we must also correct the fraudulent premise every time it comes up in casual conversation. praying for everyone’s health.

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Agreed. I am doing so given opportunities.

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The problems seem overwhelming. I have almost zero influence due to my circumstances and I’ve taken to watching with dread what is coming. I am convinced that only our Heavenly Father can turn this now. However, I have a strong feeling we are approaching the end of days. God help us all. Sorry to be so negative. The powers of darkness are out in the open now. The battle rises.

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Prayer and faith are powerful

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Read the book The Return of the Gods by Jonathan Cahn. Naomi Wolf recommends it. USA lost its morality and any moral stance beginning in the 60’s by beginning to push out God from the land in the 1960’s. We are seeing the downwind effects of that. We have lost our protection from God, because of our child sacrifice culture and politics, etc as one reason and the destruction of marriage and sexual predation plus the insane evil now stalking us on every front. We let the evil spirits (gods) back in after Christianity pushed them out. They (Satan and demons (evil spirits/angels) recruit humans. Yes, only God can fix this. We are sacrificing children to the same old gods. What do you think God thinks about it? This may be the last straw. I welcome and pray for Christs return.

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It was before the 1960s

The moral decline began in earnest with unrestricted warfare in WWII: the fire bombing of European and Japanese cities, and the nuking of civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki as Japan was already in collapse.

The murder of men, women and children eventually followed to US shores starting with 60s hedonism, 70s legalized infanticide were consequences

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Actually, the story is even more complex. The 1st and 2nd World Wars have some connections. The 1st one was planned to include the creation of Israel from land in Palestine, as part of this Sykes / Picot redrawing of the map.

The Balfour Declaration and letter between the Rothschild and Lord Balfour. The rise of Hitler was funded mostly by the Elites of the house of Habsberg and the banks of the Weimar Republic. Of course there is a lot more to all this.

But where the US is concerned, it had been "Incorporated," some time in 1871 after the end of the Civil War. The US government is just a wholly owned subsidiary of the current Bank of International Settlements. All Sovereignty is soaked up by Aloidal Trust.

This is why the Elites think they can do whatever they want; they literally think they OWN us.

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Thank-you. Many times current events and history are reported from a particular agenda. Your reference to the Rothchilds' is interesting. Their name has appeared in many critical times in history.

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Yes, I was planning on writing something specific about how all this stuff is connected. In doing more research, I quickly realized that it would be an actual BOOK. The criminal planning that has been going on is many centuries in the making. (Maybe if I were to summarize?)

I advocate every human being should declare Individual Sovereignty. This is effectively like pulling the plug on a computer that has become hopelessly infected with too many viruses.

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I would call myself a novice historian and researcher. Yet, I am now seeing that there are strange things going on. I was naive to the fact that criminality ran that deep. That there are groups of appointed people out to harm others. The whole thing is just crazy. Over the last 15 or so so years, I have wondered what is happening? Strange environmental policies coupled with Agenda 21 and 2030 along with covid forced me to look deeper.

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I would like to read that book. I am sure there are many twists and turns.

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Bill Still's The Money Master's documentary talks about the Rothschilds and how they took over the banks of Europe and are behind the wars. Also there's more here:

John Coleman The Rothschild Dynasty https://archive.org/details/coleman-john-the-rothschild-dynasty/page/199/mode/2up (on last page, he predicts the world will be plunged into a brutal one world government dictatorship by 2025)

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It is interesting, how relevant past events are to today's dystopia. It is just sad how many people are in the dark about this. It is not surprising to me the influence of the Rothchilds in this. You mentioned 2025. This is one of the key dates in the United Nations Agenda.

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fwiw, on the Balfour Declaration, Benjamin Freedman has info on how that came about. He was an insider, assistant to Bernard Baruch (yesterday's Soros/Rothschild agent), and witnessed the behind the scenes intrigues that resulted in the Balfour Declaration and America getting into WW1. Freedman says that Britain was initially losing the war, so the Zionists in Europe went to Britain and said you don't have to make peace with Germany, you can still win the war if American joins your side and we can get America into the war if you give us Palestine. So Britain agreed and the Zionists got their Balfour Declaration and then went to work on their puppet, Wilson, who got us into the war, which led to the death of116,000 American men. Freedman also said that the Zionists ruled over America as if they were absolute monarchs (and this was back in1961).

Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel


And I though this was rather interesting--take a look at the license plate number on Archduke Franz Ferdinand's car: https://news.sky.com/story/a-ii-ii-18-franz-ferdinands-prophetic-number-plate-11551176

Yes, I've heard about the US being incorporated in 1871 (so maybe that's why the Constitution is no longer operating?). There are a few posts over at badlands media that go back in history and try to figure out how we got into this mess.





Also, there's a book, They Own It All (Including You) By Means of Toxic Currency (newpeopleorder.com)--in addition to taking over nations by getting control of the currency, I think there are lots of hidden legal tricks and deceptions that have enabled them to "own it all."

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Yes the mess is quite complex isn't it? I made a mistake on the "Habsberg" claim earlier. It gets confusing sometimes.

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Yes, it's a total mess. All I know for sure is that the history we were taught was nothing but agreed upon lies. So now all of us are trying to do our own research and put the pieces together. I believe in the follow-the-money approach to history and all roads seem to lead to the banking cartel and the City of London.

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Everything has more twist to it. It also depends on who wrote what, after the fact. I try to find original stuff, but I don't speak German, I have to rely on translations.

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German is so close to English the translations are usually pretty accurate from my humble experience.

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It looks like many things are connected. What we thought we knew was never true.

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Tell me more:


Have you watched Everything is a Rich Man’s Game?

It puts NY Bankers and the Bushes driving Hitler to power

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I got the Habsburgs part wrong. Here is some of my raw info. I should have said Warburg.

On 1 February 1933, 2 days after Hitler had become Reichskanselier, Henry Morgenthau Jr. reportedly said: “The US has entered the First phase of a second war”.

In 1926, Schacht had also visited the first conference of the Pan-European movement in Vienna, which aimed for a World government (like UN, World Bank and IMF)…

The Pan-European Union (PEU) had been founded by Count Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894 – 1972) and Archduke Otto von Habsburg in 1922. Coudenhove-Kalergi became its first president, which he remained until his death, after which Von Habsburg served as its president.

Coudenhove-Kalergi collaborated with politicians like Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle. Public figures who attended Pan-Europe congresses included Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann and Sigmund Freud.

In 1924, Coudenhove-Kalergi was introduced by his good friend Louis de Rothschild to Max Warburg, who financed his movement with 60,000 gold marks and continued his donations for the next 3 years. Max Warburg also served as an intermediate for Coudenhove-Kalergi with influential Americans like bankster Paul Warburg and financiers Bernard and his brother Felix Baruch.

Max Warburg also financed the NSDAP of Adolf Hitler…

Coudenhove-Kalergi was a Zionist, like his father that was a close friend of the notorious anti-Semitic Zionist Theodor Herzl.

In 1921, he joined the Masonic lodge "Humanitas" in Vienna, who supported his movement.

In 1922, Coudenhove-Kalergi published his first book “Adel” that explained the objective of a “world republic” through war:

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Since you are also in NJ, I wanted to call your attention to this alert I got from the John Birch Society--If you go to the link it gives you a quick way to send a message to your state representative. JBS seems to think this is a first step toward sound money (some states are already moving toward gold and silver, which would at least give us an option besides their CBDCs):


Members of the New Jersey Legislature are seeking to enact legislation helping to restore sound money. Assembly, No. 5294 (A5294) is sponsored by Assemblyman Louis Greenwald (D-Voorhees). If enacted, A5294 would create a sales-tax exemption for “investment metal bullion and investment coins.” This is a small but important step toward treating gold and silver as money — as the U.S. Constitution requires.

Article I, Section 10, of the U.S. Constitution plainly states that “No State shall…make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.” It’s long overdue that states begin to enforce this provision once again. According to the Sound Money Index, New Jersey is the second-least constitutionally compliant state on monetary policy. Enacting A5294 would be a good first step toward adhering to the U.S. Constitution.

Additionally, A5294 is a good step toward nullifying the unconstitutional Federal Reserve, which has a monopoly on money.

Article VI of the U.S. Constitution obligates state officials to uphold the Constitution and nullify all laws not “made in Pursuance” of it. Officials at all levels of government must push back against the federal government’s many unconstitutional laws and agencies, and robustly enforce the Constitution and only those laws “made in Pursuance thereof.” A5294 is a good step toward doing this on the topic of monetary policy.

Urge your state representative and senator to support A5294, and to fully restore sound money in New Jersey.


Also, I highly recommend signing up (for free) at John Birch Society, Dr Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty, Stand for Health Freedom and the tenthamendment blog--all send out alerts on federal tyranny, especially with regard to CBDCs, Digital ID, the WHO pandemic treaty, and the latest censorship bill. At least we can let them know there are millions of angry citizens out here who refused to be enslaved!

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Sure but legislation here in the us began to use legal methods to push out God. There has always been evil and corrupt governments. From the beginning of time. USA was begun as a Christian nation (of course at the expense of native populations) We held ourselves up as that. A shining nation blessed by God. The blessings are over. The push to remove God began in earnest during the 1960s. To the point now it’s been corrupted to the government should PROTECT PEOPLE FROm GOD instead. You should really read the book to see it. I’m talking spiritual now. We have no moral or spiritual standing anymore and have corrupted the western world along with us and we see other countries now aligning themselves against us. Get ready. What comes is not going to be pretty. Align yourself with God. The author is a respected Rabbi.

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The apocalypse of abortion ramped it up exponentially. When? Early 70’s.

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Physical sacrifices of life and spiritual sacrifices of morality gave our Luciferian overlords much power.

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Way before the 60's. Read Diana West's "American Betrayal" or Francis Shaeffer's "The God Who Is There". It's been a decades-long coordinated attack on anything having to do with God and the American way of life. Peace. :-)

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Will have to look up those books

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Thank-you. I will look into the book.

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How dramatic!!!

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You tried to warn them...Karen Kingston is going to have a difficult time explaining this now.

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Her dismissal of Sasha's work raised the alarm bells for me about Karen. She knows her stuff, but I do wonder now if she isn't somehow part of the ops being deployed to capture the resisters? I mean, they would have come up with ways to handle the resistance because those who bought into the psy op aren't their target.

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Apr 2, 2023
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Something is not right there. Very suspicious.

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We must continue to be a lighthouse and shine our truth. If you’re on here, you are one of the chosen ones to rise above the fear. We don’t need vindication.

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I absolutely love your clear grasp of our dire straits and am grateful for your deep dive down the rabbit hole of the legislation that got us here. Also for your ferocious defense of our motherland and “all our relations” here on turtle island. Also agree with you about the almighty arm of God the great spirit and great mystery of existence.

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Thank you so much for continuing to be a Truth Seeker and reminding us this:

"When I read Hopkins, I try to absorb his incisive analysis and historical contextualizing, and also try to remind myself: God changes the calculus.

God can do things humans cannot do. Working with God, humans can do things that humans cannot do by ourselves."

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The depth of the Covid fraud is overwhelming! There are so many bad actors. The key is a deep dive into Moderna and their central role in developing this massive crime against humanity!

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This is one post Katherine that I need to re-read in order to be able to relate the information to others. As a non-legally educated person, I find all the details almost overwhelming. The overarching concepts were well summarized in the preamble you propose that lawyers use in subsequent cases. We who are non-legal experts need to become comfortable enough with the terminology to be able to effectively use what you have proposed. Thank you for this and all your excellent work. The world is indebted to you. God bless and protect you and your family. May you have a meaningful Palm Sunday.

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Don't feel bad, I have to do that quite often except I listen them first usually then read it.

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Covid restrictions = the social-segregation system.

Exactly what they are! Well put.

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Mens rea refers to criminal intent. The literal translation from Latin is "guilty mind." The plural of mens rea is mentes reae.

A mens rea​ refers to the state of mind statutorily required in order to convict a particular defendant of a particular crime. See, e.g. Staples v. United States, 511 US 600 (1994).

Establishing the mens rea of an offender is usually necessary to prove guilt in a criminal trial. The prosecution typically must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the offense with a culpable state of mind. Justice Holmes famously illustrated the concept of intent when he said “even a dog knows the difference between being stumbled over and being kicked.”

👉🏻 https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/mens_rea

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YES! So many fraudulent statements have been made over and over…”safe and effective” included. The gaslighting of the people continues. Thank you for your continued work on these very important issues. It is a FRAUD and will continue to be until more people (DEVIANTS like us) are awakened and stand up for our rights.

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The spirit of antichrist has been brewing for centuries

Without Christ in the mainstream, people are given to foul language, lewdness, permissiveness, provocative dress, disdain of God and the Commandments - why could we expect less than corrupt institutions?

Do not despair. In the end, the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady will triumph.

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Thank-you, Katherine. Many of us are in search of truth. Many people do not want the spin, lies and tyranny. I am looking forward to reading the post.

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Thank you Katherine - GOD bless you for our Creator lives in the TRUTH ...

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Well done, Katherine. Your argument seems to be that the declarations of emergency themselves MUST be subject to critical debate, and that therefore the unilateral declarations of emergency by the executive branch is unconstitutional. Congress can not delegate such a critical role to the executive; therefore, the laws enabling the past 3 years are unconstitutional. Is that fundamentally your argument? Lincoln's declaration of martial law was itself ruled unconstitutional as there was no Congressional concurrence. I would go further and say that a declaration of emergency even by Congress should be unconstitutional. Is there any clause in the Constitution that allows its abrogation under ANY circumstances?

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Yes Kathryn, fight against despair, assured that within you is the sacred space of the Most High God. He promises to do more than we can ask or imagine with the resurrecting power of his Son Jesus Christ.

Today may be ‘Friday’ but Sunday is coming. The grave is empty.

Death has been vanquished.

And with all creation we may cry

Holy, Holy, Holy.

He is worthy of all our praise.

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