This article aged EXTREMELY well: https://thecommonsenseshow.com/conspiracy/deagel-documents-reveal-cia-depopulation-plans-us

1-Mass roundup of political dissidents

2-Dusk to dawn curfews

3-Rationing of essential resources

4-The seizing of personal assets such as food and water

5-Control over all food and water

6-The prohibition of weapons of any kind including guns, knives or chemicals which can be turned into explosives

7-The confiscation of property, homes and businesses

8-Arrests without due process

9-Massive “papers please” checkpoints with intrusive searches

10-Forced relocations

11-Forced conscription into various labor camps and even into the military

12-Outlawing of free speech

13-The installation of massive surveillance programs and the establishment of snitch programs

14-The total control or elimination of religion

15-Control of the media

16-Executions without due process of law

17-Total suspension of the Constitution

Rounds it up nicely. Maybe #17 should have been #1?

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Agree, that is a good summary list and article.

The military/LEO control of food, water and roads in and out of cities is written in to the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, drafted by Johns Hopkins. And versions of it have been adopted by about two dozen states, at last count I’ve been able to find. I’ve seen some articles about the difficulty that the US federalist system, leaving significant governing power in state governments’ hands, rather than centralized in Washington DC, poses to the globalists, and their sustained efforts to undermine that division of power.

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I am thankful to be living in Florida instead of New Jersey now. Have seen a lot of interest in a Convention of States. Praying that DeSantis continues to check for election fraud.

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This is a saving grace to some Canadian provinces too.

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Recently read a long essay by Kevin Mugur Galalae detailing the decades old UN Depopulation Project. Are you familiar with him? I came across him last year and wasn’t sure what to think.

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This Kevin: http://objects.liquidweb.services/depopulation/Peace%20Without%20Poison.pdf

is a bit cuckoo. His contribution to the "world cuisine" is to make depopulation overt rather than covert. For common good, of course. Stop the pretenses and push ahead real hard, openly. Well, maybe in 2023 we'll get to that point.

https://globalfreedommovement.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/KILLING_US_SOFTLY_THE_GLOBAL_DEPOPULATION_POLICY_COMPRESSED.pdf :

"It is the task of this book to reveal this silent offensive’s secret methods and insidious means, which make up the world’s greatest con, so that an awakening to the dire realities we face will prompt each and every human being on earth to demand a share of the responsibility and population control can be legislated across the globe, with little or no resistance, for the next three generations or until our numbers are sufficiently low to allow humanity to live in balance with nature and at peace with itself. This is the only way our children will have a future and a life of dignity."

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Thanks for this info. All the bad news dovetails together. What science fiction movie are we in?

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Thank you! Here's the complete video of Galalae's message: https://youtu.be/cRp9ThcilTU

He's a totalitarian "useful idiot" believing in the totalitarian population management solutions. Including forced sterilizations, euthanasia and other abhorrent things, all in the best interest of humanity. No democracy allowed in his world view. Only top-down totally rational and ultimately benevolent depopulation/genocide. Communism in its worst incarnation.

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"The Walking Dead"?

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" Deagel report" - still can't grasp where they got the numbers from. Any clues as to their methodology?

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No, but some of the articles I’ve seen mention that they sourced their data from CIA projections.

I’ve known about the Club of Rome and their 1972 report Limits to Growth for many years, but until recently, I thought it was a prediction based on computer modeling of trends in industrialization, pollution, population, energy resources extraction, EROEI, and so forth. Which is how they market it.

The famous graph is here:


Recently, I’ve started to think of it more as an articulation of a plan, that’s been executed to meet its benchmarks, since the mid-1970s or earlier.

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we'll see how it unfolds in a few years. Boosted seem to be doomed to slow withering due to immune system impairments and concomitant disease/mortality, even if not outright coronary system damage and collapse due to S spike proteins in short- or mid-term.

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Club of Rome - a club of wishful thinking. Let's see how successfully they move from gambit to Endspiel.

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