I just published my Letter to the WHO here along with instructions and helpful links at the end:


Please feel free to include this link in your response and help me share this widely before the deadline!

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HR 7931 WHO Withdrawal Act What is the correct number?

HR 70806 Get the US out of the WHO. I just communicated with my 2 US Senators to sponsor a Senate-side equivalent bill and my 1 US Rep to cosponsor this. This is the next step after sending comments to WHO.

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The original email address from the earlier comments is not available and returns a 404 page.

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Where is a email address to the WHO for comments that is for written comments not face surveillance?

I agree with the letter written by Margaret Anna Alice to the WHO.

I just looked up the WHO website. I called the phone number of WHO in NY and was told to write to whonewyork@who.int because the phone was not monitored due to the COVID pandemic, that apparently the NY WHO incompetently believes is still is an issue despite all the evidence that it is apparently a collection of bioweapons created by man that WHO incompetently did not properly investigate.

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If you scroll about 1/3 of the way down this post:


He gives a list of WHO officials and their email addresses.

More email lists included farther down the post as well.

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I forwarded your question to James Roguski, who follows the WHO developments much more closely than I do. Will post another reply with his answer if he gets back to me.

His Substack is here: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/

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James replied:


The email address above can be found on the last page of this document:


This is not necessarily a general access email. It is specific for the INB.

Here are many emails for the members of the INB:

Contact the members of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to share your opinions with them.

Ms. Precious Matsoso (South Africa) CONTACT: MatsosoP@who.int

Mr. Roland Driece (the Netherlands) CONTACT: DrieceR@who.int Linkedin

Ambassador Tovar da Silva Nunes (Brazil) CONTACT: DaSilvaNunesT@who.int Linkedin

Mr. Ahmed Salama Soliman (Egypt) CONTACT: SolimanS@who.int

Mr. Kazuho Taguchi (Japan) CONTACT: TaguchiK@who.int

Dr. Viroj Tangcharoensathien (Thailand) CONTACT: TangcharoensathienV@who.int

Dr Viroj Tangcharoensathien:

International Health Policy Programme,

3rd Floor, National Security Reform Office Building,

oi Sataranasuk 6, Tiwanon Road, Nontaburi 11000, Thailand.

Email: viroj@ihpp.thaigov.net


Secretariat for the INB

Ms Jane Ellison, Executive Director, Governance and External Relations CONTACT: EllisonJ@who.int Twitter: @JaneEllison

Dr Jaouad Mahjour, Assistant Director General, Emergency Preparedness CONTACT: MahjourJ@who.int

Dr Timothy Armstrong, Director Governing Bodies CONTACT: ArmstrongT@who.int

Mr Steven Solomon, Principal Legal Officer CONTACT: SolomonS@who.int

Ms Gina Vea, Unit Head, Governance Unit CONTACT: VeaG@who.int Linkedin

Ms Anne Huvos, Unit Head, Pandemic Influenza Preparedness CONTACT: HuvosA@who.int

Dr Olla Shideed, Executive Officer, Emergency Preparedness CONTACT: ShideedO@who.int Linkedin

Mrs Paidamoyo Takaenzana, External Relations Officer, Governance Unit CONTACT: TakaenzanaP@who.int

Dr Claudia Nannini, Legal Officer CONTACT: NanniniC@who.int Linkedin

Mr Kenneth Piercy, Senior Legal Officer CONTACT: PiercyK@who.int Linkedin

Dr Carmen Savelli, External Relations Officer, Governance Unit CONTACT: SavelliC@who.int Linkedin

Here is a convenient list of the email addresses listed above:



















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