He said it in the context of “once you’re in the public health system” in a hospital, nursing home, clinic, etc. “you’re in the kill-box.”
He was referring to the homicide protocols, ICD-10 codes, withholding fluids, nutrition, Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, forcing Remdesivir and ventilators, CMS waivers of patient protections, use of police officers to remove family members trying to rescue restrained patients, etc.
Todd Callender used the phrase “kill box” to describe the public health system in his Jan. 30, 2022 interview by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet
He said it in the context of “once you’re in the public health system” in a hospital, nursing home, clinic, etc. “you’re in the kill-box.”
He was referring to the homicide protocols, ICD-10 codes, withholding fluids, nutrition, Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, forcing Remdesivir and ventilators, CMS waivers of patient protections, use of police officers to remove family members trying to rescue restrained patients, etc.
She’s 1000% correct. You are an american hero! Thank you for giving us hope.
thanks for the link, will watch