You are simply amazing Katherine, a true demonstration of the power of divine purpose. We are all in your corner now.

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Great to hear!

Katherine, like I have said before, your work here is of pre-eminent importance.

I have heard numerous individuals, after reading your work say to me "Now I understand!"

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Interesting the Brunson case will be heard on 1/6... HMMM good omen or bad?

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I wonder about statute of limitations. Is there a two-year-window on some element of the case?

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No idea really but this was filed before now and just went to SCOTUS last month.

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I think they can take it up at any time, as needed. This is an interesting substack about how it leapfrogged to SCOTUS:


Also, just in case the link hasn't already been shared, here is the Brunson's website on their case:


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I listened to a rumble with someone recently and Loy. Someone at SCOTUS told him not to wait for UTAH and I don't think your post shows that. The 10th circuit in Utah did decide recently. I guess we'll see

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For all the BAD out there, I'm going for the good OMEN +

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Glad to hear you are feeling better!

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Dec 5, 2022
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No she's not. She bans people from her Telegram channel who don't buy into all the QAnon woowoo tripe polluting that place. Sceptics with an iota of rationality are most definitely not welcome. So much for being all about the data and evidence! All a front.

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Very glad you are recovering. Sending you more prayers. Thank you for being a warrior in this battle for our planet.

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Glad to hear you're feeling better and appreciate the updates. Best to you.

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I am proud to know you. Glad you are on the mend.

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Keep healing & thanks for showing up! Appreciate the Bible verse for chemtrails too.

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The spraying of the skies has seen a HUGE uptick in Northern Virginia recently.

The other day I counted FOUR visible planes with emissions (and one passenger plane with no trails) all in one sighting.

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Can they fly over Gates and Fauci’s home

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Aloha Katherine,

When tragedy strikes, the eyes tear and the Soul sees a rainbow....and the Heart begins to heal....

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Get well soon!!

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So glad you are on the mend - we have had same experience with the mouth/nasal rinse and antiviral combo. Fwiw we boosted it with 1g vit C 3x a day, 4000iu Vit D, 40mg zinc, 500mg Quercetin (not at same time as antiviral), and 100micrograms K2. With all that a 2wk illness which had been threatening to become pneumonia evaporated in 48hrs.

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If I may just wish to post this

Ginger Breggin writes with passion of the fear she has felt at being subject to a lawsuit. She explains why 'Mass Formation Psychosis' has so bothered herself and Peter Breggin.


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Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel:

"St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the divine power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."

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So happy you and your husband are doing better. As a fellow PA native, it is very disturbing the rate of contamination. I was driving through KY and WV this weekend and there is no location which is immune from the attacks.

May you be blessed by the Creator, believe in his Son and, hear the call of the spirit. We are being called in these days to rebuild the foundation or roots of our world. We need to start with the language and words so the children understand they are being tricked. Then the history needs taught. The actual history going back to the time of Cain and the belief by his line that we are not worthy. Oh the deception. After real history is taught including the societies and money magic and word magic, we need to lay a new foundation with the guidance of the Creator. And NEVER allow this luciferian deception come back.

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I was under the belief that all three branches were under the authority of HHS and DOD from the covid emergency that HHS declared on 1/27/20?

Knowing Trump passed a law enabling this to happen 6/24/19, it is hard for me to believe the courts will do anything advantageous for the people.

Personally, I really see no other way out of this other than to use our collective power to ABOLISH the entire government and take these matters into direct control of the people until we can clean up this trash, burn and bury them permanently.

But by doing this, would mean that infrastructure collapses. Now there is both good and bad in this, but can people make the ultimate sacrifice and lose everything they have ever worked for and what they now retain as their wealth for the outcome to be truly free and to shape our own future and destinies?

What price is freedom from tyranny/enslavement worth?

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