Legislators and law enforcement officers resisting executive abuse of power and judicial abdication.
Plus a useful guide from Jeff Childers for people resisting employer ultimatums
Coffee & Covid: Covid Ultimatum Guide. Jeff Childers at SubStack.
Email sent this morning to Centre County Commissioners Mike Pipe, Mark Higgins and Steve Dershem, District Attorney Bernie Cantorna, Deputy DA Sean McGraw, Sheriff Bryan Sampsel, Pennsylvania Representative Kerry Benninghoff and Pennsylvania Senator Jake Corman:
bcantorna@centreda.org, smcgraw@centreda.org, mark@centrecountypa.gov, mike@centrecountypa.gov, sdershem@centrecountypa.gov, blsampsel@centrecountypa.gov, jcorman@pasen.gov, Kbenning@pahousegop.com.
Subject: Oregon lawmakers calling for federal grand jury investigation into Covid data manipulation
Petition and Exhibit A attached. Exhibit A provides an excellent summary of the statistical manipulations used to maintain the fraud on the American people, and to “justify” the ongoing government violation of Constitutional and human rights.
The documents also provide excellent lists of the civil and criminal laws violated by those authorities who have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate the fraud on the American people.
These could be adapted for adoption by Pennsylvania and Centre County lawmakers. [Generic Grand Jury Petition]
Further, Centre County commissioners and Sheriff Sampsel could join the movement of counties and sheriffs committed to protecting Constitutional and human rights of citizens living within Centre County’s borders, even while state and federal governments continue to violate those rights across the country.
I think it would be wise for the Centre County commissioners, the Centre County district attorneys and the Centre County sheriff to get on the right side of these major issues now.
The rabble is getting extremely angry and extremely desperate, and as more lose their livelihoods — for exercising their right to be free from government intrusion on their bodily integrity without due process of law (search warrants, evidence, findings of incompetency, for example) — more are moving dangerously close to nothing-left-to-lose territory.
Let me know how I can help you move these measures through the Pennsylvania legislature and the Centre County board of commissioners.
-Katherine Watt, American citizen/“domestic terrorist” under federal executive directives (Jan. 27 National Terrorism Advisory System bulletin; March 17 Office of the Director of National Intelligence report; Oct. 4, 2021 DOJ memo) subjecting citizens who believe the government is overstepping its bounds, abusing the People, and who therefore petition government for redress of wrongs as appropriate targets of FBI and DOJ criminal investigation, prosecution and imprisonment. See Jan. 6 trespassers, still imprisoned.
One more thought for the day, from former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon, deplatformed from corporate/government propaganda sites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) very early in the crisis for his early warnings about the evil being perpetrated by those in power.
…If we can prevent the establishment of a common digital ID, aka vaccine passports aka VaxPass, the perpetrators can smash the economy but they won’t own or control us.
Please accept the pain & considerable inconvenience of NON COMPLIANCE…