The government can produce whatever poison they want. What’s illegal is government and other organizations public and private forcing people to get injected with it under the pretense that it’s averting a health hazard.

It’s illegal and no government contract or treaty changed this.

Requiring COVID-19 vaccination for employment or to go to school violates US Civil Rights law, in particular the ADA. The unvaccinated are “regarded as disabled” with an “out-of-date” immune system but do not pose a health hazard so to discriminate is against the law.

More here:


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No one's arguing that, but they did it anyway.

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Great article. Thanks. My belief is that we need to come up with innovative new ways to solve this situation. Some of us are doing our best to try to figure out how we can solve these problems. We could use some help. Thanks again.



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I disagree. No law was suspended by these contracts and treaties. The law still stands. The problem is our business and local government leaders all broke U.S. law at the same time by requiring unnecessary medication, and so many people think it’s legal. Articles like this only further the narrative that no law was broken.

The constitutional articles and civil rights laws that should have prevented this catastrophe still stand. No judge has said they are no longer in effect due to a treaty or government contract.

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Watch the end for Katherine's comments about what she says needs to happen. It's reasonably close to what you're suggesting as well. The problem is she's trying to explain the unlawful mechanisms used to push this whole mess into a legal deadzone. That's there's so much confusion.


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Jan 13, 2023
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Then you tell me what's going on then eh?

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Extortion and racketeering and they know it.

They then make up "laws" ex post facto to avoid prosecution.

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You realize everyone is essentially saying the same thing including Katherine. It has to be adjudicated through the Judiciary and Legislative branches ultimately becuse they've pushed it outside that framework with emergency powers. It's all couched in the language she citing here but people are talking past it and arguing with each other including Karen.

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Yes I know. Similar situation with attempts at litigation for those who were killed due to hospital protocols.

I am of the opinion that these cases could in fact be prosecuted despite "protections" (CARES Act e.g.) however there seem to be few lawyers willing to take this on as it means going up against the Pharma cartel.

I would think a lawyer worth their salt would welcome the challenge.

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The laws to create the vaccine and distribute it with no liability were created well in advance (PREP Act).

It is against the law to require it, however. Those discriminating on the basis of vaccination status were and are breaking the law.

Biden’s Federal employee mandates, state and local versions of the same, school vaccine requirements, public venue vax-or-test requirements, all illegal.



Without that illegal force making people take the vaccines, the vaccines themselves would not pose a problem.

No law ever required anyone in the US to be vaccinated. The assault was carried out exclusively by bureaucrats public and private. When Biden as CEO of all Federal agencies handed down his employee vaccination requirement he was sued, and injunctions were imposed.

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Totally agree and I am well aware of the injunctions as I am protected by one.

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Jan 13, 2023
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Really? So why hasn't it happened yet? The only attorneys I know of going after Pfizer are Robert Barnes and Warner Mendenhall on two or 3 different cases including Brooke Jackson Qui Tam which is a whistleblower false claims act case. You know the one citing the OTA and govt support of that response.

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Jan 13, 2023
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gangs (govts) don't negotiate with peons. they want us dead with plausible deniability, so they are having us dead with plausible deniability.

the sun vs the wefckrs. the reset race is apace.

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Yes. The sun will have its day. #EyesOpenNoFear

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Probably this explains why contracts signed by EU with Pfizer, Moderna, have never been released publicly, they provided fully redacted contracts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beEfo7c_Weg

Contracts were discussed directly with Head of European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, but no details have been disclosed- for example refusal to disclose her SMS to and from A. Bourla. EU Public Prosecutor opened a file for investigation, about 2 months ago.

In Switzerland- individuals injured by the vaccines filed criminal charges against responsible persons at Swwismedic (their Regulatory agency) and against vaccinating doctors. 4 months after submitting the file, no response was received from the public prosecutor office.

Thank you for the great work and devotion for Truth.

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Wow talk about tangled webs. We need about 50 more of you doing this work. That said, once enough of us realize the massive deception, the laws won't mean anything. People will rise up.

Re Naomi Klein and Chomsky's inverse pivot - this was also true of the Anthroposophical Society - which is based on Rudolph Steiner's work - Steiner who predicted this time and literally wrote a vaccine that would disconnect people from Spirit - THEY still endorsed the jabs. What a spell. Thank you, Katherine.

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the only outbreak will be "occupy wallstreet" style protest, easily shut down by govt, chinese, us or otherwise.

no, we need other means.

but a trauma based mind controlled sheepopulation will not rise up. didn't after JFK, 9-11, teflon, fluoride, blovid, gmo, gm-poison injections... NOTHING. but it's us, the 3-10% who need to rise up.

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Wow. Been listening to Elana Freedland, having read most of her great new book “Geoengineered Transhumanism”. She has been a long time follower of Steiner and mentioned this prediction about a vax but not the sellout.

Similar to how Colleen Huber is being persecuted by her Naturopathic medical board.

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Karen Kingston just put up another piece about the contract and it's getting weird because it seems like we're talking about two different things entirely.

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I think the divergence lies in the difference between a pharmaceutical corporation operating as a private, commercial business, and a pharmaceutical corporation that has been folded into the government's national security complex through invoking of the Defense Production Act --


essentially turned into a branch of the government, whose agents have been granted sovereign immunities and set beyond ordinary judicial proceedings, short of treason, sedition and bioterrorism prosecutions.

I think Kingston's civil liability approach is very valuable for drawing that government-corporation merger or absorption process into clearer view and public understanding, in the same way that Brook Jackson's False Claims Act case provides opportunities to see it in action, through (so far) the Pfizer arguments April 22, 2022 at pp. 8, 11-13 and 25-26


And the US government's endorsement of that legal argument Oct. 4, 2022 at pp. 6-8


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This is defacto vs dejure isn't it? What the black letter law says and what they're actually doing and attempting to appear legal.

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karen graphene? wouldnt trust her that much ... yeah well.

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what about a constitutional lawyer bringing a motion to the supreme court stat in order to decide whether an administration who advances the IHS amendments is treason or sedition. when you have a duty to uphold the constitution and seek actively to undermine it with those amendments, you cannot suck and blow. Its not just any violation of duty.

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Katherine......if we have no legal recourse then what is there to do except just stand by and watch people be murdered. We can try to educate people which many of us do daily but with the censoring taking place that is a massive job it not impossible. Perhaps you should talk with Karen Kingston because she feels there is legal recourse. There may be but the courts are corrupt and will stand by the DOD and big pharma. Karen is highly respected and what is happening now is that people are divided and confused because of the differing opinions between you/Sasha and Karen Kingston. It sure would be nice to see you guys working together to send out a unified message. I believe whether there is legal recourse or not there is no court or Congress that is going to do the right thing. They will fight to the death to protect this criminal activity they are involved. Money and fear of what the people will do to them if it were to be proven in a court of law that they intentionally killed and disabled people.

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Amen to that. Well Done.

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One "simple" solution to the Davos problem would be for the US to exit the UN and officially exit any agreements made with WEF or any other globalist organizations. Stop funding them, and kick them out of the US. National sovereignty must be returned to all nation states.

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problem is, "them" funds every congressman and presidential candidate. good luck.

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Yes, I know! I realized back in the 80's that the most important change that could be made to US politics would be to get the money out of it. No PACs. No corporate sponsors. No foreign money. No national party funding. Reasonable limits to individual contributions. But, Congress would have to do that to themselves. And, that will never happen. The other big one is elections and voting. Why vote if the system is corrupt and big money runs it?

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To avoid folks’ eyes glazing over due to the volume of info (and its shocking nature) when informing folks of this, I recommend leading with the Pfizer admission (in their motion against Brooke Jackson) that these are “countermeasure protypes” which didn’t require Good Manufacturing Practices. When folks see that outrage admitted to by Pfizer, I don’t see how they can not be inspired to dig further to understand the insanity unfolding around them:

“Because of pandemic-related exigencies, the agreement was not a standard federal procurement contract, but rather a ‘prototype’ agreement executed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 2371b[.]...The [contract’s Statement of Work] describes a ‘large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstration’ that imposes no requirements relating to Good Clinical Practices (‘GCP’) or related FDA regulations.”

I found out the other day that SCOTUS are ALL “vaccinated” and “boosted”. I think they will be very pissed off when they realize this material fact wasn’t disclosed to them!

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with the saline placebo or...?

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Thank you Katherine for reposting this research, I have just given this good article my full attention and have given your work a 10 out of 10.

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Here is an amendment to the June 15, 2021 Moderna-DOD contract

(date omitted)

Moderna Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract


Congressional and Federal agency responses and Opportunities Regarding the Covid-19 Outbreak


Special Edition RDS News Covid-19 Opportunities


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I think we have a copy of the Brazil contract in campfire.wiki I will look later when I am near a computer.

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Excellent! Thank you so much!

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love the biblical references. they are germane.

it's not therapy. it's GMO genetic modification and POISON like all pharmakea.

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