Beautiful Katherine :) Loved your sharing of C.S. Lewis' words as well! Most definitely it (Free Will) is a price worth paying <3

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Thank you for your brilliant work. CS Lewis is my favorite Christian apologist. I will save that except from Mere Christianity to share with others to use as a concise explanation and introduction to why God allows evil. And that Hariri - what a piece of work. I can’t help but wonder if he was mercilessly bullied as a child - nerdy and high IQ, diminutive in stature, and gay. That could not have been an easy existence. Is he now trying to erase God because someone told him that God found him unacceptable? I’ll stop psychoanalyzing now.

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Thank you Katherine and for the other substack link ! Ahhh CS Lewis , Lion , Witch and the Wardrobe... the first book , I read cover to cover and couldn’t wait to tell my mom all about the book , sure influenced me . I appreciate all you do . Beautiful painting, again thank u .

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Your synthesis, per usual, is a joy revealed. The whole standing and state national concept is both highly intriguing and quickly overwhelming. I resonate with your pincher movement concept, as i feel the majority (of the minority free thinkers) will not be able to establish standing on their own, but would love to have it re-bestowed en mass (or perhaps more accurately, have it reclaimed from the criminal class), and such a movement would likely pull in the subservient followers.

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“a joy revealed” takes me to Lewis’s story of his conversion to Christianity in 1931, Surprised by Joy, which many believe is a reference his wife, Joy Gresham, though she came into his life much later, after his book. Also, a Wm Wordsworth poem, Surprised by Joy, (dedicated to his deceased 3-year-old daughter) reveals how the word ‘joy’ serves to encompass the fullness and edification found in discovering pure love. I have enjoyed your use of the word here. Thanks!

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Pagan me has to say most churches have a spectacularly bad history with respect to the issue of free will, and punishments for what they consider blasphemy. Power to the people, truly, all the people.

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The Vatican Rag: Tom Lehrer


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Very fun to find this in my inbox this morning.

Just last night I was looking up some definitions in order to make better sense of my reading _The Dissolution of The Monasteries_ by Joyce Youings. Croft, grange, glebe, assart, messuage. Housebote, firebote, hedgebote, ploughbote, cartbote; sheriff, bailiff, bailiwick, reeve. The word "reeve" predating the Normans.

At the point in the telling of the Dissolution, where the King is selling off monastic lands and buildings thereon, Youings has one document in which two men describe how Titchfield Abbey can be converted to a residence for Thomas Wriothesley and his wife suitable to host a king's visit. The steeple, quire, and north and south transepts would be removed.

(As you would already know) The quire (choir) is the chancel; a "chancel" is the east part of the church reserved for officiating clergy, separated from the nave by a screen. Thus its name derives from cancelli (bars, latticework) that screen the view of the altar. Simultaneously, "chancellor" derives from ad cancellos (at the bar) of a basilica: the usher, later secretary, stationed there to bring petitions beyond the bar to the king. Edward the Confessor introduced the office into England. The King's Chancellor became the highest judiciary functionary, styled the Keeper of the Great Seal, or most strikingly, the Keeper of the King's Conscience. !!! But of course: if nobody tells the King the covid shots are poison, how can he stop doctors injecting infants with poison? The dictionary definition goes on to say the Chancellor appointed all justices of the peace, and was the general guardian of infants, lunatics, and idiots.

Who now, and how, keeps the conscience? Does our country have a conscience? Do we agree that consciences even exist, and can be violated, or is that a quaint fiction set aside in this modern, scientific age?

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You are doing the proverbial yeoman's work and I must thank you profusely. Please be sure to contact and bring into your sharing Dr. Francis A Boyle. Good man who may see other issues.

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I'm very happy to have found your substack. Your work is very similar to my own. As an Individualist, I see everyone as absolutely sovereign. The only way any institution created by society can have any power at all is due to an individual's choice to acquiesce to it. In simple, all the elaborate power structures of the world are invalid the minute you fully realize your inner self, your true power of self determination.

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Thank you for the summary and for the CS Lewis quote.

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Maybe one of the end points of introducing gene/dna altering technologies is to eventually create automatons that more or less could be controlled or guided by other technologies involving frequency manipulation.

In essence removing the soul & spirit complexes themselves from inhabiting the human biological vessel.

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“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

- R. Buckminster Fuller

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Katherine this is so interesting....I wanted to ask you, have you seen Dr. Richard Flemings attempts to mobilize people against this crime against humanity? https://www.flemingmethod.com/

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Long ago, uncovered an ancient attorning scheme by money-mongers to use religion and jurisdictional Staples via Stile-gates to deceive via social role models most historically are socially engineered to prepare for voluntary slavery none 'normal' can discern.

So, if you want to be free, first you must be 'normal.' Then, live by 'Normal Law."

All other laws (Common [land] Law or Law-Merchant/Maritime Law) is in suzerainty to "Normal Law."

Creation exists because of "Normal Law." Any who seek else-wise, faces oblivion.

The Triple Tiara or 3 Crowns of popery institutionalized commercial religion or corporate states currently recognize only One man as "Normal" upon which all other life must be subjected to, that are beguiled into believing such pettifoggery.

Again, the 3 Crowns:

1st & highest Law: Normal Law (dominion by divine providence and imbued honor for honor)

2nd Law in Suzerainty to "Normal Law": Common Law (of the land)

3rd & in Suzerainty to "Normal Law": Maritime Law (Merchant)

For those good people of united America wishing to live honor for honor via variation by agreement, it is 'Normal Law" that serves every Joint Tenant in the Sovereignty of Creation. It is this "normalcy in-law" that all walks of life seeking good will, honor for honor via Nature's Law & Nature's (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason, are soundly anchored and peacefully landmarked for all seeking safe harbor.

Be wise, safe & blessed.

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Rudolf Steiner, who knew the deeply esoteric aspects of the earthly mission of Christ Jesus which go well beyond the exoteric aspects of Christ that the corrupt, falling Roman Empire misappropriated, and profaned as a perverse social control grid under religious garb of the "Holy" Roman Catholic Church, foresaw a century ago during WWI what humanity would be facing today. The weirdos of the WEF and others like them are rabid materialists. Any day now they'll begin foaming at the mouth, and biting people.

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outstanding - I am gonna share this to my substack! Best lines in it--- "Why, then, did God give them free will? Because free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having." AMEN AND AMEN..

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I call Infinity that which is all of creation and all that preceded creation. We are, most of us, shards of that Infinity, but many have been hacked too far and are too lost to feel any connection. A parasitic intermediary has taken over this pocket universe. Many have called this being the Demiurge. It baffles me how other Humans can be so hopelessly damaged, but surely the original intention has been perverted such that many Humans are subject to parasites in such a manner that they cannot no longer remain fully Human. Likely Infinity remains mostly a potential and entities who are shards of Infinity with tremendous power have created numerous creatures imbued with the connection to Infinity. Likely some of these created Humans and too optimistically left them open to powerful parasites who have stepped in and wrecked many in this Human experiment. This polarity pocket universe dictates that such parasitic, uncreative and supremely manipulative entities, such as the Demiurge, run Humans like a casino, where it benefits daily and lives a life of mostly upside and little downside, while Humans, originally with a upside/downside ratio of 50:50 now live under a harsh life of 60% downside and 40% upside or some ratio akin to the casino paradigm. I recall a definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over again with the same outcome. History - millions of years in the case of Humans - has been one bad thing after another. Hope is like an addictive drug; with each passing decade more is required. I am weary and intend escape when my death arrives. The density of matter is hell, and it is expansively populated by broken Humans.

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