Comments opened Aug. 14.

(Comment threads are closed for the first two or three days after posting, to reduce distracting, abusive, off-topic content and maximize thoughtfulness and deliberation.)

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I have listened to the interview/discussion with Dr. Ruby. I am edified that she asked about your faith and your witness to the power of Christ. There was also good information presented, but foremost was the very necessary acknowledgement that we can do all things in Christ who strengthens us. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us now and at the hour of our death +

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You're quite a gifted woman; intellectually and in faith from God in God. So enjoy the process invariably outlined by which you derive your writing based within depth and the Holy.


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I appreciate your contributions above most of what I encounter each day in this apparently new world that we are in, and I therefore want your burdens like too much worry to be lifted in Jesus' name. All of our burdens are useful of course because they do come from Him but He does like to hear from us when our suffering is uncomfortable so that He can show us what only He can do. Even the process itself of talking to Him does alleviate the suffering for a moment at least if only because we the human can only really occupy our minds and hearts with one thing at a time!

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It is important to understand that the Constitution does not apply to Federal Citizens because they traded their rights for privileges. The only remedy is to get out of those contracts and ultimately to become a secured party creditor. I write about this and other remedies on my substack if you would ever like to discuss further. https://jeffwitzeman.substack.com/

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Morning Katherine,

What was the name of that book that details the BIS?

Tower of Basil/Babel/Baphomet :)

Thanks in advance!

Want to learn more about who runs the show.

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Tower of Basel. Author: Adam Lebor.


I think it’s a very good and useful book, but did find it helpful to translate the statements he reports about the benevolent intentions of the men who set up the BIS to their actual, malevolent intentions.

For example, prior to Covid, I would have simply accepted their statements about the need to have centralized finance and governance in Europe for the purpose of preventing more world wars, at face value. And that was one of their key arguments to generate political support, or at least political inertia, among the governments that eventually formed what’s now the European Union.

Having seen through those kinds of benevolent/malevolent lies by means of Covid, it’s easier to do those translations while reading Lebor’s book and get even more depth of understanding out of his reporting. Taking the same example, the actual purpose of the EU centralization project was to further the long-term BIS owners’ goals of population control and the stripping of national identity and national sovereignty that stand in their way. And they fomented the world wars to create the pretexts for the ensuing centralization of power.

BIS owners have made the same types of argument as to why the bank must be chartered outside of all national legal systems, through international treaties that make it a law unto itself. They say that control of international finance is too important to be subject to governments that change and shift in response to political forces, suggesting that they are somehow not also political in nature, and engaged in a geopolitical project to carry out their own geopolitical ideologies.

I don’t know whether Lebor actually believes the BIS controllers claims about their good intentions, or if he also thinks they’re liars who have been lying and manipulating public perception of themselves and their work since the start of BIS and its precursors, but wanted to get the book published, and so had to mask his true understanding.

In either case, his book is well worth reading and I’m very grateful he wrote it and the publishers published it.

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Thank you for the suggestion and your thoughtful response!

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