"A reader commented, taking the position that the globalists are “exterminating” people to prevent other forms of deadly chaos such as famines, economic crashes, and resource wars, due to fossil fuel energy scarcity related to peak oil. " I have heard this argument (or other iterations) put forward many times and always been appalled by it.

First, why aren't they choosing to exterminated themselves then? Secondly, who is a small group of people to designate others for extermination? And thirdly, if any of this is true, the best way to handle it would always be absolute openness about the situation and seeing what solutions we, all of us, can pull together.

There are many smart people around and we can find a way to solve problems. Somehow, this small group never thinks this way. And if they really believed in what they were saying, that there's no way out except extermination, then if they were couragoueos, they would be first in line to self exterminate. But I never see them do that.

What I do see is they use the most resources in multiple homes, jets, cars, yachts, warfare, spying (the Utah NSA computers are drinking a lot of water!), etc. I think we can tell what is really the case by looking at the actions of the exterminators.

I'm counting on human intellect and compassion to take on the problems we face. And I completely agree this must begin w/a commitment to honesty, truth, this earth and our fellow living beings.

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Goes back to the “qui bono” question. Who benefits from the narratives perceived as dominant? And who is considered, by those narratives, to be exempted from the burdens of their implications?

The convergence of those, always back to the central banker class, is remarkable.

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I have received a number of messages & even letters from people confiding in me exactly this, that the powers that be are doing their best to prevent uncivilised collapse, war, starvation etc by culling the population in a mostly peaceful manner.


The rationale for this?

Things which the same perpetrators have lied to us about for many decades.

We’re not overpopulated. Peak global population could fit in Texas in squares 100 feet on each side. Just for illustrative purposes. Nobody is suggesting it!

Population will be falling hard by century’s end.

We’re not heating up the planet. Not catastrophically. Such hubris! It’s almost all bad modelling. The real data looks well within historical variation.

We’re not running out of natural resources. Certainly not energy.

Potentially some belt tightening will be necessary from time to time, and we’ve become much cleaner at manufacturing & transport.

No. There’s a literally diabolical agenda at work here. At least, it looks like it & there are no better competing theories as far as I can see.

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I find this thinking frustrating. I feel people are not able to look squarely at what is happening. We must do so. It's difficult to fix things when one is in a state of dishonesty. I agree with Whitney Webb that the US population has a savior complex and we need to stop looking at billionaires/politicians as saviors! This is a short interview w/Webb where she lays it out in no uncertain terms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR63dl1LHhU

I agree with your analysis and will add something--the Midland, TX Oil Field is the largest reserve of oil in the world. Yes, we need to do a lot better on how we treat this earth. We can do that. Even the internal combustion engine can run at much higher efficiency w/tinkering. The US is good to go on energy, food, etc. if it was allowed. In the meantime, we have a lot of talent here who could be working on truly clean energy, environmental clean up, and good, organic food for all.

As to most peaceful culling--BS. These covid shots have been some of the most vicious, evil killing/maiming mechanisms I have ever seen. I don't know why people think otherwise. And more importantly, who appointed a small group to kill other people "peacefully" or otherwise? It is appalling and we have got to get with the truth. We are facing a powerful enemy with incredible resources. We cannot afford lies. This is a spiritual battle and that requires the courage to be completely honest about what we face. I believe we will defeat this evil but it cannot be defeated by lies, only truth.

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It seems in life all starts with baby steps though this is advancing quickly. Any ideas on informing people as they tell you I DONT BELIEVE YOU? How does one start? Too many lack common sense or a critical thinking mind , an uphill climb.

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I've asked so many people that question because I don't have a good answer. I don't know. The only partial success has been something like: did you see what the FDA said in their documents? I only say that if the person has expressed any doubt to me first. Then I try to use the govt.'s own documents because these are people who believe the govt.

If you have found anything, please let me know. Otherwise, if it is important to your own conscience, then say it and know you will get a lot of push back, often very nasty push back, but it is still worth it.

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Are you the real, legendary Dr. Michael Yeadon who was the first to warn us about the jabs? And got censored and banned from nearly every platform for it? If so, pleased to meet you.

But I do beg to differ about overpopulation. It is all too real, unfortunately. And only a fool or an economist (same difference) would think it is actually possible to have infinite growth on a finite world. There may technically be enough *space* in Texas for 8 billion people, but certainly not enough *resources*. Space is not the only resource, after all. Food, water, clothing, shelter, and energy come to mind as well.

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell, which eventually kills its host, by the way. That is true for both population and economic growth.

Fortunately, excess birthrates can be reduced ethically via 1) female empowerment and 2) poverty reduction. No coercion (or jabs) needed. So believing in overpopulation (or climate change, etc.) as a real problem is not diabolical in itself, though diabolical forces like the Davos Gang are certainly keen to exploit it for their own diabolical ends. Nuance is important.

Otherwise, I agree with you. Keep fighting the good fight!

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I see various people trying to say it's okay to commit a smaller wrong "for the greater good."

It isn't. If it's wrong, it's wrong. Don't grant these evildoers wiggle room for their malfeasance.

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A real leader, leads. If they believe it, they will live it. I don't see that happening.

I'm w/Katherine, that this ends up benefiting the same people all the time is a correspondence which is exactly like the "coincidences" of illness and death after a "covid" shot.

Genocide can never be a smaller wrong for a greater good. It's just evil, as you say.

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It's not just genocide that is always wrong.

Any wrong is always wrong.

Doing something evil "for the greater good" is one of Satan's favorite lies.

Evil is always evil. It is never good.

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That's what they are trying to rationalize in their unbelievable arrogance as they put themselves in the seat of whatever one chooses to call the creative force in the universe.

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I choose to call him God.

And the arrogant rationalizers are followers of Satan, who arrogantly rationalized his way out of heaven which started the whole thing in the first place.

Whether you choose to believe God and Satan are real, or ideas, or myths matters hugely - but not for the sake of this particular argument.

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Good point. I probably shouldn't have made that statement in the context of this particular argument.

I'm not saying I don't believe in God or Satan. I sure can't "find any fault in the man" or teachings of Jesus to quote Pontius Pilate.

Such knowledge is not comprehensible to me, or "too marvelous ", to quote again from psalm, I believe.

I do believe in a Greater power, but my finite mind just cannot understand the vastness of it. Not trying to be offensive or anti God.

That is what I believe the oppressors are doing with their atheistic hubris. Trying to make a God of their so called science and the power they have achieved through manipulation of science, and oppression and suppression of the truth.

Peace unto you Horace .

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Peace unto you too.

I don't claim to understand God myself, and I didn't think you were trying to be anti-God.

However I do think that getting people to back away from proclaiming faith in "God" by using alternative language such as you used is a Satanic scheme in and of itself. I prefer to use the word we have to describe what you are talking about without caution, shame or fear.

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You may have a point there as well. That was also not my intent, I understand what you mean, and that you're giving me the benefit of ignorance in your reply. I thank you for that.

I construe from your statements that you have strong convictions concerning the subject of being clear about the one true God. I respect that belief.

I may be naive in thinking that I can avoid the fray of that particular debate, but to me a rose is as sweet under any name, in my clumsy linguistic explanations.

I do not have the intent of abetting any such agenda, but rather see myself, (perhaps again naivete), as the man in the story of the gospel of John who was born without the sense of sight. "Blind from birth", as the story goes.

He then encountered Jesus who as it is recorded made an ointment of some kind of dust and his spittle and told him to go wash his eyes out in a certain body of water. He did and his sight was restored.

Jesus told him to keep it to himself (?), but to go to the temple and give an offering according with custom, or law if you will.

The priests thought the whole matter blasphemous, and ordered him to give credit to God, saying "as to this man Jesus, we know not who he is or whence he came."

Then comes my favorite part of the story.

The man once blind replies, "Now herein is a marvelous thing , that not since the beginning is it known of a man who was born blind being healed and receiving his sight, yet you know not whence he is? The height of sarcasm and praise.

I love that retort. Peace Horace, and I hope that gives you some vague insight into my belief. And I respect the boldness of your faith.

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The greater good is what a pediatrician said to me regarding vaccines years ago. She told me vaccines caused autism in certain kids due to a deficiency in a mitochondrial enzyme. She remained childless , didn’t want to take a chance . 🧐🤔🤬

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I came to the exactly same conclusion!

And not only they have total lack of empathy, they are also not original. I've noticed they are using the same model as Nazi's in ghettos. They used the elders to organize the transports to concentration camps (see Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt; or Vera Gran: The Accused by Agata Tuszynska, etc.). Globalists use our governments to get us under control. See the WEF "young leaders" and "shapers" programs. I've just found another indoctrination program camuflaged as an "independent" NGO in Switzerland, Stars (https://www.the-stars.ch), and guess where it was mentioned? In the interview with Özlem Türeci, the founder of BioNTech! (This NGO helped Türeci with press conference after just before launching the vaccines.) This is the evidence that the US Department of Defence is only a "subcontractor" of the WEF. (Cynthia Chung and Matthew Ehret (you can find them on Substack too) have thoroughly researched the US deep state and its connections to the new (financial) British Empire after WWII.)

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What a great find!

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To document it properly: the information that Ozlem Tureci gave interview to a Slovenian journalist at the Stars symposium in Switzerland was published in Dnevnik newspaper: https://www.dnevnik.si/1042995201/objektiv-nova/cepivo-za-covid-je-le-obvoz (article has paid access, but I have a copy).

Here is the quote with this info from the article: "V začetku poletja je svojo zgodbo delila z majhno skupino povabljenih udeležencev na simpoziju švicarske nevladne neprofitne organizacije Stars." ("Earlier this summer, she shared her story with a small group of invited participants at a symposium organised by the Swiss non-profit organisation Stars.")

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I've been thinking about the situation. When they declared that CO2 heated the planet and it needed to drop to zero, they lost me. CO2 is required and a level of near zero would eliminate all life. Everything that is announced seems designed to cause chaos. Then they offer up laws that contradict science e.g. masking required, when science shows the opposite. Then they change the definition of vaccine to coerce people to take. One which is neither safe or effective. And people are still taking it. Ive heard Harari make some interesting statements. 'We really do like you people. We aren't trying to hurt you.' ??? Is he a different species? Harari also said 'free will is gone. I will be able to create life.' 'I will be a god.' The chaos that's being created is torture. Planned and executed by whoever is In control. I believe it all starts with our belief in God and faithfulness to Him. The only chance we have to get out of this with our soul intact.

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And who else said "I will be like unto the Most High"?

There's your clue.

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I have been thinking for more than twenty years about a passage in the book of the prophet Daniel, which Jesus made reference to in the gospels.

" When you see the abomination which makes desolate, standing in the holy place...." . It also mentions that Daniel was sick for days after this revelation.

Some scholars and others have said this is reference has something to do with the temple mount, etc.

I could never feel comfortable with that explanation.

Firstly because those things that "were outward" were references to that which is to come in reality. Or as John the Baptist said - "now the axe is laid to the root of the tree, and every tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down and cast in the fire.

Secondly Jesus had said, "See these great buildings, I tell you not one stone will remain intact.

Thirdly, Jesus also said :

"When they say look here, or go there , follow not after. For the kingdom of God comes not in observation, but is inside of you."

It was puzzling to me. This is the first time I have seen anything close to fitting the description of "the abomination which makes desolate, standing in the holy place. Holy place?

The womb? Freewill? DNA?All are involved in this abomination we are witnessing.

Just jawing here. Food for thought as it were.

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Frank, my understanding is that bible prophecy provides clues in the context of the words so we dont miss the meaning. In this case the episode is likely prefiguring two events, the first one being closer in Daniels time which would be the fulfillment of Antiochus Epiphanes who invaded Israel and killed thousands. He erected his pagan idol right inside the holiest part of the Jerusalem temple which required the temple to be purified (the holiday of Hanukkah). Many believe the secondary and larger fulfillment is yet to come in the future with the final antichrist. Again, the context would say that the abomination is some kind of idol standing over or in front of the Arc of the Covenant. If it represents the future, perhaps it is something like as Paul talks about that the antichrist will pretend he is the Messiah and actually God to be worshipped--this is the ultimate form of abomination. It could also represent the 'image' of that man that talks and is somehow able to kill as the book of Revelation describes. Again, this would be an idol made after the image of that man who is a pretender. But of course there could be additional components of this that might be a corrupter of the relationship to mankinds DNA and changing it with this final injected mark of ownership again the bible talks about in Revelations.

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Yes, that rings true. There are elements of this bio terror that align with the abomination. As i said freewill, DNA, the soul or seat of emotions, the womb, etc. I agree that the ark may have been for then, but my understanding is that what was in part , in outward symbolism, has in these latter times been replaced with that which is real, making that which is in part or a shadow moot.

Paul again -"He is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart". Also, "We have this treasure in earthen vessels"

Or Jesus, "... the kingdom of God is within you."

And for good measure one of my heroes , Thomas Paine, "my own mind is my own church."

Imagine every single person in this world having a unique DNA sequencing.

To my mind, that would be the greatest abomination- to try to sit in the seat of the most high by changing DNA, freewill and destroy life that God intends to "be fruitful and multiply"

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right! he is the great pretender, but his desires and tactics are the inverse of the Most High.

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He is in league with the WEF. And the WEF logo is literally a stylized 666 if you look at it closely enough.

The Desolate One just wants to 6uild 6ack 6etter.....

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Agreed. What I dont understand is how this net zero nonsense has advanced without real scientists and agricultural people screaming from the housetops. This is slow motion genocide on a planetary scale. Satanists alone would want to kill off God's supreme creation and to destroy the earth's capacity to carry humans. Its a scorched earth policy, like Hitler did on his retreat from USSR when he knew WWII was lost.

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I agree that the evidence for co2 killing everyone does not make sense. As to Noah, whether he is animal, vegetable, mineral, came through the portal at CERN or landed in an undersea base in a space ship, his statements must be evaluated for their truth value. None of what he says is true.

They are trying to hurt us. Killing and maiming is not evidence of "liking" anyone! Free will is not gone or they would not be using force and propaganda to get their way. He hasn't made life. He isn't a god. I would say these are the statements of a very evil psychopath or the other option is he has been hacked and doesn't know it. Either way, we have to know who we are and live our lives accordingly. That doesn't mean these people cannot harm us. It means we show courage and strength and have a will to be good, to do good.

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Harari is in league with the Davos Gang, need I say more?

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Jill, I'm counting on Jesus Christ to return with a flaming sword to kill those who lie and are seeking to destroy humanity with their intentional actions of extermination. Marantha!

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Turtles all the way down....all lies built on top of more lies.

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What a great article! Thank you.

I am reminded of Trump telling us we have enough oil to last for the next 200 years! That threw a wrench into the global gears of scarcity ;)

We are learning that the stories and narratives pushed by the corrupted souls of the global elite cabal are their weapons of psychologically controlling us through fear over one scarcity or another. And not just scarcity but over health…scaring the masses into believing that we need their “science” to manage being a healthy human being!

The Great Awakening indeed ❤️

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Don't put your faith in Trump.

He is playing for team Global reset.

Bot he DJT and the GOP are covertly playing the people for fools and have been successful thus far.

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You are absolutely right. DJT is a consummate actor that takes orders from the cabal. The GOP is also globalist bought and controlled, a bunch of bad actors, unlike DJT who is a really good one.

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It took me a while, but I firmly believe this as well. He HAS to be in on it if for no other reason than because people just don’t accidentally creep into leadership here, or defy all odds and win elections. No one beats the central bankers at their own game. Nothing and I mean NOTHING happens without permission of the cabal.

Trump is a total psy op and a great one at that. That it was a complete American Cowboy story is just too trite.

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There will be no elected official that will save us. We have to save ourselves.

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We need to call upon God. We will not be able to save ourselves from the level of extreme authoritarian and satanic evil arrayed against humanity.

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Agree ArnoldF… I know I did many a times .

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Yup. And it’s funny the lifelong myth that has been perpetuated about “heroes.” Every tale has a hero.

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Take a look at this:

2019/06/24 - Congress and President Trump passed Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act - PL 116-22, 133 Stat. 905. Amended Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201), further consolidating federal power in HHS Secretary’s hands during public health emergencies, further merging public health and law enforcement systems, and further subordinating state, tribal, county and municipal governments and American civilians to direct federal control.

and this happened 6 months later as a result of the law he signed:

2020/01/27 - US Secretary of Health and Human Services Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists. Signed Jan. 31, 2020, effective Jan. 27, 2020. Renewed every 90 days since then, most recently Oct. 13, 2022. Also signed a ‘declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of in vitro diagnostics for detection and/or diagnosis of this novel coronavirus.’ The determination and declaration were recorded in the Federal Register as taking effect Feb. 4, 2020. 85 Federal Register 7316.

HHS and DOD have been power and have had full control of all 3 branches and other agencies since the beginning of Trump's last year.

DJT put the final nail into the coffin of The Constitution and HHS buried it permanently.

He knew that when his election was stolen, nothing could be done about it.

This is why we saw 70 cases of election fraud left on the table with SCOTUS claiming they had no standing.

This also tells us why Pence did what he did. He had no choice!

Perhaps this can help others understand why all the laws broken and human rights violations go unpunished by the courts?

All we are watching is a production to keep the people blind from this truth above.


The corruption is too deep and vast to overcome.

We only have one option left.

We must unite both sides and use our collective power to ABOLISH the entire government.

If we fail to take this action soon, we will not survive the present course.

We have to find a way to reach the liberal base and make them understand that ALL of us are in very serious trouble if we do not act soon.

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Loud and clear to all of us here, but most of those we encounter sure do seem to be asleep to what is going on around them; geopolitically, medically, financially, economically, and more. It reminds me of opening up a patient's body in the OR and discovering for all to see, just how deep and far reaching the cancer really is....that despite all our efforts, it just isn't going to be fixable. And you just close them up and say a prayer or two, and refer them to hospice. Our civilization is now cancer-ridden and dying. Of our own making. And there is no cure for this. Humanity stepped over the line in a spiritually unsustainable manner, our intents were/are dark and despicable and there is no redemption for these atrocities. Those of us serving as we may, the meek, we can still help a bit. But we are are all beyond critical mass. Our world civilizations are corrupt to the capillary level. There is no cure. We are watching the implosion of our entire global civilization in real time. Wowza! Can't wait to see what happens next!

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Lioness you hit the nail on the head ! Love of self , pleasure , money and convenience is overwhelming (ect) . The reliance on technology has people addicted and has dummy downed the society. It is a cancer .

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There is a cure, but the selfishness of people will keep us from using it.

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Pitiful, and so sinful.

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Pence was given a gold colored coin with a handshake after he approved the roll-call. He placed the coin into his pocket. Its on video. If you need a link, let me know.

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An upgrade from pieces of silver.

I wonder whether many of those co-opted in the small events they influenced were told, “This is inevitable, we have to do this to save humanity from itself, a different form of technocratic democracy will emerge. You cannot prevent this necessity. Here’s a bunch of money as a token of appreciation. By the way, you & I will be long gone by the time the SHTF, probably your kids also. So chill. Just do ask you’re asked & don’t think about it”.

Most people in positions of influence would have been well advanced in their careers by the time such rare conversations were had.

Why would any of them resist?

The few who started digging around met with unfortunate career or actual suicide shortly thereafter.

Pour encourager les autres.

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Yeah, the fuckers. Whores, the lot. God sees them.

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I do recall that. Thank You.

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I fear that will never happen. As I sit here, I believe 99% of the population has no idea what you’re (we’re) talking about.

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I will go with 95%, with less than 1% knowing what to do about it?

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I hope that's not accurate. I was hoping Desmets figures were close like thirty percent, lost cause, thirty undecided or in denial, and thirty awake.

I have no way of knowing , just felt more optimistic.

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I think that may be more accurate re Covid/vaccines but when it comes to corruption and the shadow govt/central bankers I believe most are unaware of even the simplest info.

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More theater. Elon also now says he received an invitation from WEF and declined. Nonsense. Our DOD including our intelligence agencies has infiltrated media and social media for years. Elon didn’t just walk in and buy it. That’s a fantasy. I hear he now wants to buy substack bc he’s so trustworthy. See how this works?

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Got to be a logical reason why retaliation has not been raining down upon him for opening up Twitter and restoring accounts that debated the "official narrative" of the MSM lies?

The White House and Biden Administration is taking heavy fire now from the lies they perpetuated about Covid and the apparent walk back of the associated agencies as well.

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I think it’s because all of that was being revealed already so best to have an insider control the narrative.

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Dec 30, 2022
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I’m afraid what’s happening is pure depressurisation.

Scams like Musk, Trump etc serve to focus people’s hopes.

While hope exists, few to no one will break out their weapons.

Instead, they’ll wait on events.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators tighten the noose everywhere.

I’m not depressurisation. I cannot even save myself. That’s the test.

In retrospect, I’m surprised they didn’t remove me before I became infamous. There was a time early in 2020 where I might have been the single most dangerous threat at least to the U.K. operation.

The reasons included that being semi retired, I could put my full attention on it. I had credibility from leading a successful career in big pharma and in biotech, where I’d achieved a “financial exit” (unusual).

My training in biochemistry and toxicology, a career in R&D around allergic & respiratory disorders gave me the confidence to call the diagnostic testing a fraud, immunology & toxicology needed to shout about the “vaccines”, the certainty that virtually nobody could benefit from such things even conceptually, which made me very sure by autumn that we were looking at totalitarian tyranny and depopulation.

I guess if I had realised the potential utility of the insights & tried to do something with them, that would have triggered an unfortunate motorcycling accident in a country lane.

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How is it possible to win this when the entire system is WEF stacked against us?

All the evidence Dr. David Martin is compiling, means nothing in a judicial system that is advancing this reset.

I have my hypothesis for the US, but it means the ultimate sacrifice for every single person(not one will escape it), and I know that Americans are too selfish to sacrifice all that they have for true freedom from tyranny.

I for one, can not sit here and play pacifist.

I am not allowed to.

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You’ve made a huge impact. Changed the landscape. Awakened plenty of people. That’s more than could be expected of any one person.

I’d still be careful taking corners :)

Very grateful to you Dr. Yeadon! Happy New Year!

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I still think he is the one to save our nation from the globalists. He may have been fooled he may have been threatened...all I know is he was a great President except for Warp Speed, but still doesn't think anyone should be mandated. He was against closing schools...it was the governors of each state taking their lead from CDC..the system. The system hates us all.

And remember, he is over 70...by that time, it is pretty hard to unravel all your ingrained beleifs we like to call facts.

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I keep staying in this debate because it's interesting. It's so hard to know, because the psy-ops are so good. He did some real damage too--as Xmen points out above. Quiet damage. Big mouth. Which is more real? I honestly don't know.

But the more I learn, the more I believe that the forces behind literally everything are so deep, so well-designed, that what appears to be one thing may not be that thing at all. And it seems silly to think that a bumbling guy like trump could just waltz in and become president just like our hero history books have taught us. I just don't think it's possible he or any just slipped through the cracks of the central banker empire. It feels naive.

The only one who did this IMO was JFK--and only because his father cheated in the election--otherwise election results were a fait accompli. And we know how they dealt with him. And his brother. And his son. And his extended family members. The most "unlucky" political family in history. It is simply not allowed.

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I think you are wise. I am still staying open to most stuff...it constantly changes and it seems it was designed to be that way. So I try and hold two opposite points of view in my head (or six impossibe things before breakfast,) and I am willing to be convinced...but given that everything I thought I knew for the past 40 years appears to be a lie, I'm afraid I am going to lack conviction on everything except that the majority of us ordinary people are expendable.

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I feel very much the same. If all of this has taught us anything, it’s that hanging on too tightly to any narrative is a mistake. It’s hard but keeping an open mind and being able to shift, say, from a die hard trump supporter to someone who can question his motives, is key. It’s definitely no man’s land but I’d rather be there than in fantasyland.

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Well, I thought as this once a short time ago, but we all know that Trump was told by Fauci in January of 2020, that his administration would see a pandemic.

Hard to not see Trump as a part of the set up now.

I don't think the killer clot shots would have been nearly as successful had Hillary become President.

Both side despise her and she hardly has the charisma to rally the crowds.

Trump(like Reagan), is also an actor and his character as POTUS catered to his ego and was a natural fit..

I still know we can get out of this, but the sacrifice will be everything we have, to ensure we are truly free and in control of our future and those of generations to come.

I don't think Americans have this in them, to be this unselfish, as to sacrifice all they have

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100% Was the 2016 election rigged? Answer: Yes, because they all are. But it was stolen in reverse. 100% about Hilary--they needed him to get this pandemic and vaxxes going. And he still has not come out and said anything about the deadly shots. Last we heard, he was still pushing them. And this is a guy that was particularly well educated about vaccines prior to his presidency. He knows plenty.

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I recall the Diebold voting documentary done by HBO in 2006 that was never released for wider view.

It talked about how Kerry found election machines in NM that were changing votes to Bush after the people clearly were selecting Kerry.(2004)

But like a good third cousin, he sat on it and did nothing.

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Abundance - one apple seed will grow an entire tree full of apples with a little care and patience.

In 2010-11 my wife and I tore down a 1901 post and beam barn by hand in northern PA. This was in the middle of the natural gas fracking expansion in the Marcellus Shale deposit in WV, OH, PA and NY. Out of curiosity, I looked into the fracking technology because there had begun complaints about the process and climate contamination. As a coincidence, the farm which we were tearing down the barn was owned by a couple in their late 50's who "lucked" into a couple of large drilling wells and a pumping station on their property. Like many had done in the 50's and 60's in WV, they gave up the mineral rights with a payment rate that was promised to be a large monthly sum. At the same time, a good friend in another part of northern PA had a similar offer, but this was based on the gas under his property with no well on site. It was part of the lateral fracking vein going under his land. He was also promised a large payment monthly.

Fast forward, the couple who had the farm where we tore down the barn was interested in getting out of farming. The deal was too good to be true, and they bought a property in FL and became snow birds. However; the initial boon also had an added farming benefit as the fracking slurry was a composition of hay and water. It was clean, had no environmental concerns and was a rotating and recurring biodegradable solution. Within 5 years of the heavy drilling, the drill companies no longer required the hay. I asked the farmer about this and he said they came up with a "better" chemical fracking solution. Within that same year, all the chaos on fracking environmental impacts took off. Hay was not used anymore of course. Due to the newly hyped up fracking attention in the media, it was more cost effective (regulations created - intentional created chaos) to pump wet gas than straight natural gas.

Within a year of the farming couple buying a place in Florida and allowing us to tear down their old post and beam barn, the payments dried up. Not because there was no more gas, but because the excuse was the world wanted wet gas and that was in the SW PA, NE WV, and Eastern OH area. More money in it... supposedly. The odd thing is the drilling companies kept drilling wells, burning them off to prep them and capped them. The same is happening in the areas around Northern WV. This shale patch as well as a newer located patch in NE Texas have America as the largest deposit of both gas and oil in the world. And it is relatively unused.

My buddy in NE PA gets a little bit a month for the gas, but nothing like the first 9 months. Again, there is hardly any pumping of the resources. In looking at who owns the oil companies and large transmitters of utilities and you see the same corporations at the top of the ownership list.

The environmentalists do not wish to talk about the reality. They are being played by the same people who want to control it all at the end of the day. They find a way to get the resources, all but steal it from the the land owners, come up with an excuse why they can no longer extract the resource, putting the land owners in debt for false promises, bringing in crime and drugs to fill the depression gap, come up with a method that took something safe and clean to something dangerous and environmentally problematic, get half of the story out to the press to drum up chaos with the environmentally obnoxious half wits, and the rest is history. If they cared about the human factor as much as the intentionally created environmental problem, people would still have their land, be self-sustaining and improving the environment, and we would respect each other and the environment more for the right reasons.

I have met some smart land owners who kept their mineral rights (especially in WV) and only lease the drilling and pumping rights. But, that is a small percentage. There is a whole psychology around this issue that the globalists feed on from the problem they created, but that is for another day.

So, if you want to learn about what is really going on, turn off your main stream media and go talk to a farmer. What is true is not necessarily the "truth" from your living room.

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Cant wait to read this carefully the bullshark of Peak Oil is the 2nd Covid-type scare psy-op after teaching us as kids where and which way to lay on the floor after we notice a mushroom cloud.

We have enough petrochemicals to last beyond the next asteroid impact or human hubris originated extinction level event which is almost certainly going to predate the next asteroid.

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Over a decade ago I discovered Dr John Coleman, a lecture uploaded to YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCzR7NCeMYA then I bought his book, “Committee of 300” … he tried to warn us all…

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Thanks, Katherine. I came to the same conclusion - none of it can be trusted. It's a Reality-Show-World of perpetually manufactured crises we've been living in. Are some things we've been told possibly true? Sure. But the over arching narrative about life on our planet has been directed, orchestrated, manipulated and distributed to the unsuspecting masses. All the messaging amounts to we can not trust life, (God, Source) or love, or goodness, or each other. This Reality-Show is an inversion of the truth. Our planet provides, our Creator is loving, and we are part of its creation. We'll need to recreate our world on a very different foundation.

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Beautifully said! It most definitely is all a twisted, evil inversion of the Truth. They are full of magic tricks and potions, propaganda and psy-ops to the extent that if you are not firmly grounded, you can easily be swept into their false reality. They own freakin' EVERYTHING so they can manipulate media, banking, wars, etc...I am quite sure they are coming for our very souls. I do not say this lightly. We must be proactive and prayactive as never before. Full stop.

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Agree. I've come to think of that as an immunity-shield - love has its own frequency - and that protects us.

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The video in this well written article is absolutely chilling. Who are/were Hararis parents??? Not to blame them but it makes one wonder how in the heck someone could despise their brethren to this genocidal level and openly talk about it as if it's "normal". Chilling.

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For another way to look at the issue please check out:

Surplus Energy Economics -Tim Morgan

Consciousness of Sheep - Tim Watkins

Our Finite World - Gail Tverberg

Plenty of energy, climate change and covid skeptics find value at these sites.

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For example, Gail claims to have been involved with Club of Rome members like Ugo Bardi but differs with them on many issues. More of an affordability crisis rather than a matter of available or proven reserves hence the concept of "debt as payment now for future energy."

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There is more than enough fuel. And water. (And thus food.) If we want it. These essential things are and always have been about who controls the points of access (and thus the systems of distribution). If we build out our lives, individually and collectively, in ways that make us more dependent on corporatist fascistic government clipboard holders, then our lives become quite ugly. “Regulatory gated communities” and physical gated communities all around and armies of homeless everywhere. Look at life in urbanized California right now as exhibit #1. It is ugly. U.G.L.Y. Look at life in almost ANY urbanized area anywhere on earth right now for that matter. The split done happened. A buncha folk went borg. A bunch didn’t. But only a small portion of those of us who didn’t go borg are doing all that must be done: growing healthy living soil and food and choosing to live in places and ways where we control our own access to clean water (and fuel, and as much else as possible - local guns and bullets manufacturing included). I know most of y’all reading this bomb ass shit here that Sister Katherine puts out are already on it. But we’re a teeny slice. I am MOST worried NOT about the borg overlords. Nope. Them I got pretty sized up. What I am most worried about are all my brothers and sisters still living in cities thinking they gonna somehow ride out a 30yr war of attrition and feed themselves and have water and heat and everything while living in a physical place where they control ZERO spigots or points of access on which their survival depends. So - if you one of these fools who I love - please do yourself and all of us a favor and get the fuck out of Dodge City while you still can. Hell, I’ll even come give you a lift in the back of my pickup truck if you ask nicely.

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Informative article -- but it, too, suggests that everything boils down to how fast we consume. AFAIK, there has never been any indication that replenishment rates of oil reservoirs even begin to approach our rate of consumption.

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Oil is abiotic. We are NOT running out. Just another lie by the controllers.

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There's somewhere on the internet a very interesting article, from Russian scientists & geologists, regarding the fact that new oil & gas is a continual process by the continental plate folding.

Their research was triggered by the geologists reporting that certain oil & gas reservoirs were way younger than others. Their proof was in the pollen grains & their associated time line dating. As such we could never out consume natural replenishment.

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Psy-ops work through a dialectic. Just like the followers of "lab leak" is the alternative story to the natural "virus". Regardless the belief is established that a "pathogenic virus" has created a massive swell of illness and death (pay no attention to the fact that all of this is fabricated).

The story about "oil" and whether or not there's enough depends on what you need it for. The economy is based on debt - money printed out of thin air by private banks. Does it matter? Are we naturally insatiable consumers of the Earth's resources that all become waste "products".? The path of Rome is not inevitable unless we allow the same game to be played as it has for over 3,000 years.

When did CO2 become an "enemy" when in fact we've been told it's essential to life? Does hydrocarbon once shipped, refined and consumed really emit CO2? (Unlikely.) If not what is emitted?

As long as they're calling the shots, than these issues do not belong to "us" but to them who flip and flop. Does peak mean no more, or a simple calculus of: it takes too much energy to extract anymore from that play? Thus a negative return? Are we told a lie?

Who discovered and exploited hydrocarbon. Who said we need(ed) it?

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.....while I absolutely dismiss MOST of the Ehrlichian (read: Rockefeller / CIA) climate-change model, WIDESCALE institutional contamination & DEVASTATING damage of the terrestrial ecosystem - NOT to mention RARELY-recognized consequences to it OF many such subcrustal extractions (not JUST petrochemicals, and there FAR more efficient, AFFORDABLE means of propulsion which were systematically suppressed - such as the murdered Stanley Meyer's water-powered vehicle; other hydrolytic-based approaches) present a VERY real existential threat to MOST life on earth, Catherine; between Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea's WITHERING interview with pioneer Clifford Carnicom earlier this week and Ben Davidson's compilation video of a year ago, 'The Earth Disaster Documentary' we ARE facing IMMINENT challenges (again; cyclical heliospheric-transit effects) like NONE before in OUR lifetimes. MANY years - I have my own potential solutions to offer but, not sure if they're part of EXISTING contingencies.....

Mihalcea & Carnicom:


Ben Davidson:


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With an understanding of Ben’s work one can extrapolate the various stages of the countdown towards the cyclical global disaster. The Ruling class likely trace their roots to previous disasters. Thus, they (again) eliminate the useless eaters, archive all the knowledge / tech, and emerge from their bunkers post-disaster as gods.

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I suspect it's all one big psy-op - dogmas created and than reversed.

People coagulate around the notion of growth which was a dogma presenting itself through and for the rulers. Included was/is the notion of "oil" need to fuel the growth economy - again a dogma presented by and for the rulers.

Now that the rulers have switched the superficial dogmas so that they'll own everything, and the rest we're told will own nothing, "we" prefer the original dogma the rulers foisted on us - endless growth fueled by some sort of endless energy source that "god" has provided us with for our endless consumption on brick-a-brack what-nots.

These are dogmas we are fed. As each is "taken away", the old dogmas become preferred, as unquestioned as everything we've be fed from birth.

Ok, just know that you should be careful what you wish for. The rulers have you either way.

Yes the injections are pure poison, their contents are no different than who murdered JFK...the final chapter to be written - or do the CIA/FBI really have a detailed accounting of exactly what their role was? Jokes on us?

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RE: "Ok, just know that you should be careful what you wish for. The rulers have you either way."

I don't agree. The rulers have the power we extend them. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. We just need bigger numbers, which I believe is happening.

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If only "we" actually called the tune; but instead "they" are the pipers and yes we allow this because we keep going back to some unimaginable time that never was; a time created by those who rule.

"We" took a path perhaps as long as 3,500 years ago and it's been more of the same ever since. Anything that continues with saviors and hierarchical order is just more of the same.

It can only be broken when we stop believing in the world they set up before we were all born. I think we need to shed all of the old dogmas. These are beliefs held dear because we've never thought they were actually problem.

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I very much admire your legal research and your focus. On this issue, I tell people, if oil were still abundant we wouldn't be drilling 15,000ft below the surface of the sea, we wouldn't be fracking, or mining tar sands. The only scenario by which oil is still abundant is if we have unlimited access to Greenland and the poles, which would imply a much warmer world.

I look at it like, our transhumanist, globalist, eugenicist overlords know resource constraints are a predicament, so they are trying to manage and hasten the population draw down. It is possible too that resource constraints are a fundamental predicament and global leadership are pathologically insane liars about everything.

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“As a result, I no longer believe there are natural limitations to food production and distribution, nor that there are natural limitations to fossil fuel energy supplies.”

Operating from a position of “it’s impossible for us to know all the facts” seems very reasonable these days. Which is why worldview is so important. Will the stated purposes of the eugenicists come to pass ultimately? I’d say no, because I have a postmillennial and presuppositional worldview...which requires doing battle for the truth, not succumbing to apocalyptic negativity. I will admit it looking pretty grim these days however....but these hard times have often been followed by great awakenings!

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I'm a former research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, and former editor of The Oil Drum. I've followed, and contributed to, the energy literature for a very long time. EROEI is the critical factor. Energy limits are very real and non-negotiable. So are financial limits (another field I've worked in for decades). The global financial system is bankrupt and about to collapse. Everything that's happening with covid and the war is to cover up the fact that we've reached limits. The powers that be are trying to impose a control grid to prevent us from overthrowing them when people wake up. The limits to growth is the reason for all of this. That's why they want to depopulate. It's true that we're over carrying capacity, even with the arficial fixation of nitrogen from natural gas. That means it's true that there will be a population bottle neck. What the WEF is doing is pure evil. Nature will take care of imbalances. We won't like it, but it's fairer than billionaires playing god. What we need to do as a species is to opt for doing our best to live within limits, by practicing regenerative permaculture among other initiatives. Nothing we do will prevent a crunch, but we can certainly mitigate the impacts. The WEF has no intention of mitigating impacts. In fact they plan to make everything much worse than necessary, because they're psychopaths. Rejecting the WEF plotting doesn't require rejecting the well established science around limits to growth.

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