Intent to Harm - Evidence of the Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DOD, HHS, Pharma Cartel

THIS I believe. Only change I'd make is include every country and its own medical mafia. Such as NZ's one that is killing baby Will as we speak.

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Dear Katherine,

A wealth of essential information here !

Comprehensive concise summation to send out to those who are unaware of these deadly schemes.

So important to have it all in one place.

Kind regards and many thanks for your diligence in putting this together, xo

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Great summary/links for section-3, very useful and much appreciated.

Still sifting through things, but can also reco first briefing, by Dr Bhakdi MD, re mRNA issues (21:05-34:42)

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Thankyou so much for showing us where to find the info - I'll be on it shortly. Interesting that the EU vice President is charged with corruption - think she must know more about others. Some how I doubt vonder Leyen will have a truth light thrown on her re Pfizer contracts. But I hope people are working on it. They have to be forced to come to a court with the facts of what happened and what is in the contracts and 'vaccines'.

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Nice summation. Useful to send to others. Thank you.

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How many today know of the BIS’ involvement and collaboration with the nazis during WWII?

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Thank you!

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All these immunities, here and for Pharma.... And more. I see them thrown in the garbage. People won't stand for it

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They're not leaving us with much choice soon but drastic action.

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Psychos like we have never seen before. And the webs... Everywhere. I think we will win. But I think Heaven will help

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