"Even if such a bill got through Congress with a veto-proof majority, the biomedical police state laws on the books specifically exclude Congressional and court review of HHS declarations and actions. (See, for example, 42 USC 247d-6d(b)(7), as amended in 2005 by PREP Act, blocking court review.) "
So let me get this straight - A law is passed that prevents the checks and balances of the Constitution from being in force and allowing the courts to review it? And nobody sued because it was unconstitutional? I can get congress giving away their own power, but they cant give away the power of the courts.
Yup: totally insane abdication of power by Congress, and usurpation of the third branch.
Most of the men and women who voted for these things had no idea what they were doing.
My current larger project is drafting a federal complaint under 18 USC 2333 that explicitly shifts the whole argument out of the public health emergency civil law framework, and into the bioterrorism and mass murder criminal framework.
I’m thinking about putting together a Proposed Joint Stipulation as to Material Facts, which would offer the court a statutory chronology, and propose that the US government defendants stipulate that Congress passed these laws, with these effects, whether or not any individual Congress person who voted on each one had any idea what it said and did.
Among other things, I’ve also pieced together that in the 1969-2023 timeframe that’s most relevant, it can be broken up into three phases. From 1969-1977, DOD had limited requirements to report on its chemical and biological weapons testing to Congress.
Then there was a commission (the 1975 Frank Church one about MKUltra, etc) that may have influenced a strengthening of Congressional reporting requirements in 1977.
Then there was another commission, led by John D. Rockefeller of West Virginia), on the experiments and injuries that had been done in recent decades. That came out in Dec. 1994.
By 1996, Congress had repealed the DOD reporting requirement, allowing it all to go back under wraps, secret even from Congress.
And then in November 1997, Congress set up the EUA system, expanding the DOD pool of human subjects from military personnel and prisoners, to the whole American population, and transferring the military weapons R&D program over to FDA/HHS ‘public health’ fraud.
Since 1996 until present day, as far as I can tell right now (subject to change with more research), DOD has had no statutory obligation to report on chemical and biological weapons programs to Congress.
Findings/Conclusions and Recommendations below. Instead of implementing them, Congress repealed DOD's reporting requirement through NDAA for FY 1996, PL 104-106, 110 Stat. 443,
A. For at least 50 years, DOD has intentionally exposed military personnel to potentially dangerous substances, often in secret
B. DOD has repeatedly failed to comply with required ethical standards when using human subjects in military research during war or threat of war
C. DOD incorrectly claims that since their goal was treatment, the use of investigational drugs in the Persian Gulf War was not research
D. DOD used investigational drugs in the Persian Gulf War in ways that were not effective
E. DOD did not know whether pyridostigmine bromide would be safe for use by U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf War
F. When U.S. troops were sent to the Persian Gulf in 1994, DOD still did not have proof that pyridostigmine bromide was safe for use as an antidote enhancer
G. Pyridostigmine may be more dangerous in combination with pesticides and other exposures
H. The safety of the botulism vaccine was not established prior to the Persian Gulf War
I. Records of anthrax vaccinations are not suitable to evaluate safety
J. Army regulations exempt informed consent for volunteers in some types of military research
K. DOD and DVA have repeatedly failed to provide information and medical followup to those who participate in military research or are ordered to take investigational drugs
L. The Federal Government has failed to support scientific studies that provide information about the reproductive problems experienced by veterans who were intentionally exposed to potentially dangerous substances
M. The Federal Government has failed to support scientific studies that provide timely information for compensation decisions regarding military personnel who were harmed by various exposures
N. Participation in military research is rarely included in military medical records, making it impossible to support a veteran's claim for service-connected disabilities from military research
O. DOD has demonstrated a pattern of misrepresenting the danger of various military exposures that continues today
IV. Recommendations
A. Congress should deny the DOD request for a blanket waiver to use investigational drugs in case of war or threat of war
B. FDA should reject any applications from DOD that do not include data on women, and long-term followup data
C. Congress should authorize a centralized database for all federally funded experiments that utilize human subjects
D. Congress should mandate all Federal agencies to declassify most documents on research involving human subjects
E. Congress should reestablish a National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects
F. VA and DOD should implement regular site visits to review Institutional Review Boards
G. The Feres Doctrine should not be applied for military personnel who are harmed by inappropriate human experimentation when informed consent has not been given
IMHO Congress knew exactly what it was doing; and it's been giving away its own power since all those alphabet agencies started cropping up (you know, the ones which get to unilaterally enact REGULATIONS which nobody gets to vote on but which have all the weight of law, and their own private armies to enforce them). As long as Congress gets to live like kings, why should they care?
When I was in office (local) my understanding is that a body could not pass legislation or rules that tied the hands of future gatherings of that body from changing anything that that body passed. I'm inclined to believe that there were small parts put in place here and there to keep the bigger picture from being seen by members of congress.
I do recall seeing a podcast where someone connected a few dots for me in which they said that there has been a purposeful effort to convert "emergency powers" over to a health authority for health related emergencies. This would make some sense on it's face, since Congress can't always act quickly or with the degree of expertise needed for such an occurrence.
But after watching the WHO pull their power trip and try to get that authority (soon up for another attempt!), and seeing California try the same thing, and then reading what Katherine has posted, I'm thinking that this is a coordinated effort to do this systemically and world-wide.
An effort to consolidate power in the hands of un-elected (but controllable) bodies.
I love this, Katherine. Short, sweet, and to the point, yet overflowing with insight and information so critical to dismantling this horrific, unconstitutional administrative state that is ruining life and liberty at every turn.
I am in awe of you, Katherine. You are one amazing woman.
It is interesting how “emergency” and “continuity of government” rationalizations were used to architect and deploy legal frameworks and infrastructures of tyranny just waiting to be triggered by an easily engineered “emergency” or a “threat”. The People’s greatest weakness is inability to notice nefarious intents behind our ruling classes. A tyrannical infrastructure is ready to be triggered. A critical mass of us is blissfully ignorant, utterly unaware of our reality.
Yours is one of the most informative and relevant places to visit on Substack. Thanks.
So, unless things change markedly for the better, this is the 'new normal.' We should have seen this coming, but it was implemented over such a long time by so many actions and actors, that it would have been difficult, at best, to stop it. And, given the state of leadership among leading citizens, mostly feckless and self-indulged, no one is coming to save us.
As some astute authors have said, we are on our own and, unless/until very large numbers of us wake up and say 'no more,' the tyranny will continue, and get much worse. We know what their plans are for us; they are out in the open and not hidden. It will be up to us to either let them succeed, or cause them to fail.
I disagree that “we should have seen this coming.”
Because, as you say, it was implemented quietly over a long period of time.
The very first opportunity presented to the American people, to understand the full import of all those incremental steps *by seeing them used* began in January 2020 with the Covid-cull program.
And amazingly, about a third of adult Americans more or less accurately understood it within the first four months of the roll-out, even though it was called a declaration of public health emergency instead of a declaration of war against humanity, and even if they couldn’t put their fingers on precisely what the problem was, apart from “Hey! This seems weird and wrong!”
The numbers have only gotten larger since then, as more people have watched more elements of the program inflicted weirder and wrong-er.
That’s one of the big miracles of the Covid era.
The other is that the biological damage hasn’t been worse. Fauci & Gates and Co. keep designing these communicable agents to be lethal, and somehow, as they move through populations, they keep weakening. I think they intended the injections to be even better at overcoming human immune systems and destroying reproductive organs than they’ve turned out to be. I think this must be extraordinarily frustrating for the killers.
Without in any way denying the magnitude and horror of the damage that *has* been done, I attribute both miracles to the mercy of God, and the will and faith of so many of His people — alongside people of good will and good faith who aren’t Christian but aren’t actively anti-Christ, to be open to hearing and following his Word in all the ways He manifests it on Earth.
Or Ben Swann, who exposed the fear-mongering WHO conflation of flu's infection fatality rate (IFR) with Covid's case fatality rate (CFR) on YouTube (recently purged from YouTube)
There were so many more, but nothing on corporate media, even Fox. And even if you saw many of these reports, as I did, it was difficult to connect the dots into the widespread conspiracy we've seen. Perhaps because there's such a wide variety of motives and levels of complicity, from the top level string-pullers like Gates, Tedros and Schwab, who I believe understood the full evil intent, to the lowly physician so afraid that his filthy lucre might be interrupted that he's willing to risk even his own life by accepting the shot.
I believe the same is true of the Congressmen and Senators who passed this series of enabling acts. A handful doubtless knew exactly what they were doing, but you're right that fools like The Squad have no idea what they're doing.
Amen. Praise the Lord. God is great. This planet is as an Eden. All we gotta do is get the boot and shackles off.
And ...
I also think that they like to do these weapons deadly but not too deadly. That is the needle they are always threading. Because they want to have control more than anything and it’s their whole business model. So they want their poisons to be just deadly enough. They can not kill off their victims/customers too fast. Too deadly means they lose control and money because too many die too fast and thus more people wake up and because of chaos resulting from the extreme die offs.
And with the magical PCR dial and the magical covid dashboards and their total control of media and censorship powers, they can generate fear regardless of the deadliness of the initial pathogen/weapon. It just has to be a teeny bit deadly. And weird. That first release is just the “lede” - it just drives folk into the storyline. Which is of course the real virus. Which then drives them into getting the shots - which are clearly the real killers, along with the hospital death protocols.
And God really does save. It’s always the right time to get right with God.
"...these declarations and proclamations triggered expanded federal government authorities and limits to state, local and individual power, at least until...individual states take steps to block the effect of those federal laws within their own state borders."
Biden and his WEF partners continue their operation to commit genocide (population reduction) and to take over remaining resources for themselves. Until the people wake up to what is happening on a planetary level this isn't going to change. Of course some national legal reining in is important but it is the planet we need to alert.
Robert Malone has done an interesting piece on the new Italian PM. One immediate thing -- if true -- is that she voted for all the mandates imposed on the Italian people. That makes her a whopping "no" in my book -- regardless of what she says about the importance of the family, etc., etc.
However...Mark Crispin Miller points out that the NY Times is very concerned about her, so *that* counts in her favor. Either way, how this turns out will be revealing.
It seems the point at this point (if there indeed is one) is that the kleptocrats keep us guessing and off balance. It's up to us to read the tea leaves to know who to trust. Difficult tightrope to be walking.
Um - might I refer all of you to Sage Hana on hero ball breakout variants ... please no more about Meloni gonna save the day or Meloni just another fascist. (It’s more Trump good, Trump bad.)
If Trump, who mostly did what the globalists wanted but then only made rude gestures when they left the room, if that didn't matter, then why did they go after him with such zeal? It matters.
100% it matters. But some folk (not you) then attach themselves to a story about these individuals being heroes and that is another dangerous delusion that wastes a lot of time and energy (which we don’t got an excess of). That’s all.
I assume when you say "the welfare" of people you mean the liberty interests firmly planted, yes? Because without liberty firmly planted how well would most of us fare?
As for your question, how many of those who could raise their sons and daughters to be strong and have the liberty interests ("welfare") of the people firmly planted have done so? From where I sit, with rare exception, "Americans" have raised their young firmly planted to impede the "welfare" of "we, the people".
There are still not only many Americans around but many others around the planet who are liberty minded and understand it takes real give and take, old fashioned interdependence. Since there are so many confused individuals right now it takes time and effort to sort out. Always go back to Thomas Jefferson’s quote “ I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery”. Many are fearful of freedom and prefer the “peaceful slavery” provided by the nanny state.
The war in Ukraine has escalated and become a direct confrontation between the U.S. and Russia, and this may trigger either nuclear war or the financial meltdown and reorganization of the U.S.
I think I would prefer the latter.
The neocons in Washington are pushing hard for the former but I prefer to believe they just want to keep their game going as long as they can by scaring everybody with a crazy eyes act. I don't like to consider the alternative, that they're really serious.
Meanwhile, the medical tyranny and population reduction continue....
I sure hope they are just crazy eyes acting on the nuclear war bit. On the genocide bit I know its not an act, its real. But its really scary to think they would commit suicide by nuclear war in order to escape punishment for the genocide they've committed.
But be assured that if they don't blow up the world (or maybe even if they do), they will be held accountable for this genocide.
Hopefully they are not suicidal in that respect. I think it is being done to increase the fear factor, thinking people will become increasingly docile.
I don't know...they could be Jim Jones crazy, who knows. Someone like Soros, he's so old he doesn't care, even for his descendants. In any case, the people of the world must be strong and talk them into putting down the nukes and then put them on trial for all these crimes.
Big Brother are you listening? We are coming for you.
What is news is that The Atlantic (a Left mouthpiece owned by Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs), published an article questioning the "safe and effective" lie.
Right. The door has been cracked open for a massive narrative shift now that the gold rush on this particular product is over. This would not have been published if pharma wasn't ready for it to be.
The implementation of tyranny is directly related to our inability to notice it, and if we notice, directly related to our apparent tolerance of it. The move toward tyranny is happening because it is desired by the Ruling Classes and their obedient servants, and not because any real needs for these measures. We must learn how to discern intent, or we are permanently handicapped.
Do you any ideas why public health emergency declaration issued by HHS Alex Azar on Jan. 31, 2020 was retroactive to Jan 27, 2020? What happened in those 4 days?
I don't know why Azar picked Jan. 27, 2020 as the effective start date, but speculate that it has to do with transfers of information and contracts that were flying around to get the machinery of the bioweapon-manufacturing underway.
Feb. 4, 2020 was the effective date for the liability exemptions for manufacturers, and that corresponds to the date of a WHO list of the candidates for the lethal injections.
I found this interesting post while searching for any clues about the retroaction. Timeline from 2017 for US pandemic response which includes:
Friday, Jan. 13, 2017: The joint Obama-Trump transition teams run an exercise for pandemic preparedness
December 2017: The Trump administration reportedly bans the CDC from using the terms “evidence-based” and “science-based.”
February 9, 2018: President Trump signs bill that cuts $1.35 billion in funding for Prevention and Public Health Fund at the CDC.
April 10, 2018: Bolton fires Homeland Security Advisor, Tom Bossert, who “had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks,”
October 2019: The Trump administration concludes a months-long simulation, code-named “Crimson Contagion,” designed to respond to a global influenza pandemic.
There is always a lot to unpack in your posts. But mostly I come away feeling that everything that happened is totally legal and will/can never be undone because all of the vested interests and the public's general ignorance of these statues. I sure never heard of the law allowing the Secretary of HHS to unilaterally issue a state of emergency. And it excludes Congressional and court review! WHAT?!
As to the states invoking the tenth amendment, how likely is that with US senators no longer appointed by the state legislature? Senators are now squarely in and for the Federal bureaucracy. That's where their loyalty (and power) now lies.
I'm just really seeing much more of the same unaccountable bureaucrats in our future.
"Even if such a bill got through Congress with a veto-proof majority, the biomedical police state laws on the books specifically exclude Congressional and court review of HHS declarations and actions. (See, for example, 42 USC 247d-6d(b)(7), as amended in 2005 by PREP Act, blocking court review.) "
So let me get this straight - A law is passed that prevents the checks and balances of the Constitution from being in force and allowing the courts to review it? And nobody sued because it was unconstitutional? I can get congress giving away their own power, but they cant give away the power of the courts.
Yup: totally insane abdication of power by Congress, and usurpation of the third branch.
Most of the men and women who voted for these things had no idea what they were doing.
My current larger project is drafting a federal complaint under 18 USC 2333 that explicitly shifts the whole argument out of the public health emergency civil law framework, and into the bioterrorism and mass murder criminal framework.
I’m thinking about putting together a Proposed Joint Stipulation as to Material Facts, which would offer the court a statutory chronology, and propose that the US government defendants stipulate that Congress passed these laws, with these effects, whether or not any individual Congress person who voted on each one had any idea what it said and did.
Among other things, I’ve also pieced together that in the 1969-2023 timeframe that’s most relevant, it can be broken up into three phases. From 1969-1977, DOD had limited requirements to report on its chemical and biological weapons testing to Congress.
Then there was a commission (the 1975 Frank Church one about MKUltra, etc) that may have influenced a strengthening of Congressional reporting requirements in 1977.
Then there was another commission, led by John D. Rockefeller of West Virginia), on the experiments and injuries that had been done in recent decades. That came out in Dec. 1994.
By 1996, Congress had repealed the DOD reporting requirement, allowing it all to go back under wraps, secret even from Congress.
And then in November 1997, Congress set up the EUA system, expanding the DOD pool of human subjects from military personnel and prisoners, to the whole American population, and transferring the military weapons R&D program over to FDA/HHS ‘public health’ fraud.
Since 1996 until present day, as far as I can tell right now (subject to change with more research), DOD has had no statutory obligation to report on chemical and biological weapons programs to Congress.
Link to the 1994 Senate report:
Findings/Conclusions and Recommendations below. Instead of implementing them, Congress repealed DOD's reporting requirement through NDAA for FY 1996, PL 104-106, 110 Stat. 443,
at Section 1061(k) by repealing 50 USC 1511.
III. Findings and conclusions
A. For at least 50 years, DOD has intentionally exposed military personnel to potentially dangerous substances, often in secret
B. DOD has repeatedly failed to comply with required ethical standards when using human subjects in military research during war or threat of war
C. DOD incorrectly claims that since their goal was treatment, the use of investigational drugs in the Persian Gulf War was not research
D. DOD used investigational drugs in the Persian Gulf War in ways that were not effective
E. DOD did not know whether pyridostigmine bromide would be safe for use by U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf War
F. When U.S. troops were sent to the Persian Gulf in 1994, DOD still did not have proof that pyridostigmine bromide was safe for use as an antidote enhancer
G. Pyridostigmine may be more dangerous in combination with pesticides and other exposures
H. The safety of the botulism vaccine was not established prior to the Persian Gulf War
I. Records of anthrax vaccinations are not suitable to evaluate safety
J. Army regulations exempt informed consent for volunteers in some types of military research
K. DOD and DVA have repeatedly failed to provide information and medical followup to those who participate in military research or are ordered to take investigational drugs
L. The Federal Government has failed to support scientific studies that provide information about the reproductive problems experienced by veterans who were intentionally exposed to potentially dangerous substances
M. The Federal Government has failed to support scientific studies that provide timely information for compensation decisions regarding military personnel who were harmed by various exposures
N. Participation in military research is rarely included in military medical records, making it impossible to support a veteran's claim for service-connected disabilities from military research
O. DOD has demonstrated a pattern of misrepresenting the danger of various military exposures that continues today
IV. Recommendations
A. Congress should deny the DOD request for a blanket waiver to use investigational drugs in case of war or threat of war
B. FDA should reject any applications from DOD that do not include data on women, and long-term followup data
C. Congress should authorize a centralized database for all federally funded experiments that utilize human subjects
D. Congress should mandate all Federal agencies to declassify most documents on research involving human subjects
E. Congress should reestablish a National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects
F. VA and DOD should implement regular site visits to review Institutional Review Boards
G. The Feres Doctrine should not be applied for military personnel who are harmed by inappropriate human experimentation when informed consent has not been given
Amen sister! Let’s do it! You know I stand ready and willing to assist you in any and all ways. Your work product is unrivaled. God bless you.
IMHO Congress knew exactly what it was doing; and it's been giving away its own power since all those alphabet agencies started cropping up (you know, the ones which get to unilaterally enact REGULATIONS which nobody gets to vote on but which have all the weight of law, and their own private armies to enforce them). As long as Congress gets to live like kings, why should they care?
When I was in office (local) my understanding is that a body could not pass legislation or rules that tied the hands of future gatherings of that body from changing anything that that body passed. I'm inclined to believe that there were small parts put in place here and there to keep the bigger picture from being seen by members of congress.
I do recall seeing a podcast where someone connected a few dots for me in which they said that there has been a purposeful effort to convert "emergency powers" over to a health authority for health related emergencies. This would make some sense on it's face, since Congress can't always act quickly or with the degree of expertise needed for such an occurrence.
But after watching the WHO pull their power trip and try to get that authority (soon up for another attempt!), and seeing California try the same thing, and then reading what Katherine has posted, I'm thinking that this is a coordinated effort to do this systemically and world-wide.
An effort to consolidate power in the hands of un-elected (but controllable) bodies.
Thank you! I hope you're more successful than just a complaint. But perhaps that's a precursor to further actions or lawsuits.
I love this, Katherine. Short, sweet, and to the point, yet overflowing with insight and information so critical to dismantling this horrific, unconstitutional administrative state that is ruining life and liberty at every turn.
I am in awe of you, Katherine. You are one amazing woman.
Totally agree.
Ditto and amen to that
It is interesting how “emergency” and “continuity of government” rationalizations were used to architect and deploy legal frameworks and infrastructures of tyranny just waiting to be triggered by an easily engineered “emergency” or a “threat”. The People’s greatest weakness is inability to notice nefarious intents behind our ruling classes. A tyrannical infrastructure is ready to be triggered. A critical mass of us is blissfully ignorant, utterly unaware of our reality.
Yours is one of the most informative and relevant places to visit on Substack. Thanks.
So, unless things change markedly for the better, this is the 'new normal.' We should have seen this coming, but it was implemented over such a long time by so many actions and actors, that it would have been difficult, at best, to stop it. And, given the state of leadership among leading citizens, mostly feckless and self-indulged, no one is coming to save us.
As some astute authors have said, we are on our own and, unless/until very large numbers of us wake up and say 'no more,' the tyranny will continue, and get much worse. We know what their plans are for us; they are out in the open and not hidden. It will be up to us to either let them succeed, or cause them to fail.
I disagree that “we should have seen this coming.”
Because, as you say, it was implemented quietly over a long period of time.
The very first opportunity presented to the American people, to understand the full import of all those incremental steps *by seeing them used* began in January 2020 with the Covid-cull program.
And amazingly, about a third of adult Americans more or less accurately understood it within the first four months of the roll-out, even though it was called a declaration of public health emergency instead of a declaration of war against humanity, and even if they couldn’t put their fingers on precisely what the problem was, apart from “Hey! This seems weird and wrong!”
The numbers have only gotten larger since then, as more people have watched more elements of the program inflicted weirder and wrong-er.
That’s one of the big miracles of the Covid era.
The other is that the biological damage hasn’t been worse. Fauci & Gates and Co. keep designing these communicable agents to be lethal, and somehow, as they move through populations, they keep weakening. I think they intended the injections to be even better at overcoming human immune systems and destroying reproductive organs than they’ve turned out to be. I think this must be extraordinarily frustrating for the killers.
Without in any way denying the magnitude and horror of the damage that *has* been done, I attribute both miracles to the mercy of God, and the will and faith of so many of His people — alongside people of good will and good faith who aren’t Christian but aren’t actively anti-Christ, to be open to hearing and following his Word in all the ways He manifests it on Earth.
Yes, it's pretty hard to "see something coming" when you've been blindfolded. There were only a few courageous reporters like Pepe Escobar, whose Asia Times article on Didier Raoult and HCQ provided an early clue: https://asiatimes.com/2020/03/why-france-is-hiding-a-cheap-and-tested-virus-cure/
Or Ben Swann, who exposed the fear-mongering WHO conflation of flu's infection fatality rate (IFR) with Covid's case fatality rate (CFR) on YouTube (recently purged from YouTube)
Or Rosemary Frei's expose of the culling of seniors in care homes: https://www.globalresearch.ca/were-conditions-high-death-rates-care-homes-created-purpose/5714251
Of Erin Olszewski's expose of what was happening in one NYC hospital: https://www.bitchute.com/video/3ivASg6BHp1y/
There were so many more, but nothing on corporate media, even Fox. And even if you saw many of these reports, as I did, it was difficult to connect the dots into the widespread conspiracy we've seen. Perhaps because there's such a wide variety of motives and levels of complicity, from the top level string-pullers like Gates, Tedros and Schwab, who I believe understood the full evil intent, to the lowly physician so afraid that his filthy lucre might be interrupted that he's willing to risk even his own life by accepting the shot.
I believe the same is true of the Congressmen and Senators who passed this series of enabling acts. A handful doubtless knew exactly what they were doing, but you're right that fools like The Squad have no idea what they're doing.
Amen. Praise the Lord. God is great. This planet is as an Eden. All we gotta do is get the boot and shackles off.
And ...
I also think that they like to do these weapons deadly but not too deadly. That is the needle they are always threading. Because they want to have control more than anything and it’s their whole business model. So they want their poisons to be just deadly enough. They can not kill off their victims/customers too fast. Too deadly means they lose control and money because too many die too fast and thus more people wake up and because of chaos resulting from the extreme die offs.
And with the magical PCR dial and the magical covid dashboards and their total control of media and censorship powers, they can generate fear regardless of the deadliness of the initial pathogen/weapon. It just has to be a teeny bit deadly. And weird. That first release is just the “lede” - it just drives folk into the storyline. Which is of course the real virus. Which then drives them into getting the shots - which are clearly the real killers, along with the hospital death protocols.
And God really does save. It’s always the right time to get right with God.
"...these declarations and proclamations triggered expanded federal government authorities and limits to state, local and individual power, at least until...individual states take steps to block the effect of those federal laws within their own state borders."
Katherine, interesting to me that you mentioned the 10th Amendment: https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/
Today’s lesson: Emergency rhymes with tyranny!
Biden and his WEF partners continue their operation to commit genocide (population reduction) and to take over remaining resources for themselves. Until the people wake up to what is happening on a planetary level this isn't going to change. Of course some national legal reining in is important but it is the planet we need to alert.
Perhaps that is happening...
New Italian Leader Vows To Dismantle the ‘New World Order’
Robert Malone has done an interesting piece on the new Italian PM. One immediate thing -- if true -- is that she voted for all the mandates imposed on the Italian people. That makes her a whopping "no" in my book -- regardless of what she says about the importance of the family, etc., etc.
Wow, ok thank you. Very bad sign if its true.
Here is Robert Malone's newsletter on the topic: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/defamation-of-giorgia-meloni-refuted?utm_source=post-email-title&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email
Makes for a very interesting, informative read, IMO.
However...Mark Crispin Miller points out that the NY Times is very concerned about her, so *that* counts in her favor. Either way, how this turns out will be revealing.
It seems the point at this point (if there indeed is one) is that the kleptocrats keep us guessing and off balance. It's up to us to read the tea leaves to know who to trust. Difficult tightrope to be walking.
Um - might I refer all of you to Sage Hana on hero ball breakout variants ... please no more about Meloni gonna save the day or Meloni just another fascist. (It’s more Trump good, Trump bad.)
If Trump, who mostly did what the globalists wanted but then only made rude gestures when they left the room, if that didn't matter, then why did they go after him with such zeal? It matters.
To keep kayfabe. Trump was Democrat planted to make conservatives lockdown where they wouldn't under a president who admitted he was Democrat.
The zealous going after president warp speed reality actor is like his shaving the head of Vince McMahon
100% it matters. But some folk (not you) then attach themselves to a story about these individuals being heroes and that is another dangerous delusion that wastes a lot of time and energy (which we don’t got an excess of). That’s all.
Yes, some speculate she is a Trojan horse. There is evidence she has spoken out in favor of the WEF Green climate agenda.
Oh jeez, what a disappointment that would be. Hopefully she is young and strong enough to double-cross any evildoers who back her.
I totally agree. Where are the leaders who are young, strong and have the welfare of we the people firmly planted?
I assume when you say "the welfare" of people you mean the liberty interests firmly planted, yes? Because without liberty firmly planted how well would most of us fare?
As for your question, how many of those who could raise their sons and daughters to be strong and have the liberty interests ("welfare") of the people firmly planted have done so? From where I sit, with rare exception, "Americans" have raised their young firmly planted to impede the "welfare" of "we, the people".
There are still not only many Americans around but many others around the planet who are liberty minded and understand it takes real give and take, old fashioned interdependence. Since there are so many confused individuals right now it takes time and effort to sort out. Always go back to Thomas Jefferson’s quote “ I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery”. Many are fearful of freedom and prefer the “peaceful slavery” provided by the nanny state.
At least she seems to be articulating the issues, drawing the lines for people. And its a good sign that the EU seems to be afraid of her.
"Warning: EU's Ursula von der Leyen Threatens Italy's Conservatives on the Eve of the Elections":
"Leftist Former Italian PM Says ‘Return of Fascism’ Narrative is “Absolutely Fake News”":
And contrast her to Jacinda Ardern:
"New Zealand PM Calls For System Of Global Censorship At UN Meeting"
I hope leaders continue to articulate the issues.
The war in Ukraine has escalated and become a direct confrontation between the U.S. and Russia, and this may trigger either nuclear war or the financial meltdown and reorganization of the U.S.
I think I would prefer the latter.
The neocons in Washington are pushing hard for the former but I prefer to believe they just want to keep their game going as long as they can by scaring everybody with a crazy eyes act. I don't like to consider the alternative, that they're really serious.
Meanwhile, the medical tyranny and population reduction continue....
Yes, true but can’t help but think it’s all part of an overall plan involving the global kleptocrats.
I sure hope they are just crazy eyes acting on the nuclear war bit. On the genocide bit I know its not an act, its real. But its really scary to think they would commit suicide by nuclear war in order to escape punishment for the genocide they've committed.
But be assured that if they don't blow up the world (or maybe even if they do), they will be held accountable for this genocide.
Hopefully they are not suicidal in that respect. I think it is being done to increase the fear factor, thinking people will become increasingly docile.
I don't know...they could be Jim Jones crazy, who knows. Someone like Soros, he's so old he doesn't care, even for his descendants. In any case, the people of the world must be strong and talk them into putting down the nukes and then put them on trial for all these crimes.
Big Brother are you listening? We are coming for you.
Seems like they want to rule the world not blow it up.
Just a thought. Biden's Pandemic Shark Jump will be used against him to declare him, finally, unfit . . .
The pandemic is over because there is no longer any demand for the cure. Narrative shift 3.0 seems to have begun. And they sure got what they wanted out of the pandemic. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2022/09/mrna-covid-vaccine-booster-lymphoma-cancer/671308/
What is news is that The Atlantic (a Left mouthpiece owned by Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs), published an article questioning the "safe and effective" lie.
Right. The door has been cracked open for a massive narrative shift now that the gold rush on this particular product is over. This would not have been published if pharma wasn't ready for it to be.
Thanks for the exhaustive research.
Do everything in your power to become ungovernable. Set up networks, barter, garden, learn skills, volunteer with your church, join a gardening club.
Become ungovernable.
The implementation of tyranny is directly related to our inability to notice it, and if we notice, directly related to our apparent tolerance of it. The move toward tyranny is happening because it is desired by the Ruling Classes and their obedient servants, and not because any real needs for these measures. We must learn how to discern intent, or we are permanently handicapped.
Do you any ideas why public health emergency declaration issued by HHS Alex Azar on Jan. 31, 2020 was retroactive to Jan 27, 2020? What happened in those 4 days?
One thing that happened was the WHO declaration of Public Health Emergency of International Concern on Jan. 30, 2020.
I don't know why Azar picked Jan. 27, 2020 as the effective start date, but speculate that it has to do with transfers of information and contracts that were flying around to get the machinery of the bioweapon-manufacturing underway.
Feb. 4, 2020 was the effective date for the liability exemptions for manufacturers, and that corresponds to the date of a WHO list of the candidates for the lethal injections.
I found this interesting post while searching for any clues about the retroaction. Timeline from 2017 for US pandemic response which includes:
Friday, Jan. 13, 2017: The joint Obama-Trump transition teams run an exercise for pandemic preparedness
December 2017: The Trump administration reportedly bans the CDC from using the terms “evidence-based” and “science-based.”
February 9, 2018: President Trump signs bill that cuts $1.35 billion in funding for Prevention and Public Health Fund at the CDC.
April 10, 2018: Bolton fires Homeland Security Advisor, Tom Bossert, who “had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks,”
October 2019: The Trump administration concludes a months-long simulation, code-named “Crimson Contagion,” designed to respond to a global influenza pandemic.
There is always a lot to unpack in your posts. But mostly I come away feeling that everything that happened is totally legal and will/can never be undone because all of the vested interests and the public's general ignorance of these statues. I sure never heard of the law allowing the Secretary of HHS to unilaterally issue a state of emergency. And it excludes Congressional and court review! WHAT?!
As to the states invoking the tenth amendment, how likely is that with US senators no longer appointed by the state legislature? Senators are now squarely in and for the Federal bureaucracy. That's where their loyalty (and power) now lies.
I'm just really seeing much more of the same unaccountable bureaucrats in our future.