For comic relief, here's a video of New Girl's True American.




For musical relief, here's Tyler Childer's Universal Sound:


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You’re such a gift, Katherine. Thank you for your sacrifice in being the detective and messenger. I can only imagine how heavy such a role must be and the most awful news but without you we’d be so lost.

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I'll forward this to the criminal network installed by the Biden Crime Family that runs Delaware to see if they'll get on it. I'll promise some crystal meth, Russian hookers, and, good booze for Hunter to see if that will get things moving.

Remember Billy Beer when Mr. Peanut was POTUS? Or Roger Clinton, and his idiocy? Or a half-witted former alcoholic, coke head son of closeted homosexual, and sexual abuser of children, according to Paul Bonaci, GHW Bush, who somehow staged a weeks-long drama in Florida with gas bag Al Gore, son of a worthless U.S. politician?

People wondered but often laughed about it all. It's not so funny anymore is it?

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Dayum !!! That's gonna sting a bit, ... maybe even leave a scar !! lol

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Does anyone know who is responsible for writing this regulation?

DOD is authorized to contract with pharmaceutical corporations to conduct ‘prototype’ experiments on the general public, and under such contracts, is exempt from legal obligation to comply with Good Clinical Practices or other FDA regulations. See 10 USC 2371b (2015), renumbered 10 USC 4022 (Jan. 1, 2021, effective Jan. 1, 2022)

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Likely the lobbyists from the PhRMA. It's run by filth, and buys Congress so it can write legislative give aways to its members like the MMA rammed through by coke head, alcoholic moron GW Bush, serial child sexual abuser and closet case former House Speaker, Denny Hastert, and Louisiana swamp rat, political flip flopper Billy Tauzin who then promptly retired after he cast his vote so he could take his pay off as the new $1 million a year CEO of the PhRMA. I was told by a GSK executive, "They [Congress] let us [PhRMA] write it [the MMA].

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Exactly as the European/U.S. largest Bankers CREATED 'The Fed' on Jekyll Island and have continued to write the laws, codes and regulations ever since.


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You might enjoy James Corbett's recent 6th annual Fake News Awards, in which he and the people dishonor the world's most illustrious presstitutes.

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You are spot on!

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probly "AI"

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Explains why McMaster banned HCQ during the first year or two so the jabs could roll out as planned.

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So far, do we have a government at all? True congress? True to only themselves along with the old routine, need more investigations, need more Committee's, need more money 🤣! More Nothing! Notice how quickly Our new government made sure that Our Fellow Americans still in Prison, now out and Exonerated?

You bet, they are hard at it !!

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They had to let all the criminals out during covid , "social distancing", you know, ...so made room for the political prisoners.

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Powerful. I detect Divine inspiration here... Thank you for your hard work.

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If ANSER is involved, .... I'm surprised MITRE Corp and MTEC (Medical Technical Enterprise Consortium) aren't in there somewhere too.

I think it is fairly likely.

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I played a hunch, .... MTEC

Develop a wearable diagnostic capability for the pre very early-symptomatic detection of COVID-19 infection: https://web.archive.org/web/20211023200145/https://www.mtec-sc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/20-12-COVID19_Diagnostics-RPP-1.pdf

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??? There is NO way to detect, in any way or at any time, a "virus" which hasn't (yet) been proven to exist.

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I wasn't implying they were involved in anything legitimate. Only that this particularly outfit might be involved in the scams and I discovered that indeed they are. Nothing more.

I am all for Terrain, viri are not real, ... unless they have changed the definition of TOXIN to suit their narrative lol. I also think quaxxines are also just Toxin's.

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But isn't it odd how the deadliest coof nations are also FIAT countries ??

02/01/2023: The Financial Coup d'état Explained | With former insider Catherine Austin Fitts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK5V89fU61Y

Indeed, it is true, government wants you dead, .... but so many countries seem to want their own people dead. ...... It's the Central Bankers attempt to salvage the dying carcass of debt slavery !!! If NO ONE buys into the evil Digital Slavery (CBDC) system they want to use to prolong their control into the far future, then their system will finally DIE.

As always, follow the money.

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You rock Katherine, thank you. It's hard to know where to start on all this info.

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This is BLOWING MY MIND. Those people getting awards in the ANSER video look so "normal" but they're up to no good........

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you ever been physically close to any of these freaks? I have. If ghouls are "normal"....the elite are creepy beyond human language. To be in their presence is to be in the presence of evil. Not good.

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Thank you Katherine. Powerful post.

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Hi Katherine, I'm a Canadian independent neck deep in the swamp up here. I've only just discovered you, I'm digging in thank you so much for all of this, I will share some of it across our networks. I will backlink of course but I'd love to chat, compare notes and if it sounds fun...host some discussions! Thank you again, look forward to connecting soon! wayne@whatsupcanada.org

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Are you aware of this document from the United States Government Accountability Office, dated January 2022?

COVID19: HHS and DOD Transitioned Vaccine Responsibilities to HHS, but Need to Address Outstanding Issues.


Basically, it says what was originally called

"Operation Warp Speed"

was renamed to:

HHS-DOD COVID-19 Countermeasures Acceleration Group (CAG).

The document says: "According to HHS and DOD officials, the CAG dissolved and transitioned its responsibilities—including DOD-led vaccine activities—to HHS by December 31, 2021, as required by an April 2021 memorandum of understanding between the two departments."

It continues: "While HHS and DOD officials said they achieved transition milestones indicating that HHS is ready to assume responsibilities formerly led by DOD, it is unclear how HHS will address its workforce needs now that the CAG has dissolved. Specifically, GAO found that HHS has assessed its workforce capabilities, but lacks strategies for addressing these workforce needs. By formally providing its support until HHS develops and implements these strategies, DOD can help ensure that HHS can continue these responsibilities uninterrupted, including responsibilities for addressing ongoing vaccine needs for boosters or for any emerging COVID-19 variants. Moreover, HHS does not have a schedule that is consistent with best practices to help it manage remaining vaccine-related activities. Such a schedule could help HHS better plan actions and mitigate delays, and be a source for identifying lessons learned for any future pandemics."

Are you aware of this alleged transition of power/responsibility? Do you concur it happened? And what does this mean to your theory of the case? I have just started to track and digest what you and Sasha have been presenting, but if your understanding includes the transition that allegedly took place 13 months ago, I didn't catch that point.

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My understanding is that DOD and HHS are merged, along with DHS, DOJ, State Dept., Treasury Dept, and most other federal agencies, into a single Monster that goes by many different names - Deep State, Administrative State, etc.

So yes, I’m aware of reports like the GAO one you linked (although I don’t think I’d seen that specific one; there are hundreds of them) that the front-agency is shifted from time to time, from DOD to HHS, from HHS to DOD, from HHS to DHS, from FEMA to BARDA to DARPA and all around the mulberry bush.

But because they’re all just fronts for the operation, where it’s publicly housed at any given moment doesn’t matter as much as who is doing the public transfers and re-transfers, which is the permanent, private or public-private partnership administrative state coordinating committee — PHEMCE and other similar committees — working on behalf of BIS and WHO.

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Thank you for your reply Katherine. What was compelling about your findings is that they connected the dots using publicly available official documents. The GAO document indicates the DOD is no longer a part of the operation. So, in my mind, it appears like we have lost the paperwork trail for attributing the official power behind the continued foul promotion of the Covid injections. What now explains what we see? Who is behind the promotion of boosters, bivalent injections, etc? All of the dangers that originally existed with mRNA injections and their terrifyingly low purity still exist. Yet the plan is the same even with the DOD out of the picture. It is unsettling to me that we seem to be back to the place where there is a faceless, nameless power, strong enough to command the Executive Branch of the US Government. Perhaps we will never find the pseudo-legal framework for that.

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The DOD is not out of the picture.

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DOD is HHS is DHS is DOJ (and all the other federal agencies) and they are, in the aggregate, a front group for BIS/WHO.

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Let me just make it CRYSTAL clear for you and Sasha, this is called Mossad running a bioweapon out of the US.

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Katherine, you do realize that Mossad has infiltrated every level, as in EVERY level, of the US gov't and the agencies? So this will include the NIAID/NIH. But it's okay to blame everyone else, in fact, you SHOULD, or you will be anti-Semitic and go to hell for sure.

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When you realize that Israel is just the Rothschilds' human shield, we're not the ones being anti-Semitic....

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