More great work. An extremely close relation to me is on Team 5 of Naomi Wolfe’s investigative team. You are not wrong in thinking that big Pharma is a cesspool of corruption aided and abetted, as you have poignantly stated, by the US Government. Our kids live in the US so we have skin in the game.

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Tell your relation thank you from the bottom of my heart for investigating. God bless and protect them all.

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I am grateful for this excellent tutorial, as I am saving this article not only to aide in my expanded understanding of this entire epoch of debauchery and madness, but also for posterity. The chronicling of this Katherine—I see a great book in it for you. Thank You.

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I'm SO IMPRESSED with the work you have done!!!!! Your analysis is SPOT ON!!!! As a retired attorney, I can see the work you have put into this and I humbly THANK YOU for it!! I'm forwarding the email to all my pals who can still think and do!! Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!

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I have no idea how you manage to turn out such comprehensive analyses so often. But I am very grateful you do. Many thanks.

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"the shift in the political winds carrying intimations of rough justice at the street level brought by citizen vigilantes with nothing left to lose and no faith in non-violent recourse to the zombified justice system."

They've already done enough to justify street justice. It's only a matter of time and scale before the administrative state leaders get the 1930's banker outcome...

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I hate to sound stupid, but of curiosity, what do you mean by "1930's banker outcome"? On one hand there were bankers committing suicide after the 29 crash - on the other, the dreaded Central Bank was instituted. One resulted in bad things for "small" bankers; the other good things for "big"bankers. Do you mean just that? The outcome was that the super rich get richer and the less than super rich get gone?

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Sorry. I was referring to bankers hanging from lamp posts. I guess I want to see folks responsible for a million plus deaths get what's coming to them, particularly those that knew all along many would die... especially the kids.

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Please don't apologize!!! I couldn't agree more!!! Your comment made me delve into the past and think!!! That's NEVER a bad thing!!!!

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Fabulous work, thanks. I am just very sorry the news isn’t rosier. Your tipping point analysis at the end is spot on.

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Incredibly important writing, from the soul and conscience of a great libertarian, with the crucial abilities of clarity and of style in your writing.Your work is magisterial , and your motivation is to bring truth to humanity which has heretofore been deceived at the peril of life itself. You are a blessing from G-d Himself as a champion of truth and of mankind.

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That traitor to the North 'Turdeau' just proposed a law to ban all hand guns in Canada on behalf of his predator globalist technocrat elite puppetmasters. Let's see how that turns out!

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Great massive amount of work and so clearly written. Much to think about and direction to chart. Thank you

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Civil war is coming. The freedom-loving people vs the would-be tyrants. They’re pushing it that way.

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These 'folks' need to be reminded that government or not, the 2cnd amendment means that 'they alone do not have a monopoly on violence.'

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The 'folks' are high on pot, watching porn, unarmed and afraid of COVID and red state residents, prescribed Ritalin or sertraline, or both, and would happily serve on a jury of "peers" to convict a terrorist guilty of being unvaccinated, unmasked or armed. They are also angry and violent and will throw bricks at you with glee once you are relieved of your firearms. Revenge for your violent thought crimes against the State.

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There is no limit to what Americans will tolerate. They accept and delight in fables and just so stories. They are easily beguiled and readily bought off. The Maquis might wake up one morning or not sleep one night and strike, but today no, no, no Maquis to be found. No militant resistance like even PETA taking up arms.

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It wasn't always so. When I was little there was a great coal mine strike. The stricker's won. The held out longer than the coal mine owners. That is the owners ran out of coal to sell so they had to pay the miners the wage the miners asked for to get them back to work.

Why did the miners win? Because there wives had victory gardens and very deep pantries. They put up so much home grown food that the were able to stay out on strike till the Mine owners caved.

There was a time. There will be again. To have it again we have to grow our own food.

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Yes. Agree we must become as self sufficient as we can and everyone needs a victory garden and like minded community. But now they can affect our home food production with weather modification: planned droughts, fires, floods, Chemtrails. It’s no accident Gates is buying up all the farmland he can.

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You mention Bill Gates. He is not a farmer. In fact rather than pay the subsistence farmers in India to learn how to farm, he stole that knowledge already old 10000 years old. He did this by putting little cams to cover the area that is farmed as well as how the people prepared the soil seed, etc.

Vandana Shiva "... declared: "With his philanthro-imperialism, Gates is emerging as the Columbus of the digital age, the New Monsanto pushing failed GMOs and trying to introduce new GMOs based on gene editing. We must take back our seed and food.



At this time there is no one more qualified to shed light on the subject than Vandana Shiva. She understands how deeply important the Earth is for all our survival.

What is involved with self sufficiency? After studying the ancient ways of India's "so called" peasant farmers, Gates etal have a reasonably good idea what it takes to thrive and be self sufficient. They also know how to obstruct it.

The Amish do too and there are others. It takes community. Not just with other humans, but with all of nature. South Koreans know very deeply how to live the traditional life and the whole of Korea was self sufficient. The USA has been there more that 50 years and that innate knowledge is all but destroyed. Now a large number of South Koreans are forgetting the old ways. For the first time there is a generation gap. It is being exploited by multinationals for profit.

Gates is just an errand boy. If you can see them like Klaus Schwab there just glorified errand boys. The real power never shows it self. At least not yet. It holds up straw dogs, lets us punch ourselves out. When were to tired to stand up and care for ourselves, then they will show up and be our saviors. Because that is what we have been trained to look for. When did we get that training. In religion, movies, video games, cell phone apps, social media and more that we don't even sense.

I was told in the 1970s that one of the easiest ways to control people was create a general panic, such as a pandemic. Because as we see people put the yoke of slavery on happily. Remember the story of the children of Israel leaving Egypt. It is hard for any of us to be free.

You can't be self sufficient if you rely on fossil fuel to run your small farm. The wives of the coal miners didn't even have horses to plow the garden. It was all by the sweat of their brow. I don't think most of us appreciate the heroic efforts of those women and their coal mining husbands and their children.

My wife and I (she is Korean, english is very hard for her, and I don't understand much Korean) farm a small 1.5 acre plot of rocky land. I don't mind the work. I think she works harder than I do. We are tired but we are very happy. We are fortunate to have irrigation water from and old gold miners ditch. We realize the day may come when that water stops. We are growing the crops and trees, learning all about what will winter and spring grow to harvest. Self sufficiency is not getting it the way you want. It is learning humbly from nature how to make do. There is so much to learn. Self sufficient farmers like Wendel Berry are rare and they are geniuses. You don't farm if you are a Bill Gates etal. Those folks don't have the stones.

As you so clearly see "Agree we must become as self sufficient as we can and everyone needs a victory garden and like minded community." All you say about chemtrails etc. is real. But as Lynn Margulis said "Gaia is a tough bitch"


It is in her lap and from who's knee we who wish to be self sufficient need to live and learn from. The rest of your worries will be composted. I wish you the very best in your journey to sovereignty

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Katherine, I'm still reading one of your links. Its disturbing how little I know and the fictions I believed.

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