTH, and not merely humans.

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Yes I know.

Maybe rapture next year?

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To the best of my knowledge which is based within current theology of the Catholic Church...NO, NOT THE CURRENT HOMO-HERETICAL ANTI-POPE who worshipped Pachamama, the Fertility Demon from Latin American Areas and has appointed many past child molesting Priests and acting homosexuals into positions of power in the Vatican, what we know or define the 'rapture' is a HERESY long ago debunked. Nothing is wrote of it in The Bible. It was propaganda formed long ago to allow a 'False Sense of Security' BY SATAN...A delusion to misdirect God's people.

WISH I COULD BELIEVE IN 'THE RAPTURE' as I once asked about it and WANTED TO BELIEVE. Was disappointed to learn it wasn't real or any kind of promise. In no time have God's people in declining society ever been saved from anything God allows to happen following Noah...But, they suffer just as the lukewarm of heart and evil do and from what was told to me, it will remain as this until Jesus Christ returns.

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Well, I have two years of Koine Greek, have read a LOT of the New Testament in the original Greek, and have one of my grad degrees in theology, and, understanding there are different views, pre-trib, mid-trib, post trib, etc etc. I sure believe in it. And it is not a false sense of security to trust in Christ

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There are evil and selfish motives behind these actions. How else can it be explained?

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Science is based within the parameters of 'Natural Law' defining the criteria within the 'Scientific Method'. THE PURPOSE OF SCIENCE IS TO BETTER UNDERSTAND 'NATURAL LAW' WHICH IN TURN IS BASED IN 'DIVINE LAW'.

Evil is based within the IDOLATRY which is the sin of the First Commandment; or 'Original Sin' as perpetrated by Adam and Eve. Idolatry is the delusion of self or something not God to be God which is OUTSIDE the parameters of Science.

NOTHING the current CRIMINALS AGAINST ALL LIFE ON EARTH is science as all is to undermine God and 'Natural Law' in favor of the delusion of self being God.

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I will clarify what I mean. I know they are not using science to explain things. They are lying to the public and calling it the truth. The global organizations are there to pit us against each other.

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It's much worse ! 7 issues few are aware of:

1. The root cause of most political problems is freemasonry. They are the deep state. They infiltrated all levels of power.

Mandating public disclosure of membership to secret societies which require obedience (masons prioritize obedience to the common good and patriotism because otherwise they lose their jobs, livelihoods o life): should penalize more any political candidate, government position, listed corporations, media, police, armed forces.

When people realize how many of them have so much power, they’ll react.


2. They forge currencies and buy media, listed corporations, puppeticians, etc. We need freedom of legal tender and currencies based on real assets (gold, silver, copper, lithium, flour, canola oil, whatever real and unforgeable). Kill the Federal Reserve:

Inflation is generated by the monetary base, controlled by the Fed: the Federal Reserve is the problem. They do it on purpose! Get rid of the Fed.

Studies prove that not even the rich get richer, just the off-shore super-rich (top 0.5%), the regular rich can barely keep up with Gov't generated inflation and taxes. Except the super rich, everyone gets poorer, but especially the poorer.

1 of 5 (don't miss the 5th):


3. What are their plans and how to beat them:


4. Why is the system rigged and how to solve it:





5. Decarbonization is anti-science:


6. They want to kill us all:






7. This is a spiritual battle between satanists and rest of the world. Without prayer, you are doomed to fail. What we see in the material world is the expression of the metaphysical realm.


More on:


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Quotes you can use:

The important thing is to never stop questioning.” ‒ Albert Einstein (this is, of course, until, there is BIG MONEY and the fasco-Marxist cancel culture involved. Then they would even shout down Einstein and cancel his Twitter and YouTube access).

“Science is a process for learning about nature in which competing ideas about how the world works are measured against observations.” – Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman (The Meaning of it All)

“All are sure in their days except the most wise ... He is the wisest philosopher who holds his theory with some doubt.” – Michael Faraday (1791-1867, famed English scientist in electromagnetism. James Clerk Maxwell summarized the work of Faraday in a set of equations which is the basis of all modern theories of electromagnetic phenomena; Einstein kept a picture of Faraday on his study wall, alongside pictures of Arthur Schopenhauer and James Clerk Maxwell)

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." Attributed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, including Eric Metaxas, but may be derived from another origin

“…science is not belief; a scientist is not supposed to believe anything. It is the role of the scientist to question, debate, refute, and demonstrate with evidence - not blindly accept ideas based on a set of beliefs. Yet over time, classical, evidence-based science has been usurped by hyper-monetized and hyper-propagandized institutions still hiding behind the mask of what it used to be.” – Jeff Landry

“When the Black Death, a plague caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis swept through Europe in the late 1340s, 50% of the population was wiped out over the course of a half-decade. Such a huge mortality rate is an extreme example of hard selection, the removal of individuals from the population who cannot survive the event. But the data from a new study suggest (to me) that hard selection may have been due to another cause all together. People trying to survive the Black Death were often treated with arsenic and mercury, which “killed them faster than the plague” per WorldHistory.org, Medieval Cures for the Black Death. Quote above from Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, Black Plague Left a Genetic Imprint in Four Genes in Europeans: Specific Genetic Variants Found in Survivors Indicate Plague Deaths Involved Metal-Based "Medical" Treatments

Are we doing worse now?

“Science in the service of politics in the 21st Century, is as corrupt as science in the service of the Catholic Church in the 16th Century.” H. Lawrence Mayo

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“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

– Edward Bernays, 1891 – 1995, considered the father of advertising and propaganda, nephew of Freud, in his book Propaganda

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Mar 22, 2023
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The Hindus have a special 'thing' for this. Its called the Triad.

The three faced god - Shiva (destruction or chaos) comes before Brahma (creation), and Vishnu (preservation or order - systems etc within which we live) comes along to take the creation and make it 'useable'. (Systems). BUT the cycle must proceed. So Shiva will come along to destroy Vishnu, as sure as the sun will shine, and in order that Brahma will be able to follow.

I find this Triad to be my most trustworthy guide in life.

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All our foundational ideas are illegitimate. Like "public health". Public health? Health just doesn't work like that. We all need to be enabled to take care of our own health. But the idea that forces from outside dictate the forces for inside is illegitimate, dangerous and just doesn't line up with reality. Reality is cause and effect. Public health has never worked. We can't have global anything because we are all disparate locations with disparate conditions. What works for one doesn't work for another 100 000. All our foundational ideas are invalid and antiquated for our times now.

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The whole basis of Public Health, treating populations, is communistic in nature. It embodies the idea of committing evil towards the individual in order to chase the false goal of "the greater good."

Evil is always evil, and evil for the sake of "good" is a lie.

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Yes indeed. it's always the few who talk as though they have everyone's best interest at heart, when they don't even ask anyone anything about it. They choose the people who decide things for everyone and never allow opportunity for people to chime in. Today, we have the tool for us all to chime in, with the internet but notice, none of them use it for this purpose. And the reason they don't is a dead giveaway since now they can - the reason is they simply don't care about "public health" they care about dominating and controlling populations. it couldn't be plainer.

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It is! Oh someone said it. It really is. My soul recognises this 😭

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Ive been listening to lectures and studying the academic works of Vaccination Social Scientists recently. Was shocked to hear them openly posit and champion communitarianism as their penultimate goal behind public health and global health policy.

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Who makes the decisions? That's what we need to know. It's always a small group. But now with the technology we have we can all make proposals or vote on others proposals. This is a whole new way of looking at things. We have the tool now so there is no need to continue with the old ways of letting a group decide for the all.

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We, The People should be voting regularly on proposed issues as we can with the Internet. But much work needed to be done to ensure security and a non-AI interference - and true accountability is crucial regarding that security to The People using the internet.

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The simple solution to that is that the internet be totally transparent and totally free speech. So really we can have all the surveillance and we welcome it, but we also see the data of those who only get to see it today. We want to see theirs too and we want to see ours. If say transactions were totally transparent (except for the password and account holder's full address) we wouldn't have sociopathy or psychopathy. We could travel wherever we wanted, we would be safe to walk the streets. It's probably hard for you to imagine, but that's what the internet brings us. We need to face reality and that means we belong to the land, all of us. So how should land be allocated? Of course nobody has to lose anything, this will just be for those who want it or who leave it to this timeline of posterity.

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Omg. Even Doctors are the law, patients are the peasants. We with Stockholm syndrome love the Doctors. Tell us who we are. You tell me what my body needs.

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Many Drs are robots promulgating the Rockefeller/Abraham Flexner Report influences since 1910 in Medical training, and reinforced by Big Pharma ever since (& others), and their personal courage and integrity is lacking., or been dumbed down by the same influencers.

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Public health is an oxymoron.

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Exactamon! Perfect.

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IF they really wanted the public to be healthy, they'd hand everyone free healthcare, & pay clinicians enough to live comfortably on whether or not they've got long lines of clients out the door--pay 'em to use their best clinical judgment, NOT to toe any gov't line which exists to make profits for those it allows to profit. Notice how--instead--they do anything & everything BUT that.

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💯👀 Much to do. Stay strong. #DoNotComply #StopCBDC

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Gov de santis has proposed a bill to ban it in FL

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I suggest that you, Katherine, and Sasha push hard at Elon Musk to investigate what’s happening to your Twitter posts, and push even harder at some key Congress members like Comer, Massie, Jordan, etc.,to have what you present here researched and widely investigated by their assistants, then acted upon promptly. Treat this as urgent everywhere. Many thanks for what you are doing.

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Musk is a globalist.

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Yes, despite his professed love of humanity he continuesusing his dragon rockets to blast some 48K satellites into earth’s orbit so as to be able to at some point track every transaction and movement in real time, while he pushes forward with Neuralink (which he is on record saying he expects everyone will have a neuralink embedded in their brain eventually ---ehhhmmm hence the SATELLITES) (!)

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So he is a globalist. And is perhaps acting the redeemer to offer people a false sense of identification. Every transaction and movement of humanborg or techno human... Yeh I’m wondering if anyone interested in AI decimation of humanity can be anything but a psychopath. Unless they have been conditioned over time to disidentify with common people as people. Kind of like what we do with cattle. Factory farming. Anyway, thank you for the info. Best wishes ✌️🙏💕

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I don’t disagree at all, in fact I think you got my gist. 👍

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Thank you 😊

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So I’m discovering. What’s your motivating info on this? Pls if you are able to share?

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hahaha...as if Musk knows nada about how twit is run

looking forward to when the three biggies merge and are called YouTwitFace

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Agree 100%. Those few souls are smart and brave

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..."Congress can fix what they broke. None of the current members appear interested; not even Ron Johnson, who is furthest along the learning curve"...wait a minute. These are the people elected to help run the country, the overseers of democracy (whatever this still is), and the people entrusted with the citizen's welfare and freedom. Protectors of the Constitution, which hasn't been burned up just yet.

There is no fixing of anything. We are well past that point. Congress, being in the extremely sorry state that it is, pretending to not know how our government is trying to murder us, is not acceptable. They must give up their positions of power or be destroyed.

Just what the heck are these people doing in the DC Swamp? On vacation 365 days of the year? And these are supposed to be "smart" and "intelligent" people? Give me a freaking break.

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I always wonder where the "good men" in Congress are. With the issues Katherine outlines daily, why do I hear none of them shouting and raising hell on the floor of Congress about these issues? Being polite and playing by "their" rules isn't working. I am waiting for leaders to come forward..................still waiting.

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Neither smart nor intelligent. Criminal

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Nor brave ....they have forgone any chance to act, instead watching children being inoculated daily with an experimental 'vaccine' shown to be injurious or lethal, for NO reason whatsoever !

No, not brave....cowards cowering while seeming to be concerned, giving us false hope.

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You’re right, but just as there are exceptions to every rule, there are a few good men in Congress. Johnson is one, Rand Paul is another, Chip Roy of Texas, Gaetz of Florida, and a few others. I am going to email Katherine’s work to DeSantis.

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I would also like to see legislation protecting Florida sovereignty against edicts from WHO etc

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I live in Florida. DeSantis is but a mere mortal like me and you. Yes he played the HHS game for 2 months but quickly came to his senses. I shudder to think how it might have been under Gollum or Scott. 3 years later Florida is where woke goes to die, and the state has empaneled a grand jury to hopefully indict the many perpetrators of crimes against humanity, the Plandemic. DeSantis shows real leadership.

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Here's what I put together to cover one example why I don't trust DeSantis. It seems like he's been trying to catch some key issues but.... He passed an "anti riot" bill in 2021 which was later deemed unconstitutional. The law gave the ability to shut down protests to "prevent riots" on spurious grounds. It's crazy because there are already laws on the books against violence, vandalism, etc that law enforcement ignores in order to get to the point where they go after everyone.

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That is a fair point. As I've already noted, he is but a human, and therefore not perfect. I expect any politician to be grossly imperfect, but DeSantis stands head and shoulders above his contemporaries. Considering that he is Catholic, and held his first cabinet meeting in Israel speaks volumes about his tendency to authoritarianism, but it is true that he has taken a brave and principled stand against the woke agenda.

Utopia and perfect leaders are not options.

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I'm really confused as to how those guys knew where the jabs came from, fought against mandates but somehow aren't connecting the dots like Sasha and Katherine?

We can't judge them by the level of the zombie congressmen. But maybe now is the time that they wanna bring in the cover story, if they see that they're losing hard, lol.

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Thank you Katherine, your clarity is INDISPENSABLE!

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Your posts are incredibly informative. You and Sasha L are brilliant.

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Thank you!

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Brilliant forthright and righteous!👍. The” Smith Mundt modernization act” included in the 2013 NDAA legalized domestic propaganda by the CIA. This destroys the guarantee of a free press because now it’s become state run. Further, the same members of BIS are the participants and controllers of the media and pharma, either directly or through board members.

Smith Mundt Modernization allows the fake news Andy media to claim they were being patriotic as a defense. It seems their conspiracy to censor truth and differing opinion and promote lies and their official narrative can be construed as a fraud against the American people.

The censorship of preventing life saving information can be attributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. That should be actionable in a civil venue.

Good work Katherine! God bless and God speed! 👍

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Yet they did 9/11 in 2001 and the press still won’t touch that.

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Right. Maybe because the same people doing the propaganda don’t want them to. Maybe the same people did it? Maybe they don’t want themselves exposed. It’s consistent with what I said. The media has been infiltrated and controlled / influence by the agency for decades before Smith Mundt legalized propaganda. The Church committee hearings in the 1970s showed that.

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Maybe this will shed some light in a very dark place Steshu...

Revelations (9:11), (September 11), 2001, Emergency (call 911), WHY…? Why taken down 33 years after steel construction?

Why the Twin Towers were destroyed exactly 33years after steel construction began? Ground breaking in 1966 and the Steel construction of WTC1 began in 1968. Why searched info was changed to a construction date of 1973? That was the date of the grand opening, Ask Why? Maybe because 1968 + 33 = 2001, when the Towers came down, on purpose? Just dots…

Aloha & God Bless, Kyle

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Yes Farmer Jones,

B.Obama signed the Smith-Mundt into law and he definitely doesn’t represent anything of “Love & Aloha” in our state of Hawaii. B.Obama has also taken over the seat that G.Soros had in the Satanic Council for about 60years. He is their new Phoenix in charge of the council or sometimes called the Druidic Council. These people in Power are the 1% Globalist who run this World by their “Golden Rules” not the one we follow but the Reversed Evil Version of “He who owns the Gold makes the Rules” They are never Elected but instead Selected. Evil is never by coincidence but instead planned in advance and has penetrated everything from Politics, Finance, Entertainment, Sports etc., they also run the UN, WHO and the WEF etc. and our Compliance in their eyes becomes our Acceptance… I DO NOT COMPLY…!

Obama replaces SOROS...


Ok some dots I shared before,

Genesis (3:22), Georgia Guidestones (3-22)-1980, YALE Skull & Bones (w/322), WHY…?

Revelations (9:11), (September 11), 2001, Emergency (call 911), WHY…? Why taken down 33 years after steel construction?

Why the Twin Towers were destroyed exactly 33years after steel construction began? Ground breaking in 1966 and the Steel construction of WTC1 began in 1968. Why searched info was changed to a construction date of 1973? That was the date of the grand opening, Ask Why? Maybe because 1968 + 33 = 2001, when the Towers came down, on purpose? Just dots…

Most Important of all… WHY the MASON’S use the #33

What age was JESUS CHRIST when Crucified? “33years of age”, WHY…?

Satan was kick out of Heaven with how many Angels? “1/3 or 33.33%”, WHY…?

What is GOD “YAHWEH’S” number? “3 or The Trinity”, WHY Important…?

Because Satan thinks he is God; he created his own #3 to try and be God, but he is just a “Liar and Deceiver”, maybe LSD means? Lucifer, Satan & the Devil? His Unholy Trinity? LSD thinks he is and wants to be God and live Forever just like all the 1% GLOBALIST. So LSD’s fake Trinity along with the “YAHWEH’S” Real Trinity = 33, WHY…?

Why, is there a triangle, which is 60x60x60 degrees with a satanic eye on the back of the dollar bill? The Globalist love and control the money, from the beginning of time its something else they Love… Aloha & God Bless, Kyle


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Because you have rejected knowledge,

I also will reject you from being priest for Me;

Because you have forgotten the law of your God,

I also will forget your children.

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Thank you very much for this post.

I live in Perú, a nation currently in turmoil as reaction to the illegal deposition of an elected President.

It has been common knowledge for decades that the country's management has been helping itself while ignoring needed public help. People cry "corruption" but nothing is done. Your problem in a nutshell, or x-rays if that sounds better.

The reaction to President Castillo's removal, and treasonous replacement, has shone the x-ray lamp on the structure of our society, wherein the families deriving their possessions from the Conquista retain possessions, privilege, and wealth sufficient for financial control of everything. That they have a racial contempt for the people whose ancestors created this landscape has added a richly poisonous ingredient to the stew. Police and Armed Forces have been given permission and orders to use live bullets on protestors, handily tagged "terrorists" (yup, I know).

Members of the Legislature, Judiciary, Prosecutors, and other high-level functionaries eat together, This includes the Forces and the Police. Clearly, the framework for what us simpletons call "corruption" is working well.

What has happened here is similar to problems reported in many, many countries. So I've used the above as illustration & proceed below to analyse and recommend.

A general hypothesis on my part is how we got here:

1. Any electoral system requiring timetabled elections is based on the common sentiment that our reps cannot be trusted. However, this is what we have.

2. The recycling of election posts requires campaigns, which requires money, which is sourced from large corporations or excessively wealthy individuals.

3. Who pays the piper calls the tune, the electorate having voted in one of the candidates supplied by the moneyed class now finds itself out of the kitchen, off the pitch, overboard in a tempest, etc.

My hypothesis is that the electorate's been swindled and will continue thus unless an alternative form can be devised. But my initial point - that recycling candidates because we feel we cannot trust them - yields a system where trust is impossible.

Anyone still with me will maybe be thinking that alternatives don't exist. My response is: if the electorate and the candidates actually trust each other then a system can be devised for this.

Naturally, "some" nations understand civic trust better than others. Pre-contact civilisations away from Europe created robust and straightforward system. The European mind, however, more attuned to "individuality", would seem to require an amount of reorientation, whereas the older, mutually-focused, nations had that baked-in.

So many of our arrangements, when you look at them this way, are well over-egged, creating a kind of inertia which adds to the thievery to which I've alluded already.

Finally, trust is not trust until it's guaranteed. Human nature is variable and fickle, mistakes are made, and from those some people learn to take advantage.

We have a great deal of thinking to do: after the monsters have been vanquished.

Best Wishes!

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The last sentence says it all. They must be vanquished. I read that as executed. Or at the least, imprisoned.

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Trust is the most sacred agreement of human society. Damage to Trust threatens every one of us.

In general terms, Breach of Trust is a matter for the Community concerned.

In the context of the last three years, my personal meaning is clear.

Sad that we have to think like this. Thanks for your response.

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Maybe the system is not as fault as much as the people who have hi-jacked it. If we could create a system where accountability actually means something, it might work better at stopping a group grabbing power behind the scenes. Probably such systems have been devised in the past so we wouldn't need to reinvent the wheel, just go back and see how it was made.

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Wellllll ...

They've tried EVERYTHING here. We have full separation of powers, but then all the family get involved, we have registers of interests, registers of qualifications.. but then! the state prosecutor doesn't have the required educational level for the post. But nobody can prove that b/c the office concerned says it's a private document.

I find it difficult to believe that this shape of deception and immorality does not exist in other "democratic" jurisdictions, but of course your mileage may vary as is said.

These auditing systems always fall behind the offences, and by the time you've enough for a prosecution other things have moved on.

We have an ex supreme court judge escaped to Spain, wanted, extradition in process, but nothing happens. Brothers, cousins, Favour creditors. One of this creature's indictments is a phone call from a defence lawyer in an under age rape case where he's trading prices for different sentences.

Anyway, there is no resistance to hijacking! All that happens if we went this way is, as soon as the new law's ready for printing (not even signing...) the Fraternity will have gone through it and listed all the new "opportunities" and how to hack them.

The only base for alternative systems is trust and for that you need continuity, personal acquaintance, and an active calendar of assemblies.

One big difficulty with this is where folks live in cities and never bother with neighbours. That for a start needs fixing. And then you'll get complaints about nosey parkers ...

It's a start anyway. Thanks for the reply! maybe we can ripple this outwards a bit.

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Thank you Katherine - our Creator is the wind beneath your beautiful TRUTH-telling wings. This is a global genocide & takeover. I pray for ALL our TRUTH Tellers. This is Spiritual warfare - GOD help us to help ourselves ...

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i have been following youtube video ( also rumble.com) of senator Rand Paul. Video also to be watched on his own internet site. Beside being senator for kentucky, he is a ophtalmologist ( eye doctor) by profession and cannot be fooled with the answers given by criminal and corrupt dr. fauci. Further more, he seems a very decent human beeing

Katherin might benefit by contacting him and spreading her ideas

I am a european and live in europe.I was not vaccinated. And was advised no to by a " healer". Nevertheless i am also concerned by what has been done to humanity and to my family.

Just an idea that might help

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Yet he's done nothing?

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He has been busy for at least 2 years to get answers.

i just gave here after 2 links, but there is much more to watch if you want to be informed

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senator rand paul



among others and many more on covid and cover up

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“Enemies who have built a pseudo-legal front to enable looting , enslavement and killing”. Yes there it is Katherine , you have described our current predicament in the most direct and succinct manner possible.

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I know this was tongue in cheek, the part about how can they keep doing it and seem there is no problem. We've known the problem for years and their fear porn isn't working anymore. Simple lies nope. We've drawn that red line. When I get back from NYC I'll write out a detailed plan of how we should proceed. I will say it's pretty weird.

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We will take any ideas at this point. We are f*ked.

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Hardly, are you ready to fight back? This is nonviolent fighting back. Two pronged attack: credit for the first part goes to Wayne Allen Root

Democrats (ie radical communist traitors) in conspiracy with a corrupt, Soros-funded, communist DA, and weaponized government goons intend to indict, arrest & perp walk President Trump this coming week. Why are they doing this? I know their playbook like the back of my hand.

1. At the very least, they want a thousand new January 6 scenarios- so they can arrest and lock away thousands of conservative patriots for years- and brand conservatives patriots as terrorists.

2. Their very best scenario is to incite civil war and rip this country apart. Then they can declare Martial Law, lock down the country, destroy all our jobs and businesses, and take away our freedom permanently.

3. To slander, demonize and destroy Trump- and hopefully disqualify him as a presidential candidate. They’re THAT scared of Trump beating them in 2024.

4. Most importantly, this is all a WMD- Weapon of Mass Distraction.

Look around. The country is collapsing. Trains derailing. The supply chain failing. Democrat run inner cities in ruins. Our border is wide open- with millions of illegal aliens being waved in. Banks are failing. Inflation is raging. Crime is exploding. The national debt is out of control. Sudden deaths and heart attacks from Biden’s vaccine mandates are exploding all around us- it’s literally a vaccine holocaust. Your children are being brainwashed to change their gender. And the crimes, extortion and bribery of the Biden Crime Family are finally coming to light.

Read: Dr. Peter McCullough On “The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification”

So, this is the perfect moment for Biden to unleash a “Weapon of Mass Distraction.” Indict, arrest and perp walk President Trump.

I have the solution.

Two years ago, I wrote the bestselling book, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book.” My plan was for conservative patriots to adopt Martin Luther King’s strategy of Civil Disobedience. We could defeat this woke, radical, Democrat agenda by boycotting, striking and punishing woke, liberal companies.

It worked like a charm!

The companies I listed in my book are in big trouble. Sales are way down, CEOs are being fired, market caps down by billions for companies such as Disney, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond and Victoria’s Secret. We are winning. They are drowning. We are bringing them to their knees. #VICTORY

Now we can apply this strategy to the whole economy to save Trump, save America and defeat tyranny- without ever firing a single bullet, or risking a single arrest. I call it…


If Trump is arrested, just as I’ve counseled for two years now, our response must be: No violence, no civil war. We can’t risk another January 6- where we are framed and painted as violent terrorists or “insurrectionists.”

This is the perfect time for a National Patriots Strike. We can stay safely in our homes and shut this nation down for the weekend after Trump’s arrest. We can grind the economy to a halt for one weekend. We can bring the Biden government, DC Swamp and Deep State to its knees. Call it the “Trump Flu.”

Remember, conservative patriots do most of the work in this country and pay most of the taxes. If we’re not working, shopping, buying or driving- the roads are empty, the stores are empty, the schools are empty.

This is also how we starve government- no shopping or buying means no tax revenue.

We can tie up the entire nation for a weekend to make our point. The point is to show this country belongs to “we the people.” It’s a warning shot to these government goons: We are the Silent Majority. We control the purse strings. If it’s needed, we can grind the USA to a halt, anytime we choose.

If they can persecute Trump, then no one is safe. We are all next in line for government persecution. The buck stops here. We will not allow America to become a combination of Nazi Gestapo and Soviet Gulag.

The beauty of my idea? We’re all home, safe and sound. They can’t hurt us. They can’t intimidate us. They can’t arrest us. Because we’re literally doing…nothing.

They have no way to stop the nationwide strike. Only we are in control. We can end it whenever we want. We can do it short term, or we can go long term. Whatever is needed to save this country. I suggest the weekend after Trump’s arrest (giving us a few days to coordinate).

THE BIG BONUS: This nationwide strike will be more proof Trump won the 2020 election. With stores empty, roads empty, schools empty…everyone will see Trump voters make up the Silent Majority. Everyone will see the emperor has no clothes- Biden rigged and stole the election. As the new #1 song in America goes: “Trump won. I know it, you know it, they know it, everyone knows it.”

This is how we save Trump and America and wreck the Democrat’s plans- without risking one arrest. We make our point in one powerful weekend. We shut down America. And we can do it again, whenever we want.

Trending: BREAKING: WAS THIS ALL A SCAM? Now It Looks Like President Trump Will Not Be Arrested Tuesday

This is the Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book strategy- on STEROIDS.

Here’s another way to support President Trump: All 80 million of us should go to Trump’s web site and contribute on the day he is arrested. We will make it the biggest fundraising day in the history of U.S. politics. That’s a powerful statement too.


God bless America and God bless and protect President Trump.

My only difference with this well I have a few but the main one is he suggests for a weekend? That or even a week won't phase them, I was thinking more like a month or two. So get food stockpiled if you don't already have it and a generator, even the cheap crappy ones, it seems I'll have to get one. I never should have given wifey the purse strings. She doesn't comprehend 'It doesn't belong to you.' Attrition, they should feel that, it's how we won the autonomous zone.

Step two, NATIONAL DIVORCE this separates us from OBrandon's regime, WEF, UN, all that. The approval index was 58% two days ago. It seems to go up 2% each day.

I'm in NYC right now, wow they are so pathetically scared. Something is up too.

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National strike...hmmm. Taking a wild stab, how many people do you think would do it if it a get rolling? People will be scared to be without their paychecks. I’ll check out

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At present I don't know, but it's stay in this dystopia or live with that inconvenience for a while.

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CBDC is next, 22 states have put in legislation. That right there has you panicking thinking what do I do about that? I guess I’ll be buying some old rolls of quarters and dimes and have cash...but they are quickly devaluing cash. Next is 15 minute cities and social credit...it puts you into a panic trying to think of how not to comply. They are on turbo mode right now. I’d be up for helping to put something together. Yep it’s now or never...do or die esp with that damn pandemic treaty breathing down our necks.

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All of that is a distraction. If we have a NATIONAL DIVORCE, no worry about 15 minute cities or social credit. My thought is well it really doesn't matter, the red states will be in power. Blue states feh. We never asked for a plandemic treaty, that's why I for one ignore it. I know most don't have the luxury of it taking a small army just to break into their house.

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If as a world populas we could enact an uprising. A non violent uprising. There would be promise. But it would require a level of commitment to losing luxuries. And a bedrock community to support feed and house each other as bank accounts are freezed. It would get crazy. We need one plan. Like the globalists. One World DISorder

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Exactly what this is. Find out which neighbors are very trustworthy and which are just talk.

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Will you comply with Marshall law? I know I won't. I don't think I know too many people that will. That begins the revolution 2.0. The more armed patriots harassed, the more skirmishes. the more skirmishes, the more readily the elite will try to hide. Doing that will tip their hand to the goons they have doing their bidding, and then they wake up.

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Martial Law? Why bother? We'll be in our homes their curfews will not be discounted, yet we still are striking. Harass even one and 5 of his neighbors' guns are pointed at whoever. This is how my men grew from a 45-man group to a 60-man one. Some little things you can do right now: if you haven't already only wise to have at least a 3 month stockpile of food and everything else. Reach out to your local militia. If you think they are bad obviously don't. Although when it's a choice commies or regular Americans, what do you think most will choose? Every so often I do reviews of them. Antifa, with Hell's Angel's and my men I've buried over 3000.

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Call it overton or something else. Whatever the term, kudos to your efforts to obtain and decipher contracts written in blood.

This note is downbeat on how much legislation needs to be reversed. However, a few pieces of news should complement that analysis and lift spirits regarding the power people still yield….

In Holland the voters supported the new farmers party which is now in solid position in Legislature. It can be done. 💪

In Florida Gov De Santis is using State power (and encouraging other governors) to make it difficult for Federal technocrats to impose their rules/control. It can be done. 💪

In London citizens are covering street cameras and cutting their cables. It can be done. 💪

In Paris protestors are making their numbers felt in the streeets. It can be done. 💪

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That's good to see.

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The Native Americans are holding their breaths. wondering what kind of "government" will be imposed on them next. Hard to think of any of them as legitimate, god given, or any of those high fallutin' phrases.

Who's gonna rule now? What 's that quote...dying empires produce endless laws..

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Thank you Katherine for your invaluable work. The greedy indifference of people that have had it so good including my family where they won't read articles sent to them and ask not to send any further all have been jabbed. It is wonderful though to meet very young people who are questioning and reading past history but aren't able to talk to each other on the phone without a visit from police in NSW. This is a spiritual war and prayer from all is needed

God is in Control but we all have to do our share of fighting back.

We do this for the future generations who are not responsible for the mess we find ourselves in.

God Bless God's people

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There's no chance Congress would consider this. Just listening to Maxine Waters convinces you of the hopelessness of it. To say nothing of the younger members like Occasional Cortex.

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