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I keep saying ... all they’ve actually got is a Potemkin village of cardboard cutouts (with smoke and lights and mirrors and lotsa fear-porn talking heads talkin’ fear porn 24/7). We just gotta keep kicking down and punching through the cutouts to reveal the criminals on the other side.

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I say drop a nice big match and walk away.

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“Things are not as they seem. They seem as they seem. But they are not as they seem” We know against whom we wrestle!!

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Yes we do!

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We thirst to hold in our cognitive domain the Creator’s mysteries. Just a drop on my hellishly dry tongue would be enough to lift the load even if from the trespassing via LSD? JK😎!

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Yes, we know, and we know it's not a "whom" out there. It's the "whom" in here. We wrestle, each one of us throughout our lives, with our own passions, aggression, and ignorance. The choices we make each and every day create heaven or hell.

So we can change it. But, hanging out with the poor, dispossessed and socially demonized and marginalized is okay for Jesus, but no self respecting Christian needs to get that dirty. Besides, we got a wrestling match to get to. Puts your bets down now, folks, our guy can't lose.

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Hey laughing waters. I’m not sure what to make of this interesting comment? Flesh it out a little for us...

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Well, it's like this. If you never lie, 'cause it's just plain stupid to lie, and chicken shit to boot,... unless you've already made it to the front center section of that WHO concert in Madison Square Garden , pure pandemonium, on a gifted ticket, and when the head security guard comes at y ou angrily cause he already caught you trying to sneak in once....and your angels tell you to hang on to that ticket real tight as he tries to pry it from you, and to lie.....otherwise, it's dumb. If you never lie, you can sense, smell, feel , taste , and see a lie coming a half a mile off. Simple. It's an electromagnetic field thingy. You know..."auras". Some of us have really huge bullshit meters, and it doesn't make us any popular.

The three poisons of human existence: Passion...what we WANT...Aggression...WHAT WE DON'T WANT....and Ignorance....WHAT WE REFUSE TO KNOW. WHAT WE IGNORE.

That's it in a nutshell. That's the wrestling match. Our own stuff.

Or, more popularly "I have seen the enemy, and it is us." Pogo

Listen to Geroge Carlin, all you can take. That ought to explain things pretty well. He likes to talk about "reality".

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I will spend some more time with George 😉

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“much of what’s happening is based on people treating an illusion as if it were reality, which has the effect of making the lies operable in peoples’ earthly lives, but doesn’t have the effect of converting the lies to truth”

The first step to dispel an illusion is to disbelieve—the truth permeates, is within us, and all around us, all the time.

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Be Water TFish ... I get it

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nice definition of religions, there....the beauty of a "belief system" is that it is neither provable nor unprovable. Like vaccination, it's good. just "be-lie -ve".

Yes, a lie incorperated ...in-=corpse-eration. We do literally become the lies we cling to.

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I have wondered what separates those of us who see from those who do not. My son explained it was the grace of the Holy Spirit. Yet there are several aggressive atheists also with us in this gift to see. I do not understand that from my limited human perspective.

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Music is a universal language.

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But don’t forget that the Rockefeller/ Carnegie foundations conspired to change the universal tuning from the harmonious 432hz to the subtlety discordant 440hz

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Yeah, drag huh? The planet had perfect harmony before that.

Oh, don't forget the Rothschilds, tho it's dangerous to mention the name online.

They, you know, control all the power grids on the planet. They can't control what happens when I sing out loud tho. That ain't no digital nothin.

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Depends on how many lies your life has built itself upon. Go around insisting lies are the truth, and that's what you'll be thinking. All of those "little 'white' lies" folks tell and accept every day ..."going along to get along."

Have you ever seen "The Invention of Lying"?

Highly recommended.

I'm looking forward to people ceasing identifying as this and that and labelling others as this or that, and simply doing their best to live up to the identity "homo sapiens" .

Intelligent human. That's how people can "see". Intelligence. It doesn't come with a religion or persuasion. Matter of fact, quite the opposite.

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Excellent post.

FWIW, Archbishop Vigano also has the two best synopses of the mechanisms by which the sinister new world order is being brought into existence. Lifesitenews.com published his first exemplary summary a few months back. It is truly a must-read document that should go down in the history books as an invaluable testament to the events unfolding around us.

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He's a brilliant man, and understands this very well.

He called Francis a non Catholic Pope.

He would have failed 3rd grade religion class 70 years ago for this.

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We’re in the apocalypse. Apocalypse means “lifting of the veil”.

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A bit off topic I know but words and how there used is so important.

COVID-19. Why all capitals and why the hyphen?

It was interesting to note in a BMJ article that the word VACcine was used on three separate occasions and on all three this was how it was typed.I don't think this was accidental but I don't have an explanation. I have also sought clarification on why it is not required to asperate when these novel gene therapy products are being injected but again as yet no explanation🤔Any ideas???

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WHO says it’s an acronym for COronavirus VIrus Disease:


I use them interchangeably, Covid and COVID, and in most cases, I’m talking about the whole package of criminal frauds from start to now, as a coordinated, mutually-reinforcing program with multiple elements: media propaganda, fraudulent testing regimens (PCR), fraudulent masking/social distancing/closure policies, blocking of effective treatments, shunning of independent physicians, hospital death protocols, the lab-created pathogens, the illnesses, the injectable bioweapons and the other pieces.

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I call it COVERT19

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Rona Covert 19

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"corona"...electromagnetic field

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Thank you Katherine.

It's the biggest show on earth and it looks like there will be a new season in 2023🥳

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the american murder association, created by the nations most notorious quacks, and proud to be the sole highest cause of death in the US.

White coats are named "doctors" as in the tax lawyer "doctors" your taxes.

They took that designation when their prior designation.."leeches"...came into well earned bad repute. That's from the etymology, too.

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Some say initials for Certificate of Vaccination ID to be used not just for noting health security but for all your data as well as CBDC, Social Credit system and of course your carbon allowance.

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I also read that last year.

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Bill Gates writes it Vx. He knows it ain't...

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It's like the Wizard of Oz has control of the ship and it's all smoke and mirrors.

The scary bit is that most people seem to accept there new reality with open arms🥳🧚

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30 to 40% Don't. And our percentage will grow. But they are still running all their plans, many unopposed due to sheer numbers, secrecy.

God loves impossible odds !!

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As time moves forward the cracks will only get bigger👍

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I agree with Bill,as I understand it it's an inoculation🍻

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When it's all "capitals", it's an "acronym". SMART is an acronym, the meaning of which is "Secret Militarized Arsenal in Residential Technology".

Lots of versions of "COVID" : mine is Covert Operation Virtual Insertion Device.

People have been creative with this one. Fun is to be had....

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"Illusionists", I love it. That's what I always call their work: Illusion magic.

As Sun Tzu wrote:

"All Warfare Is Based on Deception"

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We are told that the word "maya" means "Illusion". If you seek the etymology of the word, you'll find that the original meaning is "measure".

In the measure is the illusion. The binary duality, the split. Any definition of any part of creation that is cut apart from the rest.

Heed the words of our brilliant poet laureate, many years and changes ago:

"Don't speak too soon while the wheel's still in spin, for there's no telling who that it's naming."

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I love that. The physical is the minds projection of the seeming idea of separation.

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Interesting. You got me thinking......

...the body of a squirrel will produce the mind of a squirrel. A mountain lion body comes with the "mind" and methods of a mountain lion.

Can my mind be a mountain lion mind? Or does the embodiment define the "mind"? Does a male squirrel have a "different" mind than a female squirrel? They're both squirrels, why?

Third house, intellect. Fourth house, emotions. Fifth house, mind.

I think in this model the mind is the connection of intellect, heart, and dharma. How do we choose our bodies? How do they then make us what we are?

If we see the progression from the first house, then we have intention, embodiment, intellect, emotion, and will.....acting together as "mind".

I'm still figuring stuff out. I'm only seventy two, a long way to go still.

What you wrote is fascinating, tho....I was just writing on essay on big huge guts. You have provided me with a valuable perspective to add to my thoughts . I had named it the pushing out into the world of one's appetites, ego, and will.

Now, I 'm thinking about the idea/fear of of "separation" as being part of the motivation. Thanks.

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I'm glad to be sharing thoughts that resonate especially when I still contemplate them also. We are now in a feedback loop together and I like it.

All the best my friend

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Super. Blessed Be.

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Plato's analogy of the cave was very accurate. People only see what is shown to them.

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Do you speak for yourself, here, or "those" people, the not-you ones?

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Scientific cure without big pharma - Stop covid and cancer


PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


F mn Espionage NATO, the revolutionary engine -


Best regards,

Andrea Salvatore Buffa

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The duality of this world happened because we as Spirit, a singular Oneness created by God, fashioned ourselves a separate Ego… yet only what God created is everlasting.

The outside world of duality captures our attention so convincingly, so thoroughly that minutes, hours, days comprise a collective-mind dream world where we are lured to engage through the maze of attention distractions in the Matrix, the Great Illusion.

“We think in secret and it comes to pass,

The world is but our looking glass” - James Allen

The reflection, these days especially, is the chaos of inner landscapes, storm-damaged emotional fields invested in reactions where we seem to struggle between fear and Love…forgetting that only Love was created by our Creator.

Stillness in the storm is an inside job, an inside choice. A quiet, calm mind is no small gift to the world for in Stillness we remember: “I am here only to be truly helpful”


I enjoyed reading your post, Katherine ❤️

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That is the best comment I’ve read in 2 years. I love you for even thinking that. God bless your healed mind and be still to assist mine. Peace and gratitude

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So kind of you…Thank you.

A healed mind is the journey, the work of life and mine is a work in progress!

The teaching/learning path I resonate the most deeply with is A Course in Miracles. From your comment, I think you may be familiar with it.

Blessings to you!

Happy New Year…

All beginnings are new…again ❤️

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Ah yes... I knew it. I have been with Jesus and the Holy Spirit for years through my work with ACIM and Ken Wapnick.

Mine is a work in progress also - still get all the ego shit happening but softer these days with the volume turned down a bit I guess.

May we both step back and let him lead the way is my hope. Peace

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I've found a really quick and sure method for healing the "mind".

Don't eat. Everything will change, with no effort.

The body is not important, it's secondary, the mind rules, and your mind can tell your body it doesn't need food, and your body will only feel that ridiculous fear of death which does not come from God, that comes from...Satan or Lucifer, or whoever is in vogue as the devil these days. Have no fear, none.

Stop eating all together, and your mind will be completely healed.

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Love reading Archbishop Vigano’s words.

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WOW !!! Katherine! Archbishop Vigano really gets it! He names the evils and calls for returning to Christ! This is a good read - hopefully many will see it!

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Simmering in my mind this year has been “My soul doth magnify the Lord.” As Lanza in Biocentrism might. The double slit vision excites supposition of the keyhole that Mary’s statement nailed for our species. Do we magnify by seeing with our cognititive lense and choose to be an essential part of the expanding universe? Is our free will, the expanding of our noosphere pushing, energizing the universe, a perpetual motion system? That “Biocentrism” could be a new spiritual platform for our species!

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"And she kept the memory of all these things in her heart."

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For my money she had an inkling of “La Pieta” and a prospective mom in our particular empire does also. she will see her daughter groomed for patriarchal pleasure while her sons will have the choice to kill or be killed in conflict A la Caine and Abel. There is of course the good news of the golden rule which may find its way to her children. With the WWW the ethics of today is being held up for all to choose to see the need for it and feel the call to love!

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Please explain. I get little of this. Are you for this?

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As I've been insisting for years, THE TRUTH IS HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT.

Maybe too many have given up their "plain sight" for too many complex mind games that make them feel "smart". The only thing ever hiding "the truth" is the eyes that are looking.

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