Thanks for the love - I greatly appreciate it. Kudos to you for all the great work you do!

When you think about it, Senator Johnson's proposed amendment really did expose quite a lot, didn't it? If Young's vote had been switched, it would have been a 48-48 tie.

49 Senators voted against exercising their Constitutional authority to give their advice and consent over foreign entanglements.

We need a Great Recall of all our politicians and a Great Repeal of the many laws that Bailiwick News has identified as being the root of our problems

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You said it!

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Already contacted Young about his use of the word "Stakeholder" in a previous newsletter and resulting suspicion as that word is heavily related to the WEF and exposes him POISONOUS.

Just left another Email Message and plan to phone his office tomorrow. Todd Young is a TRAVESTY!!!

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The word "Stakeholder" is widely used in Canada and has been for decades. It is particularly applicable in environmental assessments as to the identities of groups of persons or individuals who may suffer harm or injury in any form from a corporate endeavor, as building a nuclear plant, permitting CAFOs with harmful runoff, expanding a pipeline, etc.

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Do these fools think they won’t be affected by this? They must be getting gobs of money to go against America!

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Yes, its incomprehensible. Are they just that stupid that their own existential survival instinct does not start ringing warning bells? There are so many of them, but then again there are not if they were hand picked for 'blackmail' at each and every step of their 'placement' . It is a long term plan after all (the decimation of USA)

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“Ze cabinet’s have been penetrated”-anal swab....I mean, Schwab

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If the United States wants to stop it, they can. It takes strong leaders.

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Often it is kompromat instead of (or in addition to) cash. It's not called The Swamp for nothing :(

Blackmail and guilt - especially about pedophilia - are very powerful.

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Its not hard for them is it. One Senator Young to 'twist', only one and its done. Always we see how little it costs them to buy their useful idiots.

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Definitely an IDIOT...TREASONOUS as 'Useful to the wrong people.'

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Repeal of laws requires the vote of high numbers of Congresspeople. The President can Veto. Occasionally Congress will be able to Override a Veto. Therefore, to repeal lots of laws,

we need to control the House, the Senate and the Presidency, and we need a cooperative DOJ. To do that, we need Senators from the swing states, like Arizona, Utah, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. We also need for Senator Johnson to hold onto his think lead in Wisconsin.

I am not aware of any way to recall a politician other than through voting him or her out of office.

These goals will require harder and smarter work on the ground to capture the House, Senate, and Presidency. This means the elections in the swing states.

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Hello Jennifer Jones: I appreciate your optimism... The "election" system has been hacked and fraudulent since electronic voting tabulations were introduced in the early 80's. There have been numerous investigations into the prevalence of machine errors and intentional hacking of same. No one seems to be paying attention.

Direct Democracy and candidate selection via Sortition, are the only reliable solutions to the Muppet shows we currently enjoy...

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This is correct. It's much worse than people think. They have been gaslit for a long long time in regards to elections and their 'choice'. I note in Australia for instance, as various states struggle to comprehend why dictator premiers (your governers) are relected over and over much to the shock of 'the bludgeoned people'. Then what happens is all observers - blame the people in the state for voting the tosser in again. Then everyone jumps up and says... nay, we did not vote for that dictator, but it does not matter, the blame has been shifted - the people are to blame and deserve what they get. This is a successful gaslighting opertion of division amoung the people being the best way to keep the heat off the main culprits.

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Unfortunately it is not designed to happen. The voting system is totally compromised. This is not going to be the way out. That ship sailed a good decade ago.

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I don't think it has reached the ocean yet. I know of no other way. We can clean up the voting system of just the 6 most important states. When the number of votes that come in so overwhelms the system, we can win. BUT the Republicans in those 6 states have their work cut out for them. They need to work harder and smarter and do specific things that they have avoided doing in their state.

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Thanks for fighting the good fight on behalf of your fellow Americans.

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Thanks James/ I have asked Katherine to adjust my Brit centric version of how to unseat the current politicotards.

Your expertise & knowledge would also be appreciated to make it work for your countries political system. Thanks in advance if you can.


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LOL. This is starting to become funny. For awhile I was scared. Scared because I looked around and saw that my fellow man was a complete worthless wimp that went along with everything the gov't, media, and bought and paid for doctors told them. Shot a freaking injection in their arm because they were told. I thought it's over, I'm going into a slave camp as not enough people will push back. I'm starting to think maybe people will. How is the WHO going to enforce their draconian rules on the American public? Are all the cops and miltary going to back the WHO? The WHO has no chance, there are too many of us that will die before we take orders from them. Thier plan seems to be moving along without incident but I'm afraid for them the "incident' that's coming is going to be like a massive and gigantic tital wave of pushback. AND, when it begins it will be like trying to put out a fire with a drop water.

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like trying to put out a burning tesla with 30,000 gallons of water...


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Yep Hey, I just looked at your page and saw this

"So-called Peripheral Neuropathy ... is simply just re-branded "Popsicle-Toes..."

I have PN too. What a joke that diagnosis is. The western medical community is as corrupt as our politicans. They call it PN because they don't know what it is. It's such a sham. I bet there is a cure for everything even this but they have it all hidden. Do you have PN? How did you get it? How bad it is? I have had it for 3 plus years. Started horribly painful. Fortunately for me now all i Have is numbness in my 3 toes, ball of foot area and a small line back to my heal, Feels like i'm walking on a hot dog. I think that's the numb part. How about you?

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My elderly father had it , neurologist told him he would never get better and the condition would only worsen. We got rid of it with B12, alpha-lipoic acid, benfotiamine and cod liver oil.

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ivermectim also cures it all. Cured my friend of 11 weeks of long Covid. Noble Prize for effectiveness on humans BUT banned in Austrailia, vilfied here so no doctors would prescribe the medicaton that would cure you. What else needs to be said? Like at all.

Do you know anything 911? Do you know anything about Buikding 7? The building that was not hit by a plane or any debris that disengrated into it's own footprint? A 57 story skyscraper? If you know this, like that above, what else do you need to know?

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9/11 was a false flag, psychological warfare operation to get the global war of terror going.



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Yes absolutly. That falls under this topic and right below, "what else do you need to know". It's been planned for 100 years. JFK was the last President of the people. Reagan got in, they thought he'd play, but he refued to sign the war powers act, so they shot him. The day after he got out of surgery he signed it from the hospital bed. After him the rest were bought and paid for, likely including Trump too. I am still confounded over him, I don't care who says what, they're great arguments on both sides of that one, it's not totally clear.

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that was just a "psyop"?

What happened to those three WTC high rises? Are they actually still standing?

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Make sure you have lots of magnesium in your system. When mine is low ( & it almost always is), I lose feeling in small toe and the arm i'm sleeping on. When magnesium is good, no issues.

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I've tried it all. Nothing changes it. I have no health issues, no shots, nothing hereditary. I broke my leg in 2010, I think that's maybe why but they don't kmow anything else. They can't even tell me where my nerve is damaged.

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Have you tried red light therapy? I've heard lots of good things about red light therapy helping a variety of problems. Just do a search and see what you find.

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Yes, didn't work!

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i have found that vitamin B-1 supplementation helps me- mine is due mostly to an old injury.

(though I would add that alcohol consumption tends to exacerbate such)

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You need vitamin B12.

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do a heavy metals cleanse...then use olive leaf powder regularly

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"How is the WHO going to enforce their draconian rules on the American public?"

With CBDC ... well they'll try with that, give it a go.

'The apparent corruption of science, ethics and commerce enabled by light-weight politicians has been exposed, and far more. Virology has succumbed to a long overdue critical analysis and growing scrutiny. Such are the unintended consequences of a gigantic schedule of childhood vaccination daily more apparent, exposed by the current WEF over-reach in play.

And all the while, the public trust in media, medicine, government, institutions and corporations wanes. Skepticism is stalking the forest while conspiracies increasingly flee for the shadows.

Unintended consequences? Yep. By the legion'.


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Yeah I know all that. People are stupid but they aren't animals. NOT all of them. The next pandemic if they can suceed in creating it, depending on how sucessful they are could actually do it. If they are able to figure out a way to kill children then it's on. BUT, IMO, I don't think they can, anymore than Corona killed anyone. It was nothing but a flu and the whole establishment was behind it. The treatments were intentionally killing people. Don't worry about paying a hospial to say it's a COVID death. People know now, they didn't before. PLUS all the stars are aligning. Many people didn't think 911 was a sham. After Corona some 25% of those peopole now think it is and 50% of them question it. People are waking up and US citizens are armed to the teeth. They ain't coming in here and taking over, cause too many people will not roll over. Many of us may die but that's how it goes. I'm willing to die, are you?

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Including the unintended consequences? .... May be, may be not. Only time will tell.

As a mandated clinician downunder, I already lost a year of income. Yeah, I'm doing the yards mate.

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I'm willing to die because I can't stand living if I have to watch my children suffer. I'm scared as hell but I'm also mad at hell!!! Definitely going down fighting!

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I feel the same! There's a lot of potential energy stored in people who were tricked.

They tricked people into thinking there was a deadly disease that somehow only killed people with issues already...

They don't have bioweapons that they pretend to.

They can't fake the next one, or make it real.

So how will the WHO look competent in their next plandemic?

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Exactly right! You put all the peces to together. I don't know what's next, people have short term memories so maybe they wait a couple years, will people forget? Good questions!

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My gf and I sometimes get in that dreamy state with music and think about how crazy things are.

We realized that if they ran the first round of vaccines as really safe, if not beneficial (put vitamin D in it etc), they could have built strong trust.

Then a round or two later, oops- we messed up.

But nope... They brute forced it on the first try.

Oops, the "button" is broken. Now that's gonna take a lot of time of building trust again in pharma. But nope, new stuff is shitty too.

They must be blind to reality.

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not at all, they know the timing and meanings of the greater cycles of the stars. They had this all planned by the end of the fifties, and advertised so in released to the public "US Gov. Science Ed Videos".

You'd have to study fixed star astrology and look at longer planetary cycles and know their impact to understand how they simply take advantage of the conditions in time. Just the kind of time hobbits aren't all that interested in. Hobbits want to know what time that tv show is on.

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If they are in tune with the stars, ok yes that's power.

But this whole plan flopped because they modeled us as fearful idiots forever.

They didn't predict this? I think they expected the Johns Hopkins event 201 to go smoothly... But the truth got out.

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Really? The whole plan has flopped? I haven't seen any Mordor towers "flop" around here. They're all standing and cooking us twenty four seven. Same same for the countless Haarp and Nexrad facilities, just to name a few visible elements of "the kill box".

Keep your eyes on the virus, the pharmas, the papers, the tv's, the internet, the lawyers, the courts, until we turn it up full tilt boogie folks. Unless we "flop".

Dreaming. Dreaming. Damn, where do you live that you're allowed to dream these days? Fucking microwave kill won't allow any dreaming here.

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the microwave kill grid is what it's all about...that's how...people aren't ready to accept the truth about that yet

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Explain please. A new age weapon they'll use to stop and kill us?

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Ever hear of Philip K Dick? His sci fi stories were made into many recent popular movies, i never watched one. However, his inspiration was Canadian writer A E Van Vogt. He was writing about directed energy weapons in the early and mid forties. So there's nothing new age about it. Actually, there's evidence these kinds of weapons have been on this planet before, in the past.

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look around you....ask someone about haarp, nexrad, 5 and 6 G, radiation, and while you're at it, what kind of cosmos this is

Nothing new age about lightning. There's no "new" age, it all melds in together with marked periods of certain emphases.

As simple as knowing that you're gonna plant seeds in April or May, and not December. But way bigger than just a personal larder.

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reclassification of injuries from the jab...

(plus- cranking the 5G up to 11...?)

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The jab contains technology that reacts when the 5g frequency is present. Is that what's going to kill people you think? Reclassification as in.. another way the jab kills you the presense of 5g and the robots they put in people? How about the un vaxxed? Are we playing charades? 😃

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just as seasonal illness was re-branded covid, vaxx poisoning (enhanced by 5G..?) may be the next pandemic. (wasn't monkeypox bad jab reaction after all...?)

I would add that 5g is deleterious whether one is jabbed, shed upon, or "pureblooded"

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Very strong possibility.

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Here's the deal. If the United States wants out of the deal, it will back out. Maybe pay some money, maybe not. Of all the countries, if the United States wants to stop doing something, that's what it will do. So, it boils down to whom is in power in the US.

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Maybe the US is part of the new world order which is already here. I can see that makes sense in view of the last 3 years, in particular. Rather than it being rolled out, we are living in it!

"Thanks to the tireless efforts of the World Controllers (as Huxley called them in Brave New World), China has caught up, Russia is prepared for conflict, and the US is sufficiently hobbled economically and culturally to allow an ongoing world war that relies on shifting alliances. The World Controllers believe the crises can only stop once the “population problem“, or the “threat” of overpopulation, is dealt with and the remaining 500 million are too weak to resist total physical and mental enslavement.

For now, each superstate requires a system of internal control. They have each achieved this in their own way, or in the way that was planned for them. It looks something like this:

USA (Canada? The West?)

People are “free”. Freedom is a completely untrue illusion. The masses live in what is essentially a turn-key police state, a giant prison even, with every modern convenience weaponized, but they are not yet aware of it. It’s there, ready to be used in an overt way only when necessary. In Canada, for example – Trudeau’s recent Emergency Power to turn off bank accounts. Who knew that all those “money laundering and terrorist financing” rules created after 9/11 were for us? Now we know. And in Australia, some people claim they were hit with microwave radio frequency weapons at a protest. Now we know? Too hard for many to believe.

To maintain the illusion of freedom, and to control minds, a perfected form of Left-Right paradigm is continuously enforced and self-enforced. For the masses there are but two choices in politics, and every single aspect of life is hyper-politicized (this was probably perfected in the run-up to the 2016 US presidential election). Why on Earth would a pandemic crisis be a Left-Right political issue?

Let’s call the two political choices Red and Blue".


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I can only hope that you're right. Clearly, the International Zionists have created most, if not all of this insanity we're now seeing in the world. It must be understood that there IS an international plan designed by these International Zionists to 1.) Destroy Christians and Chrisrtianity 2.) Destroy over 90% of the world's human population and 3.) Establish a Satanic world government via the use of CBDC's and the arbitrary control of anyone who disagrees with these Satanists, via the ability to close anyone's bank accout at will. It must also be clearly understood that there is not now, nor has there ever been any such thing as a Judaeo-Christian ethic. Judaism, as practiced today, is nothing less than Satanism. Genuine Christianity has nothing whatsoever in common with Judaism. the two are diametrically opposed.

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Me thinks this paper is so complicated, can I rewrite it and someone correct me:

Ron Johnson tried to stop the Who from having world control and lost by a small percentage.

All, but one Republican agree with Ron, and all Democrats want the WHO to rule the world.

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Yes. Here's another one:

"Ron didn't get it passed, but at least he made everyone vote on it."

I venture to say that most here do not need or want to read the "complicated."

There is what is called an "Executive Summary" that summarizes the thrust or gist of papers for Managers and Officers in corporations.

Even lawyers have to write them. If you can't summarize only what your audience needs to know in a couple of paragraphs, you're outta there!

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SShhh!!! That's far too simple to accept. It must be very complicated and complex and full of big words and sentences and number references and all. You couldn't possibly understand it. That's why lawyers must be paid.

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Even lawyers have to tighten up their prose and give the "big picture" to high level people.

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"Health care" is not among the powers delegated to the government under the constitution. Ratified or not, the authority to comply (or not) resides with each individual.

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So the government should be told to mind it's own business! I feel the same here in the UK. It just needs more people to say it but the fear factor stops them. That is why controlling the media and the internet is key to the bullies.

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not one Democrat voted for this. What on earth is wrong with these people? The WHO has been wrong on everything and giving away our Sovereignty.

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The Democrats are a corporation. Everyone does their part for the "greater good".

The Republicans have independent contractors with different interests.

They're becoming popular.

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And popularity contests are the level of drivel in this brave nation

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Surely the determination of what constitutes a treaty or not within the meaning of the US Constitution is a classic legal determination, not a political decision belonging the the legislative branch. Isn't a court the proper venue for determining whether the WHO Pandemic Treaty is an actual treaty. Or maybe the protection of our national sovereignties from UN ingestion creates the opening for both input to, and output from, many courts of law, both domestically and internationally?

Rather than putting us all under duress with timelines calling for ratifications first, juridical procedures second, we need an venue designed to arbitrate the matter as a question of law rather than one of partisan politics. Moreover, we need to play for time to address and explain the fact that the UN itself and the governments of most of its member states have shown themselves to be agents of bioterrorism engaged in biowarfare against the world's people. For the moment the imperative seems to be insert procedural monkey wrenches into the gears of mounting tyranny to at least slow down the global coup presently underway.

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so well said

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"procedural monkey wrenches". You mean, money for lawyers, right?

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"Roguski has done much more detailed research, writing and video presentation about the World Health Organization ... because I focus on the American domestic law components."


Because James has chosen to pursue that avenue tirelessly and doggedly.

Credit where credit is due in spades please.

Thank you for the valuable work you do. We all do what we can where we can, and we utilize our energy and expertise to cover the multitude of diabolical premeditated and calculated assaults perpetrated against humanity, social trust and cohesion, culture, customs, country, borders, identity, ethics, science, medicine, law and religion.

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Don't be this way. Simply say thank you, to both of them. Not many are sticking their necks out like this Thank god we still have some uncorruptible people in our world.

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you his mom?

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I just want to say that a country like the United States will break any treaty and/or pull out of any treaty, at any time, and anywhere, if that's what it wants to do.

If the United States wants out of a Treaty, no country or group exists that will be able to hold a powerful United States to any Treaty. It may get negotiated, rewritten, or cancelled, with payment, gifts, favors, or other arrangement.

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The WHO is the single most criminal "organization" in the entire world - as it is fully under the control of KILL BILL Gates agenda for "DEPOPULATION" - down from 8 Billion to one half Billion People.


For 40 years the "Georgia Guide Stones" have hypnotized Americans to get used to this GENOCIDE against climate-change . . .

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The biggest threat to our Republic is the US Congress. Of course, it may be in a tie with the MSM. But right up there is the frozen inaction of the American citizen. Back in the 60's we referred to that as a "bubbling hotbed of apathy". But back then we hadn't yet been taken over by communists. Yes, that's the word that fits these scoundrels. Nikita was right when he said, :We will bury you!" They have. That poisonous ideology is even worse than the mRNA jab. Article V where are you?

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Fascinating to address the benefits derived from those in the population wearing 'Rose-Colored Glasses' as they can't imagine living the arms of evil after all the indoctrination inherent to U.S. education. Continue to somehow intuit caution involving your reporting up to these last weeks. It is time to remove the blinders as everybody united is the only way to clobber the enemy in this war.

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My neighbours got their 6th shots today, both vax injured.

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it's so sad. Lovely people. They believe the narrative, truth sounds outlandish, which it is.

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"The belief in objective truth disappears, and the average citizen becomes completely dependent on authority figures to feed him ideas, and thus, is ready to assent to lies and to believe the most absurd things – so long as those in the political class deem it to be true". Free thinkers like us may well have to be 're-educated' in the future! Is 1984 Becoming a Reality?

'George Orwell's Warning to the World'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEMlvpMY7yw

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In this vote 49 Senators are exposed as having lied when they did their oath of office to give top priority to protect the US Constitution! These 49 Senators are impeachable for what they put on the record. Sen. Johnson's proposed amendment simply reiterated the US Constitution and reinforced his oath of office to prioritize protection of the US Constitution. The Senate has the ability to police its own members for violations of the oath of office and for immoral acts and other acts deemed not to respect the dignity of the Senate office. But a Recall from elected office would come from the represented State that identifies displeasure with elected officials who openly do not respect and do not clarify the US Constitution. These are two mechanisms to remove those 49 Senators from office, and we just need the will to do this. The problem at the US Senate level is that a near majority has, in this way, in effect, admitted that they do not respect their oath of office, and this is an impeachable offense, if anything is impeachable.

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No person of Congrese is ever impeachable for how they vote!

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Thank you for this. Since reading Jame’s substack, I have been writing to my Senators asking them why they are voting “nay”. I haven’t had much response but I see they both supported theJohnson legislation. McConnell didn’t vote on either the Rand or Johnson legislation. Are Fetterman and Feistein still out of action? Maybe they just shouldn’t count.

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As I've been saying for over a decade: Get rid of the government Muppet shows. Reject representative democracy, and replace it with "Direct Democracy". Reject all current forms of statute (Maritime) law. No law should be recognized outside of Lawful Civil Referendum expressed by a 75% civil majority. Rid yourselves of career government officials, and select all party members via Sortition.

Your democracy is a sham operating as corporate ponzi scheme. No good thing will be accomplished via current strategies. Your Freedom will become effective, when You become effective.

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Yes James you are right on this …

“We need a Great Recall of all our politicians and a Great Repeal of the many laws that Bailiwick News has identified as being the root of our problems.”

But, there is 1 enormous problem in order for there to be any accountability and Justice for ALL the destruction of ALL the treason!


Absolutely NO politicians, including Trump can save us. In fact, Trump said in his Waco rally…Either YOU defeat the global deep state or they will defeat you!

It is UNITY of The People in a real Freedom Movement with serious strategic planners that Global psychopaths fear the most!

Our strength rests in our numbers and unity, nowhere else. So, we either work together to put an end to the evil insanity, or we perish together!

UNITED, We can do anything we want!

DIVIDED, distracted, deceived, demoralized and/or defeated, there is nothing we can do!

Lex Greene, writer with a serious resume has another recent piece out for those who value UNITY for Freedom and Liberty!

Click on Lex’s name to read his last 3 pieces so we all can get in the same lane!


P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. If you want to unite with brilliant, strategic minds actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!

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I'd want to know Lex Greene's real name before I began political work with him or her, or anyone else who won't reveal their identity.

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Thank you Jennifer for reaching out to me!

Just spoke to Lex and he said to reach out to him via his email found at the end of his pieces…said he can share things with you in private once you contact him!

Personally…I have worked with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Make sure you as a lawyer ask Lex about the huge win they had against the Michigan Supreme Court in October 2020…the only organization who had a big win for The People the past 3 years. I was very involved in helping with this important case against Whitmer!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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