Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

I can objectively accept that the depopulation has been a purposeful endeavour. I can look at the excess mortality figures in heavily dosed countries and acknowledge the danger signals. It’s all a very clinical, objective comprehension. It’s like the suit I put on when I worked as a psychologist- it distanced me from empathizing with clients.

But then last night I read a message from the uncle of a bitchute film channel I have dipped into over the last two years. I had little info on the poster - he was yet just another channel. I discovered he was only 25 with two young children who died quickly from an aggressive form of pancreatic cancer. Just like a friend of my sister - young children though he was in his mid 50’s. I cried for his passing and for all those who have been killed by their governments.

It didn’t feel like objective numbers anymore but real people. I think that’s what Marc CRISPIN Miller is trying to get across with his ‘in memory’ posts.

The dead, and disabled from the roll out are real people with families and love ones. The enormity of this evil goes beyond words or even thought concepts.

As we come up to Remembrance Sunday I can no longer say the words ‘never again’. For them it’s been ‘do it again and again’.

At a rally I held up a poster of the Dunkirk landings that read ‘Did they die in vain?’

I’m sorry to say - I think they did for we only won that battle but look to be losing this war with the same ideology.

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Keep writing when you’re tired, you get right to the point, no mincing words. Dr. Jay. J. Couey I found and listened to from the start. He remains at the head of the pack for his relentless exploration and creative thinking and caution about being too sure about anyone or anything embraced as fact. He does accept Latypova’s worldview about the scale and likelihood of evil.

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A vital point that is overlooked, altogether ignored or purposefully kept out of these discussions by many in the "Covid skeptic" movement, and especially those who have the biggest megaphones, is the simple fact that there was no pandemic- period.

A deeper dive into the history of these frauds, starting with the HIV/AIDS scandal, is essential to understanding the trajectory and operations of these "health emergencies" and the present day workings of the "Covid" fraud.

If this is not properly understood then there is fertile ground for yet "another response", "a better response" etc. for the next invented "pandemic." This then means the merry-go-round spins ad infinitum.

What must be understood is that all of these "health emergencies" are founded on fraud, money laundering and racketeering.

The propaganda is not simply limited to "how the pandemic was handled" or the countless peripheral aspects of the fraud- it is foundational to the creation of the very thing itself.

That the "Covid pandemic" was able to produce the cadavers this time (unlike the Swine Flu hoax of 2009) by killing the poor, mentally disabled and fragile elderly via policy and mass medical slaughter should make it even more imperative to investigate how and why all of that was done rather than persisting with the Big Lie that there ever was a pandemic.

That this is not front and center of the many discussions amongst 'Covid skeptics' is quite troubling.

Asserting a priori that there was a pandemic serves as cover for these ugly crimes.

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Thank you Katherine for your heroism. And may God bless you.

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I just recently subscribed to your substack and enjoyed, in particular, your topics and synopses here. What resonated most, though, was your reflection on our inability to conceive of such evil -- largely because our schools have not taught us the historical precedents for, literally, generations. Incompetence, or by design for that long?

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If not already considered, may also be worth taking into account some of the flaws in mRNA vaccine technology pointed out in this excerpt from CHD TV 2022.10.21 (00:45-29:00) ( https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/friday-roundtable/worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m-d-sucharit-bhadki-m-d/ ) by Dr Bhakdi MD, which in summary shows that:

* Antibodies generated by covid.shots are both useless and dangerous (even if spike protein was not dangerous in its own right, like it is); that is, the antibodies generated:

___* Never leave bloodstream in order to reach lining of airways, where they would need to be in order to capture/neutralize viruses that are breathed in

___* Automatically activate "complement" (killer system #2) to kill cells that produce spike protein (a non-self, foreign protein), resulting in damage to cells lining blood vessels, which in-turn causes blood clots to form in blood vessels while also exposing organs around damaged blood vessels to attacks by “complement” (as they can now be penetrated by mRNA, which is housed in lipid nano particles)

* Such serious, life--threatening flaws also exist in non-covid mRNA vaccines that are being rolled out

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Eugenics is a racket. Always has been. Science is also a racket, but at least it's debatable, or at least it's supposed to be. Scientists are purveyors of ideas seeking funding. Which means they are also salesmen. Which means they all live by the old sales slogan - baffle 'em with bullshit.

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you nailed it!

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I think is time already to see those responsible in front of a judge!!! Haga International Tribunal?, maybe? How many people need to die ? we talk, we explain, we demonstrate..and still people continue to suffer and the vaxx is still pushed on us; I personally know o family who lost a man 53 and two teenagers after vax; and this , because they were forced to take the jab in order to continue to play hockey! Corona Committee with mr. Reiner was a hope, 400 interviews , depositions,.... still no action to prosecute!!! in between, the plan go on as designed ! Here is Australia: https://elylazar.substack.com/p/does-australia-really-need-more-central?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=531192&post_id=83827611&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

Side track. I've heard about a Japanese MD in Nagasaki and his hospital staff and patients who were not affected by radiation exposure, bc they were consuming Miso (fermented soya) and seaweed (Iodine). Subsequently Japanese researchers investigated further the effect of Miso.

But I have never heard of these Jesuits in Hiroshima. I looked it up on the internet. There was a Jesuit monastery 4.5 km away from the epicentre. It was partially destroyed. (There was a small church closer to the epicentre too)

More recent research revealed 16 Jesuits had suffered from radiation exposure.

So I am curious about this unaffected Jesuit story. Is this a kind of urban legend?

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Why did the legitimate businesses accept that? Insane, disgusting.

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from Steve Kirsch' substack:

"Did Doug Brignole die from COVID or the vaccine?"


"The coroner did not take any tissue samples so we’ll never know for sure."

So a registry of people who demand autopsies if they die, and tissue samples taken as part of those autopsies, is needed.

I would have posted this as a comment to that article but its for paid subscribers only.

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