Please don't use Bailiwick comment sections to post repetitive screeds about the organic constitution and state nationals movement.

I encourage readers who want to learn more about those issues and/or discuss them to visit and comment at Shire Herald https://shirenews.substack.com/ and TASA (The American State Assemblies) https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/

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Thank you. The movement is delusional. Fraud on top of fraud. This is OUR land, we were murdered and defrauded out of it. Thank you again.

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So many scams being perpetrated at the expense of fearful people who are desperate to understand and cope with what is being done to us. Sad.

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"...fearful people who are desperate to understand and cope..." The problem being, to wit, they are seeking understanding from the source of their fear. The internet research capability is open to everyone, and perhaps if people would utilize it, then they would have less fear. As long as people seek counsel from public school, doctors, clergy, experts, social media, and news readers then the situation will never change. Ever. One cannot cure poisoning by drinking more of the same. It's normalized Stockholm Syndrome.

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https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/ gives a red exclamation mark in the url bar of the Brave browser, which usually means the SSL certificate of the site has expired. There may be something else going on, but if Big Brother is messing with that site then it sounds like one that people should know about.

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"But they try to set those differences aside and work together as much as possible to achieve the goals on which they can agree: killing lots of people and weakening the survivors (physically, economically, socially, religiously and politically); stealing lots of resources and productive assets; and centralizing lots of power in their own hands."

Hi Kathrine, I follow and agree with most of your work but I do not understand the logic of the above argument. Please help me out here.

What drives these rich bankers? I can only come up with greed and power. Underneath, of course, is a deeply injured heart caused by a cruel upbringing, forming a psychopathic narcissistic personality disorder. Of course, they kill if threatened or if there is a positive risk/benefit.

Granted, really sick psychopaths kill to see the fear and despair in their victims that they can't face in themselves. But those very sick ones need to kill themselves to live out this compulsion and they are usually not very functional. I doubt many of the highly intelligent highly functional bankers belong to that category. They are just "normal" psychopaths but yes, they would delegate killings if there is an advantage.

I can't see any advantage for either WEF of Bankers to randomly and deliberately kill or weaken millions of American people because

1. their richness is built on millions of hard-working and hard-consuming ordinary people. The amount of rich billionaires is highly correlated with the productivity of a country, and the size of the population of a country. Yes, AI robots might take over in the future but not yet. There aren't millions of useless unemployed eaters that need to be killed off. Even, if there were, the way how they do it (through random injection) would not target the unemployed, but the employed productive ones much more (through mandates, social status etc.)

2. The way they apparently kill (through randomly injecting American people) is selecting for the wrong group. It will select the working, productive and compliant part of the population - the easy to control group - and spares the rebellious anti-vax group which appears to be a much bigger threat to them. It doesn't make sense to me.

I am planning to write a substack article on this and would love to have your opinion about it first. Can't wait to hear your arguments as, as I said, I have a lot of respect for your work.

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My view is that they have made deliberate contractual agreements to serve the devil, and are fully demonically possessed.

I’m Catholic, and I believe in the existence and earthly power of Lucifer, Satan, demons and many other types of supernatural evil entities, and in the existence of hell as a real place.

That answer probably won’t be very satisfying for you, but it is what I think is true.

The human participants — central bankers, public health dictators, judges, legislators, presidents etc. — are motivated partially by their own earthly success goals (wealth, power, sex) and they’ve contracted with Lucifer and his minions to achieve those goals at the cost of selling their souls.

And because they’ve sold their souls and are possessed, they must also pursue Lucifer’s goals, which are primarily separation of human souls from our Creator God, and death of human souls in states of mortal sin, to increase the population of the eternally damned in Hell and slow the population growth of the eternally blessed in Heaven, who are people who die in the state of grace.

If this is a topic that interests you, I suggest starting with the Art Bell-Malachi Martin interviews from the late 1990s, which are on YouTube. Fr. Martin was an exorcist with extensive direct experience with healing people who were possessed by demons.

If this is a topic that doesn’t interest you, consider the benefits to evil people and to demons, of persuading good people that evil supernatural beings don’t exist and are not actively engaged with human beings.

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I completely agree with your interpretation of events Katherine and include a short segment from my "Our Garden of Gethsemane Moment" in way of additional edification for those who are interested in the spiritual component of what we are facing:

"Satan wants no one to gain salvation. He wants all human souls to die the second death (Revelation 2:11, 20:14, 21:8) and be eternally deprived of contact with God in the beatific vision. As St. Augustine teaches in the City of God. “Death comes to the soul when God abandons it forever, just as death comes to the body when the soul departs…there is also a total death for a man, a death of body and soul… The consequence…is the second death, so called on the authority of divine Revelation.” Our Lord Jesus Christ taught this in multiple ways: “fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Hell”, Matthew 10:20; “Amen, amen, I say to you, if anyone keep My word, he will never taste death” (eternally lose their soul), John 8:51 and “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”, Mark 8:36.

Those who are either profoundly Satanically influenced or who are fully Satanically possessed have already "sold their souls" for wordily gain. They know exactly what they have chosen and why as well as what is required of them. A traditional Catholic teaching is that habitual sin destroys the intellect and weakens free will, which helps to explain why these evil people never seem to publicly repent before death. They are already in a sense, eternally lost .

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The book of Romans says that God has given every human a functioning conscience. AND that if a person does not know Christ, and yet obeys the dictates of that God-given conscience, he/she will receive mercy from Him.

I believe that, because we have Free Will, we can choose to obey that conscience, or not. But every time we silence that nudging of conscience, that voice gets smaller and smaller, until we CANNOT HEAR IT ANYMORE, we get a "seared conscience". And then we become savages.

I have watched this happen in family & friends.

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That's pretty aware of you to have seen a "seared conscience" in real life. I've only seen it in two places: (1) the CCP can use force against the Chinese people until the people give up their conscience and serve the CCP like a mindless robot. (2) What Katherine mentions above . . . . "At the top tier, the Bank for International Settlements owners do it [it = enforcement]" . . . . For this "top tier" they participate in child sacrifice as part of their satanic rituals. No conscience there, all of which allows them to follow through with their destructive plans for humanity. But, not every last soul on earth is susceptible to a "seared conscience." They will fight for what's right and rise to new heights.

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I'm 75+ years. If you've been paying attention for years, you see things, especially outside America. I evacuated Saigon and Iran in Khomeini years, and went to the 3rd world a lot.

I think the very visible rise of pure evil has also brought out the honest, brave, and trustworthy. Many are God's people, but not all.

Not everyone has a seared conscience, or there wouldn't even be those words in scripture. But it clearly illustrates that it's possible, and then those people are well on their way to the demonic contracts Katherine mentioned.

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Suddenly, like you say, the visible evil is bringing out "the honest, brave, and trustworthy." I must trust that good and freedom will prevail. The magnitude of the fight is in question. If only more people could see the truth of it all sooner than later. The longer the "wake up" takes, the harder and longer the fight will be. My prayers have gone from "help them O'Lord" to "spare us O'Lord."

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I am, by the way, 74. And I can say that the road to ruin has been a long one. Only we were quite oblivious to the fact because in the 1950's, the local and state levels were still more unencumbered by 'the federal power' than not. And we still had real money in silver coinage and silver certificates. And we did not have sales tax on the goods we bought. We had the illusion and/or last vestiges of Liberty.

Now it's change you can believe in ... or is it just change which cannot be ignored?

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Every force provides a counter-force in a dualistic world. Evil always brings out the good in people.

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I understand.

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Ah free will !!!!! I am writing a substack about that as we speak. One of my favorite topics.

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Yes, I've been referring to these people as demons for a while now--there's really no other word that does it justice.

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We know who they are Rev 2:9 & 3:9. It is the Wests very own Christian Church who has failed us. They now have prosperity religion, God wants me to be rich kind of stuff. The mind boggles.

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It could well be infiltration of the Church by nefarious agents. Justification of calvinism viz. make more money. Young ppl turning away in droves. then there's the whole Catholic priest scandals.

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Useful idiots is my preferred tag.

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People really are good deep within but are so easily distracted and sidetracked then hurt and damaged and angry and sad then at the worst hateful and vengeful. God created all of us with the light of Christ within but pride takes over easily. We know best.

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Thank you for engaging. I am deeply interested in spirituality and fascinated by your answer. It deserves serious contemplation. I reflect on it and we will see what happens after that.

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It's a multigenerational death cult that worships Lucifer. Those at the top aim to achieve The Great Work. In the here and now that manifests as Transhumanism to seek eternal life, and Technocracy to limit population. Both run fully against God's will.

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Katherine, I deeply respect and appreciate your work, and your devotion to the Catholic faith, so please receive this comment with that in mind.

I agree with you that there is something demonic about the entities running the show at this juncture. But don't be fooled by Father Malachi Martin.

Once upon a time, I too was taken in by his charm and intelligence. I thought he was valiantly "fighting the good fight" for all of us. However, I became suspicious of him, partly because I realized that, once he ditched his priestly robes and took up writing, he seemed to have started receiving an awful lot of support from a publishing industry that I know to be subversive. (Consider that someone like you is not making the front page of the New York Times, but Malachi was a regular feature on the New York Times Bestseller List.)

I really liked Malachi and wanted to believe he was one of the "good guys," so I did more digging on him. What I uncovered was that, under the covert influence of Rabbi Abraham Heschel, he campaigned for some of the changes that were part of Vatican II. Changes that fundamentally changed the direction of the Catholic Church, and not for the better.

Of course, I realize what I am saying will just sound like complete bunk to anyone who is not at least partly tuned into the Jewish Question. But if you start to look around at a lot of the actors involved in the covid scamdemic, it's hard not to notice a disproportionate number of Jews and jew-ish people (like Malachi Martin was) getting in on the action.

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Noted. You're not the first reader to draw my attention to those issues, and you won't be the last.

I've weighed that information, against my analysis of qui bono -- who benefits from the discrediting and marginalization of Fr. Martin and his work? -- and against my evaluation of the fruits of his work in my own life and the life of the larger society, as compared to the fruits of his detractors' work.

Based on those assessments, I'm committed to the geopolitical and theological analysis he assembled and wrote about while he lived, and to using his analysis as one of the foundations for my own work.

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Well, you are definitely doing good work, Katherine. If you've extracted the best from what Fr. Martin had to say, more power to you.

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I like your logic. The who and the how are getting much clearer to more of us thanks to these thoughtful writers, but the why remains unclear. I do not believe the elites are psychopaths or have evil upbringings. That is counter-evolutionary. One guess is they simply need something to do because life is otherwise quite boring. If we could change our desires, rather than allowing them to tell us what to desire, we could change them. Stop desiring and coveting the things they tell you to need. Good Friday is a day to begin.

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After these insane creeps have killed off most of humanity what will be left is not much. There will be bickering power mongers all wanting to be the top dog. They might kill each other off and then the destruction of humanity will be complete. I think that once you go down the road of murdering humanity, you just cannot turn it off at a set number. I don't think you can have a several million millionaires (or ultra rich people) or such without a huge foundation of support underneath. That foundation is humanity.

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It might help to get a handle on this Ma Mu, as I quoted above at:


My own take on the motivations of these unproductive parasites is the fundamental human drive of fear which causes greed. These rulers know that our 21st century civilisation driven by 200+ years of virtually cost-free energy came to an end around the turn of the century.

We have now entered a new global paradigm of de-growth moving to negative growth. This threatens the very basis of the elites' phantom wealth which they know will evaporate in short order and return from whence it came - aka, fresh air.

The is known as debt destruction and it will upon us before the decade ends. Hence the reasoning behind UN Agenda 2030 and all that follows from this. I describe the process here: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-the-end?s=w

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I agree that the billionaire oligarchs of the world know about the end to affordable energy. But I think Agenda 2030 is just the story being told by their WEF marketing arm. The real plan (to cut down on energy use and implement a restructured future) is exposed by their current drive toward CBDC and digital IDs. I think public health is being used as an vehicle for getting digital IDs (starting with vaccine passports). Digital IDs and CBDC together would represent the end of financial transaction freedom, and therefore the end of all freedoms associated with Constitution-based law.

I believe the oligarchs fully intend to rule over a global totalitarian system with them as lord and master and us as tightly controlled serfs. The life of a serf doesn't require all that much energy. The lifeSPAN of a serf can be cut short by malevolent centrally-controlled policies.

The labor of serfs can be used to build nuclear power plants or whatever the masters might want to establish as their preferred solution(s) going forward.

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Agree all the way Russ, exactly my assessment and the published evidence is too strong to be countered by any crap about 'conspiracy theories'. They have been at it for decades and now they are out in the open. You are right about Digital IDs too - they must have compliance to see their plans to fruition but Covid set them back.

What's next I can't say and can't guess at this stage, but this short video about how CBDCs are working in China (4 years ago!) is a clue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXyzpMDtpSE

Perhaps a few minutes on how PsyOp works is quite an eye-opener too:


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What about how they are changing europe by allowing immigrants from Africa which by 2080 due to european birth rates will make "white european" the minority. USA is made from immigrants originally european but with your border controls many from latin america coming in. These new people will accept lower wages, the individual european cultures will be eroded into one melting pot, easier to control. Remember, they play the long game. With the digital ID they want to bring in, to have a bank account, register with doctor, travel abroad, eventually travel out of your allocated 15 minute SMART city, you will be required to be up to date with "vaccinations." People who refuse will no doubt be outcasts scrimping and bartering trying to exist. Go read Patrick Wood, Technocracy News. The Green Agenda is all about de-industrialisation of the west, been happening for 50 years. I agree that the workers have been more compliant but I don't know if the instant deaths were meant to happen, I think they have been experimenting with different contents to perfect whatever desired outcome of these jabs, either AI related, or to produce certain diseases down the line. Either way, a few million deaths and injuries is just collateral damage, nothing to worry them.

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You Tube. Barbara Lerner Spectre. Apparently said to a private audience and allegedly did not know she was recorded.

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Yes, most of what you say worries me tremendously and is very possible. No doubt there is a move to more and more control. And yes, collateral damage - they don't care.

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"What drives these rich bankers? I can only come up with greed and power".

Some may genuinely believe the world is over populated. They may be right?

It is possible we were created by a creator force and that there is a counter destructive force set to destroy. The Bible would have us believe that Satan wants us to follow or worship him which of course means destroying our Godly world.

Read about those behind the Bolshevik revolution. Warning, not easy reading. Much cruelty.

Book: Tell The Truth And Shame The Devil by Gerard Menuhin. He brings the work of a number of authors together. Worth reading. I have several of the books he quotes from and can vouch for his research.

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I don't think the truly believe the world is over populated--I just think they truly believe this is their planet and they own it all (and they really might own it all via fake money created out of nothing), and now they want to reduce the population to a more manageable number. This guy thinks they want to reduce the population to just a billion-says they are obsessed with this:

Former Russian Military Intelligence Officer, Vladimir Kvachkov: 'Pandemic' is Planned Depopulation


(He says there is NO pandemic, this is a global strategic special operation, command exercises of the behind-the-scenes powers who want to control humanity. The goal of the behind-the-scenes financial powers is depopulation--he says it's their fixed idea, they want 1 billions of ordinary people left to serve about 100 million of them)

I've read Onward Christian Soldiers by Donald Day--worth a read IMO. I'll look for that book you referenced (I found a review at big-lies.org) Interesting that we haven't been taught much at all about the Bolshevik revolution.

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fwiw- I found a free pdf of that book over at unz, but so far the link is dead. I'm hoping he'll fix the link because based on the review, I'd like to read it. I haven't found it elsewhere.

But I did find an interview of the author here:

Gerard Menuhin on “Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil” _ on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio https://noliesradio.org/archives/119011

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I believe their investments have been recognized by people as failures and toxic to earth, paradigms such as GMO, Bayer, Monsanto,injection, chemo, geoengineering. By a coup they can maintain paradigm status quo preventing legal, financial, paradigm losses.

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I think the answer is simple:

Look at the entire history of civilisation, from its earliest formations around 4,000BC (in Mesopotamia) to our current times. So over that ~6,000 year period how many years have the major societies lived under free, open/rational and democratic rule, where the general populous had the power to vote out their rulers if they didn't perform to the people's satisfaction?

If I was generous and loose in my definition of societies that meet the above criteria, then maybe some 50 years in ancient Athens ( though they owned slaves and only male Athenians could vote), perhaps when the Magna Carta was signed into law in early 1200s may have had a small effect for a few decades (but limited in scope), and perhaps since the French Revolution and Enlightenment from late 1700s to early 1800s we began to see more open/rational rule. But its implementation since 1800 has been sketchy at best, with long periods of misery and tyranny for many around the world.

So that's about 100 to 200 years, at best, of relatively open/free societies and rational rule where the people had some of the power, but this was only for a few select Western nations. That leaves some 5,800 or so years, or about 98% of our time living in 'civilised' societies where the general populous has been exposed to brutal, tyrannical rule by the whims of sociopaths and psychopaths.

Do you think any of these rulers throughout history ever considered your rational arguments about having a healthy population? When you have absolute power, you care nothing for the people or rational arguments. As long as your wants and needs are meet, the rest of society rot as far as they care.

So don't assume what you lived through for most of your life is how societies function inherently. The current set of sociopaths and psychopaths (globalist elite) are in the process of returning the world to what they would claim is the 'natural order' of things, i.e. we are enslaved and impoverished and they own everything.

These criminals have always been here. They just had to go a little underground and work behind the scenes for the last 100 years or so. But now that the instruments of control have advanced to a point where they can be implemented effectively, they plan to rise up again and return us to poverty & misery, while they fly around in private jets, eat meat and party amongst themselves.

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Hello from Belgium - I love this Bailiwicknews-Substack and subscribed immediately. I also love this Ma Mu comment. I have been asking myself the same kind of questions; the whole destruction seems devoid of a intelligent end vision. One thing that strikes me the most is how there is a kitch element, old fashioned taste to it all. As though this is not from our times anymore; It is an obsolete male 'conquer' and 'kill' ideology. It also hates the woman. It hates nurturing. It despises children and innocence. That's why I strongly believe these people are utterly small and wounded men who definitely have a destroyed mother-son bond. In the end, when all of us would be gone, what will the end result be? The 'conquer and kill' won't be healed; of course not; they will kill each other and the whole horror story and suffering has been all for nothing. The whole story is that these men hate themselves and extrapolate it onto us. How ridiculous is that? .

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Solzhenitsyn spoke of a World Split Apart in the Harvard Commencement Address delivered in 1978. It turned out not to be 'the cold war' screed the Harvard Dons had hoped for. Instead, it spoke of a crises in spiritual values in the West. And I have to say in retrospect it was a prophetic speech. And as such, it should be pointed out that the division is a split was from the traditional Western Christian moral law order into something else quite demonic, wholly Satanic in character. This was brought home to me repeated. And if one needs a clincher, it would be the Gotthard Tunnel Opening ceremony. Five European heads of state attended. None objected to the quite obvious Satanic pageantry on display. My conclusion after 74 years of life is the horrors we suffer and undergo in the West is all because Men have forgotten God, and have substituted a Satanic Demonic Death Cult in its place. That is what Woke Marxism is ... and an is deceptively billed as Globalism.

As to what has been lost, you list is well. And as to "The whole story is that these men hate themselves and extrapolate it onto us. How ridiculous is that?" True. All true. But even more than that, they hate God. And in doing so, they hate life and any notion of affection and family union. For my money, it would have been better that such as these were never born.

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I so agree! Happy Easter!

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I think these people are mostly if not entirely atheists and everything is about their believing that they know best and need to micromanage everything for our own good. The Pope is on board with this so not all atheists, but I believe the framers of the movement are all atheist at heart. A few lives lost along the way is necessary and will lead to a "better" world, when they can call all shots. This is satan's plan, but the players are only useful idiots. This is the same way Marxist, Communist, & Socialist people think. (also the left in today's politics). They are all on the same side with plenty of infighting, but united in that logic, compassion, compromise, rhetoric, money, etc. are all used toward control of the narrative and control over decision making (eliminate free agency). This is why religious people are always the enemy to eliminate. They know God intends our growth to be based on free agency to make mistakes but keep trying to become like him. One cannot truly learn without free agency. A "heavenly" plan and a dangerous, devious, & ruthless enemy in satan. I will not capitalize satan-ever.

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FEAR of the people revolting … that’s what drives the powerful now … they need to have us under control ..that’s why the China style surveillance being set up throughout America..

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Apr 8, 2023Edited
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It's as you say. But they are ingenious little demons capable of coining such slick phrases as the 'Public/Private Partnership', and 'stakeholders' of this and that as a replacement for shareholders and real property rights.

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Well said. Agree 100%.

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Basically the people that own the world just bribe or kill everybody.

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They own the money, so they own the world.

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They created the money out of thin air and literally used it to buy up the entire world. I listen to financial expert, Greg Mannarino, and he explains they are now using their money created out of thin air to buy up the debt market and the stock market. Apparently, they own it all and can do whatever they want.

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Perhaps Sandra, but do not lose sight of their need for compliance. Without the willing agreement of the common people, rulers are powerless however much imaginary wealth they own.

Money is only a means of exchange; it doesn't create energy - the lifeblood of any society/civilisation. Dr John Day has a great explanation:


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That sounds a bit more hopeful. I'll look at this link, thank you

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»Without the willing agreement of the common people, rulers are powerless however much imaginary wealth they own.« – This is the most essential realization that the majority of people have not yet come to.

Rulers stop ruling when subjects stop obeying!

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So very true DT - it is sad that so few understand they have the power? What can we do to wake them up? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhNJJmmCkqY

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Thank you for the link!

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no they can t. Human being are smarter. We can put in place a parallel economie through exchange of goods and skills. You build my house and i grow your veg for ex.

We possess far too much material things. We can do with much less. Life is not about possessions. The economie will break down: so what ?

Covid has been a good lesson not to listen to " authorities" or to comply to its dictates. I know it is not always easy, especially when you have children. But one has to start somewhere.

We can organize ourselves in small groups to help each others and to resist.

I have been poor all my life by western standards. But i have been free. That is no loan at the bank for anything. Once you borrow, then they enslave you

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A less depressing view about money is that money is not a person. Money is just a thing, and not an agent.

Individuals choose to corrupt themselves because of money, in some cases, or are coerced into corruption because of money, in other cases.

But as long a person is alive she can repent and change her ways.

It's really only about the victims deciding to stand up to the criminals.

Money itself causes nothing.

Simple demonstration: take one million USD in Federal Reserve Notes and flaunt it in front of a cadaver as if you were offerin flowers to a donkey; then command the cadaver to follow you and do your bidding in exchange for the bills. The cadaver will not do anything at all.

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They want a world without boundaries or distinctions so they can more easily manage it, a colorless, sexless, low-average IQ rabble with low impulse control, poor discernment, and no creativity or spirituality. We need to endeavor to be the opposite.

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Or extort the pedophiles.

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Blackmail and kompromat are also very powerful enforcers. The effect of guilt (about, eg, pedophilia) in politicians/officials is powerful.

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Good point. Will add.

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Whitney Webb’s book, “One Nation under Blackmail” covers the topic.

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That sounds good...

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Yes, FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds has talked about this a lot--she says they have blackmail files on many/most politicians and judges. It might be the case that to be a judge and get on those nominating lists, they have to have dirt on you. Also, the way I read things is that whenever a politician is involved in a scandal, it is often because they are not being obedient puppets. So TPTB use their media to create a scandal and get rid of them. This happened with Cynthia McKinney questioned the war games on 9/11, when NJ Senator Torecilli questioned the 9/11 narrative, and when Gov of Illinois Blagovich said no more business with Bank of America (scandal the next day). And I think there was a Congressman from PA who also questioned 9/11 to some degree, and then he got raided by the FBI.

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Yes, Catherine Austin Fitts also understands this subject. She refers to the dirt they have as "Control Files" and, yes, they have a file on everybody in public life.


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Thanks Katherine for your persistent, consistent work I rely on for one of the most relevant understandings of Covid-1984.

“The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free.” Spinoza

Keep safe and free.

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Wow, I love that quote, thank you

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Even better?

“Man is a God to Man. The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free. The more clearly you understand yourself and your emotions, the more you become a lover of what is.” Baruch Spinoza

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The only thing that all of these things have in common is operating “behind the scenes.” None of this works when people see what’s going on.

This entire global operation exists because of, “Look over there!” A never ending string of, “Look over there!” People are distracted, mostly with normal life, but also with the constant news of disasters, and nonsense social issues designed to inflame the population and keep people focused on anything other than what’s going on.

As long as people are too busy to unite, they won’t. That’s pretty much the whole plan. Many people seem to be more ignorant of what’s going on now -- now that people have much more information at their fingertips, more than ever before. Mostly because they are focused on nonsense social issues.

Information is dangerous to those trying to operate behind the scenes. That’s why congress is getting ready to past the “Restrict Act” S.686. There is no way that this WON’T pass, because it’s the last card they have left, so far as information control goes. The “Restrict Act” works like Obamacare for the internet. It doesn’t list what can and can’t be done, it is a control structure. S.686 creates a system by which a few people can determine what is and is not acceptable, those people are unaccountable, and there are no checks on their power. Think of the head of The Department of Health and Human Services. Who does that individual answer to?


This is where I think things are going to get bad, because alternative media is going to be largely shut down before this is all over.

I recommend that people download and store as many articles and videos, at home, as possible, because many news sources we have now will be drastically limited sooner rather than later. They aren’t going to shut down information sources, they are going to make sure that they can’t report actual news. That’s how this works. Nothing is “illegal” it just won’t be allowed. Again just like Obamacare, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor -- only your insurance won’t be accepted anymore. So, you won’t be able to afford your doctor, but nobody said you can't go to that doctor.

A safe assumption is to assume the opposite of what you hear on state approved media. That’s going to be one of the only ways to navigate things once this bill passes. Think Palestine Ohio, the state approved media said, "Everything is OK, people can return to their homes." Really?

"All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force." - George Orwell

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Here's some alerts sent out by Dr. Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty and John Birch Society (you can sign up for free and get alerts)



If you go to these links, they give you a way to send a quick message to your representative and Senators--at least we can let them know there are millions of angry citizens out here who demand they stop the tyranny.

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I'll have to check that out.

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The other places that also send out alerts and where you can sign up for free are Stand for Health Freedom and TenthAmendmentblog.

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The Assisinations of many non compliant leaders of African countries and Haiti was step one.

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As usual, this was a well written, thought provoking article and thanks Ms. Watt. For those who may be unfamiliar with the topic, I would highly recommend "The Creature From Jekyll Island" as an excellent piece that is a very well sourced and timely explanation of the forces at play creating much of the turmoil at the present time and throughout much of modern western civilization. It might help us all comprehend who is truly pulling the strings. Great post and thanks for your work.

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For an even deeper dive, Antony Sutton's exceptionally well researched and meticulously documented books on how it was the international bankers of the US and Western Europe who financed both the Bolshevik Revolution / USSR and the rise of Hitler / Nazi Germany (bonus points: Prescott BUSH played a big role in financing the latter!) This is NOT how we've been taught to understand 20th century history and it changes the lense through which one looks at the Covid Era and the Great Reset through which we are now living. More bonus points: Patrick Wood (Technocracy) cut his teeth as a young research assistant to Dr. Sutton and received co-author credit on the Trilaterals book.

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Yes, all good books!

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Thanks Debra and right on! That was exactly the point of my reference regarding the machinations of the moneyed overlords/banking families that have apparently been skewing western civilization for the past few centuries, at least. Very important and enlightening. I'm glad that there are others out there like you. Best wishes to you and yours.

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Other actions against non-compliant states: fear of the next pandemic.

"If at such a time it becomes necessary through lack of willing vaccination members to adequately reduce population to sustainable levels more severe versions of the virus may then be released which will appear as naturally occurring. This action will increase vaccination compliance particularly amongst unwilling nation states."


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Evil.... "This action will increase vaccination compliance particularly amongst unwilling nation states." My people of the land beg to differ. We don't doctor, we don't vax, we don't care about any of their evil plots. Trying to stick us with a needle is the same as trying to stick us with knife.

We make no distinction. One kills fast, the other slow, but it is death none the same. The whole covid hoax debacle was only possible because, generally, men have become so weak. They talk tough, but its all bluster. Think about it? If men would not protect, could not protect, their families and children from evil, masquerading as medicine, what will they protect? Nothing.

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Who stated “If at such a time….?

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The post was made almost two years ago without attribution. My guess is that it is an excerpt of a speech by Klaus Schwab justifying depopulation using climate change and was directed at national politicians who were being told to carry it out.

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Love you, Sasha and Kathy. Stay strong. Happy Easter. Jesus will come back soon (not for the rapture dream, but in a renaissance of knowledge of God on Earth). The people who put him in the sepulcre and closed it with a stone and try to guard him, will fall like the soldiers 2000 years ago. Nothing can stop his coming back. After the age of the Father, and the one of tge Son, we'll have the one of the Holy Spirit. The slaughter that is happening is the slaughter of the innocents. The Sunday of humanity is coming, a short time of peace on Earth (1000 years symbolically).

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At the header of my 'Letter from Great Britain' posting tomorrow:

"BIBLICAL EASTER MESSAGE: "I know your affliction and your poverty, though you are rich! And I am aware of the slander of those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact a synagogue of Satan" (Rev 2: 9)

Although nobody, even Jesus will know the day or the hours, except God himself, I suspect that the portents indicate that we are in the End Times and thus is it imperative to repent - Protect & Survive: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/progressing-plan-b-a-quarterly-review?s=w

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The Bible we have today was largely compiled by Constantine or rather Constantine's scribes, the Elite - Council of Nicaea 325 AD. The Old Testament was first translated from Hebrew to Greek around 300 BC. Our Bible appears to be very plagiarised, distorted or even in parts fabricated. It is hardly the word of God. I do believe we were created and have a creator force to reckon with which opens up a raft of questions. I am familiar with the verse you quoted and also 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 and especially 7 & 8. Cheers.

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Thanks Brian, I agree with you and share your belief in a Creator. This book convinced me by mathematical logic: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gods-Undertaker-Has-Science-Buried/dp/0745953719

However, I tend to quote Bible extracts as they were generally acceptable wisdom, I'm sure this isn't true today! Like you I have researched origins of the Bible which are of course mixed up with all sorts of fake news much like the myth of King Arthur.

There is always some truth hidden but distorted over the centuries - it makes for fun and games as a hobby. This article is worth considering although I guess we will never really know. I have spent hours discussing the JW's claim that the 'Bible is the word of God' without any objective evidence. They merely claim that the Bible says so, therefore it must be true - it's a circular argument with an assumed, unproven premise, but they will never accept it - thus is the nature of cults in general.

Anyway, you may be interested to read this - here is an extract:

"I hope to have shown that there is ample cause for radical skepticism regarding the autobiography of the Roman Church. It is not just legal documents that were forged. The whole underlying narrative could be phony. In the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century, one man, Jesuit librarian Jean Hardouin (1646-1729), spent a lifetime researching and questioning Church history, until he came to the conclusion of a massive fraud originating in Benedictine monasteries in the thirteenth century" https://www.unz.com/article/how-fake-is-church-history/

Best wishes


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I wonder if Kennedy is going to be

- a distraction

- part of a way out of this tyranny

- another enforcement mechanism via the climate change scam agenda

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kennedy doesn't want to be president. he wants to split the democratic vote so trump can win

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Victoria: From your mouth to G_d's ear!!

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I am hoping this is true.

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He knows full well he will never be supported by his party simply for daring to fight against vaccinations for children and that really upsets big pharma and Bill Gates, both huge financial supporters of the death party. He has an unknown ulterior motive that will eventually be revealed.

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Bravo Katherine, you have it one but also don't forget how the former global leader, America, is being eaten alive from the parasite inside as well as under external attack from the BIS driven globalists. https://iaindavis.substack.com/p/its-the-trust-in-authority-stupid?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1149422&post_id=109841105&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

The US military/intelligence/complex already has control of all the establishment institutions from the Senate, DoJ, Executive and Congress. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/03/06/people-behind-biden-announce-creation-of-formal-national-surveillance-state-yet-no-one-seems-bothered/

But what defence do the common people have against such powerful onslaughts? I can only think of withdrawing into local economies: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-localisation?s=w and not complying through NVA: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-special-36e?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

I would welcome other ideas and guidance on how we can cauterize this parasitic invasion within our commons. We should never forget that 'The Commons' is the cultural and natural resources accessible to all members of a society, including natural materials such as air, water, and a habitable Earth. These resources are held in common even when owned privately or publicly. We must recover our birthright from these robber barons. Here's some light relief: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2c-X8HiBng

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I have some thoughts here: https://livingagoodlifechurch.wordpress.com/inspiration/ and here: https://livingagoodlifechurch.wordpress.com/interactive-workshop/. I will come to your town if you donate for my transportation costs.

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This is excellent work, Pastor, we are singing from the same hymn book. I am sojourning in UK at present but plan to return to South Africa next year. Our prospective local economies will require spiritual guidance and your programme is good to know. I have added you to my databank and as events unfold I am sure we will find each other again as/when our Creator's plan dictates.

In the meantime, go well,



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I cannot understand how John Perkins was was allowed to live.

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Good piece.

Here is my comment from Sasha's article which you referenced:

You hit the nail on the head. Ernst Wolff wrote and spoke about this- here is a good interview of him from Nov. 2021:

Ernst Wolff on the deliberate destruction of the global economy


Here is an excellent article on this from Off Guardian in Jan. 2023:

COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation


A quote from the article:

"The timing of the COVID fraud became necessary as world markets were faced with an emergency debt crisis in Fall of 2019 which popped up in formerly mostly liquid markets: Repo Markets, Money Markets and Foreign Exchange Markets.

Western governments began a rush to salvage this decaying system, stem this cataclysmic landslide, bail out large scale investors and proactively install a security infrastructure to control the inevitable social disorder resulting from this collapse. This would be followed by a global financial reset, after a period of hyperinflation, destroying both the value of debt and the corresponding paper claims.

The financial system was already in an advanced stage of decline by the fall of 2019 as illustrated by the Fed taking over the Repo market in September to short-circuit the Repocalypse. This collapse began in earnest in 2008/09 and attempts over the last decade and a half to salvage this corrupt economic system only delayed the inevitable.

In the Fall of 2019 the crisis began to rapidly unravel again.

A dramatic decrease in industrial production characterized the banking crisis of August 2019- the so-called Repo crisis when suddenly banks started to refuse US sovereign debt instruments as collateral for overnight loans, forcing the Federal Reserve to step in and print money to cover this massive shortage.

The Repo market is where banks borrow money each day so that they have a certain percent of liquid assets at the end of each day in order to meet certain fiduciary requirements.

Around the middle of September the Fed started pumping $10-20 billion per day into the Repo market to keep interest rates down so banks could borrow the money to stay in business. Even as the Fed was pumping as much $10’s of billions per day into the Repo market it was still not enough.

By early March the Fed was pumping $100 billion into the Repo market in order to stem this existential crisis.

Simply everyone on Wall Street was loaded with enormous debt and was holding on to US cash in order to service this debt, refusing to finance purchases of foreign currencies and then US currency as the Repo Market froze at 10% interest on overnight Repo loans. US treasury bonds and even US bills were being rejected as collateral for Repos.

In March 2020 the liquidity crisis spread from primary dealer markets (TBTF banks and Hedge funds were bailed out in September) toward all other stocks, commodities, bonds, Collateralized Loan Obligations, Mortgage Backed Securities, Mutual Funds, Exchange Traded Funds, as well as various Ponzi schemes such as Structured Derivative Products traded on proprietary platforms representing up to several thousand trillions of dollars.

When US treasury bonds became illiquid due to exponential growth of public, but mostly private, dollar debt, even as the FED was sucking up cash from financial markets all hell broke loose.

The entire House of Cards which was falling for six months could not be stopped so COVID hysteria was manufactured to cover up to what amounts to $10-15 trillion of FED bailout in cash and stock boosts via Permanent Open Market Operations (POMO)- a fancy way of saying that the Fed is buying Treasuries, pumping money into the financial markets and handing out guarantees of value of collateral used in structured derivatives.

The end game,currently in motion, is for the Central Banks (Fed) to buy up all the toxic, worthless debt from the hedge funds and banks, including the 1.5 quad trillion of derivatives, and then transfer the debt to the treasury as sovereign debt. They will then print money to infinity, already fully underway, to service this fictitious debt to sink the dollar via hyperinflation and then foreclose on the US and everyone else holding debt in worthless dollars.

That’s the coup: global hyperinflation to vaporize the assets of the masses and the states in order to hand over public assets to private investors. This allows the ruling class to mop up properties (bankrupted small businesses, foreclosed homes etc.) in order to stake limitless claims on everything in the world.

The timely arrival of the Covid-19 “emergency” provided the rationale and the opportunity to freeze the US banking collapse with massive injections of cash. Somewhere in the neighborhood of $8-10 trillion was paid to US banks up until March 2020 with an additional $5 trillion in economic stimulus promised by the Fed.

The manufactured perception that there was a global medical emergency, beginning in March 2020, was an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this was made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities."


The article touches upon other objectives of the Covid Operation.

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How timely that the "washing of the Apostle's feet by Jesus Christ was featured on Holy Thursday when it actually occured almost 2000 years ago (John 13:3-15). Later that night, Our Lord experienced profound agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, such that he actually sweat droplets of blood (hematidrosis) from the profound autonomic discharge associated with intense emotional distress. It is noteworthy that the Gospel of Luke, in which this information is contained (Luke 22:44), was allegedly penned by a physician of the time, which adds to the authenticity of the account. Thank you, Katherine, for featuring this important event with such a beautiful painting.

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Dear Katherine, in the state of Western Australia, the enforcers of the WHO treaty will be the established mechanisms and scaffold already in place in state of Western Australia under the 2016 Health Act and iterations. I wrote here (in my clumsy way) about all the threads that twist together to essentially capture the people here when the next pandemic is declared: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/gates-meets-with-australian-pm-to



In the above documents, the orders are carried out by "authorised officers" which is either the WA police force or military. The good news is that WA Police is stretched catastrophically thin, but what I suspect will happen is that they will pick people off who are in anti-government leadership positions in the community (we are already on lists) and rely on the citizens to rat out the rest. There are very large internment camps all over the state.

You will also note that the above documents have provision for authorised officers to 'vaccinate by force' if directed by 'health officers.'

This is the culture of fear that was created from 2020-2022, and they will be looking to replicate this scenario for the next purge: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/genocide-denial-now-occurring-in

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Will never happen. In any case, you cannot kill your way out of an information war. This will simply have to get so bad that it collapses organically like when Stalin died and the gulag system fell apart. Freedom is the exception, not the rule. I wouldn't want to be the people orchestrating this though, that's for sure. Their time is up.

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