Here’s a direct link on UK Column’s Rumble page https://rumble.com/v1zzehm-doctors-for-covid-ethics-symposium-5.html

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People are starting to see “it”... I pray that one day, I can try to live a normal life again. And not be obsessed with this crime against humanity anymore.

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I'm with you Bones, but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to unsee what I've seen and learned through this. And maybe that's a good thing. I certainly feel a helluva lot more knowledgeable and empowered about how to maximize my own health without relying on some loser in a white lab coat who happened to get a sheepskin from some fraud of a medical school.

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With a full-time job and young children at home, there's absolutely no way I can ever watch six hours of video, even if it were Nuremberg 2.0 itself. So I really hope somebody does a good job of summarizing this and transcribing the more important bits. I can read pretty fast.

I would be interested in your professional opinion about these developing lawsuits:


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I think it's good that Berkovich is trying to get some AGs to investigate and prosecute. I think it's all about wearing them down, at this point. Todd Callender, David Martin, Francis A. Boyle and many many others have been trying for two+ years to get the prosecutors to change sides (away from globalists, back onside with people) without success yet.

But to whatever extent Covid is increasingly understood and expressed by people who talk about it, as a political/power/governance issue, not a public health crisis, that will ratchet up the pressure on the prosecutors at the state and county level to get on board with criminal prosecutions in their own political interests.

My own view is that Covid is first and foremost a religious/spiritual issue, secondarily a political/power/legal/governance issue.

But whether politics if primary or secondary, once it moves up past the fraudulent public health framing, it has better odds of getting some traction.

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I hear that. I limit my video and podcast listening pretty strictly too.

I watched/listened to the third section (Getting Away from the Control Grid, moderated by Catherine Austin Fitts) from the Rumble video:


That section runs from about 2:34:00 to about 3:50:00, so it's about one hour and 20 minutes.

Contents include a 15 min presentation by attorney John Titus about the mechanisms through which the federal central banks control the commercial banks, and the same mechanisms (larger scale) through which Bank for International Settlement controls the federal central banks of each country.

With particular focus on how Central Bank Digital Currencies will, if "voted in" by each country for convenience purposes, place all individuals and all countries under direct, minute-by-minute BIS control for each financial transaction.

Then there was a 10-15 min presentation by Corey Lynn about her research on the history and effects of the 1945 US Congress adoption of International Organizations Immunities Act (and related laws), that set up legal immunities and privileges for officers, employees and family members of dozens of international organizations (such as UN, WHO, World Bank, BIS and also private sector contractor corporations).

Essentially, since 1945, the people who work at those organizations have had a separate legal status, exempting them from criminal and civil laws that apply to people who don't work for those organizations.

Then there was a 10-15 min discussion between Catherine Austin Fitts and Attorney Carolyn Betts, about the implications of BIS, financial secrecy, private contractors conducting government business, and sovereign immunity laws and treaties, with particular reference to the 2008 Great Financial Crisis and specifically the fact that US government officers (such as then Treasury-Secretary Tim Geithner) simultaneously wear globalist governance "hats" as BIS board members and advisors.

They work with each other through BIS to get international criminals off the legal hook, such as HSBC, while wearing their BIS "hats," and doing things that would be illegal if they did them wearing their US government official "hats."

Sasha Latypova's presentation about DOD/HHS weapons programs, pharma contracts, BARDA accellerator programs, etc. started at 3:18 and went to 3:39, and was followed by a short discussion among Sasha, CAF and Meryl Nass about biodefense history, how to get attorneys and judges to deal with the reality that the US Government is openly engaged in mass murder through pharmaceutical and financial weapons, and how to get more of the public to understand it and apply political pressure at pressure points that can change the trajectory of the cull-and-enslavement program.

That discussion ended at about 3:50:00.

Sasha's 20-min presentation was a shorter version of an excellent 1 hr 20 min overview video she posted on Dec. 2 on BitChute:


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I obsessively watch everything I can find.. on this, and a couple of other topics. I started to break them into smaller videos, to share with others who don’t have enough time to watch the entire thing at once. This is my rumble channel. I try to upload at least 1~2 things every day. That I think are interesting, or a short clip of something that I think people should try to watch or listen to, when they have time. https://rumble.com/c/BonesMama

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Hello Katherine,

I just wanted to say that thanks to Sage Hana, I just finished listening to your Nov. 4 talk with Sasha Latypova. JMHO, but an excellent analysis. Thank you.

I am an American ex-pat in Japan (40 years now), and with as many Australian and Canadian buddies fighting the good fight as fellow Americans. So although the 5 small stones approach to using the legal system may not be as effective outside of America (and to tell the truth, I have little faith in what remains of legal institutions and recourse anywhere), I still think your big picture analysis needs a wider audience.

I was just wondering if you think other than getting put into Facebook Jail again, posting a direct link to your chat (and the above), in either 'private' groups or on my own homepage would put me in any more danger than the populace at large is. This is very powerful information, and I want to use it as strategically as possible. Much thanks for all you are doing.


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I think you can circulate it anywhere you want, without increasing your personal risk much.

As far as I can tell, the predator-parasites don’t care if we (the peasant enemy targets of their global war) know what they’re doing and discuss it amongst ourselves.

They get off on knowing that we know they’re killing us and taking all our stuff, and that they’ve set up the human legal systems to render their acts (for now) unstoppable and unpunishable.

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Thanks for the advice Katherine.

(sigh) Sounds about right.

I resigned in protest from a tenured position in a Japanese college for what I thought at the time were blatantly racist policies. But after gradually becoming more aware of the more or less equal distribution and persistence of ClusterB / dark-triad personality types (the pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and neuro-structurally-defined psychopaths among us) ... I think I would have been collateral damage in an American institution as well. Now reading A. Lobaczewski's ''Political Ponerology'' and it pretty much verifies the macro trends world-wide are fractals of the family skeletons in the closet, just made worse by the dysfunctions of scale ... and my experience of Japan, a fractal of what most of the world is experiencing now.

I will proceed, and spread your word as if there were no tomorrow. Besides, I'd rather go down fighting the good fight with the best of humanity than a slave for Mammon.

p.s. I was pleasantly surprised to find you were a philosophy major at Penn State. I started my academic career as a rather undisciplined biology major (UNC-Wilmington) and then gradually fell into philosophy (Chapel Hill) as personal therapy and an attempt to integrate superficially disparate domains. Still on that path intellectually, but morally grounded in empowering the marginalized and holding authority accountable. Maybe temperamentally built that way. Not enough to pay the rent, but then again, that might be the fault of our landlords. 😅

Cheers Katherine,

and thanks again.


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Hi Steven,

Could you please link the Nov 4 talk in for those of us that missed it? Greatly appreciated if you are able to.

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You’re the best ! Thank you . Sasha summed up your research again https://www.bitchute.com/video/8ftbShzrkjl9/

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Where does the American people do now ? …it feels like Nazi Germany

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Hi B. One guess is to use history as a template.

What did the Jews do in Nazi Germany do?

Who helped them?

What did the French resistance fighters do?

I only know superficial bits and pieces of recent history, but I intend on picking up my reading and writing, before only approved books allowed. I am afraid that my Kindle library is larger than my paperback or hard-bound. It would be relatively easy for Amazon to digitally burn the library of Alexandria.

Cheers buddy!

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Unprecedented Steven M … more sinister , more players , than Hitlers Germany and when big money involved… avarice and greed take over peoples’ souls .

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Much appreciated, thank you. It really is the first time in my life ( last few years) that I realised freedom is somewhat of an illusion. Nevertheless, I prefer to understand the reality of things as much as possible. As we are faced with the new normal I am grateful for the dedication to truth you are revealing to those of us trying to understand what is happening but without the ability or skills to accomplish such a feat. Thank you Katherine for this incredibly important work. Almost noone I know believes this yet, but I notice there is less hostility toward questioning what is going on so I am hopeful more people can learn from these writings and videos in the future in order to understand the fragility of freedom across the world.

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This one is quite interesting, please watch if u have time . https://www.bitchute.com/video/8ftbShzrkjl9/

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Hello Kathrine, I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a question and I don't know who else to ask. This morning (12/11/22), I watched an episode of "The Common Sense Show" by Dave Hodges on Utoob. This was in the 10 am EST hour. He stated that there is a section in the Defense Act/Bill, I can never remember the name of it, that will provide, when passed, total censorship of dissenting voices to anything government. Including banning people from the internet. I went back to find the episode to grab the link and it is totally gone. It was listed as having been posted 4 hours before I watched it. It is not in the list when I search the episodes. I spent 2 hours or more scrolling through Utoob looking for it. ....Nothing.

Have you heard anything about this being in this bill? I had no idea who else to ask, nor where to try and look in the bill, if I could find it.

Thank-you VERY much for your patience!

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I think they’re talking about JCPA: Journalism Competition and Preservation Act.


Presidents have asserted the power to shut down the Internet and other telecom services for a long time, back to WWII at least,


but the JCPA is another element of the same program for centralized information control.

As is CyberPolygon


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Thank-you so VERY much! For the reply and all the links! I appreciate it more than you know! Bless you!

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Great painting must be late 15th century, never heard of the artist - those egg tempera Italian earth colours have held up really well.

Missed the event only able to engage with all this during early morning here in Europe. I'll wait until it is posted on UK Column to view - be good if they can indicate the time point where everyone is.

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Had a small realization just now, and like a kid just have to tell someone; IMO these jabs are self spreading, but if they stopped pushing to jab, that would become more obvious, plus fewer would die.

So they are pushing more jabs, but know that even if they stopped jabbing, the 'evil jizz' has been released and will continue to wreak havoc for some time. But I see why now they will not stop jabbing as it supports the narrative these shots are 'temporary'. When you paint yourself into a corner, the best thing to do, if you are a corrupt medi-gov-complex, is cover yourself with paint and hope no one sees you.

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I thought I was quite aware of most of the things but boy did I learn a lot today !! Thank you for the awesome symposium ! I am so glad I happened across it today and listened to just about all of it !!

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Thank you for keeping us abreast of things. And all your hard work👍

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Fantastic thank you. 💞🙏👊🏻

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Wodarg appears not to understand basics of scientific method, despite credentials. See his shocking exchange with Lanka and Kaufman on Corona Committee interview. Either ignorant or malign in my opinion. I’m disappointed to see him here, and wonder what he will say. Giving him chance to redeem himself.

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