Your phrase: "old skool power tripping- consolidate your illegally gained power base before moving onto new ground to illegally presume powers over"is a great way to put this. These "Old Skooler's" have been going on for so long many of their predecessors are in fact long dead.
Your phrase: "old skool power tripping- consolidate your illegally gained power base before moving onto new ground to illegally presume powers over"is a great way to put this. These "Old Skooler's" have been going on for so long many of their predecessors are in fact long dead.
Wew! Big big tasks ahead.
They stole everything while no one was looking, and now they own it. And there is nothing we can do to take it all back. Clever, that.
I like how you're posting these important conversations that happen in the comment section. 👍🏼